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Books > Professional & Technical > Transport technology
In this book, the problem of electron and hole transport is approached from the point of view that a coherent and consistent physical theory can be constructed for transport phenomena. Along the road readers will visit some exciting citadels in theoretical physics as the authors guide them through the strong and weak aspects of the various theoretical constructions. Our goal is to make clear the mutual coherence and to put each theoretical model in an appropriate perspective. The mere fact that so many partial solutions have been proposed to describe transport, be it in condensed matter, fluids, or gases, illustrates that we are entering a world of physics with a rich variety of phenomena. Theoretical physics always seeks to provide a unifying picture. By presenting this tour of many very inventive attempts to build such a picture, it is hoped that the reader will be inspired and encouraged to help find the unifying principle behind the many faces of transport.
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.This repair manual covers Yamaha XJ650 UK 1980-1984; XJ650 Maxim US 1980-1983; XJ650M Midnight Maxim US 1981; XJ650R Seca US 1982; XJ750 UK 1981-1984; XJ750 Maxim US 1982-1983; XJ750M Midnight Maxim US 1983; and XJ750R Seca US 1981-1983.
This book provides an introduction to the Human Centred Design of autonomous vehicles for professionals and students. While rapid progress is being made in the field of autonomous road vehicles the majority of actions and the research address the technical challenges, with little attention to the physical, perceptual, cognitive and emotional needs of humans. This book fills a gap in the knowledge by providing an easily understandable introduction to the needs and desires of people in relation to autonomous vehicles. The book is "human centred design" led, adding an important human perspective to the primarily technology-driven debates about autonomous vehicles. It combines knowledge from fields ranging from linguistics to electrical engineering to provide a holistic, multidisciplinary overview of the issues affecting the interactions between autonomous vehicles and people. It emphasises the constraints and requirements that a human centred perspective necessitates, giving balanced information about the potential conflicts between technical and human factors. The book provides a helpful introduction to the field of design ethics, to enhance the reader's awareness and understanding of the multiple ethical issues involved in autonomous vehicle design. Written as an accessible guide for design practitioners and students, this will be a key read for those interested in the psychological, sociological and ethical factors involved in automotive design, human centred design, industrial design and technology.
This volume contains the papers of a German Symposium dealing with research and project work in numerical and experimental aerodynamics and fluidmechanics for aerospace and other applications. Results are reported from universities, research-establishments and industry. It therefore gives a broad overview over the ongoing work in this field in Germany.
This book deals with ship design and in particular with methodologiesof the preliminary design of ships. The book is complemented by a basic bibliography and five appendices with useful updated charts for the selection of the main dimensions and other basic characteristics of different types of ships (Appendix A), the determination of hull form from the data of systematic hull form series (Appendix B), the detailed description of the relational method for the preliminary estimation of ship weights (Appendix C), a brief review of thehistorical evolution of shipbuilding science and technology from the prehistoric era to date (Appendix D) and finally a historical review of regulatory developments of ship's damage stability to date (Appendix E). The book can be used as textbook for ship design courses or as additional reading for university or college students of naval architecture courses and related disciplines; it may also serve as a reference book for naval architects, practicing engineers of related disciplines and ship officers, who like to enter the ship design field systematically or to use practical methodologies for the estimation of ship's main dimensions and of other ship main properties and elements of ship design. "
"AutomaticControl of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles" is perhaps the firstbook on the market to present a unified and straightforwardstudyof the design and analysis of automatic control systems for both atmospheric and space flight vehicles.Covering basic control theory and design concepts, it is meantas a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in moderncourses on flight control systems. In addition to the basics of flight control, this book covers a number ofupper-level topicsand will therefore be of interest not only to advanced students, but also toresearchers and practitioners in aeronautical engineering, applied mathematics, and systems/control theory."
Intended as a textbook for courses in computational fluid dynamics at the senior undergraduate or graduate level, this book is a follow-up to the book Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics by the same authors, which was published in the series Scientific Computation in 2001. Whereas the earlier book concentrated on the analysis of numerical methods applied to model equations, this new book concentrates on algorithms for the numerical solution of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. It focuses on some classical algorithms as well as the underlying ideas based on the latest methods. A key feature of the book is the inclusion of programming exercises at the end of each chapter based on the numerical solution of the quasi-one-dimensional Euler equations and the shock-tube problem. These exercises can be included in the context of a typical course and sample solutions are provided in each chapter, so readers can confirm that they have coded the algorithms correctly.
Dry Clutch Control for Automated Manual Transmission Vehiclesanalyses the control of a part of the powertrain which has a key role in ride comfort during standing-start and gear-shifting manoeuvres. The mechanical conception of the various elements in the driveline has long since been optimised so this book takes a more holistic system-oriented view of the problem featuring: a comprehensive description of the driveline elements and their operation paying particular attention to the clutch, a nonlinear model of the driveline for simulation and a simplified model for control design, with a standing-start driver automaton for closed loop simulation, a detailed analysis of the engagement operation and the related comfort criteria, different control schemes aiming at meeting these criteria, friction coefficient and unknown input clutch torque observers, practical implementation issues and solutions based on experience of implementing optimal engagement strategies on two Renault prototypes.
Advances in Urban Engineering and Management Science contains the selected papers resulting from the 2022 3rd International Conference on Urban Engineering and Management Science (ICUEMS 2022). Covering a wide range of topics, the Proceedings of ICUEMS 2022 presents the latest developments in: (i) Architecture and Urban Planning (Architectural design and its theory, Urban planning and design, Building technology science, Urban protection and regeneration, Urban development strategy, Ecological construction and intelligent control, Sustainable infrastructure); (ii) Logistics and supply chain management (Warehousing and distribution, Logistics outsourcing, Logistics automation, Production and material flow, Supply chain management technology, Supply chain risk management, Global service supply chain management, Supply Chain Planning and Inventory Management, Coordination and collaboration of supply chain networks, Governance and regulatory aspects affecting supply chain management); (iii) Urban traffic management (Smart grid management, Belt and Road Development, Intelligent traffic analysis and planning management, Big data and transportation management). The Proceedings of ICUEMS 2022 will be useful to professionals, academics, and Ph.D. students interested in the above-mentioned fields. Emphasis was put on basic methodologies, scientific development and engineering applications. ICUEMS 2022 is to provide a platform for experts, scholars, engineers and technical researchers engaged in the related fields of urban engineering management to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote the industrialization cooperation of academic achievements. Experts, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel from universities and research institutions at home and abroad are cordially invited to attend and exchange.
The volume is devoted to the dynamics of rods, which is a branch of mech- ics of deformable bodies. The main goal of the book is to present systema- cally theoretical fundamentals of the mechanics of rods as well as numerical methods used for practical purposes. Linear and nonlinear equations governing a rod's oscillations are p- sented. Methods of determining eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in conser- tive and non-conservative problems along with numerical methods dealing with forced, parametric, and random oscillations of rods are given. Some - sues of interaction of rods with air (liquid) flows and the dynamics of spa- curved rods containing flows of liquid are considered. The book consists of nine chapters and appendices and may be conv- tionally divided into two parts. That is, Chapters 1 to 6 contain, in the main, theoretical material, whereas Chapters 7 to 9 illustrate the application of the theoretical results to problems of practical interest. Problems for self-study are found in Chapters 3, 5, and 7. The solutions to most of the problems are given in Appendix B. The monograph is addressed to undergraduate and postgraduate students and teaching staff of technical universities. It may also be useful for scientists and mechanical engineers working in a wide range of industries. I wish to express my deep appreciation to my colleagues, Dr. S.A. Voronov and C.B. Danilenko, for their help in preparing the manuscript.
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue are a widely referenced summary of advances in aeronautical design against fatigue. This is a bi-annual event and the proceedings have been published in book form for over 35 years.
This book presents an overall picture of both B2B and B2C marketing strategies, concepts and tools, in the aeronautics sector. This is a significant update to an earlier book successfully published in the nineties which was released in Europe, China, and the USA. It addresses the most recent trends such as Social Marketing and the internet, Customer Orientation, Project Marketing and Con current Engineering, Coopetition, and Extended Enterprise. Aerospace Marketing Management is the first marketing handbook richly illustrated with executive and expert inputs as well as examples from parts suppliers, aircraft builders, airlines, helicopter manufacturers, aeronautics service providers, airports, defence and military companies, and industrial integrators (tier-1, tier-2). This book is designed as a ready reference for professionals and graduates from both Engineering and Business Schools.
This book introduces the methods for predicting the future behavior of a system's health and the remaining useful life to determine an appropriate maintenance schedule. The authors introduce the history, industrial applications, algorithms, and benefits and challenges of PHM (Prognostics and Health Management) to help readers understand this highly interdisciplinary engineering approach that incorporates sensing technologies, physics of failure, machine learning, modern statistics, and reliability engineering. It is ideal for beginners because it introduces various prognostics algorithms and explains their attributes, pros and cons in terms of model definition, model parameter estimation, and ability to handle noise and bias in data, allowing readers to select the appropriate methods for their fields of application.Among the many topics discussed in-depth are:* Prognostics tutorials using least-squares* Bayesian inference and parameter estimation* Physics-based prognostics algorithms including nonlinear least squares, Bayesian method, and particle filter* Data-driven prognostics algorithms including Gaussian process regression and neural network* Comparison of different prognostics algorithms The authors also present several applications of prognostics in practical engineering systems, including wear in a revolute joint, fatigue crack growth in a panel, prognostics using accelerated life test data, fatigue damage in bearings, and more. Prognostics tutorials with a Matlab code using simple examples are provided, along with a companion website that presents Matlab programs for different algorithms as well as measurement data. Each chapter contains a comprehensive set of exercise problems, some of which require Matlab programs, making this an ideal book for graduate students in mechanical, civil, aerospace, electrical, and industrial engineering and engineering mechanics, as well as researchers and maintenance engineers in the above fields.
1 Einfuhrung.- 1.1 Ausgangslage.- 1.2 Zielsetzung.- 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit.- 2 Mobilitat.- 2.1 Vorbemerkungen zum Verstandnis von Mobilitat.- 2.2 Mikro- oder Individualebene.- 2.3 Systemansatze.- 2.4 Telekommunikationsgestutzte Mobilitat.- 3 Delphi.- 3.1 Mobilitat der Zukunft: Welchen Weg weist das Orakel?.- 3.2 Zum Stellenwert IuK-basierter Innovationen fur die Mobilitat der Zukunft.- 3.3 Typisierung unterschiedlicher Mobilitatsfelder.- 3.4 Mobilitatseffekte IuK-basierter Anwendungen.- 3.5 Realisierungszeitraume mobilitasbezogenener Innovationen.- 3.6 Resumee fur den weiteren Gang der Untersuchung.- 4 Online-Reisen.- 4.1 Nutzermerkmale.- 4.1.1 Demographie.- Geschlecht.- Alter.- Haushalte mit Kindern unter 14 Jahren.- Bildung.- Berufstatigkeit.- Tatigkeit nichtberufstatiger Personen.- Berufsstellung berufstatiger Personen.- Nettohaushaltseinkommen.- Zwischenresumee.- 4.1.2 Internetnutzungsmerkmale.- Nutzung eines privaten Internetanschlusses.- Erfahrung mit dem Internet (Nutzungszeitraum).- Internetnutzung in Tagen pro Woche (beruflich und privat).- Private Internetnutzung unter der Woche (Mo-Fr) und am Wochenende (Sa-So).- Zwischenresumee.- 4.1.3 Reisemerkmale.- Anzahl der Reisen in den letzten 3 Jahren mit Dauer von mindestens 13 Tagen.- Anzahl der privaten Reisen in den letzten 12 Monaten.- Dauer der langsten privaten Reise in den letzen 12 Monaten (Tage).- Ziele der langsten Reise innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate.- Benutzte Verkehrsmittel bei der langsten privaten Reise innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate.- 4.1.4 Bindung an Stammreiseburo.- Anzahl der Besuche eines Reiseburos.- Reisebuchungen.- Zwischenresumee.- 4.2 Nutzungsmotivation.- 4.2.1 Anlasse der Nutzung.- 4.2.2 Wahrnehmung moeglicher Vorteile von Online-Reiseangeboten.- 4.2.3 Wahrnehmung moeglicher Nachteile von Online-Reiseangeboten.- 4.2.4 Zwischenresumee.- 4.3 Hinweise auf zukunftige Nutzung.- 4.3.1 Nutzung von Online-Reiseangeboten unter Idealbedingungen.- Nutzungspotenziale und gegenwartiger Auslastungsgrad.- Veranderung der Nutzungshaufigkeit.- 4.3.2 Zwischenresumee.- 4.4 Mobilitatseffekte.- 4.4.1 Motivationssteigerung.- 4.4.2 Gunstige Reisen gefunden/Geld gespart.- 4.4.3 Anregung zur AEnderung des Reisemittels.- 4.4.4 Reduzierung der Besuche im Reiseburo.- 4.4.5 AEnderung des ursprunglichen Reiseziels.- 4.4.6 Induzierung von Reiseverkehr (spontane Kurzreisen).- 4.4.7 Induzierung von Reiseverkehr (mehr Reisen unternommen).- 4.4.8 Haufiger unternommene Reisetypen bei idealem Angebot.- 4.4.9 Zwischenresumee.- 5 Online-Banking.- 5.1 Nutzermerkmale.- 5.1.1 Demographie.- Geschlecht.- Alter.- Haushalte mit Kindern unter 14 Jahren.- Bildung.- Berufstatigkeit.- Tatigkeit nicht-berufstatiger Personen.- Berufsstellung berufstatiger Personen.- Nettohaushaltseinkommen.- Zwischenresumee.- 5.1.2 Internetnutzungsmerkmale.- Nutzung eines privaten Internetanschlusses.- Erfahrung mit dem Internet (Nutzungszeitraum).- Internetnutzung pro Woche (beruflichund privat).- Private Internetnutzung unter der Woche (Mo-Fr) und am Wochenende (Sa-So).- Hinweise auf Nutzungsmuster von Online-Bankkunden.- Zwischenresumee.- 5.2 Nutzungsmotivation.- 5.2.1 Bewertung der Bankservices.- 5.2.2 Bedeutung der Vorteile von Online-Banking fur die Befragten.- Raumliche Nahe zur Bank.- 5.2.3 Motivationshemmende Faktoren: Einschatzung der Probleme von Online-Banking.- 5.2.4 Nutzungsbarrieren.- 5.2.5 Zwischenresumee.- 5.3 Hinweise auf zukunftige Nutzung.- 5.3.1 Online-Banking unter "ldealbedingungen".- Nutzungspotenziale und gegenwartiger Auslastungsgrad.- Veranderung der Nutzungshaufigkeit.- Internet-Nutzung in Jah
Your definitive guide to commercial aviation safety-fully updated to cover the latest regulations and practices This thoroughly revised guide covers all aspects of commercial aviation safety-from human factors and safety management to regulatory compliance and accident investigation. The latest standards from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are fully explained in easy-to-understand language. Re-organized and expanded to reflect modern approaches, Commercial Aviation Safety, Seventh Edition delivers comprehensive information on security concerns on the ground and in the air. You will learn about changes in systems and regulations, new maintenance and flight technologies, and recent accident statistics. Each part of the book begins with a real-life event before diving into analyses and explanations of core issues. Includes interviews with air traffic controllers, engineers, and pilots Each chapter has been updated and revised to reflect current standards Written by a team of aviation safety experts and dedicated educators
This eagerly awaited second edition of Heinz Heisler's Advanced
Vehicle Technology is a comprehensive and thorough description of
vehice bodies and components.
More frisbees are sold each year than baseballs, basketballs and footballs combined. Yet these familiar flying objects have subtle and clever aerodynamic and gyrodynamic properties which are only recently being documented by wind tunnel and other studies. In common with other rotating bodies discussed in this readily accessible book, they are typically not treated in textbooks of aeronautics and the literature is scattered in a variety of places. This book develops the theme of disc-wings and spinning aerospace vehicles in parallel. Since many of the examples are recreational, anyone who enjoys these activities will likely find it profitable and enjoyable. In addition to spinning objects of various shapes, several exotic manned aircraft with disc planforms have been proposed and a prototypes built - these include a Nazi 'secret weapon' and the De Havilland Avrocar, also discussed in the book. Boomerangs represent another category of spinning aerodynamic body whose behavior can only be understood by coupling aerodynamics with gyrodynamics. The narrative, supported by equations and graphs, explains how the shape and throw of a boomerang relates to its trajectory. The natural world presents still other examples, namely the samaras or 'seed-wings' of many tree species, which autorotate during their descent, like a helicopter whose engine has failed. The flight performance of these spinning wings directly affects the dispersal and thus the evolutionary competitiveness of the trees concerned. Samara-type configurations are also considered for instrumentation and other payload dispersal applications. In short, the book discusses a range of familiar, connected, but largely undeveloped, topics in an accessible, but complete, manner. From the reviews of the first edition: "In his fascinating book Spinning Flight, Ralph Lorenz provides a rich feast of ... examples of spinning bodies ... . The book is well organized ... . The discussion in the book ... should be accessible to readers with some elementary understanding of aerodynamic principles. For the expert, the book is full of open problems ... . Its scope is extensive ... . In this respect, there may be something for everyone within its attractively designed cover ... ." (H. K. Moffatt, Nature, Vol. 444, December, 2006) "If you liked physics at school, then this book is for you. It concerns itself with flying objects that spin through the air, and even tells you how to impress your friends with the biomechanics of Frisbees. ... there is plenty of information at all levels, and the book has a wealth of detail that only an aerospace engineer like Lorenz could have come up with." (Len Fisher, BBC Focus, February, 2007)
This book presents systematic research results on curved shock wave-curved compression surface applied to the compression surface design of supersonic-hypersonic inlet, which is a brand new inlet design. The concept of supersonic inlet curved compression discussed originated from the author's research at the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR SM-ES) in the early 1990s. This book introduces the research history, working characteristics, performance calculation and aerodynamic configuration design method of this compression mode in detail. It also describes method of estimating the minimum drag in inlet and drag reduction effect of curved compression and proposes a new index for evaluating unit area compression efficiency of the inlet. Further, it reviews the relevant recent research on curved compression. As such it is a valuable resource for students, researchers and scientists in the fields of hypersonic propulsion and aeronautics.
During the last decades completely new technologies for high speed railway vehicles have been developed. The primary goals have been to increase traction, axle load, and travelling speed, and to guarantee the safety of the passengers. However, new developments have revealed new limitations: settlement and destruction of the ballast and the subgrade lead to deterioration of the track; irregular wear of the wheels causes an increase in overall load and deterioration in passenger comfort; and damage of the running surfaces of the rail and the wheel is becoming more frequent. These problems have been investigated in the Priority Programme SPP 1015 supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), with the goal of better understanding of the dynamic interaction of vehicle and track, and the long-term behavior of the components of the system. The book contains the scientific results of the programme as presented at the concluding colloquium held at University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2002.
Haynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents every step with thorough instructions and clear photos. Haynes repair manuals are used by the pros, but written for the do-it-yourselfer.
This is a modern sailor's logbook. Fun to use and designed to last a full season. Allows space for electronic navigation information and for narrative. It also doubles as a visitors' book.
This comprehensive and carefully edited volume presents a variety of experimental methods used in Shock Waves research. In 14 self contained chapters this 9th volume of the "Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library" presents the experimental methods used in Shock Tubes, Shock Tunnels and Expansion Tubes facilities. Also described is their set-up and operation. The uses of an arc heated wind tunnel and a gun tunnel are also contained in this volume. Whenever possible, in addition to the technical description some typical scientific results obtained using such facilities are described. Additionally, this authoritative book includes techniques for measuring physical properties of blast waves and laser generated shock waves. Information about active shock wave laboratories at different locations around the world that are not described in the chapters herein is given in the Appendix, making this book useful for every researcher involved in shock/blast wave phenomena.
The aerospace industry increasingly relies on advanced numerical simulation tools in the early design phase. This volume provides the results of a German initiative which combines many of the CFD development activities from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), universities, and aircraft industry. Numerical algorithms for structured and hybrid Navier-Stokes solvers are presented in detail. The capabilities of the software for complex industrial applications are demonstrated. |
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