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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Quantum physics (quantum mechanics)
Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Error Correction is a self-contained, tutorial-based introduction to quantum information, quantum computation, and quantum error-correction. Assuming no knowledge of quantum mechanics and written at an intuitive level suitable for the engineer, the book gives all the essential principles needed to design and implement quantum electronic and photonic circuits. Numerous examples from a wide area of application are given to show how the principles can be implemented in practice. This book is ideal for the electronics, photonics and computer engineer who requires an easy- to-understand foundation on the principles of quantum information processing and quantum error correction, together with insight into how to develop quantum electronic and photonic circuits. Readers of this book will be ready for further study in this area, and will be prepared to perform independent research. The reader completed the book will be able design the information processing circuits, stabilizer codes, Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes, subsystem codes, topological codes and entanglement-assisted quantum error correction codes; and propose corresponding physical implementation. The reader completed the book will be proficient in quantum fault-tolerant design as well. Unique Features Unique in covering both quantum information processing and quantum error correction - everything in one book that an engineer needs to understand and implement quantum-level circuits. Gives an intuitive understanding by not assuming knowledge of quantum mechanics, thereby avoiding heavy mathematics. In-depth coverage of the design and implementation of quantum information processing and quantum error correction circuits. Provides the right balance among the quantum mechanics, quantum error correction, quantum computing and quantum communication. Dr. Djordjevic is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering of College of Engineering,
University of Arizona, with a joint appointment in the College of
Optical Sciences. Prior to this appointment in August 2006, he was
with University of Arizona, Tucson, USA (as a Research Assistant
Professor); University of the West of England, Bristol, UK;
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; Tyco Telecommunications,
Eatontown, USA; and National Technical University of Athens,
Athens, Greece. His current research interests include optical
networks, error control coding, constrained coding, coded
modulation, turbo equalization, OFDM applications, and quantum
error correction. He presently directs the Optical Communications
Systems Laboratory (OCSL) within the ECE Department at the
University of Arizona.
This book gives a complete spectral analysis of the non-self-adjoint Schroedinger operator with a periodic complex-valued potential. Building from the investigation of the spectrum and spectral singularities and construction of the spectral expansion for the non-self-adjoint Schroedinger operator, the book features a complete spectral analysis of the Mathieu-Schroedinger operator and the Schroedinger operator with a parity-time (PT)-symmetric periodic optical potential. There currently exists no general spectral theorem for non-self-adjoint operators; the approaches in this book thus open up new possibilities for spectral analysis of some of the most important operators used in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics and optics. Featuring detailed proofs and a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter, the book is ideally suited for graduate students at the intersection of physics and mathematics.
Electrostatic Accelerators have been at the forefront of modern technology since the development by Sir John Cockroft and Ernest Walton in 1932 of the first accelerator, which was the first to achieve nuclear transmutation and earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1951. The applications of Cockroft and Walton's development have been far reaching, even into our kitchens where it is employed to generate the high voltage needed for the magnetron in microwave ovens. Other electrostatic accelerator related Nobel prize winning developments that have had a major socio-economic impact are; the electron microscope where the beams of electrons are produced by an electrostatic accelerator, X-rays and computer tomography (CT) scanners where the X-rays are produced using an electron accelerator and microelectronic technology where ion implantation is used to dope the semiconductor chips which form the basis of our computers, mobile phones and entertainment systems. Although the Electrostatic Accelerator field is over 90 years old, and only a handful of accelerators are used for their original purpose in nuclear physics, the field and the number of accelerators is growing more rapidly than ever. The objective of this book is to collect together the basic science and technology that underlies the Electrostatic Accelerator field so it can serve as a handbook, reference guide and textbook for accelerator engineers as well as students and researchers who work with Electrostatic Accelerators.
This book presents a multidisciplinary guide to gauge theory and gravity, with chapters by the world's leading theoretical physicists, mathematicians, historians and philosophers of science. The contributions from theoretical physics explore e.g. the consistency of the unification of gravitation and quantum theory, the underpinnings of experimental tests of gauge theory and its role in shedding light on the relationship between mathematics and physics. In turn, historians and philosophers of science assess the impact of Weyl's view on the philosophy of science. Graduate students, lecturers and researchers in the fields of history of science, theoretical physics and philosophy of science will benefit from this book by learning about the role played by Weyl's Raum-Zeit-Materie in shaping several modern research fields, and by gaining insights into the future prospects of gauge theory in both theoretical and experimental physics. Furthermore, the book facilitates interdisciplinary exchange and conceptual innovation in tackling fundamental questions about our deepest theories of physics. Chapter "Weyl's Raum-Zeit-Materie and the Philosophy of Science" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com
This book provides non-specialists with a basic understanding ofthe underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. It is both a text for second or third-year undergraduates and a reference for researchers who need a quick introduction or refresher. All chemists and many biochemists, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists routinely user spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations in their work. The emphasis of Quantum Chemistry on explaining ideas rather than enumerating facts or presenting procedural details makes this an excellent foundation text/reference. The keystone is laid in the first two chapters which deal with molecular symmetry and the postulates of quantum mechanics, respectively. Symmetry is woven through the narrative of the next three chapters dealing with simple models of translational, rotational, and vibrational motion that underlie molecular spectroscopy and statistical thermodynamics. The next two chapters deal with the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom and hydrogen molecule ion, respectively. Having been armed with a basic knowledge of these prototypical systems, the reader is ready to learn, in the next chapter, the fundamental ideas used to deal with the complexities of many-electron atoms and molecules. These somewhat abstract ideas are illustrated with the venerable Huckel model of planar hydrocarbons in the penultimate chapter. The book concludes with an explanation of the bare minimum of technical choices that must be made to do meaningful electronic structure computations using quantum chemistry software packages.
This eighteenth volume in the Poincare Seminar Series provides a thorough description of Information Theory and some of its most active areas, in particular, its relation to thermodynamics at the nanoscale and the Maxwell Demon, and the emergence of quantum computation and of its counterpart, quantum verification. It also includes two introductory tutorials, one on the fundamental relation between thermodynamics and information theory, and a primer on Shannon's entropy and information theory. The book offers a unique and manifold perspective on recent mathematical and physical developments in this field.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of various Cryptography topics, while highlighting the most recent trends such as quantum, blockchain, lightweight, Chaotic and DNA cryptography. Moreover, this book covers cryptography primitives and its usage and applications and focuses on the fundamental principles of modern cryptography such as Stream Ciphers, block ciphers, public key algorithms and digital signatures. Readers will gain a solid foundation in cryptography and security. This book presents the fundamental mathematical concepts of cryptography. Moreover, this book presents hiding data techniques such as steganography and watermarking. The author also provides a comparative study of the different cryptographic methods, which can be used to solve security problems.
Nuclear spins are highly coherent quantum objects that were featured in early ideas and demonstrations of quantum information processing. In silicon, the high-fidelity coherent control of a single phosphorus (31-P) nuclear spin I=1/2 has demonstrated record-breaking coherence times, entanglement, and weak measurements. In this thesis, we demonstrate the coherent quantum control of a single antimony (123-Sb) donor atom, whose higher nuclear spin I = 7/2 corresponds to eight nuclear spin states. However, rather than conventional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we employ nuclear electric resonance (NER) to drive nuclear spin transitions using localized electric fields produced within a silicon nanoelectronic device. This method exploits an idea first proposed in 1961 but never realized experimentally with a single nucleus, nor in a non-polar crystal such as silicon. We then present a realistic proposal to construct a chaotic driven top from the nuclear spin of 123-Sb. Signatures of chaos are expected to arise for experimentally realizable parameters of the system, allowing the study of the relation between quantum decoherence and classical chaos, and the observation of dynamical tunneling. These results show that high-spin quadrupolar nuclei could be deployed as chaotic models, strain sensors, hybrid spin-mechanical quantum systems, and quantum-computing elements using all-electrical controls.
This book gathers the lecture notes of courses given at the 2010 summer school in theoretical physics in Les Houches, France, Session XCIV. Written in a pedagogical style, this volume illustrates how the field of quantum gases has flourished at the interface between atomic physics and quantum optics, condensed matter physics, nuclear and high-energy physics, non-linear physics and quantum information. The physics of correlated atoms in optical lattices is covered from both theoretical and experimental perspectives, including the Bose and Fermi Hubbard models, and the description of the Mott transition. Few-body physics with cold atoms has made spectacular progress and exact solutions for 3-body and 4-body problems have been obtained. The remarkable collisional stability of weakly bound molecules is at the core of the studies of molecular BEC regimes in Fermi gases. Entanglement in quantum many-body systems is introduced and is a key issue for quantum information processing. Rapidly rotating quantum gases and optically induced gauge fields establish a remarkable connection with the fractional quantum Hall effect for electrons in semiconductors. Dipolar quantum gases with long range and anisotropic interaction lead to new quantum degenerate regimes in atoms with large magnetic moments, or electrically aligned polar molecules. Experiments with ultracold fermions show how quantum gases serve as ''quantum simulators'' of complex condensed matter systems through measurements of the equation of state. Similarly, the recent observation of Anderson localization of matter waves in a disordered optical potential makes a fruitful link with the behaviour of electrons in disordered systems.
Polaritonic chemistry is an emergent interdisciplinary field in which the strong interaction of organic molecules with confined electromagnetic field modes is exploited in order to manipulate the chemical structure and reactions of the system. In the regime of strong light-matter coupling the interaction with the electromagnetic vacuum obliges us to redefine the concept of a molecule and consider the hybrid system as a whole. This thesis builds on the foundations of chemistry and quantum electrodynamics in order to provide a theoretical framework to describe these organic light-matter hybrids. By fully embracing the structural complexity of molecules, this theory allows us to employ long-established quantum chemistry methods to understand polaritonic chemistry. This leads to predictions of substantial structural changes in organic molecules and the possibility of significantly influencing chemical reactions both in the excited and ground states of the system.
B Factories are particle colliders at which specific subatomic particles - B mesons - are produced abundantly. The purpose is to study the properties of their decays in great detail in order to shed light on a mystery of eminently larger scale: why do we live in a universe composed of anti-matter? This book introduces readers to the physics laws of the CP asymmetry, touching on experimental requirements needed to perform such measurements at the subatomic level, and illustrating the main findings of the contemporary B Factories.
The ancient Greeks believed that everything in the Universe should be describable in terms of geometry. This thesis takes several steps towards realising this goal by introducing geometric descriptions of systems such as quantum gravity, fermionic particles and the origins of the Universe itself. The author extends the applicability of previous work by Vilkovisky, DeWitt and others to include theories with spin 1/2 and spin 2 degrees of freedom. In addition, he introduces a geometric description of the potential term in a quantum field theory through a process known as the Eisenhart lift. Finally, the methods are applied to the theory of inflation, where they show how geometry can help answer a long-standing question about the initial conditions of the Universe. This publication is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate students and provides a pedagogical introduction to the exciting topic of field space covariance and the complete geometrization of quantum field theory.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art quantum dot photodetectors, including device fabrication technologies, optical engineering/manipulation strategies, and emerging photodetectors with building blocks of novel quantum dots (e.g. perovskite) as well as their hybrid structured (e.g. 0D/2D) materials. Semiconductor quantum dots have attracted much attention due to their unique quantum confinement effect, which allows for the facile tuning of optical properties that are promising for next-generation optoelectronic applications. Among these remarkable properties are large absorption coefficient, high photosensitivity, and tunable optical spectrum from ultraviolet/visible to infrared region, all of which are very attractive and favorable for photodetection applications. The book covers both fundamental and frontier research in order to stimulate readers' interests in developing novel ideas for semiconductor photodetectors at the center of future developments in materials science, nanofabrication technology and device commercialization. The book provides a knowledge sharing platform and can be used as a reference for researchers working in the fields of photonics, materials science, and nanodevices.
This book presents the proceedings of The International Workshop on Frontiers in High Energy Physics (FHEP 2019), held in Hyderabad, India. It highlights recent, exciting experimental findings from LHC, KEK, LIGO and several other facilities, and discusses new ideas for the unified treatment of cosmology and particle physics and in the light of new observations, which could pave the way for a better understanding of the universe we live in. As such, the book provides a platform to foster collaboration in order to provide insights into this important field of physics.
Providing a pedagogical introduction to the essential principles of path integrals and Hamiltonians, this book describes cutting-edge quantum mathematical techniques applicable to a vast range of fields, from quantum mechanics, solid state physics, statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and superstring theory to financial modeling, polymers, biology, chemistry, and quantum finance. Eschewing use of the Schroedinger equation, the powerful and flexible combination of Hamiltonian operators and path integrals is used to study a range of different quantum and classical random systems, succinctly demonstrating the interplay between a system's path integral, state space, and Hamiltonian. With a practical emphasis on the methodological and mathematical aspects of each derivation, this is a perfect introduction to these versatile mathematical methods, suitable for researchers and graduate students in physics and engineering.
The dynamics of quantum systems exposed to ultrafast (at the femtosecond time-scale) and strong laser radiation has a highly non-linear character, leading to a number of new phenomena, outside the reach of traditional spectroscopy. The current laser technology makes feasible the probing and control of quantum-scale systems with fields that are as strong as the interatomic Coulombic interactions and time resolution that is equal to (or less than) typical atomic evolution times. It is indispensable that any theoretical description of the induced physical processes should rely on the accurate calculation of the atomic structure and a realistic model of the laser radiation as pulsed fields. This book aims to provide an elementary introduction of theoretical and computational methods and by no means is anywhere near to complete. The selection of the topics as well as the particular viewpoint is best suited for early-stage students and researchers; the included material belongs in the mainstream of theoretical approaches albeit using simpler language without sacrificing mathematical accuracy. Therefore, subjects such as the Hilbert vector-state, density-matrix operators, amplitude equations, Liouville equation, coherent laser radiation, free-electron laser, Dyson-chronological operator, subspace projection, perturbation theory, stochastic density-matrix equations, time-dependent SchrAdinger equation, partial-wave analysis, spherical-harmonics expansions, basis and grid wavefunction expansions, ionization, electron kinetic-energy and angular distributions are presented within the context of laser-atom quantum dynamics.
Paul Dirac was among the greatest scientific geniuses of the modern age. One of Einstein's most admired colleagues, he helped discover quantum mechanics, and his prediction of antimatter was one of the greatest triumphs in the history of physics. In 1933 he became the youngest theoretician ever to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Dirac's personality, like his achievements, is legendary. The "Strangest Man" uses previously undiscovered archives to reveal the many facets of Dirac's brilliantly original mind.
This article is dedicated to Claudio Bunster on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It is a great honor to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to him, who in my opinion has been the greatest national physicist ever, for his wise guidance and intrepid support through the years. As a Chilean, I can further tell that Claudio's contributions have been well far beyond theoretical physics, helping our country to be ready to face future challenges through science. Gravity in diverse dimensions is a subject in which Claudio has done major c- tributions, encouraging in many ways the following work, that is being made along different fronts in collaboration with my colleagues Diego Correa, Gustavo Dotti, Julio Oliva and David Tempo. Thepursuitforwormholesolutions,whicharehandlesinthespacetimetopology, it is as old as General Relativity and it has appeared in theoretical physics within different subjects, ranging from the attempt of describing physics as pure geometry, as in the Einstein-Rosen bridge model of a particle [1], to the concept of "charge withoutcharge"[2],aswell asindifferentissuesconcerningthe Euclideanapproach to quantum gravity (see, e.g., [3]). More recently, the systematic study of this kind of objects was pushed forward by the works of Morris, Thorne and Yurtsever [4,5].
To read a good book on nano science and technology, readers should have a reasonable grasp of quantum mechanics, which is exhaustively discussed in the first chapter. To be concerned with the technique of preparation of nano particles, two chapters are devoted on how to make different types of nano materials that are useful for various applications with their mechanical properties. The rest deals with the most important properties like magnetic, electronic and optical phenomena of nano materials citing the most useful and well-studied materials of importance today.The author illustrates the novel techniques such as sol-gel method, Mossbauer spectroscopy for supermagnetic behaviour of nano-sized magnetite and many other methods, in order to have an edge on the interpretation of the experimental data to be able to elucidate the observed interesting property. All these subjects are given due importance as it is attracting a lot of attention of the scientists and technologists on the one hand, and on the other hand, both undergraduate and postgraduate students of various universities and institutes. |
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