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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Mathematical foundations > General
Ideal spaces are a very general class of normed spaces of measurable functions, which includes e.g. Lebesgue and Orlicz spaces. Their most important application is in functional analysis in the theory of (usual and partial) integral and integro-differential equations. The book is a rather complete and self-contained introduction into the general theory of ideal spaces. Some emphasis is put on spaces of vector-valued functions and on the constructive viewpoint of the theory (without the axiom of choice). The reader should have basic knowledge in functional analysis and measure theory.
Michael Powell is one of the world's foremost figures in numerical analysis. This volume is derived from invited talks given at a meeting celebrating his 60th birthday and, reflecting Powell's own achievements, focuses on innovative work in optimization and in approximation theory. The individual papers have been written by leading authorities in their subjects and are a mix of expository articles and surveys on new work. They have all been reviewed and edited to form a volume that represents the state of the art in an important discipline within mathematics, with highly relevant applications throughout science and engineering.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science,
CTCS'97, held in Santa Margheria Ligure, Italy, in September
Using data from one season of NBA games, Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R is the perfect book for anyone interested in learning and applying data analytics in basketball. Whether assessing the spatial performance of an NBA player's shots or doing an analysis of the impact of high pressure game situations on the probability of scoring, this book discusses a variety of case studies and hands-on examples using a custom R package. The codes are supplied so readers can reproduce the analyses themselves or create their own. Assuming a basic statistical knowledge, Basketball Data Science with R is suitable for students, technicians, coaches, data analysts and applied researchers. Features: * One of the first books to provide statistical and data mining methods for the growing field of analytics in basketball. * Presents tools for modelling graphs and figures to visualize the data. * Includes real world case studies and examples, such as estimations of scoring probability using the Golden State Warriors as a test case. * Provides the source code and data so readers can do their own analyses on NBA teams and players.
The aim of this book is to present the mathematics underlying elementary statistical methods in as simple a manner as possible. These methods include independent and paired sample t-tests, analysis of variance, regression, and the analysis of covariance. The author's principle tool is the use of geometric ideas to provide more visual insight and to make the theory accessible to a wider audience than is usually possible.
Contents: H. de Nivelle: Resolution Games and Non-Liftable Resolution Orderings. - M. Kerber, M. Kohlhase: A Tableau Calculus for Partial Functions. - G. Salzer: MUltlog: an Expert System for Multiple-valued Logics. - J. Krajic ek: A Fundamental Problem of Mathematical Logic. - P. Pudlak: On the Lengths of Proofs of Consistency. - A. Carbone: The Craig Interpolation Theorem for Schematic Systems. - I.A. Stewart: The Role of Monotonicity in Descriptive Complexity Theory. - R. Freund, L. Staiger: Numbers Defined by Turing Machines."
Die auf drei Bande angelegte Reihe mit prufungsrelevanten Aufgaben und Losungen erlautert grundlegende Mathematik-bezogene Methoden der Informatik. Der vorliegende erste Band "Induktives Vorgehen" intoniert das durch das Zusammenspiel von Struktur, Invarianz und Abstraktion gepragte Leitthema der Trilogie zu den "Grundlagen der Hoheren Informatik." Die beide Folgebande "Algebraisches Denken" und " Perfektes Modellieren" greifen dieses Thema dann variierend und in immer komplexer werdenden Zusammenhangen vertiefend auf. Wie beim Bolero von Ravel, wo die gleiche Melodie von immer mehr Musikern mit immer mehr Instrumenten gespielt wird, soll dies dazu fuhren, dass der Leser das Leitthema derart verinnerlicht, dass er es selbst an ungewohnter Stelle wiedererkennen und eigenstandig auf neue Szenarien ubertragen kann. Damit hat er beste Voraussetzungen fur das weitere Informatikstudium und eine erfolgreiche berufliche Zukunft, sei es in Wissenschaft, Management oder Industrie."
The first part of this text covers the main graph theoretic topics: connectivity, trees, traversability, planarity, colouring, covering, matching, digraphs, networks, matrices of a graph, graph theoretic algorithms, and matroids. These concepts are then applied in the second part to problems in engineering, operations research, and science as well as to an interesting set of miscellaneous problems, thus illustrating their broad applicability. Every effort has been made to present applications that use not merely the notation and terminology of graph theory, but also its actual mathematical results. Some of the applications, such as in molecular evolution, facilities layout, and graffic network design, have never appeared before in book form. Written at an advanced undergraduate to beginning graduate level, this book is suitable for students of mathematics, engineering, operations research, computer science, and physical sciences as well as for researchers and practitioners with an interest in graph theoretic modelling.
Contents: P. Vihan: The Last Month of Gerhard Gentzen in Prague. - F.A. Rodriguez-Consuegra: Some Issues on Godel s Unpublished Philosophical Manuscripts. - D.D. Spalt: Vollstandigkeit als Ziel historischer Explikation. Eine Fallstudie. - E. Engeler: Existenz und Negation in Mathematik und Logik. - W.J. Gutjahr: Paradoxien der Prognose und der Evaluation: Eine fixpunkttheoretische Analyse. - R. Hahnle: Automated Deduction and Integer Programming. - M. Baaz, A. Leitsch: Methods of Functional Extension."
? DoesP=NP. In just ?ve symbols Dick Karp -in 1972-captured one of the deepest and most important questions of all time. When he ?rst wrote his famous paper, I think it's fair to say he did not know the depth and importance of his question. Now over three decades later, we know P=NP is central to our understanding of compu- tion, it is a very hard problem, and its resolution will have potentially tremendous consequences. This book is a collection of some of the most popular posts from my blog- Godel ] Lost Letter andP=NP-which I started in early 2009. The main thrust of the blog, especially when I started, was to explore various aspects of computational complexity around the famousP=NP question. As I published posts I branched out and covered additional material, sometimes a timely event, sometimes a fun idea, sometimes a new result, and sometimes an old result. I have always tried to make the posts readable by a wide audience, and I believe I have succeeded in doing this."
The theory of marked point processes on the real line is of great and increasing importance in areas such as insurance mathematics, queuing theory and financial economics. However, the theory is often viewed as technically and conceptually difficult and has proved to be a block for PhD students looking to enter the area. This book gives an intuitive picture of the central concepts as well as the deeper results, while presenting the mathematical theory in a rigorous fashion and discussing applications in filtering theory and financial economics. Consequently, readers will get a deep understanding of the theory and how to use it. A number of exercises of differing levels of difficulty are included, providing opportunities to put new ideas into practice. Graduate students in mathematics, finance and economics will gain a good working knowledge of point-process theory, allowing them to progress to independent research.
This open access book is the first ever collection of Karl Popper's writings on deductive logic. Karl R. Popper (1902-1994) was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. His philosophy of science ("falsificationism") and his social and political philosophy ("open society") have been widely discussed way beyond academic philosophy. What is not so well known is that Popper also produced a considerable work on the foundations of deductive logic, most of it published at the end of the 1940s as articles at scattered places. This little-known work deserves to be known better, as it is highly significant for modern proof-theoretic semantics. This collection assembles Popper's published writings on deductive logic in a single volume, together with all reviews of these papers. It also contains a large amount of unpublished material from the Popper Archives, including Popper's correspondence related to deductive logic and manuscripts that were (almost) finished, but did not reach the publication stage. All of these items are critically edited with additional comments by the editors. A general introduction puts Popper's work into the context of current discussions on the foundations of logic. This book should be of interest to logicians, philosophers, and anybody concerned with Popper's work.
This volume contains all the papers that were presented at the Fourth Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory, held in Tokyo in November 1993. In addition to 3 invited papers, 29 papers were selected from 47 submitted extended abstracts. The workshop was the fourth in a series of ALT workshops, whose focus is on theories of machine learning and the application of such theories to real-world learning problems. The ALT workshops have been held annually since 1990, sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. The volume is organized into parts on inductive logic and inference, inductive inference, approximate learning, query learning, explanation-based learning, and new learning paradigms.
This volume contains the papers that were presented at the Third Workshop onAlgorithmic Learning Theory, held in Tokyo in October 1992. In addition to 3invited papers, the volume contains 19 papers accepted for presentation, selected from 29 submitted extended abstracts. The ALT workshops have been held annually since 1990 and are organized and sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. The main objective of these workshops is to provide an open forum for discussions and exchanges of ideasbetween researchers from various backgrounds in this emerging, interdisciplinary field of learning theory. The volume is organized into parts on learning via query, neural networks, inductive inference, analogical reasoning, and approximate learning.
Combinatorial group theory is a loosely defined subject, with close connections to topology and logic. With surprising frequency, problems in a wide variety of disciplines, including differential equations, automorphic functions and geometry, have been distilled into explicit questions about groups, typically of the following kind: Are the groups in a given class finite (e.g., the Burnside problem)? Finitely generated? Finitely presented? What are the conjugates of a given element in a given group? What are the subgroups of that group? Is there an algorithm for deciding for every pair of groups in a given class whether they are isomorphic or not? The objective of combinatorial group theory is the systematic development of algebraic techniques to settle such questions. In view of the scope of the subject and the extraordinary variety of groups involved, it is not surprising that no really general theory exists. These notes, bridging the very beginning of the theory to new results and developments, are devoted to a number of topics in combinatorial group theory and serve as an introduction to the subject on the graduate level.
The study of hypersurface quadrilateral singularities can be reduced to the study of elliptic K3 surfaces with a singular fiber of type I * 0 (superscript *, subscript 0), and therefore these notes consider, besides the topics of the title, such K3 surfaces too. The combinations of rational double points that can occur on fibers in the semi-universal deformations of quadrilateral singularities are examined, to show that the possible combinations can be described by a certain law from the viewpoint of Dynkin graphs. This is equivalent to saying that the possible combinations of singular fibers in elliptic K3 surfaces with a singular fiber of type I * 0 (superscript *, subscript 0) can be described by a certain law using classical Dynkin graphs appearing in the theory of semi-simple Lie groups. Further, a similar description for thecombination of singularities on plane sextic curves is given. Standard knowledge of algebraic geometry at the level of graduate students is expected. A new method based on graphs will attract attention of researches.
The book incorporates research papers and surveys written by participants ofan International Scientific Programme on Approximation Theory jointly supervised by Institute for Constructive Mathematics of University of South Florida at Tampa, USA and the Euler International Mathematical Instituteat St. Petersburg, Russia. The aim of the Programme was to present new developments in Constructive Approximation Theory. The topics of the papers are: asymptotic behaviour of orthogonal polynomials, rational approximation of classical functions, quadrature formulas, theory of n-widths, nonlinear approximation in Hardy algebras, numerical results on best polynomial approximations, wavelet analysis. FROM THE CONTENTS: E.A. Rakhmanov: Strong asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials associated with exponential weights on R.- A.L. Levin, E.B. Saff: Exact Convergence Rates for Best Lp Rational Approximation to the Signum Function and for Optimal Quadrature in Hp.- H. Stahl: Uniform Rational Approximation of x .- M. Rahman, S.K. Suslov: Classical Biorthogonal Rational Functions.- V.P. Havin, A. Presa Sague: Approximation properties of harmonic vector fields and differential forms.- O.G. Parfenov: Extremal problems for Blaschke products and N-widths.- A.J. Carpenter, R.S. Varga: Some Numerical Results on Best Uniform Polynomial Approximation of x on 0,1 .- J.S. Geronimo: Polynomials Orthogonal on the Unit Circle with Random Recurrence Coefficients.- S. Khrushchev: Parameters of orthogonal polynomials.- V.N. Temlyakov: The universality of the Fibonacci cubature formulas.
This work is derived from the SERC "Logic for IT" Summer School Conference on Proof Theory held at Leeds University. The contributions come from acknowledged experts and comprise expository and research articles which form an invaluable introduction to proof theory aimed at both mathematicians and computer scientists.
In February 1992, I defended my doctoral thesis: Engineering Optimiza tion - selected contributions (IMSOR, The Technical University of Den mark, 1992, p. 92). This dissertation presents retrospectively my central contributions to the theoretical and applied aspects of optimization. When I had finished my thesis I became interested in editing a volume related to a new expanding area of applied optimization. I considered several approaches: simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic algorithms, neural networks, heuristics, expert systems, generalized multipliers, etc. Finally, I decided to edit a volume related to simulated annealing. My main three reasons for this choice were the following: (i) During the last four years my colleagues at IMSOR and I have car ried out several applied projects where simulated annealing was an essential. element in the problem-solving process. Most of the avail able reports and papers have been written in Danish. After a short review I was convinced that most of these works deserved to be pub lished for a wider audience. (ii) After the first reported applications of simulated annealing (1983- 1985), a tremendous amount of theoretical and applied work have been published within many different disciplines. Thus, I believe that simulated annealing is an approach that deserves to be in the curricula of, e.g. Engineering, Physics, Operations Research, Math ematical Programming, Economics, System Sciences, etc. (iii) A contact to an international network of well-known researchers showed that several individuals were willing to contribute to such a volume."
This volume contains the proceedings of the fifth International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG '91) held in Delphi, Greece, in October 1991. The workshop provided a forum for researchers and others interested in distributed algorithms, communication networks, and decentralized systems. The aim was to present recent research results, explore directions for future research, and identify common fundamental techniques that serve as building blocks in many distributed algorithms. The volume contains 23 papers selected by the Program Committee from about fifty extended abstracts on the basis of perceived originality and quality and on thematic appropriateness and topical balance. The workshop was organizedby the Computer Technology Institute of Patras University, Greece.
M. Andreatta, E.Ballico, J.Wisniewski: Projective manifolds containing large linear subspaces; - F.Bardelli: Algebraic cohomology classes on some specialthreefolds; - Ch.Birkenhake, H.Lange: Norm-endomorphisms of abelian subvarieties; - C.Ciliberto, G.van der Geer: On the jacobian of ahyperplane section of a surface; - C.Ciliberto, H.Harris, M.Teixidor i Bigas: On the endomorphisms of Jac (W1d(C)) when p=1 and C has general moduli; - B. van Geemen: Projective models of Picard modular varieties; - J.Kollar, Y.Miyaoka, S.Mori: Rational curves on Fano varieties; - R. Salvati Manni: Modular forms of the fourth degree; A. Vistoli: Equivariant Grothendieck groups and equivariant Chow groups; - Trento examples; Open problems
With one exception, these papers are original and fully refereed research articles on various applications of Category Theory to Algebraic Topology, Logic and Computer Science. The exception is an outstanding and lengthy survey paper by Joyal/Street (80 pp) on a growing subject: it gives an account of classical Tannaka duality in such a way as to be accessible to the general mathematical reader, and to provide a key for entry to more recent developments and quantum groups. No expertise in either representation theory or category theory is assumed. Topics such as the Fourier cotransform, Tannaka duality for homogeneous spaces, braided tensor categories, Yang-Baxter operators, Knot invariants and quantum groups are introduced and studies. From the Contents: P.J. Freyd: Algebraically complete categories.- J.M.E. Hyland: First steps in synthetic domain theory.- G. Janelidze, W. Tholen: How algebraic is the change-of-base functor?.- A. Joyal, R. Street: An introduction to Tannaka duality and quantum groups.- A. Joyal, M. Tierney: Strong stacks andclassifying spaces.- A. Kock: Algebras for the partial map classifier monad.- F.W. Lawvere: Intrinsic co-Heyting boundaries and the Leibniz rule in certain toposes.- S.H. Schanuel: Negative sets have Euler characteristic and dimension.-
The papers in this volume were presented at the fourth biennial Summer Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science, held in Paris, September3-6, 1991. Category theory continues to be an important tool in foundationalstudies in computer science. It has been widely applied by logicians to get concise interpretations of many logical concepts. Links between logic and computer science have been developed now for over twenty years, notably via the Curry-Howard isomorphism which identifies programs with proofs and types with propositions. The triangle category theory - logic - programming presents a rich world of interconnections. Topics covered in this volume include the following. Type theory: stratification of types and propositions can be discussed in a categorical setting. Domain theory: synthetic domain theory develops domain theory internally in the constructive universe of the effective topos. Linear logic: the reconstruction of logic based on propositions as resources leads to alternatives to traditional syntaxes. The proceedings of the previous three category theory conferences appear as Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volumes 240, 283 and 389.
One of the most illuminating, useful and exciting books ever published in the mathematical field Taking only a modicum of knowledge for granted, Lancelot Hogben leads readers of this famous book through the whole course from simple arithmetic to calculus. His illuminating explanation is addressed to the person who wants to understand the place of mathematics in modern civilization but who has been intimidated by its supposed difficulty. Mathematics is the language of size, shape, and order - a language Hogben shows one can both master and enjoy.
Since the subject of Groups of Self-Equivalences was first discussed in 1958 in a paper of Barcuss and Barratt, a good deal of progress has been achieved. This is reviewed in this volume, first by a long survey article and a presentation of 17 open problems together with a bibliography of the subject, and by a further 14 original research articles. |
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