Books > Language & Literature > Biography & autobiography > Literary
When Franz Kafka died in 1924, his loyal friend and champion Max
Brod could not bring himself to fulfil Kafka's last instruction: to
burn his remaining manuscripts. Instead, Brod devoted the rest of
his life to canonizing Kafka as the most prescient chronicler of
the twentieth century. By betraying Kafka's last wish, Brod twice
rescued his legacy - first from physical destruction, and then from
obscurity. But that betrayal was also eventually to lead to an
international legal battle over Kafka's legacy: as a writer in
German, should his papers come to rest with those of the other
great German writers, in the country where his three sisters died
as victims of the Holocaust? Or, as Kafka was also a great Jewish
writer, should they be considered part of the cultural inheritance
of Israel, a state that did not exist at the time he died in 1924?
Alongside an acutely observed portrait of Kafka and Brod and the
influential group of writers and intellectuals known as the Prague
Circle, Kafka's Last Trial also provides a gripping account of the
recent series of Israeli court cases - cases that addressed
dilemmas legal, ethical, and political - that determined the final
fate of the manuscripts Brod had rescued when he fled from Prague
to Palestine in 1939. It tells of a wrenching escape from Nazi
invaders as the gates of Europe closed to Jews; of a love affair
between exiles stranded in Tel Aviv; and of two countries whose
national obsessions with overcoming the traumas of the past came to
a head in the Israeli courts. Ultimately, Benjamin Balint invites
us to question not only whether Kafka's legacy belongs by right to
the country of his language, that of his birth, or that of his
cultural and religious affinities - but also whether any nation
state can lay claim to writers who belong more naturally to the
international republic of letters.
"Every page brings forth the elegiac tone of JRR Tolkien's work...
It is a beautiful book, including many wonderful pictures by
Tolkien himself... Garth's book made me realise the impact that
Tolkien has had on my life." The Times A lavishly illustrated
exploration of the places that inspired and shaped the work of
J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of Middle-earth. This new book from
renowned expert John Garth takes us to the places that inspired
J.R.R. Tolkien to create his fictional locations in The Lord of the
Rings, The Hobbit and other classic works. Featuring more than 100
images, it includes Tolkien's own illustrations, contributions from
other artists, archive images, maps and spectacular present-day
photographs. Inspirational locations range across Great Britain -
particularly Tolkien's beloved West Midlands and Oxford - but also
overseas to all points of the compass. Sources are located for
Hobbiton, the elven valley of Rivendell, the Glittering Caves of
Helm's Deep, and many other key spots in Middle-earth, as well as
for its mountain scenery, forests, rivers, lakes and shorelands. A
rich interplay is revealed between Tolkien's personal travels, his
wide reading and his deep scholarship as an Oxford professor. Garth
uses his own profound knowledge of Tolkien's life and work to
uncover the extraordinary processes of invention, to debunk popular
misconceptions about the inspirations for Middle-earth, and to put
forward strong new claims of his own. Organised by theme, The
Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien is an illustrated journey into the life
and imagination of one of the world's best-loved authors, an
exploration of the relationship between worlds real and
fantastical, and an inspiration for anyone who wants to follow in
Tolkien's footsteps.
Hierdie boek is die voltooiing van Elsa Joubert se outobiografiese
drieluik wat ingelei is deur ’n Wonderlike geweld (2005) en
Reisiger (2009). Dit fokus hoofsaaklik op die skrywer se latere
jare, in die aftreeoord in Kaapstad waar sy nou al geruime tyd
woon, maar haar belewenis van die hede en onlangse verlede word
onlosmaaklik vervleg met herinneringe aan veel verder terug, alles
geteken met die kenmerkende woordvaardigheid van een van Afrikaans
se mees gevierde skrywers.
Elsa Joubert - Biografiese inligting
Elsabé (Elsa) Antoinette Murray Joubert is op 19 Oktober 1922 in die Paarl gebore. Sy matrikuleer in 1939 aan die Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle in die Paarl. Sy behaal ’n BA-graad (1942) en ’n Sekondêre Onderwysdiploma (1943) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
In 1945 verwerf sy ’n meestersgraad aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Daarna is sy die vroueredakteur van Die Huisgenoot van 1946 tot 1948. Hierna begin sy te reis en in 1957 verskyn haar eerste reisverhaal, Water en woestyn, wat handel oor haar ervarings in Egipte en Uganda. Elsa Joubert se reise deur Afrika, Suid-Amerika, Europa en die Verre-Ooste het op ’n besondere wyse in haar werk neerslag gevind.
In 1963 verskyn haar eerste roman, Ons wag op die kaptein, wat onder meer die Eugène Marais-prys ontvang het. Sy is met die WA Hofmeyr-, CNA- en Louis Luyt-prys bekroon vir haar invloedryke roman Die swerfjare van Poppie Nongena (1978), wat in 2002 aangewys as een van die honderd beste boeke in Afrika.
In 1981 ken die British Royal Society of Literature die Winifred Holtby-prys aan haar toe en word sy ’n Fellow van die Society. Haar magistrale roman Die reise van Isobelle (1995) is met die Hertzogprys bekroon. Haar lewenswerk word bekroon met eredoktorsgrade van die Universiteite van Stellenbosch (2001) en Pretoria (2007), en sy ontvang die Orde van Ikhamanga (2004).
Skakel van Maandag, 18 Junie 2018 af in op RSG om te luister na Elsa Joubert se jongste roman, Spertyd (2017, Tafelberg) voorgelees deur Rika Sennett.
Jonathan Ball, the founder of Jonathan Ball Publishers, died on 3 April 2021 after a short illness. This collection of essays, commissioned in tribute to him, is edited by Michele Magwood.
Jonathan Ball left a deep impression on many different people in different ways. The forty or so essays reflect the many facets of Jonathan. The chapter headings would read husband, father, businessman, friend, brother, colleague. But it is in the subheads that we begin to understand the shape of him: publisher extraordinaire, history expert, gourmand, liberal thinker, suitor, philosemite and so on.
It cannot be exaggerated how deep an imprint Jonathan has left on the political and cultural life of South Africa, too. The shelves of Jonathan Ball Publishers are weighted with serious history and biographies of eminent figures, with books that other publishers didn’t have the boldness, the sheer guts, to take on. But there are many smaller, more finespun stories that tell us too who we are as a people and as a nation.
'Utterly fascinating' Daisy Goodwin, Sunday Times Benjamin Franklin
took daily naked air baths and Toulouse-Lautrec painted in
brothels. Edith Sitwell worked in bed, and George Gershwin composed
at the piano in pyjamas. Freud worked sixteen hours a day, but
Gertrude Stein could never write for more than thirty minutes, and
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in gin-fuelled bursts - he believed
alcohol was essential to his creative process. From Marx to
Murakami and Beethoven to Bacon, Daily Rituals by Mason Currey
presents the working routines of more than a hundred and sixty of
the greatest philosophers, writers, composers and artists ever to
have lived. Whether by amphetamines or alcohol, headstand or
boxing, these people made time and got to work. Featuring
photographs of writers and artists at work, and filled with
fascinating insights on the mechanics of genius and entertaining
stories of the personalities behind it, Daily Rituals is
irresistibly addictive, and utterly inspiring.
The story of the overcoat began with a chance meeting - between an
obsessive book collector, Jacques Guerin, and his physician, Dr
Robert Proust, brother of the late writer. Guerin immediately
glimpsed the possibility of acquiring the novelist's personal
effects, but it would be decades before he finally came to possess
the relic he had most coveted: Proust's moth-eaten otter-lined
For many years an atheist, C. S. Lewis vividly describes the
spiritual quest that convinced him of the truth and reality of
Christianity, in his famous autobiography. "In the Trinity Term of
1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God ... perhaps the most
dejected and reluctant convert in all England." Thus Lewis
describes memorably the crisis of his conversion. 'Surprised by
Joy' reveals both that crisis and its momentous conclusion that
would determine the shape of Lewis's entire life.
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