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Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > Industrial chemistry > Powder technology
Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies: Advanced Characterization Methods reviews advanced characterization methods of modern coating technologies. The topics in this volume consist of scanning vibrating electrode technique, spectroscopic ellipsometry, advances in X-ray diffraction, neutron reflectivity, micro- and nanoprobes, fluorescence technique, stress measurement methods in thin films, micropotentiometry, and localized corrosion studies.
Although sintering is an essential process in the manufacture of ceramics and certain metals, as well as several other industrial operations, until now, no single book has treated both the background theory and the practical application of this complex and often delicate procedure. In Sintering Theory and Practice, leading researcher and materials engineer Randall M. German presents a comprehensive treatment of this subject that will be of great use to manufacturers and scientists alike. This practical guide to sintering considers the fact that while the bonding process improves strength and other engineering properties of the compacted material, inappropriate methods of control may lead to cracking, distortion, and other defects. It provides a working knowledge of sintering, and shows how to avoid problems while accounting for variables such as particle size, maximum temperature, time at that temperature, and other problems that may cause changes in processing. The book describes the fundamental atomic events that govern the transformation from particles to solid, covers all forms of the sintering process, and provides a summary of many actual production cycles. Building from the ground up, it begins with definitions and progresses to measurement techniques, easing the transition, especially for students, into advanced topics such as single-phase solid-state sintering, microstructure changes, the complications of mixed particles, and pressure-assisted sintering. German draws on some six thousand references to provide a coherent and lucid treatment of the subject, making scientific principles and practical applications accessible to both students and professionals. In the process, he also points out and avoids the pitfalls found in various competing theories, concepts, and mathematical disputes within the field. A unique opportunity to discover what sintering is all about—both in theory and in practice What is sintering? We see the end product of this thermal process all around us—in manufactured objects from metals, ceramics, polymers, and many compounds. From a vast professional literature, Sintering Theory and Practice emerges as the only comprehensive, systematic, and self-contained volume on the subject. Covering all aspects of sintering as a processing topic, including materials, processes, theories, and the overall state of the art, the book
For practitioners and researchers in ceramics, powder metallurgy, and other areas, and for students and faculty in materials science and engineering, this book provides the know-how and understanding crucial to many industrial operations, offers many ideas for further research, and suggests future applications of this important technology. This book offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore sintering in both practical and theoretical terms, whether at the lab or in real-world applications, and to acquire a broad, yet thorough, understanding of this important technology.
"Voids in Materials" treats voids of different shapes and forms in various materials, and examines their effects on material properties. The book covers the origins of voids in materials, how they are sometimes introduced in the form of hollow spheres, and the resultant properties of materials containing voids. There are many books that focus on foams (which intentionally
incorporate voids into materials) and that cover voids incidental
to or unwanted in the fabrication of non-porous materials. In fact,
all materials have voids. This book starts from the premise that
voids are pervasive in all material on some level. It goes beyond
foams to provide a comprehensive overview of voids, a central
reference for scientists and engineers to use for the effect of
voids in materials.
Powder technology is a rapidly expanding technology and nowhere
more than in particle characterization. There has been an explosion
of new particle measuring techniques in the past ten year
particularly in the field of on-line measurement. One of the main
aims of this book is to bring the reader up-to-date with current
practices. One important area of interest is the improvements in
on-line light scattering instruments and the introduction of
ultrasonic on-line devices. Another is the introduction of on-line
microscopy, which permits shape analysis in conjunction with
particle sizing.
This book covers the rich phenomenology exhibited by fine powders when they are fluidized by a gas flow. Fine powder cohesiveness leads to poor flowability, clumping, difficulty in fluidizing, irregular avalanching behavior, etc. Despite all the inconveniences, fine powder processes pervade the chemical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and mining industries among others. The author in this book analyzes the mechanism by which interparticle adhesive forces are reduced by means of surface additives. Different techniques have been developed in the last years to assist fluidization by helping the gas flow to mobilize and break cohesive aggregates, which help to homogenize fluidization. As reviewed in this book, the use of these techniques may have a relevant impact on novel processes based on fluidized beds of fine powder and with relevant applications on leading edge technologies such as Atomic Layer Deposition on nanoparticles and CO2 capture by gas-fluidized beds of adsorbent powders. The study of fluidized beds has a marked interdisciplinary character. This book is thus intended for academic and industrial researchers in applied physics, mechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering, who are interested in the special characteristics of fine powders.
Crystal structure analysis from powder diffraction data has attracted considerable and ever growing interest in the last decades. X-ray powder diffraction is best known for phase analysis (Hanawalt files) dating back to the 30s. In the late 60s the inherent potential of powder diffraction for crystallographic problems was realized and scientists developed methods for using powder diffraction data at first only for the refinement of crystal structures. With the development of ever growing computer power profile fitting and pattern decomposition allowed to extract individual intensities from overlapping diffraction peaks opening the way to many other applications, especially to ab initio structure determination. Powder diffraction today is used in X-ray and neutron diffraction, where it is a powerful method in neutron diffraction for the determination of magnetic structures. In the last decade the interest has dramatically improved. There is hardly any field of crystallography where the Rietveld, or full pattern method has not been tried with quantitative phase analysis the most important recent application.
This monograph covers phenomena of deformation and machining of granular media: macroscopic particles of different size, shape, and surface properties which typically exhibit behavior similar to fluids, as well as the behavior of solids under deformation. The book analyses the behavior of granular media in soils, rocks and stones, metals and various synthetic materials, presenting a theoretical description, applications and understanding of basic phenomena in granular matter.
flour, potato starch, cracking catalyst, sand, and gravel, one will probably agree that the first four materials definitely are powders and the last one certainly is not. Whether one would call sand a powder probably depends on the partiele size and on personal Vlews. When the astronaut Neil Armstrong returned to the Earth from his trip on the surface of the Moon, he stated: 'The surface is fine and powdery. I can kick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and inside of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine sandy partieles. ' These words elearly show that the behaviour of powders de pends on the circumstances. In wh at respects are those on the Moon different from those on the Earth? (1) The gravitational force on the surface of the Moon is only one-sixth of that on the Earth. (2) There is no gas on the Moon. The latter aspect means that any water brought there would evaporate and disappear immediately, hence powders on the Moon will always be perfect1y dry so that cohesion between the separate partieles due to liquid bridges will be zero.
An understanding ofthe properties and the handling characteristics of liquids and gases has long been regarded as an essential requirement for most practising engineers. It is therefore not surprising that, over the years, there has been a regular appearance of books dealing with the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, fluid flow, hydraulics and related topics. What is surprising is that there has been no parallel development of the related discipline of Bulk Solids Handling, despite its increasing importance in modern industry across the world. It is only very recently that a structured approach to the teaching, and learning, of the subject has begun to evolve. A reason for the slow emergence of Bulk Solids Handling as an accepted topic of study in academic courses on mechanical, agricultural, chemical, mining and civil engineering is perhaps that the practice is so often taken for granted. Certainly the variety of materials being handled in bulk is almost endless, ranging in size from fine dust to rocks, in value from refuse to gold, and in temperature from deep-frozen peas to near-molten metal.
Over half of the products of the chemical and process industries are sold in a particulate form. The range of such products is vast: from agrochemicals to pigments, from detergents to foods, from plastics to pharmaceuticals. However, surveys of the performance of processes designed to produce particulate products have consistently shown inadequate design and poor reliability. Particle technology' is a new subject facing new challenges. Chemical and process engineering is becoming less concerned with the design of plants to produce generic simple chemicals (which are often single phase fluids) and is now more concerned with speciality effect' chemicals which may often be in particulate form. Chemical and process engineers are also being recruited in increasing numbers into areas outside their tranditional fields, such as the food industry, pharmaceuticals and the manufacture of a wide variety of consumer products. This book has been written to meet their needs. It provides comprehensive coverage of the technology of particulate solids, in a form which is both accessible and concise enough to be useful to engineering and science students in the final year of an undergraduate degree, and at Master's level. Although it was written with students of chemical engineering in mind, it will also be of use and interest to students of other disciplines. It comprises an account of the fundamentals of teh subject, illustrated by worked examples, and followed by a wide range of selected applications.
Significant experimental work is devoted to the preparation of one and zero dimensional semiconductor structures in view of future electronic and optical devices which involve quantum effects. The aim is good control in the realisation of nanometer structures both in vertical and lateral direction. Conventional processing techniques based on lithography face inherent problems such as limited resolution and surface defects caused by reactive ion etching. During the last few years several research groups started working on direct syntheses of semiconductor nanostructures by combining epitaxial growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy and chemical vapour deposition with pre patterning of the substrate wafers. Another idea is based on island formation in strained layer heteroepitaxy. Zero and one dimensional structures with dimensions down to a few atomic distances have been realised this way. An important point is that the size of the quantum structures is controlled within the epitaxial deposition in a self-adjusting process. The main subjects of the book are: Theoretical aspects of epitaxial growth, selfassembling nanostructures and cluster formation, epitaxial growth in tilted and non-(001) surfaces, cleaved edge overgrowth, nanostructure growth on patterned silicon substrates, nanostructures prepared by selective area epitaxy or growth on patterned substrates, in-situ etching and device applications based on epitaxial regrowth on patterned substrates. The experimental work mainly concentrated on GaAs/A1GaAs, GaAs/InGaAs, InGaP/InP and Si/SiGe based semiconductor heterostructures. Growth related problems received special attention. The different concepts for preparation of low dimensional structures are presented to allow direct comparison and to identify new concepts for future research work.
teacher Professor Ernst-Joachim Ivers to whom I still owe many insights 20 years after the end of his working life. This English edition is not an unedited translation of the German edition of 1990. The text has been substantially revised in some chapters, taking into account the literature published in the mean time. I wish to thank Dr.-Ing. H. Finken, Freiberg, who has prepared the translation from German into English with deep scientific understanding and in close contact with the author. I also wish to express my gratitude to Chapman & Hall for their support to this project without which the English edition could not have been published. Dr.-Ing. habil. C. Bernhardt Freiberg 1 Position, tasks and structure of particle size analysis Today the concept of particle size analysis is that of a special field of particle measurement technology, which in turn is part of particulate technology. This classification has developed over the last 20 years; it is the result of a scientific integration process taking place in many industrialized countries of the world. In recent years, the meaning and mutual connection of the related concepts as well as the tasks of the scientific disciplines designated by them have been the subject of intensive discussion which, however, has not led to a generally accepted terminology.
This volume chronicles the proceedings of the Third Symposium on Particles on Surfaces : Detection, Adhesion and Removal held as a part of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society in San Diego , California, August 21 - 25 , 1990 . The first two symposia i n t h i s series were held in 1986 and 1988 , respectively, and have been properly l documented ,2. Li ke its antecedent s the Third symposium was very well received, and the continuing success of these symposia reinforced our earlier belief that regular symposia on the topic of particles on surfaces were very much needed. Concomitantly, the fourth symposium in this series is planned in Las Vegas , July 13-17 , 199 2 . l As pointed out in the Preface to the earlier two volumes ,2, the topic of particles on surfaces is of tremendous interest and concern in a wide spectrum of technological areas . The objectives of the Third symposium were es s ent i a l ly the same as those of the earlier two and our intent her e was to provide an update on the research and development activities in the world of particles on surfaces . Apropos , there has been a deliberate attempt every time to s eek out new people to present their research results and we have been very succes s f ul in this mission.
Emerging Fields in Sol-gel Science and Technology contains selected papers from the symposium on "Sol-Gel and Vitreous Materials and Applications" held during the International Materials Research Congress in Cancun, Mexico in August 2002. One hundred and twenty researchers representing 10 countries attended this symposium. Some of the subjects covered in this symposium include 1.) synthesis of new materials endowed with outstanding and non-conventional optical, magnetic, electrical, thermal, catalytic, and mechanical properties; 2.) study of the sorption properties of model porous materials in order to test the validity of previous and recent theories; 3.) theoretical studies related to density functional theory, fractal and scaling law approaches, 4.) synthesis of biomaterials for use in medicine and pollution control; 5.) application of sol-gel colloids in the fine-chemistry industry in products such as fragrances and pharmaceuticals; 6.) development of special vitreous materials; 7.) implementation of inorganic thin films, and 8.) synthesis of materials for energy saving. "
All materials have voids in them, at some scale. Sometimes the voids are ignored, sometimes they are taken into account, and other times they are the focal point of the research. Voids in Materials: From Unavoidable Defects to Designed Cellular Materials takes due notice of all these occurrences, whether designed or unavoidable defects. We define, categorize, and characterize the voids (or empty spaces in materials) and we analyze the effects they have on material properties. This second edition is an updated and expanded central reference for voids in materials and covers all types of voids, intrinsic and intentional, and stochastic and nonstochastic, and the processes and conditions that are needed to create them and is a valuable resource to students in the areas of mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, physics, and chemistry, as well as scientists, researchers, and engineers in industry.
Optical particle s1z1ng is undoubtedly a fascinating field of research of the utmost practical importance. In the Universe fluids are nearly everywhere, and when they occur they almost invariably contain particles. Inside our bodies we can take the example of blood transporting a vi tal procession of red and white cells. Around us, we can find various particles in the air we breathe, bubbles in the champagne or the soda we drink, or natural and artificial (polluting ) particles in the lakes we swim in. Industrial processes and systems are also concerned with particles, from pulverized coal flames to fluidized beds, in a range of applications involving rocket exhausts, pneuma tic transport and more generally the infinite realm of mul tiphase situations. Such an obviously vast field would require a whole volume like this one merely to attempt to describe it superficially. To be sure, we would need a scientific Prevert to catalogue such an endless inventory. Finally, even outside our terrestrial spaceship particles can be detected in alien atmospheres or between stars. Theorists will enjoy analyzing the richness of light/particle interact. ion, a subject which is very far from being exhausted. Experimental researchers will love designing and studying various probing instruments with a laser source at the input and a computer at the output, two requisites of today' s technological revolution.
Many industrial, power generation and chemical processes produce unwanted fine particulate material as a consequence of their operation. Electrostatic precipitation is a highly efficient method of removing entrained particulate contaminants from exhaust gases and is extensively used in these industries to limit particulate emissions. New legislation aimed at improving the environment by further limiting these discharges has resulted in the technique undergoing considerable development over the past decade, to the point where it has become the method of choice, over a wide range of applications, for limiting particulate discharges. In this new book, the editor has brought together an international team of contributors, mainly industrialists and consultants, to produce an authorative and practical guide to electrostatic precipitation. This book is of interest to all those in process industries or power generation and to academics concerned with gas cleaning and environmental issues.
This introductory text develops the fundamental physics of the behavior of granular materials. It covers the basic properties of flow, friction, and fluidization of uniform granular materials; discusses mixing and segregation of heterogeneous materials (the famous "brazil-nut problem"); and concludes with an introduction to numerical models. The presentation begins with simple experiments and uses their results to build concepts and theorems about materials whose behavior is often quite counter-intuitive; presenting in a unified way the background needed to understand current work in the field. Developed for students at the University of Paris, the text will be suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduates; while also being of interest to researchers and engineers just entering the field.
This book provides not only a comprehensive introduction to the subject, but also describes in details the many techniques which can be used. These cover the detection, sampling and analysis of particles and identify those most relevant to particular applications.
This is the fifth edition of the highly successful work first published in 1968, comprising two definitive volumes on particle characterisation. The first volume is devoted to sampling and particle size measurement, while surface area and pore size determination are reviewed in volume 2. Particle size and characterisation are central to understanding powder properties and behaviour. This book describes numerous potential measuring devices, how they operate and their advantages and disadvantages. It comprise a fully comprehensive treatise on the wide range of available equipment with an extensive literature survey, and a list of manufacturers and suppliers. The author's blend of academic and industrial experience results in a readable technical book with information on how to analyse, present, and extract useful information from data. This is an essential reference book for both industrial and academic research workers in a variety of areas including: pharmaceuticals, food science, pollution analysis and control, electronic materials, agricultural products, polymers, pigments and chemicals.
Fine Particles Science and Technology deals with the preparation, characterization and technological applications of monodisperse particles in the micro to nano size range. A broad view of this frontier field is given, covering understanding the mechanisms by which uniform fine particles are formed and the search for new processes; the mechanism of the precipitation technique, requiring knowledge of the relationship between the complex solution chemistry and the products formed; the sequence of events leading to the formation of monodisperse colloids. The following topics are presented: microparticles, nanoparticles, applications in the preparation of materials, synthesis and properties, environmental applications, and many others.
The interest in control of particulate processes has been triggered
by the need to achieve tight distributed control of size
distributions that greatly influence particulate product properties
and quality. Drawing from recent advances in dynamics of
infinite-dimensional systems and nonlinear control theory, control
of particulate processes using population balances has evolved into
a very active research area within the field of process control.
This book - the first of its kind - presents general methods for
the synthesis of nonlinear, robust and constrained feedback
controllers for broad classes of particulate process models and
illustrates their applications to industrially-important
crystallization, aerosol and thermal spray processes. The
controllers use a finite number of measurement sensors and control
actuators to achieve stabilization of the closed-loop system,
output tracking, attenuation of the effect of model uncertainty and
handling of actuator saturation.
The operation of a powder mixer requires a knowledge not only of the mixing mechanisms but of the physical properties of the powders being mixed. Powder Mixing is unique in that it explores the relevant physics of the powder systems including characterization procedures and rheology, and contains an extensive review of different methods that have been employed to study the structure of mixtures. The techniques for achieving structured mixtures such as microencapsulation, and recent developments in deterministic chaos theory and fractal geometry as applied to the study of powder mixing systems, are reviewed. In particular, new techniques for studying the mixing powders based on avalanching theory and critically self-organized systems are studied. These are followed by a review of the wide range of different mixers commercially available and an extensive bibliography. Powder Mixing is an essential reference for all those interested in the basic science of powder mixing and the availability of industrial systems to achieve a mixture of different kinds. The main emphasis of the text is on working principles and operative systems, and is suitable for industrial workers, chemical engineers and students alike.
Chemistry of Powder Production focuses on the solid-state chemistry of powder materials and relates this to the structure, properties and preparation, and characterization techniques for these important industrial products. Additionally, the properties of the particles are discussed in relation to their surface structure and characteristics. This book describes the fundamentals of statistical methods for measuring the characteristics of particles. New advanced materials being developed in powder technology manufacturing techniques are also emphasised, including powdered materials for advanced ceramics as well as magnetic and pigment materials.
It is difficult to imagine modem technology without small particles, 1-1000 nm in size, because virtually every industry depends in some way on the use of such materials. Catalysts, printing inks, paper, dyes and pigments, many medicinal products, adsorbents, thickening agents, some adhesives, clays, and hundreds of other diverse products are based on or involve small particles in a very fundamental way. In some cases finely divided materials occur naturally or are merely a convenient form for using a material. In most cases small particles play a special role in technology because in effect they constitute a different state of matter because of the basic fact that the surface of a material is different from the interior by virtue of the unsaturated bonding interactions of the outermost layers of atoms at the surface of a solid. Whereas in a macroscale particle these differences are often insignificant, as the 9 surface area per unit mass becomes larger by a factor of as much as 10, physical and chemical effects such as adsorption become so pronounced as to make the finely divided form of the bulk material into essentially a different material usually one that has no macroscale counterpart." |
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