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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Classical mechanics > Fluid mechanics
This book presents the proceedings of the Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (FSSIC), (held in Tokyo on Aug. 21-24, 2017), which largely focused on advances in the theory, experiments on, and numerical simulation of turbulence in the contexts of flow-induced vibration, noise and their control. This includes several practical areas of application, such as the aerodynamics of road and space vehicles, marine and civil engineering, nuclear reactors and biomedical science, etc. Uniquely, these proceedings integrate acoustics with the study of flow-induced vibration, which is not a common practice but can be extremely beneficial to understanding, simulating and controlling vibration. The symposium provides a vital forum where academics, scientists and engineers working in all related branches can exchange and share their latest findings, ideas and innovations - bringing together researchers from both east and west to chart the frontiers of FSSIC.
This book contains the outcome of the international meeting on instability, control and noise generated by massive flow separation that was organized at the Monash Center, in Prato, Italy, September 4-6, 2013. The meeting served as the final review of the EU-FP7 Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows Marie Curie travel grant and was supported by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development. Fifty leading specialists from twelve countries reviewed the progress made since the 50s of the last century and discussed modern analysis techniques, advanced experimental flow diagnostics and recent developments in active flow control techniques from the incompressible to the hypersonic regime. Applications involving massive flow separation and associated instability and noise generation mechanisms of interest to the aeronautical, naval and automotive industries have been addressed from a theoretical, numerical or experimental point of view, making this book a unique source containing the state-of-the-art in separated flow instability and its control.
The tracer method was first introduced to measure the actual flow of fluid in a vessel, and then to develop a suitable model to represent this flow. Such models are used to follow the flow of fluid in chemical reactors and other process units, in rivers and streams, and through soils and porous structures. Also, in medicine they are used to study the flow of chemicals, harmful or not, in the blood streams of animals and man. Tracer Technology, written by Octave Levenspiel, shows how we use tracers to follow the flow of fluids and then we develop a variety of models to represent these flows. This activity is called tracer technology.
In this volume, designed for engineers and scientists working in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), experts offer assessments of the capabilities of CFD, highlight some fundamental issues and barriers, and propose novel approaches to overcome these problems. They also offer new avenues for research in traditional and non-traditional disciplines. The scope of the papers ranges from the scholarly to the practical. This book is distinguished from earlier surveys by its emphasis on the problems facing CFD and by its focus on non-traditional applications of CFD techniques. There have been several significant developments in CFD since the last workshop held in 1990 and this book brings together the key developments in a single unified volume.
This book presents a systematic attempt to generalize several fundamental physical laws related to subsurface fluid flow that are important for a number of contemporary applications in the areas of hydrogeology, reservoir engineering and rock mechanics. It also covers the history of discovering these physical laws, their respective scope of validity, and their generalizations or extensions. The physical laws discussed include Darcy's law, Darcy-Buckingham law and Hooke's law. Darcy's law is the fundamental law for subsurface fluid flow. For low-permeability media, it is not always adequate because of the strong fluid-solid interaction. Though the Darcy-Buckingham law is often used for modeling subsurface multiphase flow, it is only valid under the local equilibrium condition. This condition does not hold in many cases, especially when fingering flow occurs. It is well known that subsurface fluid flow is coupled with mechanical deformation of subsurface media; in some applications, this coupling can play a dominant role. The continuum-scale elastic deformation of natural rock, however, does not always follow the traditional form of Hooke's law. The book also presents applications of the proposed generalizations of the physical laws to several important engineering projects.
This book is an introduction to the theory, practice, and implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method, a powerful computational fluid dynamics method that is steadily gaining attention due to its simplicity, scalability, extensibility, and simple handling of complex geometries. The book contains chapters on the method's background, fundamental theory, advanced extensions, and implementation. To aid beginners, the most essential paragraphs in each chapter are highlighted, and the introductory chapters on various LB topics are front-loaded with special "in a nutshell" sections that condense the chapter's most important practical results. Together, these sections can be used to quickly get up and running with the method. Exercises are integrated throughout the text, and frequently asked questions about the method are dealt with in a special section at the beginning. In the book itself and through its web page, readers can find example codes showing how the LB method can be implemented efficiently on a variety of hardware platforms, including multi-core processors, clusters, and graphics processing units. Students and scientists learning and using the LB method will appreciate the wealth of clearly presented and structured information in this volume.
This Volume 5 of the successful book package "Multiphase Flow Dynamics" is devoted to nuclear thermal hydraulics which is a substantial part of nuclear reactor safety. It provides knowledge and mathematical tools for adequate description of the process of transferring the fission heat released in materials due to nuclear reactions into its environment. It step by step introduces into the heat release inside the fuel, temperature fields in the fuels, the "simple" boiling flow in a pipe described using ideas of different complexity like equilibrium, non equilibrium, homogeneity, non homogeneity. Then the "simple" three-fluid boiling flow in a pipe is described by gradually involving the mechanisms like entrainment and deposition, dynamic fragmentation, collisions, coalescence, turbulence. All heat transfer mechanisms are introduced gradually discussing their uncertainty. Different techniques are introduced like boundary layer treatments or integral methods. Comparisons with experimental data at each step demonstrate the success of the different ideas and models. After an introduction of the design of the reactor pressure vessels for pressurized and boiling water reactors the accuracy of the modern methods is demonstrated using large number of experimental data sets for steady and transient flows in heated bundles. Starting with single pipe boiling going through boiling in the rod bundles the analysis of complete vessel including the reactor is finally demonstrated. Then a powerful method for nonlinear stability analysis of flow boiling and condensation is introduced. Models are presented and their accuracies are investigated for describing critical multiphase flow at different level of complexity. Therefore the book presents a complete coverage of the modern Nuclear Thermal Hydrodynamics. This present third edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections.
This book concentrates on the properties of the stationary states in chaotic systems of particles or fluids, leaving aside the theory of the way they can be reached. The stationary states of particles or of fluids (understood as probability distributions on microscopic configurations or on the fields describing continua) have received important new ideas and data from numerical simulations and reviews are needed. The starting point is to find out which time invariant distributions come into play in physics. A special feature of this book is the historical approach. To identify the problems the author analyzes the papers of the founding fathers Boltzmann, Clausius and Maxwell including translations of the relevant (parts of) historical documents. He also establishes a close link between treatment of irreversible phenomena in statistical mechanics and the theory of chaotic systems at and beyond the onset of turbulence as developed by Sinai, Ruelle, Bowen (SRB) and others: the author gives arguments intending to support strongly the viewpoint that stationary states in or out of equilibrium can be described in a unified way. In this book it is the "chaotic hypothesis," which can be seen as an extension of the classical ergodic hypothesis to non equilibrium phenomena, that plays the central role. It is shown that SRB - often considered as a kind of mathematical playground with no impact on physical reality - has indeed a sound physical interpretation; an observation which to many might be new and a very welcome insight. Following this, many consequences of the chaotic hypothesis are analyzed in chapter 3 - 4 and in chapter 5 a few applications are proposed. Chapter 6 is historical: carefully analyzing the old literature on the subject, especially ergodic theory and its relevance for statistical mechanics; an approach which gives the book a very personal touch. The book contains an extensive coverage of current research (partly from the authors and his coauthors publications) presented in enough detail so that advanced students may get the flavor of a direction of research in a field which is still very much alive and progressing. Proofs of theorems are usually limited to heuristic sketches privileging the presentation of the ideas and providing references that the reader can follow, so that in this way an overload of this text with technical details could be avoided.
This fourth issue on "progress in turbulence" is based on the fourth ITI conference (ITI interdisciplinary turbulence initiative), which took place in Bertinoro, North Italy. Leading researchers from the engineering and physical sciences presented latest results in turbulence research. Basic as well as applied research is driven by the rather notorious difficult and essentially unsolved problem of turbulence. In this collection of contributions clear progress can be seen in different aspects, ranging from new quality of numerical simulations to new concepts of experimental investigations and new theoretical developments. The importance of turbulence is shown for a wide range of applications including: combustion, energy, flow control, urban flows, are few examples found in this volume. A motivation was to bring fundamentals of turbulence in connection with renewable energy. This lead us to add a special topic relevant to the impact of turbulence on the wind energy conversion. The structure of the present book is as such that contributions have been bundled according to covering topics i.e. I Basic Turbulence Aspects, II Particle Laden Flows, III Modeling and Simulations, IV, Experimental Methods, V Special Flows, VI Atmospheric Boundary Layer, VII Boundary Layer, VIII Wind Energy and IX Convection. This book is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Tim Nickels. Shortly after giving an invited lecture at the 4th ITI conference, the turbulence community lost a world-class scientist, a friend and devoted family man.
The book is designed for advanced graduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers across several disciplines (e.g., mathematics, physics and engineering), as it provides them with tools and techniques that are essential in performing research on the flow problems of visco-plastic fluids. The following topics are treated: analysis of classical visco-plastic fluid models mathematical modeling of flows of visco-plastic fluids computing flows of visco-plastic fluids rheology of visco-plastic fluids and visco-plastic suspensions application of visco-plastic fluids in engineering sciences complex flows of visco-plastic fluids.
This volume presents state-of-the-art of reviews in the field of multiphase flow. In focusses on nonlinear aspects of multiphase flow networks as well as visualization experiments. The first chapter presents nonlinear aspects or deterministic chaos issues in the systems of multi-phase reactors.The second chapter reviews two-phase flow dynamics in combination with complex network theory. The third chapter discusses evaporation mechanism in the wick of copper heat pipes. The last chapter investigates numerically the flow dynamics and heat and mass transfer in the laminar and turbulent boundary layer on the flat vertical plate."
ThisbookcontainstheproceedingsoftheFourthInternationalConference onComputationalFluidDynamics(ICCFD4),heldinGent,Belgiumfrom July10through16,2006. TheICCFDconferenceseriesisanoutcomeofthe mergeroftwoimportantstreamsofconferencesinComputationalFluid- namics:InternationalConferenceonNumericalMethodsinFluidDynamics, ICNMFD(since1996)andInternationalSymposiumonComputationalFluid Dynamics,ISCFD(since1985). In1998itwasdecidedtojointhetwoand ICCFD emerged as a biannual meeting, held in Kyoto in 2000, Sydney in 2002, Toronto in 2004 and Gent in 2006. Thus, the ICCFD series became theleadinginternationalconferenceseriesforscientists,mathematiciansand engineersinterestedinthecomputationof?uid?ow. The4theditionoftheconferencehasattracted200participantsfromall overtheworld;270abstractswerereceived,ofwhich135wereselectedina carefulpeerreviewprocessbytheexecutivecommittee(C. H. Bruneau,J. -J. Chattot,D. Kwak,N. Satofuka,D. W. Zingg,E. DickandH. Deconinck)for oralpresentationandafurther21forposterpresentation. Thepaperscontainedintheseproceedingsprovideanexcellentsnapshot of the ?eld of Computational Fluid Dynamics as of 2006. Invited keynote lecturesbyrenownedresearchersareincluded,withcontributionsinthe?eld ofdiscretizationschemes,high-endcomputingandengineeringchallenges,and two-phase?ow. Thesekeynotecontributionsarecomplementedby137regular papersonthemostdiverseaspectsofCFD: -Innovativealgorithmdevelopmentfor?owsimulation,optimisationandc- trol:higher-ordermethods(DG,FV,FEandRDmethods),iterativemethods andmultigrid,solutionadaptivemeshtechniques,errorestimationandc- trol,parallelalgorithms. -Innovativemodelingof?owphysicsintheareaofcompressibleandinc- pressible ?ows: hypersonic and reacting ?ows, two-phase ?ows, turbulence (LES,DES,DNS,andtransition),vortexdynamics,boundarylayerstability, multi-scalephysics,magnetohydrodynamics. Preface VII -advancedapplicationsusingtheabovementionedinnovativetechnology,and multidisciplinaryapplicationsincludingaero-elasticityandaero-acoustics. ThanksareduetooursponsorsNASA,theFWOResearchFoundation FlandersandtheEuropeanUnionthroughtheEUA4XMarieCurieproject. Inparticular,thegenerousgrantfromNASAisakeyfactorinthesuccessof thisconferenceseriesandthepublicationoftheseProceedings. Wealsowouldliketothankthesta?andPhDstudentsofthevonKarman InstituteandtheDepartmentof?ow,heatandcombustionmechanicsofthe University of Gent, for the help they provided toward the success of this conference. Sint-Genesius-Rode,Belgium HermanDeconinck vonKarmanInstituteforFluidDynamics Ghent,Belgium ErikDick GhentUniversity September2006 ConferenceChair Contents PartIInvitedSpeakers Twonewtechniquesforgeneratingexactlyincompressible approximatevelocities BernardoCockburn...3 RoleofHigh-EndComputinginMeetingNASA'sScience andEngineeringChallenges RupakBiswas,EugeneL. Tu,WilliamR. VanDalsem...14 RecentAdvancesofMulti-phaseFlowComputationwiththe AdaptiveSoroban-gridCubicInterpolatedPropagation(CIP) Method TakashiYabe,YouichiOgata,KenjiTakizawa...29 PartIISchemes OntheComputationofSteady-StateCompressibleFlows UsingaDGMethod HongLuo,JosephD. Baum,RainaldL..ohner...47 Space-TimeDiscontinuousGalerkinMethodforLarge AmplitudeNonlinearWaterWaves YanXu,JaapJ. W. vanderVegt...53 AdiscontinuousGalerkinmethodwithHancock-typetime integrationforhyperbolicsystemswithsti?relaxationsource terms YoshifumiSuzuki,BramvanLeer...59 Contents IX VeryHighOrder,Non-OscillatoryFluctuationDistribution Schemes M. E. Hubbard,N. Z. Mebrate...65 High-orderresidualdistribution:discontinuitycapturing crosswinddissipationanddi?usion N. Villedieu-Ligout,M. Ricchiuto,H. Deconinck...7 1 High-OrderFluctuation-SplittingSchemesforAdvection- Di?usionEquations HiroakiNishikawaandPhilipRoe...77 ConstructionofHigherOrderResidualDistributionSchemes R'emiAbgrallandC'edricTav'e...83 Stableandconvergentresidualdistributionforti- dependentconservationlaws MarioRicchiuto,R'emiAbgrall...89 AnALEFormulationoftheMultidimensionalResidual DistributionSchemeforComputationsonMovingMeshes Jir'?Dobes,HermanDeconinck...95 SolutionofthesteadyEulerequationsusingFluctuation Splittingschemesonquadrilateralelements D. T. Rubino,P. DePalma,G. Pascazio,M. Napolitano ...101 AResidual-BasedCompactSchemeforAll-SpeedFlowson UnstructuredGrids ChristopheCorre,AlbertoBeccantini,ThibaudKloczko ...107 VorticityPreservingSchemeforUnsteadyCompressible Flows FabriceFalissard,AlainLerat,JacquesSid'es ...113 ExtensionoftheSDMethodtoViscousFlowonUnstructured Grids Z. J. Wang,YuzhiSun,C. Liang,Yen,Liu...119 StrictlyStableHighOrderDi?erenceMethodsforthe CompressibleEulerandNavier-StokesEquations BernhardMul ..ler...125 UniformFlowPreservingPropertyofHighOrderUpwind FiniteDi?erenceSchemesonGeneralizedCoordinateSystem TakuNonomura,NobuyukiIizuka,KozoFujii...1 31 X Contents ImplementationofanEnhancedFluxFormulationfor UnsteadyNavier-StokesSolutions G. Xia,S. Sardeshmukh,V. Sankaran,C. L. Merkle...137 ComputationofEigenspacesofHyperbolicSystems S. K. Godunov,O. B. Feodoritova,V. T. Zhukov...143 AProposedCuretotheCarbunclePhenomenon FarzadIsmail,PhilipL. Roe,HiroakiNishikawa ...149 TheHighOrderWLSQRSchemeanditsApplicationsin Turbomachinery Jivr'?Furst ...
The book presents advanced stochastic models and simulation methods for random flows and transport of particles by turbulent velocity fields and flows in porous media. Two main classes of models are constructed: (1) turbulent flows are modeled as synthetic random fields which have certain statistics and features mimicing those of turbulent fluid in the regime of interest, and (2) the models are constructed in the form of stochastic differential equations for stochastic Lagrangian trajectories of particles carried by turbulent flows. The book is written for mathematicians, physicists, and engineers studying processes associated with probabilistic interpretation, researchers in applied and computational mathematics, in environmental and engineering sciences dealing with turbulent transport and flows in porous media, as well as nucleation, coagulation, and chemical reaction analysis under fluctuation conditions. It can be of interest for students and post-graduates studying numerical methods for solving stochastic boundary value problems of mathematical physics and dispersion of particles by turbulent flows and flows in porous media.
This self-contained book provides an introduction to the flow-oscillator modeling of vortex-induced bluff-body oscillations. One of the great challenges in engineering science also happens to be one of engineering design - the modeling, analysis and design of vibrating structures driven by fluid motion. The literature on fluid-structure interaction is vast, and it can be said to comprise a large fraction of all papers published in the mechanical sciences. This book focuses on the vortex-induced oscillations of an immersed body, since, although the importance of the subject has long been known, it is only during the past fifty years that there have been concerted efforts to analytically model the general behavior of the coupling between vortex shedding and structural oscillations. At the same time, experimentalists have been gathering data on such interactions in order to help define the various regimes of behavior. This data is critical to our understanding and to those who develop analytical models, as can be seen in this book. The fundamental bases for the modeling developed in this book are the variational principles of analytical dynamics, in particular Hamilton's principle and Jourdain's principle, considered great intellectual achievements on par with Newton's laws of motion. Variational principles have been applied in numerous disciplines, including dynamics, optics and quantum mechanics. Here, we apply variational principles to the development of a framework for the modeling of flow-oscillator models of vortex-induced oscillations.
This book highlights by careful documentation of developments what led to tracking the growth of deterministic disturbances inside the shear layer from receptivity to fully developed turbulent flow stages. Associated theoretical and numerical developments are addressed from basic level so that an uninitiated reader can also follow the materials which lead to the solution of a long-standing problem. Solving Navier-Stokes equation by direct numerical simulation (DNS) from the first principle has been considered as one of the most challenging problems of understanding what causes transition to turbulence. Therefore, this book is a very useful addition to advanced CFD and advanced fluid mechanics courses.
This book is written for scientists involved in the calibration of viscometers. A detailed description for stepping up procedures to establish the viscosity scale and obtaining sets of master viscometers is given in the book. Uncertainty considerations for standard oils of known viscosity are presented. The modern viscometers based on principles oftuning fork, ultrasonic, PZT, plate waves, Love waves, micro-cantilever and vibration of optical fiber are discussed to inspire the reader to further research and to generate improved versions. The primary standard for viscosity is pure water. Measurements of its viscosity with accuracy/uncertainty achieved are described. The principles of rotational and oscillation viscometers are explained to enhance the knowledge in calibration work. Devices used for specific materials and viscosity in non SI units are discussed with respect to the need to correlate viscosity values obtained by various devices. The description of commercial viscometers meets the needs of the user."
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 5th iTi Conference in Bertinoro covering fundamental aspects in turbulent flows. In the spirit of the iTi initiative, the volume is produced after the conference so that the authors had the possibility to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the meeting. Turbulence presents a large number of aspects and problems, which are still unsolved and which challenge research communities in engineering and physical sciences both in basic and applied research. The book presents recent advances in theory related to new statistical approaches, effect of non-linearities and presence of symmetries. This edition presents new contributions related to the physics and control of laminar-turbulent transition in wall-bounded flows, which may have a significant impact on drag reduction applications. Turbulent boundary layers, at increasing Reynolds number, are the main subject of both computational and experimental long research programs aimed at improving our knowledge on scaling, energy distribution at different scales, structure eduction, roughness effects to name only a few. Like previous editions several numerical and experimental analysis of complex flows, mostly related to applications, are presented. The structure of the present book is as such that contributions have been bundled according to covering topics i.e. I Theory, II Stability, III Wall bounded flows, IV, Complex flows, V Acoustic, VI Numerical methods. The volume is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Rudolf Friedrich who prematurely died in Munster/Germany on the 16th of August 2012. In his honor the conference has started with a special session dedicated to his work. "
This volume contains 27 contributions to the Forth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing presented in October 2009 in Freiburg, Germany. The workshop was organized jointly by the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), the Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICT SB RAS) and the Section of Applied Mathematics of the University of Freiburg (IAM Freiburg) The contributions range from computer science, mathematics and high performance computing to applications in mechanical and aerospace engineering. They show a wealth of theoretical work and simulation experience with a potential of bringing together theoretical mathematical modelling and usage of high performance computing systems presenting the state of the art of computational technologies.
This book focuses on the phenomenon of sediment erosion and resuspension in the Yellow River delta, China, which is a vital issue involved in understanding the sediment transport processes in estuarine and coastal environments, and how these contribute to the nature and distribution of geohazards in the subaqueous Yellow River delta and Bohai Sea. The most important sections of this book will be the detailed physical mechanisms and theoretical models of sediment erosion and resuspension problem fully considering the wave-induced seabed dynamic response to waves, which are particularly useful for postgraduate students and junior researchers entering the discipline of estuary and coastal sedimentation, marine geotechnical engineering, estuary and coastal engineering, harbor and waterway engineering and coastal environmental protection. This book can also serve as a textbook for advanced graduate students of Marine Engineering Geology and Estuarine Sediment Dynamics.
Falling Liquid Films gives a detailed review of state-of-the-art theoretical, analytical and numerical methodologies, for the analysis of dissipative wave dynamics and pattern formation on the surface of a film falling down a planar inclined substrate. This prototype is an open-flow hydrodynamic instability, that represents an excellent paradigm for the study of complexity in active nonlinear media with energy supply, dissipation and dispersion. It will also be of use for a more general understanding of specific events characterizing the transition to spatio-temporal chaos and weak/dissipative turbulence. Particular emphasis is given to low- dimensional approximations for such flows through a hierarchy of modeling approaches, including equations of the boundary-layer type, averaged formulations based on weighted residuals approaches and long-wave expansions. Whenever possible the link between theory and experiment is illustrated, and, as a further bridge between the two, the development of order-of-magnitude estimates and scaling arguments is used to facilitate the understanding of basic, underlying physics. This monograph will appeal to advanced graduate students in applied mathematics, science or engineering undertaking research on interfacial fluid mechanics or studying fluid mechanics as part of their program. It will also be of use to researchers working on both applied, fundamental theoretical and experimental aspects of thin film flows, as well as engineers and technologists dealing with processes involving isothermal or heated films. This monograph is largely self-contained and no background on interfacial fluid mechanics is assumed.
This volume collects contributions to the 14th Symposium of the STAB (German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association). The association involves German scientists and engineers from universities, research establishments and industry who are doing research and project work in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, mainly for aerospace but for other applications, too. The volume gives a broad overview of ongoing work in Germany in this field.
This book is a comprehensive state-of-the-knowledge summation of shock wave reflection phenomena from a phenomenological point of view. It includes a thorough introduction to oblique shock wave reflections, dealing with both regular and Mach types. It also covers in detail the corresponding two- and three-shock theories. The book moves on to describe reflection phenomena in a variety of flow types, as well as providing the resolution of the Neumann paradox.
This work represents one of the first comprehensive attempts to seamlessly integrate two highly active interdisciplinary domains in soft matter science - microfluidics and liquid crystals (LCs). Motivated by the lack of fundamental experiments, Dr. Sengupta initiated systematic investigation of LC flows at micro scales, gaining new insights that are also suggestive of novel applications. By tailoring the surface anchoring of the LC molecules and the channel dimensions, different topological constraints were controllably introduced within the microfluidic devices. These topological constraints were further manipulated using a flow field, paving the way for Topological Microfluidics. Harnessing topology on a microfluidic platform, as described in this thesis, opens up capabilities beyond the conventional viscous-dominated microfluidics, promising potential applications in targeted delivery and sorting systems, self-assembled motifs, and novel metamaterial fabrications.
This volume presents applications of the Pi-Theorem to fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer. The Pi-theorem yields a physical motivation behind many flow processes and therefore it constitutes a valuable tool for the intelligent planning of experiments in fluids. After a short introduction to the underlying differential equations and their treatments, the author presents many novel approaches how to use the Pi-theorem to understand fluid mechanical issues. The book is a great value to the fluid mechanics community, as it cuts across many subdisciplines of experimental fluid mechanics.
This textbook is written for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as engineers who will develop or use code in the simulation of fluid flows or other physical phenomena. The objective of the book is to give the reader the basis for understanding the way numerical schemes achieve accurate and stable simulations of physical phenomena. It is based on the finite-difference method and simple enough problems that allow also the analytic solutions to be worked out. ODEs as well as hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic types are treated. The reader also will find a chapter on the techniques of linearization of nonlinear problems. The final chapter applies the material to the equations of gas dynamics. The book builds on simple model equations and, pedagogically, on a host of problems given together with their solutions. |
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