Books > Arts & Architecture > The arts: general issues > Theory of art
In 1917, the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire predicted the
"death" of books in one or two centuries and their replacement by
film and sound. In the early sixties, Marshall McLuhan proclaimed
the end of the "Gutenberg Galaxy." Neither of these predictions has
yet happened. Nonetheless, the development of computer science and
the spread of the Internet have already changed the landscape of
the media and affected the fields of book publishing, journalism,
cinema, and television. In his new book, Hoveyda, who was involved
with cinema and literature for many years, scrutinizes the
relationship between the different forms of media and art. Drawing
on his varied experience as well as on his knowledge of the arts
and media, he explains how "cinema" literally existed before
literature or articulate language, and that all other forms of
communication stem from this innate capability to think
cinematically. Looking at the extraordinary technological
developments in the fields of cinema, television, and
communications, Hoveyda finds a "hidden purpose" behind them; a
kind of "common thread" that illustrates and explains the quest of
humans for communication. As far back as one can go, Hoveyda finds
that humans were always preoccupied with the question of how to
communicate what was going on in their minds. They tried--and
found--ways of transmitting to one another the impressions and
ideas churning in their heads. Prehistoric cave drawings,
hieroglyphs, literature, and canvas paintings were and are part of
such attempts. This progression of inventions seems to pursue a
linear path toward "externalization" of their people's thoughts and
dreams. The pinnacle of this "externalization" will be reachedwhen
it becomes "automatic" and foregoes the use of heavy equipment.
Bunuel once told the author and his friends that he dreamt of the
day when he would sit in a darkened room and project on a wall the
film he was concocting in his head. This is exactly the goal of the
technological progress we witness. Hoveyda's survey also includes a
description of the evolution of modern cinema as he witnessed it;
some new and revolutionary remarks about film appreciation and
filmmaking; discussion of television and how it differs from
cinema; and observations on the impact of media on one another as
well as the influence of the more recent technologies on
"narration" styles. A provocative account that will be of interest
to scholars, researchers, students, and anyone involved with the
development of communications.
This book is ambitiously inter-disciplinary. Its eleven works, in
full colour, form a striking contribution to the commonwealth of
colour studies and to a possible unification of C. P. Snow's Two
Cultures. Colour and inter-disciplinarity go hand in hand. This so
often involves the authors leaving the comfort zone of their
original specialty and striving for excellence in another. The
personal story of Franziska Schenk is but one good example. Colour
in Art, Design and Nature may be divided into four main sections,
defined in terms of the authors themselves. First, there are two
contributions by biologists. Second, the largest section is by
practicing artists. Third, there are two engineering-based
contributions. Finally, two contributions address some of the
historical proponents of colour theory and art. It seems that our
perceptions of aesthetics and beauty must be very flexible indeed
so as to find absolute opposites equally fascinating. If so, it
goes to show how wonderful are the construction and operation of
the human brain. Does psychology win in the end? Does colour lead
to a single culture?"
This text is part of the "Bristol Introductions" series which aims
to present perspectives on philosophical themes, using
non-technical language, for both the new and the advanced scholar.
This introductory text examines how questions of understanding the
pictorial and narrative arts relate to central themes in
philosophy. It addresses such issues as: how can pictorial and
narrative arts be usefully contrasted and compared?; what in
principle can be, or cannot be, communicated in such different
media?; why does it seem that, at its best, artistic communication
goes beyond the limitations of its own medium - seeming to think
and to communicate the incommunicable?; and what kinds of thought
are exercised in the pictorial and narrative arts? Both refer to or
represent what we take the world to be, and in so doing make the
concepts of aesthetic judgement and imagination unavoidable. The
ways of understanding art are ways of understanding what it is to
be human. Much of what baffles or misleads us in the arts invokes
what puzzles us about ourselves. The issues raised are therefore
central to philosophy as a discipline - failures in understanding
art can be philosophical failures.
Why is the philosopher Hegel returning as a potent force in
contemporary thinking? Why, after a long period when Hegel and his
dialectics of history have seemed less compelling than they were
for previous generations of philosophers, is study of Hegel again
becoming important? Fashionable contemporary theorists like Francis
Fukuyama and Slavoj Zizek, as well as radical theologians like
Thomas Altizer, have all recently been influenced by Hegel, the
philosopher whose philosophy now seems somehow perennial- or, to
borrow an idea from Nietzsche-eternally returning. Exploring this
revival via the notion of 'negation' in Hegelian thought, and
relating such negativity to sophisticated ideas about art and
artistic creation, Andrew W. Hass argues that the notion of
Hegelian negation moves us into an expansive territory where art,
religion and philosophy may all be radically conceived and broken
open into new forms of philosophical expression. The implications
of such a revived Hegelian philosophy are, the author argues, vast
and current. Hegel thereby becomes the philosopher par excellence
who can address vital issues in politics, economics, war and
violence, leading to a new form of globalised ethics. Hass makes a
bold and original contribution to religion, philosophy, art and the
history of ideas.
This is a long-awaited reissue of Jerrold Levinson's 1990 book
Music, Art, and Metaphysics, which gathers together the writings
that made him a leading figure in contemporary aesthetics. Most of
the essays are distinguished by a concern with metaphysical
questions about artworks and their properties, but other essays
address the problem of art's definition, the psychology of
aesthetic response, and the logic of interpreting and evaluating
works of art. The focus of about half of the essays is the art of
music, the art of greatest interest to Levinson throughout his
career. Many of the essays have been very influential, being among
the most cited in contemporary aesthetics and having become
essential references in debates on the definition of art, the
ontology of art, emotional response to art, expression in art, and
the nature of art forms.
This anthology provides comprehensive coverage of the major
contributions of analytic philosophy to aesthetics and the
philosophy of art, from the earliest beginnings in the 1950's to
the present time.
Traces the contributions of the analytic tradition to aesthetics
and the philosophy of art, from the 1950's to the present time.
Designed as a comprehensive guide to the field, it presents the
most often-cited papers that students and researchers encounter.
Addresses a wide range of topics, including identifying art,
ontology, intention and interpretation, values of art, aesthetic
properties, fictionality, and the aesthetics of nature.
Explores particular art forms, including pictorial art, literature,
music, and the popular arts.
Continuities in artistic form from the fourteenth century in
Italy to the present are examined, with emphasis on two overriding
tendencies: (1) the formalization of visual representations and
their interpretations, and (2) the association of that formality
with extreme individualism in the Western world. Challenges to the
tradition struck only at certain aspects of it (such as strict
perspective and the hierarchy of subject matter) but did not
undercut such fundamental characteristics as the nature of a given
visual space or harmony derived from concentration of elements
rather than, for example, cumulative distribution of elements,
commonplace in Islamic and Early Christian art. Theories of art
history and criticism have expressed the same inclination toward
focusing on pictorial form and the contextual implications of it,
not just because post-medieval art does so, but also because of the
influence of Enlightenment philosophical thought. Kantian
epistemology, too, reduces knowledge to form, a development that
led theorists of Pure Visibility to establish an abstract formalism
in opposition to the doctrines of content in the idealistic
aesthetics that had survived from the pre-Christian Era. It is no
accident that the development of this theory is coeval with the
emergence of modernism, for both are expressive of the same
individualistic concept of existence. Attempts to resist the
conception of art as order on the grounds that such rationalism is
inimical to free thought have ultimately revealed themselves to be
alternative versions of what they resist; thus, deconstructionism,
for example, is hardly more than an extreme formalization of
conventional criticism.
This book gathers together essays written by leading scholars of
adaptation studies to explore the full range of practices and
issues currently of concern in the field. The chapters demonstrate
how content and messaging are shared across an increasing number of
platforms, whose interrelationships have become as intriguing as
they are complex. Recognizing that a signature feature of
contemporary culture is the convergence of different forms of
media, the contributors of this book argue that adaptation studies
has emerged as a key discipline that, unlike traditional literary
and art criticism, is capable of identifying and analyzing the
relations between source texts and adaptations created from them.
Adaptation scholars have come to understand that these relations
not only play out in individual case histories but are also
institutional, and this collection shows how adaptation plays a key
role in the functioning of cinema, television, art, and print
media. The volume is essential reading for all those interested
both in adaptation studies and also in the complex forms of
intermediality that define contemporary culture in the 21st
What is art; why should we value it; and what allows us to say that
one work is better than another? Traditional answers have
emphasized aesthetic form. But this has been challenged by
institutional definitions of art and postmodern critique. The idea
of distinctively artistic value based on aesthetic criteria is at
best doubted, and at worst, rejected. This book, however, champions
these notions in a new way. It does so through a rethink of the
mimetic definition of art on the basis of factors which traditional
answers neglect, namely the conceptual link between art's aesthetic
value and 'non-exhibited' epistemological and historical relations.
These factors converge on an expanded notion of the artistic image
(a notion which can even encompass music, abstract art, and some
conceptual idioms). The image's style serves to interpret its
subject-matter. If this style is original (in comparative
historical terms) it can manifest that special kind of aesthetic
unity which we call art. Appreciation of this involves a heightened
interaction of capacities (such as imagination and understanding)
which are basic to knowledge and personal identity. By negotiating
these factors, it is possible to define art and its canonic
dimensions objectively, and to show that aforementioned sceptical
alternatives are incomplete and self-contradictory.
This richly illustrated volume explores the eroticization of
death in the literature, art, and music of the nineteenth century,
and in the popular culture of our time.
Death was the natural enemy of love in the arts of the West
until the late eighteenth century, when the two mated in artistic
fancy to celebrate death as a font of sensual bliss. Through the
nineteenth century, voluptuous visions of death pervaded high
culture. Keats fell half in love with easeful death, and, as Heine
told it, Life only warms in death's cold arms. For Whitman, death
was the word of the sweetest song. Flaubert tempted his Saint
Anthony with Lust and Death fused into a single figure. Zola saw
love and death intermixed in the somber pit of the human soul. At
mid- century, painters and poets alike competed in depicting
Ophelia drowning in ecstasy. At the century's end the figure of the
femme fatale haunted the cultural elite. After 1914, the entire
morbid complex sank into popular culture.
What was the source of this eroticization of death in the arts?
To answer this question, Rudolph Binion explores a rich variety of
prose and poetry, painting and sculpture, and lyrical and
instrumental music, interlacing love and death. He compares modern
and premodern treatments of key subjects such as Salome and Mary
Magdalene, supporting his text with an array of arresting
illustrations. In conclusion, he traces this fantasy of carnal love
beyond death to the Christian message of spiritual love beyond
death, which modern, post- Christian culture has both discarded and
In "Love Beyond Death: The Anatomy of a Myth in the Arts,"
Rudolph Binion investigates the various art forms where the
conjunction of love and death is found and provides an explanation
for this bizarre match. Supporting his text with some of the most
sinister, alluring, and provocative images from the nineteenth
century, Binion provides the reader with a dizzying account of the
development of this artistic obsession, and of its passage into the
popular culture of the twentieth century.