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Books > Computing & IT > Computer hardware & operating systems > Operating systems & graphical user interfaces (GUIs) > General
"Rails Cookbook" is packed with the solutions you need to be a proficient developer with Rails, the leading framework for building the new generation of Web 2.0 applications. Recipes range from the basics, like installing Rails and setting up your development environment, to the latest techniques, such as developing RESTful web services. With applications that are code light, feature-full and built to scale quickly, Rails has revolutionized web development. "The Rails Cookbook" addresses scores of real-world challenges; each one includes a tested solution, plus a discussion of how and why it works, so that you can adapt the techniques to similar situations. Topics include: modeling data with the ActiveRecord library; setting up views with ActionView and RHTML templates; building your application's logic into ActionController; testing and debugging your Rails application; building responsive web applications using JavaScript and Ajax; ensuring that your application is security and performs well; deploying your application with Mongrel and Apache; using Capistrano to automate deployment; using the many Rails plugins; and, working with graphics. Whether you're new to Rails or an experienced developer, you'll discover ways to test, debug and secure your applications, incorporate Ajax, use caching to improve performance, and put your application into production. Want to get ahead of the Web 2.0 curve? This valuable cookbook will save you hundreds of hours when developing applications with Rails.
Allgegenwartige, in den Hintergrund tretende Informationstechniken konnten den Menschen in allen Lebensbereichen bei der Arbeit, beim Einkaufen, beim Reisen und zu Hause unbemerkt und mitdenkend" unterstutzen. Eine solche Entwicklung bietet nicht nur die Vision, intellektuelle und physische Begrenzungen des Menschen zu uberwinden, sondern auch viele neue Herausforderungen fur bisherige Werte und Lebensweisen. Daher drangt sich die Frage auf, wie wir angesichts dieser Moglichkeiten kunftig leben wollen und wie wir die vor uns stehenden Entwicklungen beeinflussen konnen. Das Buch beschreibt diese Entwicklungen, ihre moglichen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf das Weltbild und das Selbstbild der Menschen und es analysiert die Moglichkeiten, diese Entwicklungen gestaltend zu beeinflussen."
Whether you're designing consumer electronics, medical devices, enterprise Web apps, or new ways to check out at the supermarket, today's digitally-enabled products and services provide both great opportunities to deliver compelling user experiences and great risks of driving your customers crazy with complicated, confusing technology. Designing successful products and services in the digital age requires a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in interaction design, visual design, industrial design, and other disciplines. It also takes the ability to come up with the big ideas that make a desirable product or service, as well as the skill and perseverance to execute on the thousand small ideas that get your design into the hands of users. It requires expertise in project management, user research, and consensus-building. This comprehensive, full-color volume addresses all of these and more with detailed how-to information, real-life examples, and exercises. Topics include assembling a design team, planning and conducting user research, analyzing your data and turning it into personas, using scenarios to drive requirements definition and design, collaborating in design meetings, evaluating and iterating your design, and documenting finished design in a way that works for engineers and stakeholders alike.
Now in its Seventh Edition, UNDERSTANDING OPERATING SYSTEMS continues to provide a clear and straightforward explanation of operating system theory and practice. As in previous editions, the book's highly regarded structure begins with a discussion of fundamentals before moving on to specific operating systems. Fully updated, this new edition includes expanded analysis of the impact on operating systems of such innovations as multi-core processing and wireless technologies. Revised Research Topics in the exercise section encourage independent student research. The final four chapters have been updated to include information on current versions of UNIX (including the latest Macintosh OS), Linux, and Windows, and a new chapter on Android has been added.
Eingebettete Systeme begegnen uns mittlerweile uberall im Alltag: vom Mikrocontroller in der Waschmaschine bis hin zum leistungsfahigen DSP im Autoradio. Noch vor wenigen Jahren wurden diese Prozessoren aufwandig in Assembler programmiert und besassen nur in den wenigsten Fallen ein Betriebssystem. Mittlerweile aber bieten leistungsfahige und schlanke Linux-Derivate auch auf einfachen Prozessoren den Komfort der Schnittstellentreiber, des Multi-Threadings und eines Dateisystems. Die vorgestellte Hardware ist teilweise Konsumerprodukten entlehnt und somit gut erhaltlich. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Praxistauglichkeit der Implementierungen gelegt, und so sind die Beispiele zur Hardwareanbindung via I2C, zur Kommunikation und zur Bildverarbeitung vollstandig durchimplementiert und online frei verfugbar. Das vorliegende Buch richtet sich an Berufsanfanger, Praktiker und Studenten der Informatik und der Ingenieurswissenschaften. Weitere Informationen zum Buch sowie eine umfangreiche Quelltextsammlung sind verfugbar unter: http: //www.praxisbuch.net/embedded-linux/"
Semantische Techniken zur strukturierten Erschliessung von Web 2.0-Content und kollaborative Anreicherung von Web Content mit maschinenlesbaren Metadaten wachsen zum Social Semantic Web zusammen. Kennzeichnend ist dabei die breite Konvergenz zwischen Social Software und Semantic Web-Technologien. Das Buch stellt die technischen, organisatorischen und kulturellen Veranderungen dar, die das Social Semantic Web begleiten. Entscheidungstrager und Entwickler konnen auf dieser Grundlage die Tragweite dieser Technologie fur ihr Unternehmen erkennen."
Fundiertes Know-how fur Einsteiger und System-Administratoren: Verstandlich und klar strukturiert vermittelt der Grundlagenband alle wesentlichen Aspekte zum Management eines Solaris-Systems sowohl fur SPARC- als auch fur PC. Das Spektrum reicht von der Installation bis zum Arbeiten mit der Workstation bzw. dem Server. Eine CD-ROM mit Public Domain Software erganzt das Betriebssystem."
Learn how to detect and prevent the hacking of medical equipment at hospitals and healthcare facilities. A cyber-physical attack on building equipment pales in comparison to the damage a determined hacker can do if he/she gains access to a medical-grade network as a medical-grade network controls the diagnostic, treatment, and life support equipment on which lives depend. News reports inform us how hackers strike hospitals with ransomware that prevents staff from accessing patient records or scheduling appointments. Unfortunately, medical equipment also can be hacked and shut down remotely as a form of extortion. Criminal hackers will not ask for a $500 payment to unlock an MRI, PET or CT scan, or X-ray machine-they will ask for much more. Litigation is bound to follow and the resulting punitive awards will drive up hospital insurance costs and healthcare costs in general. This will undoubtedly result in increased regulations for hospitals and higher costs for compliance. Unless hospitals and other healthcare facilities take the steps necessary to secure their medical-grade networks, they will be targeted for cyber-physical attack, possibly with life-threatening consequences. Cybersecurity for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities is a wake-up call explaining what hackers can do, why hackers would target a hospital, the way hackers research a target, ways hackers can gain access to a medical-grade network (cyber-attack vectors), and ways hackers hope to monetize their cyber-attack. By understanding and detecting the threats, you can take action now-before your hospital becomes the next victim. What You Will Learn: Determine how vulnerable hospital and healthcare building equipment is to cyber-physical attack Identify possible ways hackers can hack hospital and healthcare facility equipment Recognize the cyber-attack vectors-or paths by which a hacker or cracker can gain access to a computer, a medical-grade network server, or expensive medical equipment in order to deliver a payload or malicious outcome Detect and prevent man-in-the-middle or denial-of-service cyber-attacks Find and prevent hacking of the hospital database and hospital web application Who This Book Is For: Hospital administrators, healthcare professionals, hospital & healthcare facility engineers and building managers, hospital & healthcare facility IT professionals, and HIPAA professionals
Get an in-depth tour of OpenShift, the container-based software deployment and management platform from Red Hat that provides a secure multi-tenant environment for the enterprise. This practical guide describes in detail how OpenShift, building on Kubernetes, enables you to automate the way you create, ship, and run applications in a containerized environment. Author Graham Dumpleton provides the knowledge you need to make the best use of the OpenShift container platform to deploy not only your cloud-native applications, but also more traditional stateful applications. Developers and administrators will learn how to run, access, and manage containers in OpenShift, including how to orchestrate them at scale. Build application container images from source and deploy them Implement and extend application image builders Use incremental and chained builds to accelerate build times Automate builds by using a webhook to link OpenShift to a Git repository Add configuration and secrets to the container as project resources Make an application visible outside the OpenShift cluster Manage persistent storage inside an OpenShift container Monitor application health and manage the application lifecycle This book is a perfect follow-up to OpenShift for Developers: A Guide for Impatient Beginners (O'Reilly).
Dieses Hand- und Arbeitsbuch stellt die Konzepte und Anwendungstechniken von Linux vor. Viele Einzelheiten werden zusammenhangend und verstandlich dargestellt. Die Autoren beschreiben die haufig verwendeten Kommandos und Funktionen detailliert und erlautern sie an zahlreichen Beispielen. Damit soll das Werk den Einstieg in Linux und den Umstieg auf Linux erleichtern und dem Benutzer und Administrator als kompaktes Nachschlagewerk bei der taglichen Arbeit am Linux-Rechner dienen. Es werden sowohl die alphanumerische Oberflache als auch die grafischen Oberflachen KDE und GNOME behandelt. Die Autoren verfugen uber langjahrige Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit UNIX und Linux und gehen vor allem auf SuSE- und Red Hat-Linux ein. "
Die Administration komplexer Rechnernetzwerke verlangt durch die standige Weiterentwicklung etablierter Standards und die Integration ganzlich neuer Technologien ein umfassendes technisches Know-how von Administratoren und Systementwicklern. Dabei ist insbesondere die Sicherheit und Verfugbarkeit aller Systemkomponenten von zentraler Bedeutung fur die Funktionsfahigkeit eines Netzes. Das vorliegende Buch gibt eine fundierte und umfassende Darstellung zentraler Techniken und nutzlicher Werkzeuge zur TCP/IP-Netzwerk-Konfiguration und -Uberwachung. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf Sicherheitsbedrohungen und deren wirksame Abwehr mittels entsprechender Netzwerkmanagement-Tools gelegt. Das Spektrum der betrachteten Technologien reicht von etablierten Netzwerkprotokollen uber den Einsatz komplexer Software-Systeme bis hin zu aktuellen Trends der drahtlosen Kommunikation und priorisierten Datenstrome des Quality of Service (QoS).
Gain a solid understanding of how Linux C and C++ compilers generate binary code. This book explains the reversing and binary analysis of ARM64 architecture now used by major Linux cloud providers and covers topics ranging from writing programs in assembly language, live debugging, and static binary analysis of compiled C and C++ code. It is ideal for those working with embedded devices, including mobile phones and tablets. Using the latest version of Red Hat, you'll look closely at the foundations of diagnostics of core memory dumps, live and postmortem debugging of Linux applications, services, and systems. You'll also work with the GDB debugger and use it for disassembly and reversing. This book uses practical step-by-step exercises of increasing complexity with explanations and many diagrams, including some necessary background topics. In addition, you will be able to analyze such code confidently, understand stack memory usage, and reconstruct original C/C++ code. And as you'll see, memory forensics, malware, and vulnerability analysis, require an understanding of ARM64 assembly language and how C and C++ compilers generate code, including memory layout and pointers. This book provides the background knowledge and practical foundations you'll need to understand internal Linux program structure and behavior. Foundations of ARM64 Linux Debugging, Disassembling, and Reversing is the perfect companion to Foundations of Linux Debugging, Disassembling, and Reversing for readers interested in the cloud or cybersecurity. What You'll Learn Review the basics of ARM64 assembly language Examine the essential GDB debugger commands for debugging and binary analysis Study C and C++ compiler code generation with and without compiler optimizations Look at binary code disassembly and reversing patterns See how pointers in C and C++ are implemented and used Who This Book Is ForSoftware support and escalation engineers, cloud security engineers, site reliability engineers, DevSecOps, platform engineers, software testers, Linux C/C++ software engineers and security researchers without ARM64 assembly language background, and beginners learning Linux software reverse engineering techniques.
Review topics ranging from Intel x64 assembly language instructions and writing programs in assembly language, to pointers, live debugging, and static binary analysis of compiled C and C++ code. This book is ideal for Linux desktop and cloud developers. Using the latest version of Debian, you'll focus on the foundations of the diagnostics of core memory dumps, live and postmortem debugging of Linux applications, services, and systems, memory forensics, malware, and vulnerability analysis. This requires an understanding of x64 Intel assembly language and how C and C++ compilers generate code, including memory layout and pointers. This book provides the back ground knowledge and practical foundations you'll need in order to master internal Linux program structure and behavior. It consists of practical step-by-step exercises of increasing complexity with explanations and ample diagrams. You'll also work with the GDB debugger and use it for disassembly and reversing. By the end of the book, you will have a solid understanding of how Linux C and C++ compilers generate binary code. In addition, you will be able to analyze such code confidently, understand stack memory usage, and reconstruct original C/C++ code. Foundations of Linux Debugging, Disassembling, and Reversing is the perfect companion to Foundations of ARM64 Linux Debugging, Disassembling, and Reversing for readers interested in the cloud or cybersecurity. What You'll Learn Review the basics of x64 assembly language Examine the essential GDB debugger commands for debugging and binary analysis Study C and C++ compiler code generation with and without compiler optimizations Look at binary code disassembly and reversing patterns See how pointers in C and C++ are implemented and used Who This Book Is ForSoftware support and escalation engineers, cloud security engineers, site reliability engineers, DevSecOps, platform engineers, software testers, Linux C/C++ software engineers and security researchers without Intel x64 assembly language background, beginners learning Linux software reverse engineering techniques, and engineers coming from non-Linux environments.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2022, held in Honolulu, USA, as part of SCF 2022, during December 10-14, 2022.The 9 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The papers cover aspects of services computing and applications. Centered around services computing, it covers various systems and networking research pertaining to cloud, edge and Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well as technologies for intelligent computing, learning, big data and blockchain applications.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post conference papers of the 4th International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems, Blocksys 2022, held in Chengdu, China, in August 2022. The 26 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections: Trustworthy Systems; Blockchain; Private Computing.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th CCF China Blockchain Conference, CBCC 2022, held in Wuxi, China, in December 2022. The 7 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 67 submissions. The papers deal with research results and development activities in all aspects of blockchain science and technology.
Harbor is a major CNCF open source project, with thousands of production users all over the world. This book provides a comprehensive explanation of the open source cloud native registry: Harbor. Written by experts who contributed to and now maintain Harbor, the content covers its architecture, principles, functions, deployment and configuration, scanning artifacts, remote replication, operation and maintenance, customized development, API usage and success stories. The book offers a valuable guide for Harbor users, developers and contributors, cloud native software development engineers, test engineers, operational and maintenance engineers, IT architects and IT technical managers. It will also benefit university students in computer-related disciplines.
This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2022, held in Paderborn, Germany, in June 2022. The 16 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. SIROCCO is devoted to the study of the interplay between structural knowledge, communication, and computing in decentralized systems of multiple communicating entities. Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches leading to better understanding of the relationship between computing and communication.
This book constitutes revised selected papers from the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC 2022, which was held in Grenada during May 2022. The 32 full papers and 4 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed andselected from 159 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: tokenomics; MPC (mostly); privacy; ZKP; old-school consensus; mostly payment networks; incentives; not proof of work; performance; measurements.
There is a rapid growth of automation in server rooms and data centers. The days of having many administrators running around busily configuring and maintaining servers are gone and have been replaced with droves of Salt-Minions; agents beavering away on the target nodes ensuring the configuration is as specified. This book covers Salt Open (also known as SaltStack Open) from the ground up and shows you how to work with two Linux distributions. You'll see how Salt Open is duplicated with ArubaOS and IOS networking devices, which can be configured without the underlying OS. As you step through the configuration options, you'll learn how to run remote execution modules from the CLI before looking at stateful configuration using SLS files. Moving on, you'll learn how to configure the systems where you also need to monitor your devices and that is when reactors and beacons come into play. Creating beacons to alert the server when thresholds are exceeded, you will be able to create reactors to mitigate the issues identified by the beacons. By the end of this book, you will be able to deploy Salt to your servers and network infrastructure. You will be able to install the Salt-Master and Salt-Minion, executing commands from both the Master and the Minion. The networking devices you need to manage will be controlled through the Salt_Proxy Minions that you have configured. Finally, you will be able to load-balance connections to the master with Salt-Syndic. What You'll Learn Install Salt Services on Ubuntu and CentOS based systems Work with remote execution modules Format YAML files correctly Provide defined configuration using state files Use Salt-Proxy to configure network devices Automate the configuration of Linux servers and networking devices Add value for both the server and network automation team Who This Book Is For System administrators experienced in Linux administration, who desire to expand their horizons into the world of automation, moving from scripts to states.
Dieses Buch erlautert, was hinter den aktuellen Buzzwords aus der Business-IT wirklich steckt. Dabei konzentriert es sich auf die vier wichtigen Kernthemen SOA (Service Orientierte Architekturen), BI (Business Intelligence), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) und ECM (Enterprise Content Management). Sie erfahren, welche Ziele mit diesen Technologien erreicht werden sollen, welche Komponenten daran beteiligt sind, welche Produkte der Markt anbietet und worauf Sie bei einer Einfuhrung unbedingt achten sollten. Dabei richtet sich das Buch an technisch orientierte Leser, die diese Themen von der IT-Seite her angehen. Nach einer kurzen Einfuhrung folgen die technischen Grundlagen und dazu passende praxisrelevante Beispiele. So werden etwa Datamining-Verfahren fur Business Intelligence erlautert, die mehr liefern als die banale Aussage Wer Bier kauft, kauft auch Chips." Zudem bietet dieses Buch auch einen Uberblick uber die wichtigsten Hersteller und Losungsanbieter in den jeweiligen Produktkategorien. Entscheidungshilfen und konkrete, praxisbezogenen Produktempfehlungen runden die jeweiligen Schwerpunktthemen ab.
This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 10th International Conference on Networked Systems, NETYS 2022, held as virtual event, in May 17-19, 2022. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis.The 18 full papers and 2 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. The scope of the conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development of these systems, including multi-core architectures, Concurrent and distributed algorithms, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, distributed databases, big data applications and systems, cloud systems, networks, security, and formal verification. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Distributed System; Networking; Verification; Security.
The LNCS volume 13269 constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2022, which will take place in a hybrid mode in Rome, Italy in June 2022. The 44 full papers together with 5 short papers presented in this proceeding were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 185 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Encryption, Attacks, Cryptographic Protocols, System Security., Cryptographic Primitives, MPC, Blockchain, Block-Cyphers, and Post-Quantum Cryptography.
Real-time systems are used in a wide range of applications, including control, sensing, multimedia, etc. Scheduling is a central problem for these computing/communication systems since responsible of software execution in a timely manner. This book provides state of knowledge in this domain with special emphasis on the key results obtained within the last decade. This book addresses foundations as well as the latest advances and findings in Real-Time Scheduling, giving all references to important papers. But nevertheless the chapters will be short and not overloaded with confusing details. Coverage includes scheduling approaches for mono-core as well as multi-core platforms, dependent tasks, networks, and notably very tremendous recent advances in scheduling of energy constrained embedded systems. Other sophisticated issues such as feedback control scheduling and timing analysis of critical applications are also addressed. This volume can serve as a textbook for courses on the topic in bachelor and in more advanced master programs. It also provides a reference for computer scientists and engineers involved in the design or the development of Cyber-Physical Systems which require up-to-date real-time scheduling solutions.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, LCPC 2020, held in Delaware, NE, USA, in October 2021.Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 9 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 11 submissions. The conference covers all aspects of languages, compiler techniques, run-time environments, and compiler-related performance evaluation for parallel and high-performance computing. The scope of the workshop encompasses foundational results, as well as practical experience reports and bold new ideas for future systems. |
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