Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Urology & urogenital medicine
50 Studies Every Urologist Should Know presents key studies that
have shaped the practice of urology. Selected using a rigorous
methodology, the studies cover topics including reflux disease in
paediatric urology, management of male erectile dysfunction and
lower urinary tract symptoms, female urology and stone disease, the
various forms of genitourinary cancer, and more. For each study, a
concise summary is presented with an emphasis on the results and
limitations of the study, and its implications for practice. An
illustrative clinical case concludes each review, followed by brief
information on other relevant studies. This book is a must-read for
healthcare professionals in urology, as well as anyone who wants to
learn more about the data behind clinical practice.
The "ABC of Urology" provides a comprehensive review of current
practice in urology and is a structured and practical guide to the
diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common urological
conditions. This new third edition has been fully revised and
expanded with additional chapters and improved coverage of renal
and testis cancer, management of haematuria, laparoscopy, trauma
and new urological advances. Prostate, bladder, renal and penile
cancers are also covered in detail and new techniques and
procedures for safer and effective treatment options are featured.
The ABC of Urology is the ideal reference for general
practitioners and general practitioner trainees, junior doctors and
practice nurses, medical students and all primary health care
professionals working to provide the best possible care for
patients with urological conditions.
Overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome and urinary incontinence are
prevalent conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. As
such, it is important that these conditions are understood,
diagnosed and treated appropriately. Part of the Oxford Urology
Library, this pocketbook provides a practical and easy-to-read
reference, covering all clinically relevant aspects of OAB and
incontinence. With chapters covering the epidemiology, diagnosis
and treatment of OAB and urinary incontinence, this book will serve
as a useful guide for urologists, gynaecologists, geriatricians,
trainees, nurses, continence advisors, physiotherapists, medical
students and general practitioners all over the world.
Medizinische Prozeduren sind fur Patienten haufig mit Angst und
Stress und deren negativen Folgen verbunden. Medikamentoese
Gegenmassnahmen erweisen sich hier nur in begrenztem Masse als
zielfuhrend. Allerdings gibt es nichtmedikamentoese Moeglichkeiten,
die die herkoemmlichen Massnahmen sinnvoll erganzen koennen und
unter dem Projekttitel "Angstfreier Operationssaal (AFRO)"
zusammengefasst werden. Hierzu zahlen individuelle audiovisuelle,
olfaktorische und taktile Angebote ebenso wie eine spezielle
bauliche Gestaltung der Raumlichkeiten. Auf dieser Basis koennen
zudem auch Beitrage zur Arbeitssicherheit und -zufriedenheit des
Personals geleistet werden. Auf die Dauer ist zu erwarten, dass
eine angemessene Berucksichtigung der psychischen Aspekte
medizinischer Behandlungen nicht zuletzt zum wirtschaftlichen
Erfolg einer medizinischen Einrichtung beitragt.
Offering a comprehensive guide, the Oxford Textbook of Urological
Surgery is a practical resource mapped to the curriculum for
urological training as approved by the General Medical Council
(GMC), making it particularly useful in preparation for the
Intercollegiate Examination. Presented in a clear and accessible
way, this evidence based volume covers all major areas, including
functional urology, stone disease, infection, andrology,
nephrology, transplantation, uroradiology, and paediatric urology.
This highly illustrated full colour textbook has an innovative and
user-friendly style, including over 500 photographs, clinical
images, and line drawings. Bringing together the expertise of over
100 specialist contributors in the field, the Oxford Textbook of
Urological Surgery is a highly valuable source of information, and
will become the standard reference text for all who study
urological disease and its treatment.
What men with prostate cancer really want-the guarantee of a long,
healthy life with their prostate cancer definitively behind them-is
not available. There is no crystal ball that can forecast the
certain, good outcome that every man hopes for, not even for those
who will ultimately get the result they want. In Managing Prostate
Cancer, Dr. Andrew Roth teaches strategies for how to live better
with the questions and decisions that arise from prostate cancer. A
psychiatrist who has specialized in helping people to cope with
these challenges for over twenty years, Dr. Roth provides clear and
understandable advice for patients, their loved ones, and
healthcare givers. With his guidance, men and their families will
learn how to manage the psychological stressors of a new cancer
diagnosis. Dr. Roth shows men how to navigate what feel like
impossible treatment choices, and to handle the emotional ups and
downs of active surveillance and anxiety about prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) tests. Patients will also learn mechanisms for
accepting and adapting to the consequences of their cancer
treatment, which may include the physical complications of urinary,
erectile, or bowel dysfunction, fatigue, and hot flashes, as well
as the demoralizing recurrence of disease after treatment. Dr. Roth
clearly addresses issues that are not easily discussed yet can
bring significant suffering. Men receive valuable tips on how to
manage the impact of the cancer and its treatment on their social,
sexual, and intimate relationships and behaviors. Finally, Dr. Roth
provides gentle, wise guidance for men with advanced prostate
cancer about becoming realistic yet invaluable role models for
children, grandchildren, and friends. Dr. Roth shows men and their
families how to face the end of life with improved self-esteem and
sense of worth. The book will also assist oncology teams to address
complex issues of coping and to communicate more constructively
with their patients.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. 4,000
quick-hit Q&As and over 100 X-ray and ultrasound images help
you ace the Urology boards Like flashcards in a book, this
quick-hit question and answer review for the urology boards
provides intense, streamlined review and is the perfect complement
to larger urology and surgery texts. You'll find more than 3,300
Q&As with only the right answer provided - there are no
multiple-choice distracters - so there's no chance of an incorrect
answer staying in your mind. Also included are more than 100 X-rays
and ultrasound images. Chapters are written by experts in the field
to give you comprehensive coverage of important urological topics.
Presented in a rigorous quick-hit question and answer style
consisting of short clinical questions with concise answers
Emphasis on distilling key facts and clinical pearls that are
essential for exam success Questions on new technologies such as
robotics and laparoscopic surgery, advances in cancer chemotherapy,
medical urology, and complications related to new medicines (such
as Topamax) High-quality of x-rays and imaging study pictures,
including many new images (more then 100 in all)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. 295
cases and more than 1700 illustrations teach you how to accurately
interpret genitourinary tract images 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "The
high-quality images and pithy discussions make this book very
useful to radiologists, both in training and in practice....The
book's best features are the excellent image quality, the inclusion
of images of differential diagnostic considerations, and concise
discussions of the cases. This is an excellent resource for
radiologists in training and in practice. The case-based format is
excellent for board preparation, and its concise prose provides all
the necessary information while leaving out the excess."--Doody's
Review Service Genitourinary Imaging Cases presents an efficient
and systematic approach to examining images of the genitourinary
system. You will find an unmatched collection of 295 cases ranging
from normal anatomy to the full spectrum of disease -- including
renal cystic masses, renal infection, renal vascular disease, and
female pelvic abnormalities. Included with these cases are 1700+
high-quality images that are representative of what you would see
on various imaging modalities. The book's easy-to-navigate
organization is specifically designed for use at the workstation.
The concise text, numerous images, and helpful icons speed access
to essential information and simplify the learning process.
Features: Each case includes findings, differential diagnosis,
comment/discussion, and clinical pearls Icons, a grading system
depicting the full spectrum of diseases, common to rare, and
imaging findings, typical to unusual, along with the consistent
chapter organization make this perfect for rapid at-the-bench
consultation Strong focus on pathology Special emphasis on the
latest diagnostic modalities that include both CT and MR images
The Urinary System chart presents an overview of the male and
female urinary systems. The overall anatomy of bladder, kidney,
ureters and urethras are illustrated, and the differences between
male and female are compared through side-by-side graphics. Heavy
cover stock with protective varnish for durability.
This book is a comprehensive guide to extracorporeal stone wave
lithotripsy (ESWL) that includes a step-by-step approach for
treating every possible kidney stone position. The book has an easy
to read structure that will help readers understand ESWL quickly.
Written by leading experts who have used ESWL to treat over 23000
patients, this book brings together years of practical knowledge
and expertise in one concise volume. The book aims to utilise this
knowledge and allow people to independently carry out kidney stone
treatment on patients. Diagrams and illustrations show the methods
and techniques needed in ESWL, as well as the potential
Designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview
of the use of urologic catheters and devices in clinical practice.
Sections of the book have been structured to review the overall
indication for the use of urologic catheters and devices, types
available, complications and management. This text fills a critical
need for resource materials on these topics. The book also includes
highly practical presentations and of typical patients with
catheters or devices seen in the clinical practice of geriatric
urology, all in the form of case presentations with expert analysis
and editorial commentary. Highlighting the integrated
multidimensional aspects of care for urology patients, this book is
unique in the inclusion of collaborating multidisciplinary authors
who are all recognized experts in their field. Written entirely by
urologic specialists, Clinical Application of Urologic Catheters,
Devices and Products provides a unique and valuable resource in the
field of practicing urology, for urologists, nurse practitioners,
physician assistants, and for those currently in training.
An excellent reference for primary care pediatricians and other
health care professionals who treat a wide range of urological
conditions, this book covers everything from bed-wetting,
congenital defects, and diaper rash to perinatal concerns. The
latest diagnostic and treatment recommendations are provided for a
wide range of clinical presentations, with discussion of
differential diagnoses. To clarify points of diagnosis, 220 color
images, illustrations, and scans are included. TOPICS INCLUDE:
Urological emergencies in pediatrics Penile problems, anomalies,
and procedures Urogynecology Cryptorchidism Pediatric urinary tract
infection Urological oncology in pediatrics Vesicoureteral reflux
And more
This work offers an effective problem-solving approach using cases
actually encountered in clinical practice!
Written by over 250 of the world's leading urologists and
uro-oncologists from the USA, Canada, UK, Austria, Belgium,
Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and
Singapore, who tackle prostate cancer on a daily basis, this
comprehensive and fully up-to-date illustrated text reference
covers the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, management and
treatment of early and advanced prostate cancer.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the anatomical and
physiological aspects of complex colorectal and pelvic
malformations. Also described are the surgical protocols for this
specialized field within pediatric surgery. The benefits of
high-level collaboration between surgical services when treating
these anomalies are explained, as are treatment algorithms and care
of complications. Includes evaluation and management of the newborn
Describes surgical interventions of the newborn, and when a primary
repair versus a staged approach is required Explains the value of
laparoscopy and deciding in which cases to use it Looks at the
importance of a transition program to adulthood Pediatric surgeons
worldwide and the teams in which they work will benefit from this
well illustrated and comprehensive work.