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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Paediatric medicine
The aim of this book is to provide evidence-based information on the management of high-risk newborn infants. The book is not meant to be a comprehensive textbook of Neonatology. It is a handbook that will provide useful and practical information for the clinician who manages the sick newborn infants. Sick newborn infants represent a very high-risk population that carries high mortality and morbidity. Neonatal Intensive Care Units around the world have been built and staffed to take care of these sick newborns. Although many of the treatment modalities to improve their outcomes are based on solid data derived from basic science and clinical research, some are not and are simply based on anecdotal experience and clinicians' intuition and belief. This publication will elaborate and affirm the management strategies that are based on solid scientific evidence and discuss those that are not. The information will assist neonatologists and pediatricians in providing the best management options for various illnesses that affect this vulnerable population.
Increasingly more and more children with developmental disabilities survive into adulthood. Pediatricians and other clinicians are called upon to care for an increasing number of children with developmental disabilities in their practice and thus there is a need for a practical guide specifically written for paediatricians and primary care clinicians that addresses major concepts of neurodevelopmental pediatrics. In the United States, the specialty training leading to a conjoint board certification by the American Board of Pediatrics and American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, requires a total of 6 years of training (2 years of pediatrics, 1 year of neurology, 18 months of child neurology, 18 months of neurodevelopmental disabilities). As of December 2006, in the US, there were 241 pediatricians and 55 child neurologists certified in the subspecialty of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Thus most of the children with developmental disabilities are seen by pediatricians and therefore it is important for these pediatricians to be well informed of common issues in the field. The 60,000 or so pediatricians in the United States (and hundreds more in other countries) are the main target audience for a practical book on neurodevelopmental pediatrics.
As in any field of clinical or scientific endeavor, a cataloguing of the techniques and findings of behavioral pediatrics must follow shortly after the first few years of systematic work. This book has been designed to serve this initial summary function for the field. It represents a first attempt to bring together in one place the definition and scope of be havioral pediatrics and to outline current research and treatment ap proaches to various organic disorders, clinical settings, and problem areas in which a sufficient body of knowledge has accrued for author itative statement. As the first text in a rapidly expanding area, our decisions regarding the topics to be covered and the contributors to this volume were guided by our desire to represent what we would consider to exemplify the field in its early development: pragmatic and thorough study of signif icant problems from a base of sound scientific inquiry. Each of the topics addressed in the present volume develops, in a preliminary fashion, an epistemology for current practice and future study. All of the contrib uting authors have been involved in the development of their specialty areas through their research and, importantly, through their clinical work in the hospitals affiliated with the medical schools in which they hold appointments."
This is the first textbook devoted entirely to understanding and treating necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), one of the leading causes of death and disability in premature infants. NEC continues to occur in neonatal units across the world, and the overall mortality has remained stubbornly high since its first description decades ago. Despite significant research into NEC, and a greater understanding of its underlying causes, there is no single source of information to which the care team can turn for guidance. This book fills that important gap in clinical care. In selecting the topics for this inaugural textbook, three guiding principles have been followed. First, to include chapters that provide detailed information for the medical team - the doctors and nurses, the therapists and pharmacists, the chaplains and the child life workers - so that each team member can optimally recognize, prevent and treat patients with this disease. Second, to ensure that chapters cover the depth and breadth of the latest clinical and scientific research into NEC, each selected to identify specific preventative strategies or therapies for this disease. Third, and perhaps most importantly, to focus not only on the child with NEC, but also on the child's family, in order to provide comprehensive information about a disease that families have barely heard about, until the jarring day when their precious infant is affected by it. This book therefore: serves as a "how-to guide" for the care of the infant with NEC summarises critical new research and offers guidelines for future key research areas addresses the complex and difficult issues surrounding care of the critically ill infant suffering from NEC Written for the entire health care team including paediatric surgeons, neonatologists, developmental paediatricians, epidemiologists, ethicists, child life professionals, therapists and specialist nurses, each team member will find this book of value. This book was written to demystify this cruel disease, and to unlock its closely held secrets of pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
The author encourages therapists to approach parents as individuals (not just as parents), and to maintain the same professional perspective in dealing with them that informs the rest of their work. Illustrative case material draws on a considerable range of presenting pictures, from parents who are themselves therapists to those who have no frame of reference for treatment, from parents who seek help when a healthy youngster hits a developmental impasse to those whose lives are shattered by severe pathology and psychic isolation in their children. Integrating theory and technique to provide the practitioner with the tools to elicit collaboration from parents instead of obstruction, Siskind makes it possible for child therapists to sustain the interest, curiosity, neutrality, and empathy that are preconditions to effective treatment.
Starting Treatment With Children and Adolescents provides
therapists with a time-tested framework for treatment and a
moment-by-moment guide to the first few sessions with a new
patient. In twelve remarkable case studies, verbatim transcripts of
individual play-therapy sessions are brought to life through
running commentary on techniques and theory and a fine-grained
analysis of what worked, what didn t, and what else the clinician
could have done to make the session as productive as
In the first book to argue that neurotic, psychotic, and borderline personality disorders can be identified, diagnosed, and treated even in the young, a renowned child psychiatrist marshalls her developmental perspective and adduces clinical evidence to support it. Kernberg and her colleagues elucidate assessment criteria and advance therapeutic approaches for each disorder.
Handbook of Adolescent Medicine and Health Promotion is a medical handbook for health providers, residents, and students as well as other interdisciplinary practitioners who promote the health and well-being of adolescents and young adults. With an emphasis on practical clinical approaches covering comprehensive health evaluation, which impacts on health choices and behaviors, health screening, education and health promotion, this book is a unique combination of pediatrics, internal medicine, gynecology, and psychology. The behavioral and health promotion aspects for adolescents are discussed in depth, with elaboration on the real difference between adolescent medicine and other specialties. An excellent reference, it provides useful case materials and handouts in an easy-to-read format. This book is an absolute must-have for improving the health outcomes and well-being of adolescents and young adults.
Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title "I would recommend this great little book for nurses who wish to carry a book with them in their clinical practice. It's a great addition to the growing list of books addressing pain in pediatrics."--Pediatric Pain Letter " This book] is a practical guide to pediatric pain assessment and management for the advanced practice nurse and primary caregivers who are interested in caring for patients with pain, but whose care specialty is not pain management. For the nurses whose specialty is pain management, this text provides a quick pediatric reference of our knowledge and tools of our trade. Even though it is a 'compact guide, ' this text is well referenced with current key position statements, clinical practice guidelines, and primary references of the latest pediatric pain management research."--Pain Management Nursing Presented in a concise, systematic format, this clinically oriented book provides nurses and physicians quick access to up-to-date information on how to assess and manage pain in infants and children, including adolescents who suffer from acute and chronic pain conditions. This book provides a comprehensive review of medications for infants and children as well as nonpharmacological interventions to achieve optimal pain management for young patients undergoing needle-related procedures as well as painful conditions related to surgery, trauma, cancer, sickle cell disease, and chronic pain. Key Features: Describes the consequences of untreated pain on development of children Summarizes pain assessment tools recommended for verbal and preverbal patients as well as those who are critically or terminally ill Provides general principles and specific dosing recommendations for non-opioids, opioids, and coanalgesics for optimal safety and effective reduction in pain Describes the indications, medications, and ongoing care and monitoring related to the increasing use of epidural and continuous peripheral nerve block infusions for pediatric patients Provides information on how to use age-appropriate strategies for cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, and physical approaches to reduce pain Includes useful resources, such as websites, and other tools, such as pain diaries and patient education information, to support multidisciplinary teams and parents who care for children with acute and chronic pain
Traditional therapy can often be an off-putting experience for boys as it is in direct opposition to the ways they generally interact and connect with others. This book explores a variety of creative approaches that professionals can use to enhance the clinical experience and better reach their young male clients. Chapters discuss the theory behind and implementation of various creative approaches to therapy with boys, such as play therapy, including sports, movement, and gross-motor activity; animal-assisted therapy; the use of video games and computers; the use of superheroes in role play, metaphor, and play therapy; and art therapy. Attention is also given to methods for working with several subgroups of boys that require specialized treatment approaches, including gender variant and sexual minority boys and boys with ADHD. The first book of its kind, mental health professionals will find this a comprehensive and highly valuable text to help them understand, help, and support boys and their development.
Starting Treatment With Children and Adolescents provides
therapists with a time-tested framework for treatment and a
moment-by-moment guide to the first few sessions with a new
patient. In twelve remarkable case studies, verbatim transcripts of
individual play-therapy sessions are brought to life through
running commentary on techniques and theory and a fine-grained
analysis of what worked, what didn t, and what else the clinician
could have done to make the session as productive as
Traditional therapy can often be an off-putting experience for boys as it is in direct opposition to the ways they generally interact and connect with others. This book explores a variety of creative approaches that professionals can use to enhance the clinical experience and better reach their young male clients. Chapters discuss the theory behind and implementation of various creative approaches to therapy with boys, such as play therapy, including sports, movement, and gross-motor activity; animal-assisted therapy; the use of video games and computers; the use of superheroes in role play, metaphor, and play therapy; and art therapy. Attention is also given to methods for working with several subgroups of boys that require specialized treatment approaches, including gender variant and sexual minority boys and boys with ADHD. The first book of its kind, mental health professionals will find this a comprehensive and highly valuable text to help them understand, help, and support boys and their development.
Ross presents an original and controversial examination of the moral principles that guide parents in making health care decisions for their children, and the role of children in the decision-making process. She argues against the current movement to increase child autonomy, in favour of respect for family autonomy, and proposes significant changes in what informed consent allows and requires for paediatric health care decisions.
This definitive manual provides a quick reference on pediatric urologic problems for medical students and physicians in training. Presented in two clearly outlined sections, part one introduces, in 12 chapters, the common forms of presentation of urological conditions in children, with emphasis on anamnesis, differential diagnosis and the appropriate use of diagnostic tools. Treatment modalities are also briefly discussed. Part two consists of 11 chapters that discuss the common pediatric urological conditions. The emphasis for part two is the provision of practical and up-to-date information in a standardized, easy-to-read format. There is extensive cross-referencing between parts one and two. Finally, an appendix presents practical information such as renal length, grading of reflux, etc.
It's always been said, "Children are not young adults," and the examination of a child needs to be conducted with emphasis on the physiologic differences in a growing child. Clinical Orthopedic Examination of a Child focuses on pediatric examination, a topic not much explored in the regular orthopedic texts. A child's difficulty in verbally expressing his symptoms needs to be kept in mind during the examination, thus the examining surgeon has to be very observant in picking up even minor details that could help in diagnosis. This book serves as an essential companion to orthopedic surgeons, general practitioners, and professionals as well as being a welcome addition in pediatric orthopedic clinics. Key Features Reviews an unexplored topic of Pediatric Orthopedic examination with comprehensive clarity Has an algorithmic approach with step-by-step descriptions, complete with illustrations Provides helpful tips and insights to orthopedic surgeons, professionals, and trainees for accurate diagnosis and treatment
The rhetoric of choice is much used in UK health policy and home birth is one of the three options that women are entitled to choose between when deciding where to have their baby. However, many women making this choice run into considerable opposition from the maternity service. Home Birth: the politics of difficult choices focuses on the experiences of women whose choices were opposed by health professionals during their pregnancy journey. It confronts why and how women are being denied home birth and raises some challenging issues for current midwifery practice. Using ten women's narratives, this important volume explores why women might want to give birth at home and considers ideas of risk and informed choice in pregnancy and birth. The book includes chapters on communication and language; fear and stress; advocacy and autonomy; fathers' experience of contested place of birth and free birthing. Pointers to best practice are presented whilst the text incorporates women's narratives throughout, making this a practical and relevant read for midwifery students as well as practising midwives and childbirth educators, all of whom have a duty to make home birth a real option for women.
The Infant Motor Profile is a practical manual on a new, evidence-based method to assess infant motor behaviour. Not only looking at what milestones the infant has reached, but also paying attention to the quality of motor behaviour - how the infant moves - this text provides professionals involved in the care of infants at risk of developmental disorders with information on five domains of motor behaviour: variation, adaptability, symmetry, fluency, and performance. Backed up by extensive, up-to-date research, it includes percentile curves so that professionals can easily interpret the infants' scores. The profile created from the assessment informs about the infant's current condition and their risk of developmental disorders, as well as providing suggestions for early intervention, tailored to the strengths and limitations of the infant. Used over time, it can be an excellent instrument to monitor the infant's developmental progress. Illustrated with numerous figures and accompanied by a website hosting over 100 video clips, this text is an essential read for professionals in developmental paediatrics, including paediatric physiotherapists, occupational therapists, developmental paediatricians, neuropaediatricians, and paediatric physiatrists.
The young ob/gyn patient presents unique problems different from the mature woman but which training often neglects. This user-friendly, practical book provides generous coverage of all aspects of pre-womanhood gynecology. Ranging from the commonest problems to the less common but urgent, it emphasizes diagnosis, special care and management throughout.
This is an evidence based manual of diagnosis and interventions for helping children between three and six years old who lack, a complete range of fundamental movement skills. The book outlines the difficulties young children have with movement, especially developmental co ordination disorder (DCD) and explains their assessment, using especially the early years motor skills checklist (EYMSC), a unique instrument aimed specifically at children between three to six years old. The management of the condition is then discussed, giving particular attention to the Special Education Needs Code of Practice. Finally, the book explores the notion of a developmental coach, suggesting that parents and caretakers are the most appropriate individuals to fill this role. This book contains photocopiable Early Years Movement Skills (EYMSC) checklist, and is based on the authors' extensive experience in this field.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) plays a vital role in pediatric retina diagnosis, often revealing unrecognized retinal disorders and connections to brain injury, disease, and delayed neurodevelopment. Handbook of Pediatric Retinal OCT and the Eye-Brain Connection provides authoritative, up-to-date guidance in this promising area, showing how to optimize imaging in young children and infants, how to accurately interpret these images, and how to identify links between these images and brain and developmental disorders. Illustrates optimal methods of OCT imaging of children and infants, how to avoid pitfalls, and how to recognize and avoid artifacts Explains how the OCT image may relate to brain disease and delayed neurodevelopment Features more than 200 high-quality images and scans that depict the full range of disease in infants and young children Provides guidance in identifying retinal layers and important abnormalities. Covers the structural features of the retina and optic nerve head in developmental, acquired, or inherited conditions that affect the eye and visual pathways Offers practical ways to set up imaging programs in the clinic, operating room, or neonatal nursery Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
This revision tool helps readers strengthen their existing knowledge of childhood disorders through Extended Matching Questions (EMQs) on topics frequently asked in Paediatrics examinations, ranging from neonatology to emergency medicine and public health. Detailed answers in each section build comprehension and knowledge. Many medical schools now examine undergraduates using EMQs, but they also feature highly in postgraduate examinations. This revision aid will therefore also be useful to those preparing for postgraduate examinations such as the Diploma of Child Health (DCH) and Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH), as well as foundation doctors on their first paediatric rotations and all those wishing to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of Paediatrics.
Separated into seven categories for easy reference, the techniques within each chapter are applied to practice situations in a concise format for easy reference and use. The interventions illustrated include Storytelling, to enhance verbalizations in children; Expressive Art, to promote children's coping ability by using various art mediums; Game Play, to help children express themselves in a playful environment; Puppet Play, to facilitate the expression of conflicting emotions; Play Toys and Objects, to demonstrate the therapeutic use of various toys and objects in the playroom; Group Play, to offer methods and play techniques for use in group settings; and Other, to provide miscellaneous techniques that are useful in many settings. This book is a response to the evident need of clinicians for easy to use play therapy techniques. A welcome addition to the earlier collection, it is designed to help children enhance verbalization of feeling, manage anger, deal with loss and grief, and heal their wounds through the magic of play therapy. Clear and marvelously simple, this manual will be an invaluable addition to any professional's or student's library. A Jason Aronson Book
During the past several years, there has been an extensive reappraisal of the physiologic changes of pregnancy and their associated disorders, along with a refinement of diagnostic procedures and evaluation of the therapeutic approaches that are of primary concern to the physician. In Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Injury: Prevention and Treatment, Third Edition, noted authority James A. O'Leary, M.D., with 40 years experience as an M.D. academician, lecturer, practitioner and clinical researcher with almost 200 contributions to the OB-GYN literature and textbooks, shares his insight on treatment techniques, identification and treatment of predisposing risk factors, current statistical data, ultrasound diagnosis and the necessary steps toward prevention, along with a thorough review of the important medical-legal issues. Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Injury: Prevention and Treatment, Third Edition supplements the limits of personal experience with the accumulated experience of many talented clinicians to aid physicians, midwives, and professionals in training with the most current information in this vital field.
This book presents a model of mental health treatment for children with serious psychiatric illnesses. The IICAPS (Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services) program, initially implemented by the authors in 1996, offers an alternative treatment paradigm for families. Adopted at thirteen sites across Connecticut, IICAPS has proven effective in reducing the need for inpatient and other institutional-based services. Intended for health providers and planners, this book addresses the service system issues that confront child and adolescent mental health providers today. The authors fully explain and outline the IICAPS treatment approach. They conclude with a discussion of some of the unresolved challenges related to home-based care for children with serious psychiatric disorders.
This is the second edition of a successful textbook which puts emphasis on the study and knowledge of normality in physical diagnosis, in order to better appreciate, describe, diagnose and treat the abnormal. Clearly written and generously illustrated, it describes in practical step-by-step, head to-toe procedures, the diagnostic examination of the newborn, child and adolescent. It provides a novel approach to the recognition and description of physical findings. The book is divided into 4 sections - Introduction to the Concept of Normality, Taking the History, Physical Examinations, and Specialised Examinations. It emphasises the importance of both subjective and objective observations, of distinguishing between the two, and of the use of exact measurements whenever possible. The book is comprehensive and easy to use, the text flows easily and understandably, unusual or key words are defined, rare diseases, unusual syndromes and name-dropping are avoided wherever possible. In short, this new edition of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis is an enjoyable, invaluable reference for both the beginner and the experienced physician and for trainees specialising in pediatrics and neonatology. |
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