Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Classical mechanics > Fluid mechanics
Free-Surface Flow: Computational Methods presents a detailed
analysis of numerical schemes for shallow-water waves. It includes
practical applications for the numerical simulation of flow and
transport in rivers and estuaries, the dam-break problem and
overland flow. Closure models for turbulence, such as
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes and Large Eddy Simulation are
presented, coupling the aforementioned surface tracking techniques
with environmental fluid dynamics. While many computer programs can
solve the partial differential equations describing the dynamics of
fluids, many are not capable of including free surfaces in their
In July 2009, many experts in the mathematical modeling of
biological sciences gathered in Les Houches for a 4-week summer
school on the mechanics and physics of biological systems. The goal
of the school was to present to students and researchers an
integrated view of new trends and challenges in physical and
mathematical aspects of biomechanics. While the scope for such a
topic is very wide, they focused on problems where solid and fluid
mechanics play a central role. The school covered both the general
mathematical theory of mechanical biology in the context of
continuum mechanics but also the specific modeling of particular
systems in the biology of the cell, plants, microbes, and in
These lecture notes are organized (as was the school) around five
different main topics all connected by the common theme of
continuum modeling for biological systems: Bio-fluidics, Bio-gels,
Bio-mechanics, Bio-membranes, and Morphogenesis. These notes are
not meant as a journal review of the topic but rather as a gentle
tutorial introduction to the readers who want to understand the
basic problematic in modeling biological systems from a mechanics
Munson, Young, and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics is
intended for undergraduate engineering students for use in a first
course on fluid mechanics. Building on the well-established
principles of fluid mechanics, the book offers improved and evolved
academic treatment of the subject. Each important concept or notion
is considered in terms of simple and easy-to-understand
circumstances before more complicated features are introduced. The
presentation of material allows for the gradual development of
student confidence in fluid mechanics problem solving. This
International Adaptation of the book comes with some new topics and
updates on concepts that clarify, enhance, and expand certain ideas
and concepts. The new examples and problems build upon the
understanding of engineering applications of fluid mechanics and
the edition has been completely updated to use SI units.
Numerical Methods in Turbulence Simulation provides detailed
specifications of the numerical methods needed to solve important
problems in turbulence simulation. Numerical simulation of
turbulent fluid flows is challenging because of the range of space
and time scales that must be represented. This book provides
explanations of the numerical error and stability characteristics
of numerical techniques, along with treatments of the additional
numerical challenges that arise in large eddy simulations. Chapters
are written as tutorials by experts in the field, covering specific
both contexts and applications. Three classes of turbulent flow are
addressed, including incompressible, compressible and reactive,
with a wide range of the best numerical practices covered. A
thorough introduction to the numerical methods is provided for
those without a background in turbulence, as is everything needed
for a thorough understanding of the fundamental equations. The
small scales that must be resolved are generally not localized
around some distinct small-scale feature, but instead are
distributed throughout a volume. These characteristics put
particular strain on the numerical methods used to simulate
turbulent flows.
Modelling Approaches and Computational Methods for Particle-laden
Turbulent Flows introduces the principal phenomena observed in
applications where turbulence in particle-laden flow is encountered
while also analyzing the main methods for analyzing numerically.
The book takes a practical approach, providing advice on how to
select and apply the correct model or tool by drawing on the latest
research. Sections provide scales of particle-laden turbulence and
the principal analytical frameworks and computational approaches
used to simulate particles in turbulent flow. Each chapter opens
with a section on fundamental concepts and theory before describing
the applications of the modelling approach or numerical method.
Featuring explanations of key concepts, definitions, and
fundamental physics and equations, as well as recent research
advances and detailed simulation methods, this book is the ideal
starting point for students new to this subject, as well as an
essential reference for experienced researchers.
Advances in Nanofluid Heat Transfer covers the broad definitions,
brief history, preparation techniques, thermophysical properties,
heat transfer characteristics, and emerging applications of hybrid
nanofluids. Starting with the basics, this book advances
step-by-step toward advanced topics, with mathematical models,
schematic diagrams and discussions of the experimental work of
leading researchers. By introducing readers to new techniques, this
book helps readers resolve existing problems and implement
nanofluids in innovative new applications. This book provides
detailed coverage of stability and reliable measurement techniques
for nanofluid properties, as well as different kinds of base
fluids. Providing a clear understanding of what happens at the
nanoscale, the book is written to be used by engineers in industry
as well as researchers and graduate students.
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device applications are
common in many areas. Micromirror arrays are used as video
projectors; microsensors find their application for measuring
acceleration, temperature, and pressure; and they can also be used
in the medical field for measuring blood pressure. Microfluidics
have also been widely employed in life sciences applications, such
as drug development and administration, point-of-care devices, and
more. To use these technologies to their fullest extent, further
research is needed. Advances in MEMS and Microfluidic Systems
explores the emerging research and advances in MEMS devices and
microfluidic systems applications. It features in-depth chapters on
microfluidic device design and fabrication as well as on the
aspects of devices/systems, characterization, and comparative
research findings. Covering topics such as biosensors,
lab-on-a-chip, and microfluidic technology, this premier reference
source is an indispensable resource for engineers, health
professionals, students and educators of higher education,
librarians, researchers, and academicians.
Piezoelectric Aeroelastic Energy Harvesting explains the design and
implementation of piezoelectric energy harvesting devices based on
fluid-structure interaction. There is currently an increase in
demand for low power electronic instruments in a range of settings,
and recent advances have driven their energy consumption downwards.
As a result, the possibility to extract energy from an operational
environment is of growing significance to industry and academic
research globally. This book solves problems related to the
integration of smart structures with the aeroelastic system,
addresses the importance of the aerodynamic model on accurate
prediction of the performance of the energy harvester, describes
the overall effect of the piezoelectric patch on the dynamics of
the system, and explains different mechanisms for harvesting energy
via fluid-structure interaction. This wealth of innovative
technical information is supported by introductory chapters on
piezoelectric materials, energy harvesting and circuits, and fluid
structure interaction, opening this interdisciplinary topic up for
readers with a range of backgrounds.
Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications
examines the latest advances in the field of cavitation and
multiphase flows, including associated effects such as material
erosion and spray instabilities. This book tackles the challenges
of cavitation hindrance in the industrial world, while also drawing
on interdisciplinary research to inform academic audiences on the
latest advances in the fundamentals. Contributions to the book come
from a wide range of specialists in areas including fuel systems,
hydropower, marine engineering, multiphase flows and computational
fluid mechanics, allowing readers to discover novel
interdisciplinary experimentation techniques and research results.
This book will be an essential tool for industry professionals and
researchers working on applications where cavitation hindrance
affects reliability, noise, and vibrations.
Similarity Solutions for the Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer
of Viscous Fluids, Nanofluids, Porous Media, and Micropolar Fluids
presents new similarity solutions for fluid mechanics problems,
including heat transfer of viscous fluids, boundary layer flow,
flow in porous media, and nanofluids due to continuous moving
surfaces. After discussing several examples of these problems,
similarity solutions are derived and solved using the latest proven
methods, including bvp4c from MATLAB, the Keller-box method,
singularity methods, and more. Numerical solutions and asymptotic
results for limiting cases are also discussed in detail to
investigate how flow develops at the leading edge and its end
behavior. Detailed discussions of mathematical models for boundary
layer flow and heat transfer of micro-polar fluid and hybrid
nanofluid will help readers from a range of disciplinary
backgrounds in their research. Relevant background theory will also
be provided, thus helping readers solidify their computational work
with a better understanding of physical phenomena.
In the recent decades, efficiency enhancement of refineries and
chemical plants has been become a focus of research and development
groups. Use of nanofluids in absorption, regeneration,
liquid-liquid extraction and membrane processes can lead to mass
transfer and heat transfer enhancement in processes which results
in an increased efficiency in all these processes. Nanofluids and
Mass Transfer introduces the role of nanofluids in improving mass
transfer phenomena and expressing their characteristics and
properties. The book also covers the theory and modelling
procedures in details and finally illustrates various applications
of Nanofluids in mass transfer enhancement in various processes
such as absorption, regeneration, liquid-liquid extraction and
membrane processes and how can nanofluids increase mass transfer in
Experimental Hydrodynamics for Flow around Bodies explains complex
novel experimental methodologies to solve a wide range of important
flow problems in industry and research. The book starts by
examining the fundamental physical laws necessary for the
optimization of techniques for hydro-aeromechanics, heat
engineering, and other disciplines related to flow. The reader is
then provided with detailed explanations of novel experimental
methods, along with the results of physical research. These results
are also necessary for the construction of theoretical models that
provide improved descriptions for numerous problems in various
scientific fields. Frequent discussions, examples of practical
applications throughout the text, and foundational, theoretical
materials help a range of readers engage and apply these methods to
problems in fields including drag reduction, noiseless movement,
optimal maneuvering, intense heat transfer, control of separated
vortices, wind power, economical energy consumption, and more.
Liutex and Its Applications in Turbulence Research reviews the
history of vortex definition, provides an accurate mathematical
definition of vortices, and explains their applications in flow
transition, turbulent flow, flow control, and turbulent flow
experiments. The book explains the term "Rortex" as a
mathematically defined rigid rotation of fluids or vortex, which
could help solve many longstanding problems in turbulence research.
The accurate mathematical definition of the vortex is important in
a range of industrial contexts, including aerospace, turbine
machinery, combustion, and electronic cooling systems, so there are
many areas of research that can benefit from the innovations
described here. This book provides a thorough survey of the latest
research in generalized and flow-thermal, unified, law-of-the-wall
for wall-bounded turbulence. Important theory and methodologies
used for developing these laws are described in detail, including:
the classification of the conventional turbulent boundary layer
concept based on proper velocity scaling; the methodology for
identification of the scales of velocity, temperature, and length
needed to establish the law; and the discovery, proof, and strict
validations of the laws, with both Reynolds and Prandtl number
independency properties using DNS data. The establishment of these
statistical laws is important to modern fluid mechanics and heat
transfer research, and greatly expands our understanding of
wall-bounded turbulence.
The Mechanics of Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosols: An Introduction,
Second Edition provides a concise, but thorough exposition of
fundamental concepts in the field of pharmaceutical aerosols. This
revised edition will allow researchers in the field to gain a
thorough understanding of the field from first principles, allowing
them to understand, design, develop and improve inhaled
pharmaceutical aerosol devices and therapies. Chapters consider
mechanics and deposition, specifically in the respiratory tract,
while others discuss the mechanics associated with the three
existing types of pharmaceutical inhalation devices. This text will
be very useful for academics and for courses taught at both
undergraduate and graduate levels. Because of the interdisciplinary
nature of this book, it will also serve a wide audience that
includes engineers and scientists involved with inhaled aerosol
Plants offer some of the most elegant applications of soft matter
principles in Nature. Understanding the interplay between
chemistry, physics, biology, and fluid mechanics is critical to
forecast plant behaviour, which is necessary for agriculture and
disease management. It also provides inspiration for novel
engineering applications. Starting with fundamental concepts around
plant biology, physics of soft matter and viscous fluids, readers
of this book will be given a cross-disciplinary and expert
grounding to the field. The book covers local scale aspects, such
as cell and tissue mechanics, to regional scale matters covering
movement, tropism, roots, through to global scale topics around
fluid transport. Focussed chapters on water stress, networks, and
biomimetics provide the user with a concise and complete
introduction. Edited by internationally recognised leading experts
in this field with contributions from key investigators worldwide,
this book is the first introduction to the subject matter and will
be suitable for both physical and life science readers.