Books > Arts & Architecture > The arts: general issues > Theory of art
Drawing on art, media, and phenomenological sources, Showing Off!:
A Philosophy of Image challenges much recent thought by proposing a
fundamentally positive relationship between visuality and the
ethical. In philosophy, cultural studies and art, relationships
between visuality and the ethical are usually theorized in negative
terms, according to the dyadic logics of seeing on the one hand,
and being seen, on the other. Here, agency and power are assumed to
operate either on the side of those who see, or on the side of
those who control the means by which people and things enter into
visibility. To be seen, by contrast - when it occurs outside of
those parameters of control- is to be at a disadvantage; hence, for
instance, contemporary theorist Peggy Phelan's rejection of the
idea, central to activist practices of the 1970's and 80's, that
projects of political emancipation must be intertwined with, and
are dependent on, processes of 'making oneself visible'.
Acknowledgment of the vulnerability of visibility also underlies
the realities of life lived within increasingly pervasive systems
of imposed and self-imposed surveillance, and apparently confident
public performances of visual self display. Showing Off!: A
Philosophy of Image is written against the backdrop of these
phenomena, positions and concerns, but asks what happens to our
debates about visibility when a third term, that of 'self-showing',
is brought into play. Indeed, it proposes a fundamentally positive
relationship between visuality and the ethical, one primarily
rooted not in acts of open and non-oppressive seeing or spectating,
as might be expected, but rather in our capacity to inhabit both
the risks and the possibilities of our own visible being. In other
words, this book maintains that the proper site of generosity and
agency within any visual encounter is located not on the side of
sight, but on that of self-showing - or showing off!
Nobel laureate Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well
known. Less well known, however, is that over a career that spans
nearly fifty years, Hoffmann has thought and written extensively
about a wide variety of other topics, such as chemistry's
relationship to philosophy, literature, and the arts, including the
nature of chemical reasoning, the role of symbolism and writing in
science, and the relationship between art and craft and science. In
Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry,
Jeffrey Kovac and Michael Weisberg bring together twenty-eight of
Hoffmann's most important essays. Gathered here are Hoffmann's most
philosophically significant and interesting essays and lectures,
many of which are not widely accessible. In essays such as "Why Buy
That Theory," "Nearly Circular Reasoning," "How Should Chemists
Think," "The Metaphor, Unchained," "Art in Science," and "Molecular
Beauty," we find the mature reflections of one of America's leading
scientists. Organized under the general headings of Chemical
Reasoning and Explanation, Writing and Communicating, Art and
Science, Education, and Ethics, these stimulating essays provide
invaluable insight into the teaching and practice of science.
When thinking about the Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel's haunting
words resound like an echo of the sea and its millenary history.
From Prehistory until today, the Mediterranean has been setting,
witness and protagonist of mythical adventures, of encounters with
the Other, of battles and the rise and fall of cultures and
empires, of the destinies of humans. Braudel's appeal for a long
duree history of the Mediterranean challenged traditional views
that often present it as a sea fragmented and divided through
periods. This volume proposes a journey into the bright and dark
sides of the ancient Mediterranean through the kaleidoscopic gaze
of artists who from the Renaissance to the 21st century have been
inspired by its myths and history. The view of those who imagined
and recreated the past of the sea has largely contributed to the
shaping of modern cultures which are inexorably rooted and embedded
in Mediterranean traditions. The contributions look at modern
visual reinterpretations of ancient myths, fiction and history and
pay particular attention to the theme of sea travel and travellers,
which since Homer's Odyssey has become the epitome of the discovery
of new worlds, of cultural exchanges and a metaphor of personal
developments and metamorphoses.
"A History of Visual Culture" is a history of ideas. The recent
explosion of interest in visual culture suggests the phenomenon is
very recent. But visual culture has a history. Knowledge began to
be systematically grounded in observation and display from the
Enlightenment. Since them, from the age of industrialization
and colonialism to today's globalized world, visual culture has
continued to shape our ways of thinking and of interpreting the
world. Carefully structured to cover a wide history and
geography, "A History of Visual Culture" is divided into themed
sections: Revolt and Revolution; Science and Empiricism; Gaze and
Spectacle; Acquisition, Display, and Desire; Conquest, Colonialism,
and Globalization; Image and Reality; Media and Visual
Technologies. Each section presents a carefully selected range of
case studies from across the last 250 years, designed to illustrate
how all kinds of visual media have shaped our technology,
aesthetics, politics and culture.
the nine root elements common to all artistic disciplines. Whether
you are a writer, visual artist, or a performer, learning these
root elements will help you unlock your full artistic potential and
create art that is more expressive, dramatic, and engaging.
Hundreds of relevant art examples, citations, and quotations
from prominent art professionals, philosophers, and scientists
ARTISTRY." Authors, painters, sculptors, dancers, and artists from
nearly every creative field provide knowledge and insight into many
different forms of art, including visual arts, literary arts,
dramatic arts, musical arts, dance arts, and various hybrid art
For advanced artists and art professionals looking to bring
depth and nuance to their work, "THE ELEMENTS OF CREATIVE AND
EXPRESSIVE ARTISTRY" presents thirty-six new elements that branch
from the nine root elements and offer additional avenues of
exploration for a lifetime of artistic development. For the art
critic, it also presents a fundamental basis on which to evaluate
artistic work of any domain. Even the non-artist who possesses a
general love for art will develop a deeper appreciation of art by
understanding the nine root elements.
Martha Banta reaches across several disciplines to investigate
America's early quest to shape an aesthetic equal to the nation's
belief in its cultural worth. Marked by an unusually wide-ranging
sweep, the book focuses on three major "testing grounds" where
nineteenth-century Americans responded to Ralph Waldo Emerson's
call to embrace "everything" in order to uncover the theoretical
principles underlying "the idea of creation." The interactions of
those who rose to this urgent challenge--artists, architects,
writers, politicians, and the technocrats of scientific
inquiry--brought about an engrossing tangle of achievements and
failures. The first section of the book traces efforts to advance
the status of the arts in the face of the aspersion that America
lacked an Art Soul as deep as Europe's. Following that is a hard
look at heated political debates over how to embellish the
architecture of Washington, D.C., with the icons of cherished
republican ideals. The concluding section probes novels in which
artists' lives are portrayed and aesthetic principles tested.
The Re-enchantment of the World is a philosophical exploration of
the role of art and religion as sources of meaning in an
increasingly material world dominated by science. Gordon Graham
takes as his starting point Max Weber's idea that contemporary
Western culture is marked by a "disenchantment of the world"--the
loss of spiritual value in the wake of religion's decline and the
triumph of the physical and biological sciences. Relating themes in
Hegel, Nietzsche, Schleiermacher, Schopenhauer, and Gadamer to
topics in contemporary philosophy of the arts, Graham explores the
idea that art, now freed from its previous service to religion, has
the potential to re-enchant the world. In so doing, he develops an
argument that draws on the strengths of both "analytical" and
"continental" traditions of philosophical reflection.
The opening chapter examines ways in which human lives can be made
meaningful as a background to the debates surrounding
secularization and secularism. Subsequent chapters are devoted to
painting, literature, music, architecture, and festival with
special attention given to Surrealism, 19th-century fiction, James
Joyce, the music of J. S. Bach and the operas of Wagner. Graham
concludes that that only religion properly so called can "enchant
the world," and that modern art's ambition to do so fails.
Black is Beautiful identifies and explores the most significant
philosophical issues that emerge from the aesthetic dimensions of
black life, providing a long-overdue synthesis and the first
extended philosophical treatment of this crucial subject. * The
first extended philosophical treatment of an important subject that
has been almost entirely neglected by philosophical aesthetics and
philosophy of art * Takes an important step in assembling black
aesthetics as an object of philosophical study * Unites two areas
of scholarship for the first time philosophical aesthetics and
black cultural theory, dissolving the dilemma of either studying
philosophy, or studying black expressive culture * Brings a wide
range of fields into conversation with one another from visual
culture studies and art history to analytic philosophy to
musicology producing mutually illuminating approaches that
challenge some of the basic suppositions of each * Well-balanced,
up-to-date, and beautifully written as well as inventive and
Design Philosophy is becoming increasingly important as the nature
of design practice and design education change. "The Design
Philosophy Reader" presents and explains the recent emergence of
Design Philosophy, illustrates the main concerns of Design
Philosophy and demonstrates why Design Philosophy has emerged in
recent years, why it is needed, what it can do, how it can be done
and where it is going. Comprised of an eight thematic sections,
each with a short introduction, to contextualise theory and
highlight its implications, and annotated bibliographies, the
Reader presents both an argument for the need for Design Philosophy
and an overview of its emergence. With texts ranging from writing
on design that is informed by philosophy; philosophically informed
writing on culture, relevant to the thinking of design; ancient and
contemporary philosophy that directly, or by implication, addresses
design; and exegesis and commentary on philosophical texts relevant
to design.
New Nonfiction Film: Art, Poetics and Documentary Theory is the
first book to offer a lengthy examination of the relationship
between fiction and documentary from the perspective of art and
poetics. The premise of the book is to propose a new category of
nonfiction film that is distinguished from - as opposed to being
conflated with - the documentary film in its multiple historical
guises; a premise explored in case-studies of films by
distinguished artists and filmmakers (Abbas Kiarostami, Ben Rivers,
Chantal Akerman, Ben Russell Pat Collins and Gideon Koppel). The
book builds a case for this new category of film, calling it the
'new nonfiction film,' and argues, in the process, that this kind
of film works to dismantle the old distinctions between fiction and
documentary film and therefore the axioms of Film and Cinema
Studies as a discipline of study.
Intersections of Value investigates the universal human need for
aesthetic experience. It examines three appreciative contexts where
aesthetic value plays a central role: art, nature, and the
everyday. However, no important appreciative context or practice is
completely centered on a single value. Hence, the book explores the
way the aesthetic interacts with moral, cognitive, and functional
values in these contexts. The account of aesthetic appreciation is
complemented by analyses of the cognitive and ethical value of art,
the connection between environmental ethics and aesthetics, and the
degree to which the aesthetic value of everyday artefacts derives
from their basic practical functions. Robert Stecker devotes
special attention to art as an appreciative context because it is
an especially rich arena where different values interact. There is
an important connection between artistic value and aesthetic value,
but it is a mistake to reduce the former to the latter. Rather,
artistic value should be seen as complex and pluralistic, composed
not only of aesthetic but also ethical, cognitive, and
art-historical values.
It is thought that every work of art possesses multiple
interpretations, depending on each viewer. Analyzing personal
assessments of artwork can help enable us to gain an understanding
of one another, as well as broaden our own opinions and views.
Interpretation of Visual Arts Across Societies and Political
Culture: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a detailed
reference source that breaks down the ways art can be evaluated,
and addresses how this type of analysis can influence an array of
social groups and regions. Highlighting relevant topics such as
artistic impression, modern art, culture wars, and freedom of
expression, this publication is an ideal resource for artists,
academics, students, and researchers that are interested in
expanding their knowledge of the arts.
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