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Books > Computing & IT > General
Stochastic phenomena play a central role in various scientific disciplines and underpin applications in popular industrial sectors. The purpose of the book is to introduce the reader to advanced concepts in the analysis of stochastic models starting from a detailed, intuitive and yet rigorous presentation of basic concepts. A special emphasis will be placed on problem solving and numerical implementations, with detailed solutions to all of the results and source code in the C programming language provided. The book will also cover recent specialised techniques for popular problems, providing a valuable reference for advanced readers with an active interest in the field.
All those involved in Higher Education are under pressure to familiarise themselves with the newest developments in Information Technology, and to understand the ways in which they can make use of these resources. The purpose of this book is to help academics from all disciplines to take full advantage of IT. Anticipating a future in which distance learning and virtual reality tutoring systems play a central role in university teaching, Roy Rada provides guidelines for making use of such technological opportunities. The chapters cover: * distance learning for individual students * groups in classrooms - focusing on interactive technology * the university as a whole * emerging market forces in Higher Education and training for industry Unlike competing books that focus on specific aspects of the subject, Understanding Virtual Universities combines managerial, social and technical issues, to provide a comprehensive approach to Information Technology for Higher Education.
Artificial Intelligence was meant to be the great social equalizer that helps promote fairness by removing human bias from the equation, but is this true? Given that the policing and judicial systems can display human bias, this book explores how the technology they use can also reflect these prejudices. From healthcare services to social scoring in exams, to applying for and getting loans, AI outcomes often restrict those most in need of these services. Through personal stories from an esteemed Black Data Scientist and AI expert, this book attempts to demystify the algorithmic black box. AI pervades all aspects of modern society and affects everyone within it, yet its internal biases are rarely confronted. This book advises readers on what they can do to fight against it, including the introduction of a proposed AI Bill of Rights, whilst also providing specific recommendations for AI developers and technologists. https://hiddeninwhitesight.com/
Learn Julia programming by building fun projects, like launching rockets, building password keepers, and even coding battle simulations. Julia as a Second Language covers: How Julia implements data types such as numbers, strings, arrays, and dictionaries Solving problems with both object-oriented and functional programming Getting immediate feedback with Julia’s read-evaluate-print-loop (REPL) Taking advantage of Julia’s powerful multiple dispatch system Sharing code using modules and packages Julia as a Second Language introduces Julia to readers with a beginning-level knowledge of another language like Python or JavaScript. It skips programming basics and dives straight into Julia's unique features. You’ll learn by coding engaging hands-on projects that encourage you to apply what you are learning immediately. About the technology Julia is a powerful high-performance programming language with many developer-friendly features like garbage collection, dynamic typing, just-in-time compilation, and a flexible approach to concurrent, parallel, and distributed computing. Although Julia's strong numerical programming features make it a favorite of data scientists, it is also an awesome general purpose programming language. Julia's users call it the "goldilocks language", with a "just right" balance of performance and productivity. About the reader Readers need basic skills with another programming language like Python, JavaScript, or C#.
Presents a complete overview of the main EEG-based BCI paradigms and the related practical solutions for their design, prototyping, and testing Describes wearable and low-cost EEG-based solutions Explores active, reactive, and passive BCI paradigms Explains the entire research-and-development process of a BCI prototype Provides examples of BCI system applications in several fields
1. Describes algorithms and methodologies for on-board image processing with FPGA chips. 2. Migrates the traditional on-ground computing to on-board operation and the image processing is implemented on-board, not on-ground. 3. Introduces for the first time many key technologies and methods for onboard image processing. 4. Emphasis the recent progress in image processing by using onboard FPGA chips. 5.Includes case studies from the author’s extensive research and experience on the topic.
Includes complete coverage of basics and design of algorithms Discusses algorithm analysis techniques like divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy heuristics Provides time and space complexity tutorials Reviews combinatorial optimization of Knapsack problem Simplifies recurrence relation for time complexity
1. Provides cutting edge AI applications in water sector. 2. Highlights the environmental models used by experts in different countries. 3. Discusses various types of models using AI and its tools for achieving sustainable development in water and groundwater. 4. Includes case studies and recent research directions for environmental issues in water sector. 5. Addresses future aspects and innovation in AI field related to water sustainability.
Due to tremendous shifts in the business environment of contemporary organizations following the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need to redefine the role and importance of information technology (IT) support, which is essential for ensuring an organization’s survival. Current models are no longer valid, as in the new turbulent and digitalized environment, the need for IT support is more crucial and indispensable than ever. This book proposes a new model explaining the factors inf luencing the efficiency of adaptable IT support in contemporary organizations, including those operating normally and during crises. The author demonstrates how organizations benefit from IT support, not only by enabling higher performance but also by facilitating organizational continuity, reliability, and even survival during various stages of crisis. The proposed model provides a basis for theory development in the field of organizational continuity and reliability, offering a new body of knowledge related to the factors boosting organizational performance gained from IT support and enabling organizational survival. This book will provide valuable findings for scholars performing research in the field of IT use in organizations, IT management, crisis management, and organizational reliability.
• Utilizes case studies from different disciplines and sectors within engineering and other related technical areas to demonstrate how to go from data, to insight, and to decision making • Introduces various approaches to build models that exploits different algorithms • Discusses predictive models that can be built through machine learning and used to mine patterns from large datasets • Explores the augmentation of technical and mathematical materials with explanatory worked examples • Includes a glossary, lecture notes, self-assessments, and worked-out practice exercises
Software evolution is a time-consuming and costly process due to its complex architecture. Software designers need to produce software that is effective as well as durable. Durability and effectiveness of software are the foremost priorities and challenges for developers. This book comprises real-life case studies of durability issues and their solutions that bring to light loopholes and show how to fix them, to enhance durability. Existing literature on software durability tells us that the first step is to recognise the problem. It gives information about durability, risk, estimation, knowledge, and governance based on five main characteristics: dependability, trustworthiness, usability, security, and human trust. The book serves as a complete package to get acquainted with assurance and risk management from a software durability perspective. It enhances our understanding of the concept of durability, its multi-dimensional approach, threats and their types, risk, mitigation techniques, and suggestive measures. The book reviews the emerging trends in the software development process in the context of durability concepts such as automated code reviews, coding standards, and software durability standards and their testing, cost management solutions, low-code or no-code solutions, and durability assurance.
Explains the key principles of artificial intelligence and sensor technologies suitable for a food industry-based audience Introduces case studies/specific examples that can show the benefit of such technologies compared to current approaches Discusses issues around food safety, labeling and traceability and how sensing and AI can help to resolve issues Shows the current state of food manufacturing and outlines future perspectives Delivers a practical handbook and introduction to food engineers, technologists and process engineers on the benefits and challenges around modern manufacturing systems following Industry 4.0 approaches.
1. This book is useful and accessible background reading for those engaged in organized crime and cybercrime. It is written with the general reader in mind, so will be of interest to students and intelligent readers alike. 2. The book draws on a range of case studies from around the world, looking at Italian Mafias, Russian and Georgian criminal groups and drug cartels, and the Asian gangs such as the Yakuza and the Triads.
OVER 15 MORE OF ROBLOX’S BEST GAMES INSIDE FOR YOU TO EXPLORE Discover everything you want to know about more of the greatest games on the Roblox platform, from all-time classic multi-player survival games to awesome new role-playing quests. Learn tips and tricks to impress your friends, discover secrets hidden in your favourite games and unearth epic new adventures to play together.
Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ behandelt die Schrifterkennung und Schriftklassifikation, die Lesbarkeit von Schrift und den gestalterischen und technischen Einsatz von Schriften. Außerdem werden die Schrifttechnologie und die Verwaltung von Schriften thematisiert. Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge. Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen sowie Hochschulen und zum Selbststudium.
This guide has been developed in partnership with NIMS to aid you in achieving high levels of success on the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level I certification exams. After receiving technical training, practicing, and demonstrating the competencies, this study guide will help you determine your level of readiness for the actual NIMS certification exam. The registration process, performance exams, and requirements for the online theory exams are explained. Test-taking strategies are also included. Practice tests, answer keys, and explanations provide you with insight into the knowledge and skill area being assessed and serve as an extension of the classroom, lab, and on-the-job training previously received. A glossary of terms is also included.
Use this practical guide to understand the concepts behind Intelligent Multi-modal Security Systems (IMSS) and how to implement security within an IMSS system to improve the robustness of the devices and of the end-to-end solution. There are nearly half a million active IMSS cameras globally, with over 100 million added annually. These cameras are used across enterprises (companies, traffic monitoring, driver enforcement, etc.), in peoples’ homes, on mobile devices (drones, on-vehicle, etc.), and are worn on the body. IMSS systems with a camera and network video recorder for storage are becoming the normal infrastructure for capturing, storing, and transmitting video content (sometimes up to 100 streams) in a secure manner and while protecting privacy. Military, aerospace, and government entities are also embracing digital security and surveillance. IMSS content serves as evidence in courts of law. Security within all of these types of IMSS systems needs to be bolstered by leveraging Intel hardware and software as the last line of defense, and this book provides you with best practices and solutions for maximizing security in your system implementation. What You Will Learn Review the relevant technologies in a surveillance system Define and dissect the data pipeline with a focus on key criteria and understand the mapping of this pipeline to Intel hardware blocks Optimize the partition and future-proof it with security and manageability Understand threat modeling terminology, the assets pertinent to DSS, and emerging threats, and learn how to mitigate these threats using Intel hardware and software Understand the unique risks and threats to the intelligence in IMSS (machine learning training and inferencing, regulations, and standards) and explore the solution space for mitigations to these threats Sample applications illustrate how to design in security for several types of IMSS.— Explore ways to keep both yourself and your systems up to date in a rapidly changing technology and threat environment Who This Book Is For Surveillance system designers, integrators, and consultants; professional systems, hardware, and software designers who design, recommend, or integrate surveillance systems; security system integrators; video analytics engineers; agencies that write RFPs and/or RFIs; government, police, and security agencies; and corporate security divisions
This book reports on topics at the interface between mechanical and chemical engineering, emphasizing aspects related to design, simulation, and manufacturing. It covers recent findings concerning the mechanics of fluids, solids, and structures, and numerical and computational methods for solving coupled problems in manufacturing. Further, it reports on recent developments in chemical process technology, heat and mass transfer research, and energy-efficient technologies, describing applications in the food and energy production sector. Based on the 5th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE-2022), held on June 7-10, 2022, in Poznan, Poland, this second volume of a 2-volume set provides academics and professionals with extensive information on trends and technologies, and challenges and practice-oriented experience in all the above-mentioned areas.
Covering more than 80 countries around the world, this book provides a compelling, contemporary snapshot of how people in other countries are using the Internet, social media, and mobile apps. How do people in other countries use the social media platform Facebook differently than Americans do? What topics are discussed on the largest online forum—one in Indonesia, with more than seven million registered users? Why does Mongolia rate in the top-ten countries worldwide for peak Internet speeds? Readers of Online around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Apps will discover the answers to these questions and learn about people's Internet and social media preferences on six continents—outside of the online community of users within the United States. The book begins with an overview of the Internet, social media platforms, and mobile apps that chronologically examines the development of technological innovations that have made the Internet what it is today. The country-specific entries that follow the overview provide demographic information and describe specific events influenced by online communications, allowing readers to better appreciate the incredible power of online interactions across otherwise-unconnected individuals and the realities and peculiarities of how people communicate in today's fast-paced, globalized, and high-technology environment. This encyclopedia presents social media and the Internet in new light, identifying how the use of language and the specific application of human culture impacts emerging technologies and communications, dramatically affecting everything from politics to social activism, education, and censorship.
This book presents best selected research papers presented at Innovation in Sustainable Energy and Technology India (ISET 2020), organized by Energy Institute Bangalore (A unit of RGIPT, an Institute of National Importance), India, during 3-4 December 2020. The book covers various topics of sustainable energy and technologies which includes renewable energy (solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and CSP, biomass, wind energy, micro hydro power, hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, energy materials, energy storage, hybrid energy), smart energy systems (electrical vehicle, cybersecurity, charging infrastructures, IOT & AI, waste management, PHEV (CNG/EV) and mobility (smart grids, IOT & AI, energy-efficient buildings, mart agriculture).
This book highlights leading-edge research in multi-disciplinary areas in Physics, Engineering, Medicine, and Health care, from the 6th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET 2020) held in July 2020 at Singapore. The papers were shortlisted after extensive rounds of reviews by a panel of esteemed individuals who are pioneers in their domains. The book also contains excerpts of the speeches by eminent personalities who graced the occasion, thereby providing written documentation of the event.
This research book aims to conceptualise the scale and spectrum of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches in energy efficient building design and to develop its functional solutions with a focus on four crucial aspects of building envelop, building layout, occupant behaviour and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Drawn from theoretical development on the sustainability, informatics and optimisation paradigms in built environment, the energy efficient building design will be marked through the power of data and BIM-intelligent agents during the design phase. It will be further developed via smart derivatives to reach a harmony in the systematic integration of energy efficient building design solutions, a gap that is missed in the extant literature and that this book aims to fill. This approach will inform a vision for future and provide a framework to shape and respond to our built environment and how it transforms the way we design and build. By considering the balance of BIM, AI and energy efficient outcomes, the future development of buildings will be regenerated in a direction that is sustainable in the long run. This book is essential reading for those in the AEC industry as well as computer scientists. |
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