Books > Sport & Leisure > Sports & outdoor recreation > Track & field sports, athletics > General
American public universities suffered tremendous funding cuts
during the 1930s, yet they were also responsible for educating
increasing numbers of students. The mounting financial troubles,
coupled with a perceived increase in the number of "radical"
student activists, contributed to a general sense of crisis on
American college campuses. University leaders used their athletic
programs to combat this crisis and to preserve "traditional"
American values and institutions, prescribing different models for
men and women. Educators emphasized the competitive nature of men's
athletics, seeking to inculcate male college athletes (and their
audiences) with individualistic, masculine values in order to
reinforce the existing American political and economic systems. In
stark contrast, the prevailing model of women's college athletics
taught a communal form of democracy. Strongly supported by almost
all female athletic leaders, this "a girl for every game, and a
game for every girl" model had replaced the more competitive model
that had been popular until the 1920s. The new programs denied
women individual attention and high-level competition, and they
promoted the development of what was considered proper femininity.
Whatever larger purposes these programs were intended to serve,
they could not have survived without vocal supporters. Democratic
Sports tells the important story of how men's and women's college
athletic programs survived, and even thrived, during the most
challenging decade of the twentieth century.
Correr es una gran manera de mejorar tu salud y bienestar, mejorar
tu autoestima y adquirir un sentimiento de realizacion. Correr
puede parecer simple para algunos, pero para otros, el asumir un
estilo de vida de running, puede presentar un nuevo mundo de
entrenamientos, estiramientos, nutricion y equilibrio. Pero llegado
el momento, todos podemos ser corredores de por vida si tenemos las
herramientas y los conocimientos adecuados. Con consejos de
expertos y asesoramiento especificamente para mujeres, este libro
es el companero perfecto para el principiante, veterano y aquellos
que vuelven a correr despues de una pausa.
This is the story of 42 marathon runners who were created as the
Ever-presents by the London Marathon in 1995 after they had run 15
consecutive years of the London from the start in 1981 Their story
is a testimony to a 'never say die' spirit that sustained them
during the thousands of marathons they have run all over the world.
Dale Lyons, one of remaining 15, has combined a detailed factual
record from his research with the runners with many heart warming
anecdotes and astonishing hardship stories to track the
Ever-presents journey over 33 years. Their triumphs and cruel
disappointments, the amazing sums raised for countless charities,
their startling records at home and abroad and their absorbing and
colourful lives away from the marathon treadmill makes for
absorbing and enlightening reading. This is a book to honour their
commitment to London, one of the greatest city Marathons and to
provide a lasting tribute to a rapidly diminishing group, decimated
by injury, accident, illness and death. The book will provide
information, inspiration, and motivation not only to marathon
runners but to those watching the London each year thinking "that
could be me " 4
Este libro contiene a lo largo de sus once capitulos historias
entranables, conmovedoras y electrizantes, pero tambien
despiadadas. Lo que si puedo garantizar al lector es que no se va a
aburrir con ninguna de ellas, aunque no estoy en condiciones de
asegurarle que algunas no vayan a destrozar sus sentimientos. Es
sin duda este un libro este que repasa quizas de forma despiadada
alguno de los problemas mas candentes de la sociedad actual,
siempre afrontados desde la mente del corredor de fondo. Jose
Muchos de los que corremos hemos tomado parte en un mayor o menor
numero de maratones. Nos hemos emocionado la primera vez que hemos
corrido los cuarenta y dos kilometros y seguimos haciendolo cada
vez que nos ponemos en la linea de salida. Siempre se habla de que
Filipides fue el precursor de la distancia, alla por el 490 a.C.,
cuando los persas desembarcaron en la Atica y se enfrentaron a
atenienses y platenses. Pero fue realmente asi?. Por eso Jose
Millariega ha tratado en este libro de hacer un analisis de los
distintos puntos de vista que barajan los eruditos sobre la batalla
de Maraton, a partir, ademas, de su experiencias por tierras
griegas, en concreto en la Spartathlon, prueba que evoca un
recorrido de doscientos cuarenta y seis kilometros, entre Atenas y
Esparta, que cubrio un heraldo corredor por encargo de los
generales atenienses para pedir ayuda a los espartanos, cuando en
el horizonte de la playa de Maraton aparecio una impresionante
flota asiatica dispuesta a terminar con el helenismo. Todo ello
incardinado con los Juegos de la Grecia Antigua y con la inclusion
de la carrera de maraton, por primera vez en la Historia
(intentando emular la gesta de los heroes griegos que vencieron a
los medos en el 490 a.C.), en los primigenios Juegos de la Era
Moderna, Atenas 1896
Este libro es un viaje inspirador a traves de los ojos, la mente, y
el corazon de Alexandra Panayotou, una atleta de ultrafondo que
corrio 2010 km en 31 dias, promocionando los Campeonatos de Europa
de Atletismo - Barcelona 2010. Aparte de llevarte a los, en
ocasiones, angustiosos dias y tortuosas noches, tambien te acercara
a su experiencia vital, adentrandote en sus pensamientos y sus
emociones, haciendote participe de sus luchas y sus triunfos.
Motivador, tanto para corredores como para no corredores, este
libro habla acerca de alcanzar tus metas a traves de la excelencia
An exciting series that provides students with direct access to the
ancient world by offering new translations of extracts from its key
texts. Where did the idea of celebrating the Olympic Games every
four years come from? The short answer is ancient Greece. The very
name 'Olympic' announces an origin for the competition, but, as
with most of our classical heritage, it is easy for the superficial
similarities to conceal major cultural differences. The purpose of
this new book in the Greece and Rome: Texts and Contexts series is
to provide an introduction to Greek athletics and their most
important competition at Olympia through a selection of
contemporary visual and literary sources.
Mas de 24 millones de personas corren en los Estados Unidos solo,
pero un 65 por ciento tendra que dejar de hacerlo al menos una vez
este ano debido a alguna lesion. Aun asi, otros elegiran seguir
corriendo a pesar del dolor. Pero en este libro vanguardista, ahora
disponible en espanol, el ultra maratoniano Danny Dreyer ensena la
tecnica de correr que ha creado para curar y prevenir lesiones, y
tambien para correr mas rapido, mas lejos y con mucho menos
esfuerzo a cualquier edad.
ChiRunning emplea las profundas reservas de la fuerza de los
musculos principales del tronco, un enfoque que se desarrolla de
disciplinas tales como el yoga, el metodo Pilates y el Tai Chi.
Este excelente programa explicado paso a paso te ofrece los
principios del entrenamiento y se aprende muy facilmente.
A Reduce dramaticamente la posibilidad de sufrir lesiones
A Hace el dolor de rodilla y el estres de la tibia medial
(periostitis medial)una cosa del pasado
A Reduce enormemente el tiempo de recuperacion despues de las
A Crea un programa de entrenamiento seguro y eficaz
A Hace posible que disfrutes el correr a cualquier distancia
tanto si eres un corredor principiante o un competidor
For at least a century, across the United States, Mexican American
athletes have actively participated in community-based,
interscholastic, and professional sports. The people of the ranchos
and the barrios have used sport for recreation, leisure, and
community bonding. Until now, though, relatively few historians
have focused on the sports participation of Latinos, including the
numerically preponderant Mexican Americans. This volume gathers an
important collection of such studies, arranged in rough
chronological order, spanning the period from the late 1920s
through the present. They survey and analyze sporting experiences
and organizations, as well as their impact on communal and
individual lives. Contributions spotlight diverse fields of
athletic endeavor: baseball, football, soccer, boxing, track, and
softball. ""Mexican Americans and Sports"" contributes to the
emerging understanding of the value of sport to minority
populations in communities throughout the United States. Those
interested in sports history will benefit from the book's focus on
under-studied Mexican American participation, and those interested
in Mexican American history will welcome the insight into this
aspect of the group's social history.
Triathlon Training: Running is essential reading for runners who
want to improve their lap times, athletes who want to incorporate
running into a multi-sport programme and anyone considering
training for their first triathlon. Practical, effective and easy
to understand, it contains all the information and advice that
serious runners need to improve their technique and achieve great
results. It includes: improving your technique for the best
results; outdoor and track training techniques for speed and
safety; fitness, competition, strength and flexibility training
programmes; mental training and motivation; effective equipment
The most successful club in the history of British athletics,
Birchfield Harriers was formed in 1877, born out of a dispute over
a cross country race and named after the old district about which
they centred their activities. Ever since its inception over a
century ago, Birchfield Harriers has been at the forefront of
innovation and development of the sport of athletics. Indeed it was
the first club to own it's own track and to employ a full time
administrator. Now based at the Alexander stadium, the UK's premier
Athletics venue, the club is undergoing a process of reorganisation
heralding another significant era in the development of this most
famous of athletics clubs. had an increasing impact on the success
of track and field events, at not only national but global level.
The ultimate accolade of Olympic Champion has been diligently
pursued and claimed by Birmingham-born talents Denise Lewis in the
heptathlon at Sydney 2000 and Mark Lewis-Francis with his 'glory
leg' in the 4 x 100m at Athens 2004. Other success stories are
commonwealth champions Bob Weir, Ashia Hansen and Dwayne Ladejo,
international athletes such as Glen Smith, Kelly Sotherton and
James Hillier, and disabled World Champions and Record holders such
as Debbie Brannan. archives, much of which has never been published
before, this book will be a delightful read for all those
interested in British athletics.
In virtually every sport in which they are given opportunity to
compete, people of African descent dominate. East Africans own
every distance running record. Professional sports in the Americas
are dominated by men and women of West African descent. Why have
blacks come to dominate sports? Are they somehow physically better?
And why are we so uncomfortable when we discuss this? Drawing on
the latest scientific research, journalist Jon Entine makes an
irrefutable case for black athletic superiority. We learn how
scientists have used numerous, bogus "scientific" methods to prove
that blacks were either more or less superior physically, and how
racist scientists have often equated physical prowess with
intellectual deficiency. Entine recalls the long, hard road to
integration, both on the field and in society. And he shows why it
isn't just being black that matters,it makes a huge difference as
to where in Africa your ancestors are from.Equal parts sports,
science and examination of why this topic is so sensitive, Taboo is
a book that will spark national debate.