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Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Physiotherapy
Take an engaging approach to real-world problems with the only book of its kind written for physical therapists. This groundbreaking text breaks new ground again. It's now three books in one.a comprehensive exploration of ethics as well as of professionalism and cultural diversity. The thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded 2nd Edition offers Physical Therapists the tools they need as they confront the ethical dilemmas and moral controversies that they will encounter in professional practice. At the same time, it stimulates reflection on the moral significance of a therapist's work, a neglected area of study. Stories drawn from real-life cases identify and define a broad range of ethical problems, and show readers how to resolve them. An emphasis on day-to-day issues makes ethical and philosophical concepts easy to understand. Each chapter begins with selected principles from the APTA's Code of Ethics and Guide for Professional Conduct. New cases studies, new illustrations, and expanded discussions of ethical issues make the 2nd Edition even more essential. What's New? * Uses a new, three-part organization, Professional Core Concepts, Caring and Respect, and Organization and Administration. * Offers a new chapter, Caring, Character, and Principles. * Features expanded coverage of resolving ethical dilemmas the principles of biomedical ethics the ethics of care cultural competency spirituality and the complex interface between professional ethics and administrative ethics in the health care setting. * Emphasizes the application of theory to clinical practice with 11 more case studies, all PT-specific. * Provides new coverage of recent advances in neuroscience relevant to moral theory. * Presents current research on how empathy and moral development correlate with clinical competence. Key Features: * Uses case studies to bring to life ethical and philosophical concepts that can be hard to grasp. * Explores the origin of four typ
Das "Handbuch der Balneologie und medizinischen Klimatologie"
vermittelt Ihnen das moderne Grundlagen- und Praxiswissen fur den
optimalen, wissenschaftlich fundierten Einsatz kurortmedizinischer
UEber entstehende Krafte und Hebelwirkungen in einer Fraktur bei therapeutischen UEbungen und Alltagsaktivitaten ist wenig bekannt. Damit der Heilungsprozess optimal verlaufen kann, muss die Belastungsfahigkeit der betroffenen Gewebe in der jeweils aktuell herrschenden Wundheilungsphase berucksichtigt werden. Unter Beachtung biomechanischer Aspekte und unter Einbezug der jeweilig herrschenden Wundheilungsphase foerdert dieses essential das Verstandnis fur entstehende Krafte und Hebelwirkungen, um Physio- und Ergotherapeuten die Wahl der besten therapeutischen UEbungen und Alltagsaktivitaten zu erleichtern. Somit kann die postoperative therapeutische Nachbehandlung optimiert und an die gegebene Situation in adaquater Art und Weise angepasst werden.
Due to a wide-spread developing interest in ultrasound-guided pain intervention by clinicians, the demand for a practical reference material on this topic has grown simultaneously. This book thoroughly satisfies the need for such a reference, as it contains text written by experts in the field and a multitude of unique, educational illustrations. Spinal pain, the musculoskeletal system, and peripheral structures function as the fundamental items of discussion across three divided sections. In order to augment the reader's learning experience, the high-quality images found within each chapter provide step-by-step guidance on the various ultrasound scanning procedural processes. Additionally, tips and pearls for scan and injection supplement each chapter conclusion. Ultrasound for Interventional Pain Management: An Illustrated Procedural Guide is a pragmatic, indispensable resource that helps interested clinical practitioners enhance their visual memory and overall understanding of this method.
Treating pain where it originates! Manual trigger point therapy combines mechanical, reflex, biochemical, energetic, functional, cognitive-emotional, and behaviorally effective phenomena. As such, it influences not only peripheral nociceptive pain, but also intervenes in the body's pain-processing and transmission mechanisms. Here you will learn: a systematic, manual-therapeutic approach to recognize and deactivate the potential of trigger points to cause pain and dysfunction; how to treat the accompanying fascial disorders; and how to prevent recurrences. Key Features: Clinical background of myofascial pain and dysfunction Muscles, trigger points, and pain patterns at a glance Neuromuscular entrapments shown in detail Screening tests und pain guides for all common clinical patterns Manual treatment of trigger points and fasciae Manual Trigger Point Therapy is your one-stop, comprehensive introduction to this fascinating, proven technique. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com. Watch a special video preview of Manual Trigger Point Therapy here:
Partendo dall analisi del segno il testo affronta i principali difetti (impairment) che possono interessare l arto inferiore nel bambino affetto da paralisi cerebrale infantile. Per ciascuna delle tre principali stazioni di movimento (piede, ginocchio e anca) vengono considerate le possibili cause del segno, le manovre di semeiotica clinica e strumentale (gait analysis) in grado di evidenziarle, le proposte di chirurgia funzionale piu praticate capaci di modificarle. Per ciascun intervento chirurgico viene fornita una descrizione sintetica della procedura e dei tempi di interdizione dal carico, il protocollo di addestramento fisioterapico nell immediato postoperatorio e quello da seguire dalla ripresa del carico in poi. Il testo e correlato da una ricca iconografia e da una bibliografia aggiornata. Un glossario ragionato permette di conoscere il significato dei principali termini utilizzati. Un capitolo conclusivo analizza le strategie dell approccio chirurgico nelle principali forme di paralisi cerebrale infantile.
Die Entscheidung fur ein kunstliches Kniegelenk fallt Patienten haufig schwer, auch wenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch ist, dass sich ihre Lebensqualitat nach der Operation deutlich verbessert. Der Band hilft Betroffenen, indem er Antworten auf wichtige Fragen liefert: zur Anatomie des Knies, zur Entstehung von Arthrose und zu verschiedenen Prothesentypen. Auch die Vorbereitung auf die Operation, verschiedene Operationsverfahren und die Phase der Rehabilitation werden leicht verstandlich erlautert. Mit zahlreichen Erfahrungsberichten von Patienten."
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, and the colour format is greatly improved. More clinical photographs have been added in the text for better understanding of orthopaedic conditions, and new surgical photographs have been included where needed, which is an additional bonus for physiotherapy students, for they seldom get a chance to witness live surgeries in their career. Gaining an insight into the operative pictures with help them understand the treatment of orthopaedic conditions better, and this will make them better physiotherapists. Many new X-rays have been added to enhance and enrich their clinical knowledge. Plenty of orthopaedic techniques, like reduction of a fracture or a dislocation, have been shown to improve understanding of the treatment of common orthopaedic conditions. All the attractive features of the previous edition, like short summaries, mnemonics, and anecdotes, have been retained, as these were very popular with the physiotherapy fraternity.
Schmerz stellt ein Bio-Psycho-Soziales System dar. Im Sinne einer ganzheitlichen Therapie wird auch von interdisziplinarer Schmerztherapie gesprochen. Vor allem Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen mochten neben der klassischen Schulmedizin uber alternative Methoden informiert werden. Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen dazu einen profunden Uberblick. Nach Informationen zur Schmerzentstehung und Placebo-Effekt stellen die Autoren ausfuhrlich Naturheilverfahren wie Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin, psychotherapeutische Verfahren, physikalische und andere haufig verwendete Methoden vor, u.a. Musiktherapie, Akupressur, medizinische Trainingstherapie."
Neurologische Rehabilitation: Therapie und Alltag verknupfen Das Ziel von Rehabilitation ist heute die Reintegration der Patienten in ihren Alltag. Wenn Sie an diesem Ziel mitarbeiten, sind Sie -und die Patienten selbst- mit dem Praxishandbuch Halbseitenlahmung gut beraten. Alltag ist Therapie - In der 4. Auflage liegt der Akzent auf der Verknupfung von therapeutischen Behandlungszielen mit den Fahigkeiten und Fertigkeiten, die Betroffene zur Gestaltung ihres Alltags brauchen. - Neu ist ein Kapitel uber die geriatrische Rehabilitation. Therapie ist Alltag Das Buch bietet Ihnen, -Handlungsanleitungen zu therapeutischen Aktivitaten -Anregungen fur ein, den Patienten motivierendes Vorgehen in Therapie und Alltag, -Hinweise zur Unterstutzung des partnerschaftlichen Miteinanders in der Alltagsgestaltung. Ihr Fachratgeber Eine Einfuhrung in alle Behandlungsaspekte wahrend der Akut- und Reha-Phase und in der ambulanten Begleitung zu Hause fur -Pflegende -Physio-, Ergotherapeuten -Betroffene, Angehorige. "
Dieses essential liefert Physio- und Ergotherapeuten einen UEberblick uber die Rehabilitation von Gewebe im menschlichen Koerper. Spezifische Gewebearten mit ihren individuellen Wundheilungszeiten werden verstandlich dargestellt und bilden in Form einer klinischen Konklusion die Grundlage fur die therapeutische Arbeit am Patienten. Die Dosierung manueller Behandlungsmassnahmen wird auf Grundlage der unterschiedlichen Gewebearten und deren Spezifikationen anschaulich erlautert.
Sleep is considered one of the vital signs and has become an important public health issue in our society. Thus, sleep impacts on overall health and, conversely, certain common medical conditions can impair sleep. Emerging evidence, in conjunction with clinical experience, demonstrates that physical therapy improves several sleep disorders and also optimized sleep contributes to boost rehabilitation. As health care professionals, physical therapists are singularly concerned with well-being and need to be competent to instruct their patients to rest and sleep.This book discusses evidences of physiotherapy and sleep medicine. It elucidates the neurophysiological background and mechanisms for physiotherapeutic resources and techniques, directing the future for promising research in the area. Divided in seven sections, the work initially addresses the basic concepts of sleep and physiotherapy and its relation to practice, including the importance of sleep medicine for health. The second section focuses on the basic conceptions of physical therapists' understanding and working in clinical practice and research with sleep.The next section reviews the most common sleep disturbances such as insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and respiratory sleep disturbances. Special populations, spotlighting childhood and adolescence, women physiologic reproductive stages, sleep and gender, and sleep and pain interactions are also examined. Last sections discuss the physical therapy resources to improve sleep and to treat sleep disturbances. This title is an essential resource not only for graduate students, residents, health professionals and physiotherapists working in prevention and rehabilitation, but also for researchers interested in screening, diagnostic and treatment innovations. It is addressed to neurologists, sleep medicine specialists and physical educators as well.
Dieses motivierende und reichhaltig illustrierte Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende im Fach Sportwissenschaft sowie an Trainer, Auszubildende und Schuler in sport- und fitnessbezogenen Berufen und dient diesen als ideale Prufungsvorbereitung. Es ist besonders geeignet als Begleit- und Vertiefungslekture fur Vorlesungen im Fach Trainingswissenschaft. Trainingswissenschaftliche Themen werden anschaulich, gut verstandlich und praxisrelevant dargestellt. Auch interessierte Leistungs- und Freizeitsportlerinnen und -sportler erhalten eine ausgewogene Mischung von evidenzbasierten sportwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praktischen Trainingstipps. Wertvolle Hinweise zu den Bereichen Leistungsdiagnostik, Trainingssteuerung, Monitoring und Wettkampfanalyse bilden das Ruckgrat des Buches. Das Grundlagenwissen zum Kraft-, Schnelligkeits-, Beweglichkeits-, Ausdauer- und Techniktraining wird durch angemessene biologische Vertiefungen und durch Exkurse zu modernen Trainingsinterventionen erweitert. Dem klaren Pladoyer fur Individualisierung und Sportartspezifitat des Trainings wurde durch gesonderte Kapitel zu ausgewahlten Sportarten Rechnung getragen. Neben dem Leistungssport, stehen auch die Besonderheiten des Trainings mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, mit Aktiven im mittleren Lebensalter oder mit alteren Masterathletinnen und -athleten im Fokus. Das Buch wagt den Spagat zwischen einer international ausgerichteten forschungsorientierten Trainingswissenschaft und der unweigerlich damit verknupften Sportpraxis. Abgerundet wird das didaktische Konzept durch interaktives Zusatzmaterial in Form von Videobeispielen, die einfach mit der Springer Nature More Media App abgerufen werden koennen.
Cupping therapy is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique that has been used for thousands of years as a highly effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including skin conditions and musculoskeletal complaints. Many bodyworkers are very interested in learning about how to use Cupping Therapy within their own specialties, and this book is for them. Drawing on 40 years of expertise, Ilkay Chirali provides a wealth of information on cupping for those without TCM knowledge, covering safety information, equipment and the different variations of cupping and their best uses. Beautifully illustrated with over 120 full-colour photos, it empowers physiotherapists, massage therapists, sports medicine professionals and beauty therapists to add cupping therapy to their toolbox of techniques.
Die Orthopadische Kinderklinik Aschau - mit Herrn Dr. Doederlein an der Spitze - ist ein bekanntes und renommiertes Haus, wenn es um Kinder mit Infantiler Zerebralparese geht. Sein Expertenwissen vermittelt Dr. Doederlein mit der "Infantilen Zerebralparese", die nun in der 2. vollstandig uberarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegt. In die Behandlung von Patienten mit Infantiler Zerebralparese sind viele Berufsgruppen involviert. UEbereinstimmend setzen die Therapien an den Problemen mit den Bewegungsorganen an, die das Krankheitsbild pragen. Bewusst spricht Dr. Doederlein alle Berufsgruppen an, die an der Versorgung der Patienten beteiligt sind - er moechte die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Sprache foerdern. Das Buch vermittelt das Wesentliche einer zielgerichteten Diagnostik und der konservativen und operativen Therapie. Neben der vergleichenden Darstellung der normalen und der pathologischen Entwicklung werden Ursachen, Diagnostik und Klassifikation der Gangstoerungen beschrieben. Sie bieten Hilfestellung bei Entscheidungen in Bezug auf die Therapie. Neuestes aus der konservativen Therapie wird vorgestellt und die Operationen sind ausfuhrlich beschrieben und bebildert. Einige Operationsdarstellungen sind fur Elterngesprache gedacht, um an Hand der Bilder erklaren zu koennen, was wie und warum operativ gemacht wird.
Patients with pain emanating from their spines represent some of the most frequent and challenging cases for physical therapists. Here is a comprehensive and practical introduction to the management of back pain and restricted spinal function caused by intervertebral disk damage. The authors provide evidence-based, clinically oriented strategies for the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of disk injury in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spinal regions. The text gives an overview of research studies on the effects of physical therapy on back pain, step-by-step guidance on examination and conservative and postoperative physical therapy procedures, and detailed discussion of rehabilitation and prevention of further disk damage. Key Features: Extensive coverage of examination, from patient history to tests for assessing spinal movement to nerve conduction Precise instructions and useful pointers on treatment methods aid in daily practice Chapter on basic principles of anatomy, physiology, and epidemiology offer foundational knowledge Crucial information on approaches for rehabilitation and injury prevention, including strengthening, coordination exercises, and conditioning Case studies present clinical examples that guide the reader through the full course of therapy 70 clear line drawings illustrate how to maintain correct posture; avoid poor posture; and protect and train muscles, nerves, and joints Physical Therapy for Intervertebral Disk Disease is a complete guide to the diagnosis and physiotherapeutic treatment of problems resulting from intervertebral disk damage. Practitioners and students of physical therapy, rehabilitation medicine, and occupational therapy will read this book cover to cover and refer to it regularly when working to relieve back pain and restore full capacity in their patients.
The book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the cutting edge arthroscopic transosseous techniques for the treatment of rotator cuff tears, which are gradually taking over from the common open surgical approach, defined as the gold standard for RCR. With the help of numerous figures, it presents step by step a novel all-arthroscopic anchorless transosseous suture technique that is less invasive and easier to perform. After discussing the etiopathogenesis, histopathology and radiological classification of rotator cuff tears, the book reviews all possible arthroscopic procedures and explores in detail suture management, describing single and double tunnel options. It also examines the complications and post-operative rehabilitation and imaging, while the closing chapter addresses the economic aspects of daily use. Intended primarily for arthroscopic surgeons interested in the field of shoulder joint repair, this exhaustive guide is also a valuable resource for residents and shoulder specialists.
This third edition systematically reviews recent developments in the diagnosis and evidence-based treatment of cerebral palsy, a consequence of foetal and early infant brain damage resulting in lifelong disabilities with a range of clinical characteristics. The first part discusses the definition, aetiology, classification, imaging and neuropathology, while the second focuses on the management of the individual challenges that children with cerebral palsy face, such as spasticity, dyskinesia, feeding problems and scoliosis. Based on the diverse characteristics of cerebral palsy, children require care from various specialists, including neuro-paediatricians, orthopaedists, psychologists, epidemiologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. This work was written by an international team of such specialists, providing a comprehensive mix of perspectives and expertise.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A full-color neuroscience text that skillfully integrates neuromuscular skeletal content Neurorehabilitation in Physical Therapy delivers comprehensive coverage of the structure and function of the human nervous system. It also discusses normal motor development and motor control, as well as common treatment techniques in physical therapy. In order to be engaging to students, cases open each chapter, with questions about those cases appearing throughout the chapter. The text includes numerous tables, flow charts, illustrations, and multiple-choice board-style review questions and is enhanced by a roster of world-renowned clinical contributors. Covers both pediatric and adult issues Beautiful full-color presentation with numerous images
Mit uber 1300 Abbildungen veranschaulicht dieses praxisorientierte Buch die verschiedenen Techniken der Massage: Klassische Massage, Funktionsmassage, Querfriktionen, Faszienbehandlungen sowie deren Kombination werden mit brillanten Fotos dargestellt. Hinzu kommt die Befundaufnahme und Behandlungsplanung. Dabei erleichtern Lernziele, Zusammenfassungen, Memos, Praxistipps und Warnhinweise die sofortige Umsetzung in die Praxis. Gesuchte Themen werden durch das Farbleitsystem schnell gefunden. Neu in der 4. aktualisierten Auflage: Klassische Massage, Querfriktionen, Funktionsmassage, Faszienbehandlung Das ideale als Lehrbuch fur die optimale Umsetzung in der Praxis sowie als perfektes Nachschlagewerk im Berufsalltag fur Profis.
A fully revised and updated world-class neurology atlas The nervous system and musculature are affected in nearly all diseases, making accurate diagnosis of specific neurologic conditions especially challenging. Now in a long awaited second edition, this acclaimed Thieme Flexibook elucidates even the most difficult concepts through its clear, compact text and lavish illustrations. Logically organized, packed with essential information and marked by an unparalleled art program, Color Atlas of Neurology, Second Edition is indispensable in the classroom or clinic. Key features: Covers the entire scope of the field, from anatomy, physiology and structural basics to normal and abnormal nervous system function, neurologic syndromes (e.g., cerebral and spinal disorders, peripheral neuropathies, myopathies) and state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques Creates didactic, two-page teaching units by placing lucid text opposite exquisite, fully labeled illustrations - ideal for learning and retention Includes new sections on the limbic system, vasculature of the cerebellum, spinal fluid, neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration, neurotransmitters, botulismus and more Highlights all signs, symptoms, and neurologic disease patterns for quick recognition and identification of disorders Provides a comprehensive section of tables for easy access to the most important facts needed in the clinic Perfect as a current review, refresher or clinical reference, Color Atlas of Neurology, Second Edition makes a major contribution to the field. Medical students and residents will be pleased with its clear, instructive presentation of sophisticated topics, while neurologists, neurosurgeons, primary care physicians, nurses and other medical personnel will find this stunning visual guide essential in daily practice.
This book has been written to help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) improve their physical and psychological functioning using the Chinese system of movement and meditation known as Qigong, closely related to Tai Chi. Qigong focuses on the important basic principles of balance, body alignment and energy flow without the need to learn the complex patterns of Tai Chi. People with MS often experience impaired balance, difficulties in walking, tremor, low energy levels, and anxiety. Qigong can be used to improve their day-to-day wellbeing. The program described in this book was developed in a hospital setting and rigorously evaluated, and is cited by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence. Most of the participants reported specific improvements on many dimensions. The author provides a step-by-step guide, with photographs and clear text, to show how people with MS can improve their health and quality of life using Qigong. Many of the exercises can be done either seated or standing, and are suitable for anyone, regardless of their level of ability. He explains how to use Qigong to improve balance and walking, and promote healthy breathing and relaxation. He also explores the role of stress in triggering relapses in MS, and an approach designed to help people with MS overcome previous traumatic events, manage stress, and reduce the likelihood of further relapses is included. This practical book will help people with MS to find achievable ways to improve their lives. It will also be of great interest to carers, teachers of Tai Chi or Qigong, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and complementary therapists.
The third edition of this convenient pocket guide presents a comprehensive collection of clinical tests for all the major musculoskeletal structures. New tests have been added and existing tests fully revised to include the most practical, relevant, and up-to-date information for the effective evaluation of the musculoskeletal system. The book is organized by body region, with chapters devoted to the spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist, hand, and fingers; hip; knee; and foot and ankle. Each of these chapters opens with a figure depicting range of motion and an algorithm that provides a quick overview of symptoms, tests, imaging, and diagnosis. Additional chapters on posture deficiencies, venous thrombosis, occlusive arterial disease and neurovascular compression syndromes, and disturbances of the central nervous system complete the book. For each clinical test, readers will find a step-by-step description of the procedure, followed by a concise discussion of assessment and possible diagnoses for that test. Special Features: Succinct descriptions of initial tests, functional tests, stress tests, and stability tests More than 600 precise line drawings augment the text and reinforce key concepts Helpful tips and guidance for the clinical examination, from taking patient history to selecting the appropriate tests and further course of action Extensive bibliography of recommended literature for additional reading The third edition of Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System is an essential tool for the physical examination and diagnosis of functional impairments of musculoskeletal structures. This user-friendly handbook is ideal for orthopedists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, and residents in these specialties.
Prepare for practice with the book tailored specifically for physical therapist assistants! Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant provides a clear, easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to the PTA's role in patient management, covering the core concepts related to physical rehabilitation and emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention. A treatment-oriented focus addresses each of the four categories of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Preferred Practice Patterns: musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary. The final section of the book addresses interventions which overlap many practice patterns. Written by rehabilitation experts Michelle Cameron, MD, PT and Linda Monroe, MPT, in consultation with Susan Schmidt, a practicing PTA, and Carla Gleaton, the director of a PTA education program, this text will be a valuable resource both in the classroom and in professional practice. Comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of rehabilitation includes sections on pathology; examination; evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis; clinical signs, and intervention -- emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention. Unique! A consistent, organized approach covers physical therapy intervention by disorder, with full discussions of each condition found in a single chapter. Format follows the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition so you become familiar with the terminology used in therapy practice. Clinical Pearls highlight key information. Unique! Full-color illustrations clearly demonstrate pathologies and interventions. Case studies with discussion questions guide you through specific patient interactions to build your clinical reasoning skills. Glossaries in each chapter define key terms to build your clinical vocabulary. Unique! Student resources on the companion Evolve website enhance your learning with vocabulary-building exercises, boards-style practice test questions, examples of commonly used forms, and references from the book linked to Medline. |
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