Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Advice on parenting > Child care & upbringing > General
The hilarious and heartwarming companion to international
bestselling author Liz Climo's You're Mum.
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! Oh, hello! Now that I have your
attention... You must be dad! You're probably pretty busy. Being a
dad isn't easy. Maybe you already know this. Maybe you will soon.
Perhaps you've been preparing for this day for a long time. Perhaps
you haven't. And if you have a little one on the way you might feel
a little anxious. Maybe even a bit scared. There's a lot to prepare
and plan. Because, let's face it - being a dad is a huge
responsibility. But, it's worth it. Now the real fun begins. From
new dads to those who've been around the block, dads who go to work
to those who are at home, and all the dads in between, You're Dad
is a touching tribute to fathers everywhere. With humour, heart and
adorable drawings, Liz Climo celebrates fatherhood in all its
shapes and sizes (and species). Featuring different types of dads
and the paths they may travel, Climo's whimsical animal
illustrations take us through the adventures of fatherhood,
commemorating the laughter and the tears as well as the stumbles
and the triumphs. Perfect for dads, the dad-like, any and all
parents and the people who love them, this sweet collection of
fatherly love will move and delight.
The Internet has transformed the way people research, shop, conduct
business, and communicate. But the Internet and technologies that
enable online interaction and access to a variety of content can be
a perilous place for minors 8 to 18. The dangers are real, and
parents and teachers today are confronted with many threats they
simply do not understand. This book shares the risks of the
Internet by detailing recent, real-world tragedies and revealing
some of the secrets of online activities. It provides a pragmatic
approach to help parents and teachers protect children against the
threats of going online. Parents and teachers are often
ill-equipped to deal with the variety of devices and applications
such as email, instant messaging, browsing, blogs, cell phones, and
personal digital assistant devices (PDAs) that can facilitate the
dangers lurking online. How to Protect Your Children on the
Internet offers a comprehensive overview of the ways in which youth
use such technologies and exposes the risks they represent. At the
same time, it provides a roadmap that will enable parents and
teachers to become more engaged in children's online activities,
arming them with techniques and tips to help protect their
children. Smith underscores his arguments through chilling,
real-life stories, revealing approaches people are using to deceive
and to conceal their activities online. Filled with practical
advice and recommendations, his book is indispensable to anyone who
uses the Internet and related technologies, and especially to those
charged with keeping children safe.
The comprehensive "Dr. Spock"-like reference that is both
reassuring and realistic--now updated to reflect the many advances
in neonatology.
P "reemies, Second Edition" is the only parents' reference resource
of its kind--delivering up-to-the-minute information on medical
care in a warm, caring, and engaging voice. Authors Dana Wechsler
Linden and Emma Trenti Paroli are parents who have "been there."
Together with neonatologist Mia Wechsler Doron, they answer the
dozens of questions that parents will have at every stage--from
high-risk pregnancy through preemie hospitalization, to homecoming
and the preschool years--imparting a vast, detailed store of
knowledge in clear language that all readers can understand.
"Preemies, Second Edition" covers topics related to premature
birth, including:
What are your risk factors for having a premature baby?
Can you do something to delay early labor?
What do doctors know about you baby's outlook during her first
minutes and days of life?
How will your preemie's progress be monitored?
How do you cope with a long hospitalization?
Are there special preparations for you baby's homecoming?
What kind of stimulation during the first year gives your baby the
best chance?
Will your preemie grow up healthy? Normal?
Working with imaginative journeys and the mystery and magic of
metaphor, the author has developed the art of therapeutic
storytelling for children's challenging behaviour.
The softer side of the abortion debate ... In contrast to the front
line war of words that emanate with most protest views, Doris takes
us behind the scenes into real life drama. The stories contained in
this book will make you smile, cry, and find a place in your heart
for hurting people that are usually blurred out of the media
headlines. As a Pastor, I appreciate the caring way she approaches
the issues and the caring hands that she reaches out with to touch
hurting hearts. Pastor Rudy Bond New Life Worship Center, Tyler,
Texas Doris has gathered a treasury of hope and joy surrounding the
adoption process, including Scriptural encouragement and honesty
about the fears and challenges involved. This book is a testament
to the hand of God with even the least of these. Sara Maynard is a
Texas attorney, specializing in representing children. She is Board
explains God's plan for unplanned pregnancies through moving
testimonies of families who have experienced the joy of adoption.
As the mother of two adopted children and one adopted grandson, I
found myself rejoicing with the families through their stories.
This book will be an effective tool to encourage couples to
consider adopting children to complete their family. Birth parents
will also understand the joy their baby will bring to the adoptive
couple; and, perhaps, cause them to consider releasing their baby
for adoption. God patterned adoption by adopting us into His family
through His Son Jesus hrist. May this book challenge birth and
adoptive parents to allow children to experience God's
unconditional love through the gift of adoption. Judith E.
Shalllcross, Retired Christian School principal.
The loss of a child is never going to be easy for any parent and
questioning yourself will always be a part of the processing you
have to get through. Your faith can be what holds you together with
the help of your family, or you can isolate yourself and try to
make it on your own. Awareness of parenting skills can assist in
making right choices as you raise your children and faith can
strengthen those choices.
Seres que aunque con su alma limpia y su coraz n puro, pero a pesar
de sus grandes discapacidades han tenido que vivir dependiendo de
Dios y de sus padres. Para estos que no escogieron su manera de
vivir y que no hicieron decisiones por ellos mismos, sino que han
tenido que depender de los que le dieron la vida. Frustraci n por
no poder ayudarles es el sentimiento que los padres sienten al
respecto. Hijos que crecen sin disfrutar la vida en su plenitud.
Desde que nacen se toma la decisi n de amarlos y cuidarlos.
Finalmente el dolor de despedir a este ngel que regresa a su hogar
al cielo donde estar en un cuerpo perfecto. Vivir con un ngel aqu
en la tierra es una experiencia que nadie puede explicar ni tampoco
Moving Day
Dionna L Hayden; Dionna L Hayden; Foreword by Marcus L. Arrington
Discovery Miles 6 390
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Parenting and Theory of Mind represents the conjunction of two
major research literatures in child psychology. One is
longstanding. The question of how best to rear children has been a
central topic for psychology ever since psychology began to develop
as a science. The other research literature is a good deal younger,
though quickly expanding. Theory of mind (ToM) has to do with
understanding of the mental world-what people (children in
particular) know or think about mental phenomena such as beliefs,
desires, and emotions. An important question that research on TOM
addresses is where do children's ToM abilities come from? In
particular, how do children's experiences shape their development?
If we know the formative experiences that underlie ToM, then we may
be able to optimize this important aspect of development for all
children. The last 15 or so years have seen a rapid expansion of
the literature on the social contributors to ToM, including
hundreds of studies directed to various aspects of parenting. These
studies have made clear that parents can be important contributors
to what their children understand about the mental world. This is
the first book to comprehensively bring together the literature on
ToM and parenting, summarizing what we know about how parenting
contributes to one of the most important outcomes in cognitive
development and outlining future directions for research in this
growing area.
'Emily Oster is the non-judgemental girlfriend holding our hand and
guiding us through pregnancy and motherhood. She has done the work
to get us the hard facts in a soft, understandable way' Amy Schumer
Parenting is full of decisions, nearly all of which can be agonized
over. There is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at
you from doctors, family, friends, and strangers on the internet.
But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the
trade-offs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision?
Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom
doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths and offers
non-judgemental ways to consider our options in light of the facts.
Cribsheet is a thinking parent's guide that empowers us to make
better, less fraught decisions - and stay sane in the years before
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