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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Clinical psychology > General
In spite of improved access to psychosocial interventions, many people with psychosis continue to experience persistent problems which act as significant barriers to their recovery. This book investigates risk and problem behaviours in psychosis, including staff and service factors that can impede the delivery of effective care. Problematic and Risk Behaviours in Psychosis provides a new approach for assessment, formulation and intervention within such problem behaviours in a team context. Of particular interest will be: an outline of the SAFE (Shared Assessment, Formulation and Education) approach an integrative model for understanding risk and problematic behaviour shared risk assessment and management processes approaches to reducing team and carer barriers to effective care the use of CBT in day-to-day interactions with clients a set of formulation-driven strategies for managing problematic behaviours case studies and vignettes providing guidance and highlighting the benefits of the approach. This book will have particular appeal to professionals working in specialist community, hospital-based and residential services who often struggle to help those with the most complex mental health problems who are hardest to reach. It is also an excellent resource for those engaged in training in psychological therapies, risk assessment and management.
An examination of how suicide prevention efforts largely fail due to the mistaken assumption that greater mental health awareness is the key to saving lives. Over the last two decades, the US suicide rate has steadily grown despite extensive awareness campaigns, wide implementation of suicide prevention programs and initiatives, and increased mental health advocacy. To the confusion and frustration of researchers, healthcare providers, and many others, these efforts have largely failed to reverse the trend. Why do suicide rates continue to climb despite our best efforts? Why aren't we better at this? What are we doing wrong? Rethinking Suicide is a critical examination of what we think we know about suicide, with particular focus on the assumed role of mental illness. Craig J. Bryan, a leading expert on suicide prevention, argues that most prevention efforts have failed because they disproportionately emphasize mental health-focused solutions such as access to treatment and crisis services. Instead of classifying suicide as a mental health issue, careful analysis of research findings suggest it should instead be seen as a highly complex problem with many risk factors - from personal decision-making styles, to the availability of lethal means, to financial uncertainty. As such suicide rates will not be curtailed by conventional solution-oriented thinking; rather, we need process-based thinking that may, in some cases, defy or contradict many of our long-held assumptions about suicide. Rethinking Suicide interweaves the author's firsthand experiences with explanations of scientific findings to reveal the limitations of widely-used practices and to introduce new perspectives that may trigger a paradigm shift in how we understand and prevent suicide.
Managing Trauma in the Workplace looks at the impact of trauma not only from the perspective of the employees but also from that of their organisations. In addition to describing the negative outcomes from traumatic exposure it offers solutions which will not only build a more resilient workforce but also lead to individual and organisational growth and development. This book has contributions from international experts working in a variety of professions including teaching, the military, social work and human resources. It is split into four parts which explore:
Managing Trauma in the Workplace is essential reading for anyone with responsibility to help and support workers involved in distressing and traumatic incidents as a victim, supporter or investigator.
Managing Trauma in the Workplace looks at the impact of trauma not only from the perspective of the employees but also from that of their organisations. In addition to describing the negative outcomes from traumatic exposure it offers solutions which will not only build a more resilient workforce but also lead to individual and organisational growth and development. This book has contributions from international experts working in a variety of professions including teaching, the military, social work and human resources. It is split into four parts which explore:
Managing Trauma in the Workplace is essential reading for anyone with responsibility to help and support workers involved in distressing and traumatic incidents as a victim, supporter or investigator.
Advertising, materialism and consumption are central aspects of contemporary Western culture. We are bombarded with idealised images of the perfect body, desirable consumer goods, and affluent lifestyles, yet psychology is only just beginning to take account of the profound influence these consumer culture ideals have on individuals' sense of identity and worth. Consumer Culture, Identity, and Well-Being documents the negative psychological impact consumer culture can have on how individuals view themselves and on their emotional welfare. It looks at the social psychological dimensions of having, buying and wanting material goods, as well as the pursuit of media-hyped appearance ideals. In particular, it focuses on: * The purchasing of material goods as a means of expressing and seeking identity, and the negative consequences of this * Psychological buying motivations in conventional buying environments and on the Internet * The unrealistic socio-cultural beauty ideals embodied by idealized models. Throughout, different approaches from social psychology are integrated, such as self-completion, self-discrepancy and value theory, to create a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding the impact of internalising core consumer culture ideals on how individuals see themselves and the implications this has for their psychological and physical health. Consumer Culture, Identity, and Well-Being is of interest to anybody who wants to find out more about the psychological effects of living in modern consumer societies on children, adolescents, and adults. More specifically, it will be of interest to students and researchers in social psychology, sociology, media studies, communication and other social sciences, as well as to psychologists, health workers, and practitioners interested in the topics of identity, consumption pathologies, body image, and body-related behaviours.
Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health is a unique composite of the literature on various innovative interventions for children and adolescents, and provides a developmental and neurobiological rationale for utilizing innovative interventions with this population. Based on the latest research, this book emphasizes that children and adolescents need more than just talk therapy. These innovative interventions can be applied in a variety of practice settings including schools, juvenile justice, community-based counseling centers, and residential treatment. This book bridges the gap between theory and practice, and provides a historical, theoretical, and research-based rationale, as well as a helpful case study, for each type of intervention being discussed.
Anger, Rage and Relationship presents a radically new way to understand and work with anger and rage issues. Taking a relational approach to anger and rage, the book presents a positive view of human nature, supported by recent research findings and illustrated with case studies, with individuals trusted to be essentially pro-social. Rather than promoting strategies and techniques for eradicating anger, Sue Parker Hall, puts forward an approach which seeks to not only work with, but to differentiate between, anger and rage. Anger and rage are constructed as entirely different phenomena, originating at different developmental stages, having different functions and relational needs and requiring different aspects of relationship in the therapeutic process. Further areas of discussion include:
This book will provide invaluable reading for practitioners dealing with anger and rage in the therapeutic setting, as well as being of great interest to all counsellors and therapists in the related field.
At the outset of World War I - the "Great War" - Freud supported the Austro-Hungarian Empire for which his sons fought. But the cruel truths of that bloody conflict, wrought on the psyches as much as the bodies of the soldiers returning from the battlefield, caused him to rethink his stance and subsequently affected his theory: Psychoanalysis, a healing science, could tell us much about both the drive for war and the ways to undo the trauma that war inherently breeds, but its principles could just as easily serve the enemy's desires to inculcate its own brand of "truth." Even a century later, psychoanalysis can still be used as much for the justifications of warfare and propaganda as it is for the defiance of and resistance to those same things. But it is in the investigation of the motives and methods behind these uses that psychoanalysis proves its greatest strength. To wit, this edited collection presents published and unpublished material by analysts, writers, and activists who have worked at the front lines of psychic life and war from various stances. Set at a point of tension and contradiction, they illustrate the paradoxical relation of psychoanalysis as both a site of resistance and healing and a necessary aspect of warmaking, propaganda, and militarism. In doing so, we venture from the home front - from the trauma of returning veterans to the APA's own complicity in CIA "black sites" - across international borders - from the treatment of women in Latin American dictatorships to the resistance to occupation in Palestine, from mind control to an ethics of responsibility. Throughout, a psychoanalytic sensibility deconstructs the very opposition that it inhabits, and seeks to reestablish psychoanalysis as the healing discipline it was conceived to be.
Practitioners today are confronted by a bewildering array of therapies as 'cure alls.' This book provides an integrated approach to working with children, parents and families that can be applied by all professionals in a variety of settings. Informed by a psychodynamic perspective, it identifies how we can avoid pathologising the behaviour of children by instead considering: the meaning of behaviour as an important source of communication the commonality of all experience for children, parents and families the emotional milestones of development the core principles of assessment and therapeutic communication and how they are applied Through the presentation of sound clinical evidence and research Core Principles of Assessment and Therapeutic Communication with Children, Parents and Families creates connections between clinical practice and community action and, as such, is essential reading for anyone working to promote child and family wellbeing.
In this volume, Elena Garralda and Jean-Philippe Raynaud aim to contribute to advancing awareness of child and adolescent mental health within an international framework that gives special consideration to problems arising in different contexts around the world and through expert views supported by empirical evidence and considering clinical implications. There is increasing recognition worldwide of the importance of child and adolescent mental health problems, of the distress and impairment they can cause to children and their families, and of the markedly adverse effects on education and on adult psychiatric adjustment when left untreated. Globally, however, services to attend to these problems in children are uneven and patchy. There is a need to advance awareness of child and adolescent mental health and of factors that influence them. Chapters address the effects on child mental health of issues ranging from secular changes in family composition in both western and eastern countries, rapid industrialization, poverty, deprivation, and adoption, to refugee status and aboriginal life. It considers emerging issues, such as cyber addiction, PTSD, ADHD across different cultures, and the autistic "epidemic." They discuss new service developments (Eastern Europe, paediatric liaison services) in the context of traditional methods (traditional Chinese medicine).
Clinical Applications of the Personality Assessment Inventory demonstrates the broad clinical utility of this modern multi-scale self-report measure of psychological functioning. By bringing together leading experts in psychological assessment from diverse applied settings, the book illustrates the impressive range of current Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) applications while providing recommendations for expanding the instrument s research base and clinical use. Many authors also present population specific PAI reference data. In this timely volume, experts from specialized areas of psychological assessment integrate the relevant research with their extensive clinical knowledge of the PAI, making this a valuable text for practitioners, students, and researchers.
Treatment of abuse and neglect needs to be family-focused in order to reduce troubling symptoms, address family risk and relapse potential, treat cross-generational patterns, and remediate attachment deficits. Evidence-based practices are available for child and family abuse treatment, including Trauma Focused CBT, but new intervention strategies are needed that reduce family and client denial, lower defensiveness, and prevent re-traumatization during the treatment process. Family-Focused Trauma Intervention: Using Metaphor and Play with Victims of Abuse and Neglect translates issues central to abuse and neglect recovery into metaphorical stories and family-based interventions. Each chapter provides a summary of an issue or theme, one or more pertinent stories, and parallel family, group, and individual interventions. These stories and family-focused interventions help clients regulate affect in order to reduce frequency and intensity of troubling symptoms. This volume is the "missing link" in the current literature on therapy and metaphor, as it focuses specifically on parent-child interaction and trauma. The content of this book, which may be used within any theoretical framework, provides a wide variety of practitioners with a needed bridge between theory and practice.
In this volume, Elena Garralda and Jean-Philippe Raynaud aim to contribute to advancing awareness of child and adolescent mental health within an international framework that gives special consideration to problems arising in different contexts around the world and through expert views supported by empirical evidence and considering clinical implications. There is increasing recognition worldwide of the importance of child and adolescent mental health problems, of the distress and impairment they can cause to children and their families, and of the markedly adverse effects on education and on adult psychiatric adjustment when left untreated. Globally, however, services to attend to these problems in children are uneven and patchy. There is a need to advance awareness of child and adolescent mental health and of factors that influence them. Chapters address the effects on child mental health of issues ranging from secular changes in family composition in both western and eastern countries, rapid industrialization, poverty, deprivation, and adoption, to refugee status and aboriginal life. It considers emerging issues, such as cyber addiction, PTSD, ADHD across different cultures, and the autistic 'epidemic.' They discuss new service developments (Eastern Europe, paediatric liaison services) in the context of traditional methods (traditional Chinese medicine).
Shame is a common and pervasive feature of the human response to death and other losses, yet this often goes unrecognized due to a reluctance to acknowledge and confront it. This book intends to expose shame for what it is, allowing clinicians to see that it is the central psychological force in the understanding of death and mourning. Kauffman and his fellow authors explore the psychology of shame via observation, reflection, theory, and practice in order to demonstrate the significant role it can play in our processing of grief, death, and trauma. The authors avoid defining a unified theory of shame in order to emphasize its multitude of meanings and the impact this has on grief and grief therapy. First-person narratives provide a personal look at death and associated feelings of guilt, shock, and grief; and other chapters consider shame in the context of cultural differences, recent events, and contemporary art, literature, and film. This is the first book to offer a comprehensive examination of this topic and, as such, will be a valuable resource for all clinicians who work with clients affected by grief and loss.
Integrating groundbreaking research on neuroplasticity, brain development and therapeutic change, this book details a novel neurobiological and psychotherapeutic paradigm-and reveals how therapists can use this paradigm for more precise and successful treatment. Clients arrive to therapy troubled by deeply ingrained neural circuits and emotional habits, such as "I am unlovable and incapable of love". The authors illustrate how integrating self-affirming, nonconscious emotional resources-or brain systems-changes rigid, maladaptive neural circuits. New, adaptive circuits inhibit toxic, dysfunctional patterns, releasing nonconscious emotions, such as fear, grief, guilt and shame. This allows the emergence of more complex and flexible mental functioning and produces more successful psychotherapeutic outcomes. Developed by two psychotherapists, with more than six collective decades of experience, this model reveals treatment strategies and procedures that harness the power of neuroplasticity, enabling the patient's mind to change the structure of their brain.
At its heart, polyvagal theory describes how the brain's unconscious sense of safety or danger impacts our emotions and behaviours. In this powerful book, pediatrician and neonatologist Marilyn R. Sanders and child psychiatrist George S. Thompson offer readers both a meditation on caregiving and a call to action for physicians, educators and mental health providers. When children don't have safe relationships, or emotional, medical or physical traumas punctuate their lives, their ability to love, trust and thrive is damaged. Children who have multiple relationship disruptions may have physical, behavioural or mental health concerns that follow them into adulthood. By attending to the lessons of polyvagal theory-that adult caregivers must be aware of children's unconscious processing of sensory information-the authors show how professionals can play a critical role in establishing a sense of safety even in the face of dangerous, and sometimes incomprehensibly scary, situations.
Sex offenders, and in particular paedophiles, have been the subject of much political and media attention, producing intensive debates about the best way of dealing with them. This book explores these issues, evaluating the measures in use or being considered, including drug treatment, MAPPA, the use of the Sex Offender Register, restorative justice techniques, and treatment programmes. It is concerned with high-risk sex offenders both when they are sentenced to a community order, and also when they are released back into the community after a custodial sentence. The introductory section opens with a discussion on how terms such as paedophilia are constructed and viewed, and then looks at how government policy regarding sex offending has developed over recent years. Section two looks at issues concerned with risk management, questioning whether enough is being done to monitor the risk that high-risk offenders pose when released into society; whilst section three, on risk reduction covers the main methods of treatment, including sex offender treatment programmes, pharmacotherapy (chemical castration) and restorative and reintegration techniques. Section Four focuses on specific offender groups; including female sexual offenders, sexual harm by youth, mentally disordered sexual offenders and intellectual disabled offenders. These assess in what ways these offenders are different to the 'norm' and look at how we should be dealing and treating these differences. The final section looks at social and moral responsibilities, including the patterns, prevention and protection of cyber-sex offences and media constructions of and reactions to paedophilia. In the final chapter the concept of dignity is addressed and the balance between community protection and the rights of sex offenders involved is evaluated.
Many people are responsible for taking care of an aging parent, an ailing spouse, or a handicapped child and do so out of love, devotion, or obligation, and many others have caretaking occupations in the areas of nursing, social work, counseling, and so on. But there are other less benign caretakers in our midst. These people have an excessive need to be needed, and they assume the caretaking role not out of love, obligation, or choice of profession but due to unconscious motivations over which they have little control. This addiction to pleasing others can be as debilitating as substance addictions. Les Barbanell shows that this addiction, which he calls "caretaker personality disorder," masks psychological conflicts and can be a self-destructive force leading to exhaustion, emptiness, even suicide. Barbanell provides strategies for learning to say no, retraining one's focus from others to oneself, gaining freedom from past traumas and abuse, and learning to express rather than repress feelings in order to find a balance between kindness and a pathological level of selflessness. This book is a must-read for those suffering from the addiction to please, their families, and psychotherapists and counselors who work with them. Praise for Les Barbanell's Removing the Mask of Kindness "Barbanell delineates the pathological side of selflessness and argues, as the title suggests, that kindness can serve as a psychological mechanism for concealing emotional problems....The author effectively charts the defining characteristics of a heretofore-unrecognized diagnostic category: caretaker personality disorder (CPD). ...Recommended." -CHOICE "Les Barbanell reveals a new and shocking defense mechanism that individuals use to hid psychological conflicts. The caretaker personality disorder helps explain why an accommodating, sacrificing individual, who is always concerned with others, can end up miserable and feeling incomplete. A must read for anyone in the helping professions." -United States Association fo
An in-depth look at prevalent anxiety disorders in adolescents, this book is designed for parents of teens who have recently been diagnosed with or who are at risk for developing such a disorder. It is also for other adults, such as teachers and guidance counsellors, who are regularly in contact with at-risk adolescents. The book combines scientific expertise - including information about available treatments and up-to-date research findings on anxiety disorders-with the practical wisdom of parents who have raised teenagers with these illnesses. In clear and accessible language, Dr Edna B. Foa and Linda Wasmer Andrews explain in detail each of the four major anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder). The book includes tips on how to go about getting a diagnosis, what a diagnosis means, when and where to get treatment, and how to navigate the health care system. There is also advice on how to handle everyday life - both at home and at school - once the teen is diagnosed. Pointers on red flags to look out for and about the dangers of doing nothing are included as well to help parents and other adults deal effectively with adolescent anxiety disorders before they become debilitating.
One of the largest and most complex human services systems in history has evolved to address the needs of people with autism and intellectual disabilities, yet important questions remain for many professionals, administrators, and parents. What approaches to early intervention, education, treatment, therapy, and remediation really help those with autism and other intellectual disabilities improve their functioning and adaptation? Alternatively, what approaches represent wastes of time, effort, and resources? Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities, 2nd Edition brings together leading behavioral scientists and practitioners to shed much-needed light on the major controversies surrounding these questions. Expert authors review the origins, perpetuation, and resistance to scrutiny of questionable practices, and offer a clear rationale for appraising the quality of various services. The second edition of Controversial Therapies for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities has been fully revised and updated and includes entirely new chapters on psychology fads, why applied behavioral analysis is not a fad, rapid prompting, relationship therapies, the gluten-free, casein-free diet, evidence based practices, state government regulation of behavioral treatment, teaching ethics, and a parents' primer for autism treatments.
Clinicians and practitioners-in-training can often lose sight of the normal developmental landscape that underlies behavior, especially in the field of cognitive development. It exists in an insular bubble within the broader field of psychology, and within each sub-domain there is a wide continuum between the anchors of atypical and optimal development. Clinicians need to learn, and to be reminded of, the unique peculiarities of developing cognitive skills in order to appreciate normal developmental phenomena. In A Clinician's Guide to Normal Cognitive Development in Childhood, every chapter provides students and established professionals with an accessible set of descriptions of normal childhood cognition, accompanied by suggestions for how to think about normal development in a clinical context. Each sub-topic within cognitive development is explicated through a succinct presentation of empirical data in that area, followed by a discussion of the ethical implications. With an extensive review of data and clinical practice techniques, professionals and students alike will benefit enormously from this resource.
In Adolescent Depression, psychiatrists Francis Mark Mondimore, MD, and Patrick Kelly, MD, explain that serious depression in adolescents goes beyond "moodiness." Depression is in fact an illness-one that can be effectively treated. The authors describe the many forms of depression and the many symptoms of depression in young people-from sadness to irritability, self-harm, drug and alcohol abuse, and violent rages. Incorporating the latest research from the field of adolescent psychiatry, this comprehensive and compassionate guide answers questions that many parents have, including: What are the symptoms of depression in teenagers? How is depression diagnosed? What is the difference between depression and bipolar disorder, and which does my child have? How can I find the best mental health professional team for my child? What kinds of counseling and psychotherapy are available? Are medications safe, and how does a doctor choose a medication for my child? What can I do if my adolescent is using alcohol, crystal meth, marijuana, or other substances? How do autism and Asperger's syndrome, eating disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, ADHD, and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder interact with depression? What should I do if I sense that my child is in danger? With all of this going on, how can I take care of myself?
First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis, an informa company.
This book provides an exploration of the clinical practice of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology. It explores the ways psychoanalysts and other clinicians are taught to evade direct emotional connections with their patients. Sullivan, suggesting that relatedness is the basis of emotional health, examines the universal struggle between socially oriented energies that struggle toward truth and narcissistic impulses that push us to take refuge in lies. She maintains that, rather than making interpretations, it is the clinician's capacity to bring relatedness to the clinical encounter which is the crucial factor. Examining the work of both Jung and Bion, Sullivan draws on the overlap between their ideas on the psyche and the nature of the unconscious. The book uses clinical examples to examine the implications that these perspectives have for the practising therapist. Specific areas of discussion include:
New modes of listening and relating that deepen analytic work and greatly facilitate transformative changes are described in easy-to-follow language that will help the therapist to find new approaches to a wide range of patients. The Mystery of Analytical Work will be of interest to Jungians, psychoanalysts and all those with an interest in analytic work.
The Clinical Practice of Equine-Assisted Therapy bridges theory, research, and practical methods to fill a rapidly developing gap for physical, occupational, speech, and mental health professionals interested in incorporating horses in therapy. Extensively researched and citing over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, it examines core issues such as terminology, scope of practice, competency recommendations, horse care ethics, and clinical practice considerations. This book is an essential resource for professionals who wish to use a best-practices approach to equine-assisted therapy. |
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