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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Classical mechanics > Fluid mechanics
This book proposes an introduction to the mathematical modeling of the respiratory system. A detailed introduction on the physiological aspects makes it accessible to a large audience without any prior knowledge on the lung. Different levels of description are proposed, from the lumped models with a small number of parameters (Ordinary Differential Equations), up to infinite dimensional models based on Partial Differential Equations. Besides these two types of differential equations, two chapters are dedicated to resistive networks, and to the way they can be used to investigate the dependence of the resistance of the lung upon geometrical characteristics. The theoretical analysis of the various models is provided, together with state-of-the-art techniques to compute approximate solutions, allowing comparisons with experimental measurements. The book contains several exercises, most of which are accessible to advanced undergraduate students.
Vortex flow is one of the fundamental types of fluid and gas motion. These flows are the most spectacular in the form of concentrated vortices, characterized by the localization of vorticity (curl of velocity) in bounded regions of a space, beyond which the vorticity is either absent or rapidly falls down to zero. Concentrated vortices are often observed in nature, exemplified by atmospheric cyclones, whirlwinds and tornados, oceanic vortices, whirlpools on a water s- face, and ring vortices caused by explosive outburst of volcanoes. In technical - vices concentrated vortices form when flow separates from sharp edges of flying vehicles and ships. Among these are vortices flowing off the ends of airplane wings, and intentionally generated vortices for intensification of burning in c- bustion chambers, vortices in cyclonic devices used for mixing or separation of impurities in fluids and gases. One such remarkable and frequent type of conc- trated vortices is a vortex ring which constitutes a vortex tube closed into a t- oidal ring moving in a surrounding fluid like an isolated body out of contact with solid boundaries of the flow region if such boundaries exist. Formation and motion of vortex rings are important part of the dynamics of a continuum medium and have been studied for more than a century.
This book addresses the hydrostatics and stability of ships and other floating marine structures - a fundamental aspect of naval architecture and offshore engineering for naval architects and marine engineers. It starts from the most basic concepts, assuming that the reader has no prior knowledge of the subject. By presenting the topic in a methodical and step-by-step manner, the book helps students to enhance their understanding, while also providing valuable guidelines for lecturers teaching related courses.
This book serves as a preliminary reference for the principles of thermal radiation and its modelling in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Radiation Heat Transfer Modelling with Computational Fluid Dynamics covers strategies and processes for synthesizing radiation with CFD setups, computational techniques for solving the radiative transfer equation, the strengths and weaknesses thereof, boundary and initial conditions and relevant guidelines. Describing the strategic planning of a typical project, the book includes the spectroscopic properties of gases, some particulates and porous media. FEATURES Fills a gap between existing CFD and thermal radiation textbooks and elaborates on some aspects of user manuals. Aims at (1) CFD practitioners who are newcomers to thermal radiation and are looking for a preliminary introduction thereon and (2) modellers familiar with thermal radiation looking for a precursory introduction to CFD. The book is tilted somewhat towards the first group. Provides guidelines for choosing the right model, the strategic planning of the modelling and its implementation. Outlines the pitfalls of some solution techniques. Describes how radiation is included in the variety of boundary condition types offered by CFD codes. Helps to develop the practical skills required to plan, implement and interpret thermal radiation within the typical CFD code. Addresses a wide variety of physical circumstances in which thermal radiation plays a role. Offers ample references for readers searching for additional details. Includes several examples of practical applications, including fire, a utility boiler and car headlights in cold environments. This book is intended for researchers and professionals who wish to simulate problems that involve fluid flow and heat transfer with thermal radiation.
This book is the result of two decades of research work which started with an accidental observation. One of my students, Dipl. phys. Volkmar Lenz, - ticed that the speckle pattern of laser light scattered by a cuvette containing diluted milk performed a strange motion every time he came near the cuvette with his thumb. After thinkingabout this e?ect we came to the conclusion that this motion can only be caused by scatteringparticles with di?erent velocities, as in the case of the di?raction pattern of an optical grating: A linear motion of the grating does not change the pattern whereas a rotation of the grating does. The observed speckle motion could then be explained qualitatively as produced by the inhomogeneous velocity of the convection within the cuvette which was produced by the heat of the thumb. The theoretical treatment of this e?ect revealed that the velocity gradient of the light scattering medium is responsible for the speckle motion. The idea to use this e?ect for developingmeasurement techniques for velocity gradients arose almost immediately. For that purpose we had to develop not only experimental set-ups to measure the pattern velocity but also the theory which describes the connection between this velocity and the velocity gradient. The result of this work together with the description of a method developed by another group forms the contents of this book. I am indebted to the students who worked in my laboratory and developed the measurement techniques. These were, in temporal order, Dr.
- presents in-depth insights regarding fundamentals associated with big data technologies involved in petroleum streams. - builds on earlier works of researchers and inventors, which is essential source material for students in this area of study. - discusses essential processes and methodologies in petroleum streams that will direct researchers to pursue a practical approach to the field. - sheds light on challenges and problems of individual streams and inert-relation issues, while asking the reader to innovate and ideate upon those issues. - Offers an analysis of the financial aspects and business perspective on the processes to help the reader make constructive and practical decision in the field.
This book offers comprehensive coverage of compressible flow phenomena and their applications, and is intended for undergraduate/graduate students, practicing professionals, and researchers interested in the topic. Thanks to the clear explanations provided of a wide range of basic principles, the equations and formulas presented here can be understood with only a basic grasp of mathematics. The book particularly focuses on shock waves, offering a unique approach to the derivation of shock wave relations from conservation relations in fluids together with a contact surface, slip line or surface; in addition, the thrust of a rocket engine and that of an air-breathing engine are also formulated. Furthermore, the book covers important fundamentals of various aspects of physical fluid dynamics and engineering, including one-dimensional unsteady flows, and two-dimensional flows, in which oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansion can be observed.
The main idea of the present study is to demonstrate that the qualitative theory of diffe rential equations, when applied to problems in fluid-and gasdynamics, will contribute to the understanding of qualitative aspects of fluid flows, in particular those concerned with geometrical properties of flow fields such as shape and stability of its streamline patterns. It is obvious that insight into the qualitative structure of flow fields is of great importance and appears as an ultimate aim of flow research. Qualitative insight fashions our know ledge and serves as a good guide for further quantitative investigations. Moreover, quali tative information can become very useful, especially when it is applied in close corres pondence with numerical methods, in order to interpret and value numerical results. A qualitative analysis may be crucial for the investigation of the flow in the neighbourhood of singularities where a numerical method is not reliable anymore due to discretisation er rors being unacceptable. Up till now, familiar research methods -frequently based on rigorous analyses, careful nu merical procedures and sophisticated experimental techniques -have increased considera bly our qualitative knowledge of flows, albeit that the information is often obtained indirectly by a process of a careful but cumbersome examination of quantitative data. In the past decade, new methods are under development that yield the qualitative infor mation more directly. These methods, make use of the knowledge available in the qualitative theory of differen tial equations and in the theory of bifurcations."
This textbook presents a systematic study of the qualitative and geometric theory of nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems. Although the main topic of the book is the local and global behavior of nonlinear systems and their bifurcations, a thorough treatment of linear systems is given at the beginning of the text. All the material necessary for a clear understanding of the qualitative behavior of dynamical systems is contained in this textbook, including an outline of the proof and examples illustrating the proof of the Hartman-Grobman theorem, the use of the Poincare map in the theory of limit cycles, the theory of rotated vector fields and its use in the study of limit cycles and homoclinic loops, and a description of the behavior and termination of one-parameter families of limit cycles. In addition to minor corrections and updates throughout, this new edition includes materials on higher order Melnikov theory and the bifurcation of limit cycles for planar systems of differential equations, including new sections on Francoise's algorithm for higher order Melnikov functions and on the finite codimension bifurcations that occur in the class of bounded quadratic systems.
Thermofluids: From Nature to Engineering presents the fundamentals of thermofluids in an accessible and student-friendly way. Author David Ting applies his 23 years of teaching to this practical reference which works to clarify phenomena, concepts and processes via nature-inspired examples, giving the readers a well-rounded understanding of the topic. It introduces the fundamentals of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics which underpin most engineering systems, providing the reader with a solid basis to transfer and apply to other engineering disciplines. With a strong focus on ecology and sustainability, this book will benefit students in various engineering disciplines including thermal energy, mechanical and chemical, and will also appeal to those coming to the topic from another discipline.
This technical book considers the application side of LDA techniques. Starting from the basic theories that are crucial for each LDA user, the main subject of the book is focused on diverse application methods. In details, it deals with universal methodical techniques that have been mostly developed in the last 15 years. The book thus gives for the first time an application reference for LDA users in improving the optical conditions and enhancing the measurement accuracies. It also provides the guidelines for simplifying the measurements and correcting measurement errors as well as for clarifying the application limits and extending the application areas of LDA techniques. Beside the treatments of some traditional optical and flow mechanical features influencing the measurement accuracies, the book shows a broad spectrum of LDA application methods in the manner of measuring the flow turbulence, resolving the secondary flow structures, and quantifying the optical aberrations at measurements of internal flows etc.. Thus, it also supports the further developments of both the hard- and software of LDA instrumentations.
Dynamics of Ice Sheets and Glaciers presents an introduction to the dynamics and thermodynamics of flowing ice masses on Earth. Based on an outline of general continuum mechanics, the different initial-boundary-value problems for the flow of ice sheets, ice shelves, ice caps and glaciers are systematically derived. Special emphasis is put on developing hierarchies of approximations for the different systems, and suitable numerical solution techniques are discussed. A separate chapter is devoted to glacial isostasy. The book is appropriate for graduate courses in glaciology, cryospheric sciences, environmental sciences, geophysics and related fields. Standard undergraduate knowledge of mathematics (calculus, linear algebra) and physics (classical mechanics, thermodynamics) provide a sufficient background for successfully studying the text.
In this book, the author deals with the mathematical modelling, nonlinear control and performance evaluation of a conceptual anti-aircraft gun based mobile air defence system engaging an attacking three-dimensional aerial target. This book is of interest to academic faculty, graduate students and industry professionals working in the fields of mathematical modelling and control, ground vehicles, mobile air defence systems and other related topics.
This book presents a unified view of image motion analysis under the variational framework. Variational methods, rooted in physics and mechanics, but appearing in many other domains, such as statistics, control, and computer vision, address a problem from an optimization standpoint, i.e., they formulate it as the optimization of an objective function or functional. The methods of image motion analysis described in this book use the calculus of variations to minimize (or maximize) an objective functional which transcribes all of the constraints that characterize the desired motion variables. The book addresses the four core subjects of motion analysis: Motion estimation, detection, tracking, and three-dimensional interpretation. Each topic is covered in a dedicated chapter. The presentation is prefaced by an introductory chapter which discusses the purpose of motion analysis. Further, a chapter is included which gives the basic tools and formulae related to curvature, Euler Lagrange equations, unconstrained descent optimization, and level sets, that the variational image motion processing methods use repeatedly in the book.
Crystal growth, casting, soldering, welding, high-energy surface treatment, nuclear safety systems and geophysical flows are just a few examples where solidification and convection occur together. These processes are interactive on micro- and macroscales: flow affects the distribution of heat and species and hence the freezing process, while solidification evolves flow boundaries, as in crusting, for example, and hence can radically alter the convection. Mathematical modellers, experimentalists and applied scientists were invited to this colloquium with the aim of consolidating our understanding of such interactions, of identifying key outstanding issues, and of developing new approaches in this important area of fundamental research. Both invited and contributed papers focus on both fundamental and technologically relevant problems.
This book grew out of lectures on geophysical fluid dynamics delivered over many years at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology by the author (and, with regard to some parts of the book, by his colleagues). During these lectures the students were advised to read many books, and sometimes individual articles, in order to acquaint themselves with the necessary material, since there was no single book available which provided a sufficiently complete and systematic account (except, perhaps, the volumes on Hydrophysics of the Ocean, Hydrodynamics of the Ocean, and Geodynamics in the ten-volume Oceanology series published by Nauka Press in 1978-1979; these refer, however, specifically to the ocean, and anyway they are much too massive to be convenient for study by students). As far as we know, no text corresponding to our understanding of geophysical fluid dynamics has as yet been published outside the Soviet Union. The present book is designed to fill this gap. Since it is customary to write the preface after the entire book has been completed, the author has an opportunity there to raise some points of possible criticism by the reviewers and readers. First of all, note that this work presents the theoretical fundamentals of geophysical fluid dynamics, and that observational and experimental data (which in the natural sciences are always very copious) are referred to only rarely and briefly.
Yoshihiro Shibata has made many significant contributions to the area of mathematical fluid mechanics over the course of his illustrious career, including landmark work on the Navier-Stokes equations. The papers collected here - on the occasion of his 70th birthday - are written by world-renowned researchers and celebrate his decades of outstanding achievements.
This textbook covers fundamental and advanced concepts of computational fluid dynamics, a powerful and essential tool for fluid flow analysis. It discusses various governing equations used in the field, their derivations, and the physical and mathematical significance of partial differential equations and the boundary conditions. It covers fundamental concepts of finite difference and finite volume methods for diffusion, convection-diffusion problems both for cartesian and non-orthogonal grids. The solution of algebraic equations arising due to finite difference and finite volume discretization are highlighted using direct and iterative methods. Pedagogical features including solved problems and unsolved exercises are interspersed throughout the text for better understanding. The textbook is primarily written for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the field of mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering, for a course on computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer. The textbook will be accompanied by teaching resources including a solution manual for the instructors. Written clearly and with sufficient foundational background to strengthen fundamental knowledge of the topic. Offers a detailed discussion of both finite difference and finite volume methods. Discusses various higher-order bounded convective schemes, TVD discretisation schemes based on the flux limiter essential for a general purpose CFD computation. Discusses algorithms connected with pressure-linked equations for incompressible flow. Covers turbulence modelling like k- , k- , SST k- , Reynolds Stress Transport models. A separate chapter on best practice guidelines is included to help CFD practitioners.
This self-contained, interdisciplinary book encompasses mathematics, physics, computer programming, analytical solutions and numerical modelling, industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD), academic benchmark problems and engineering applications in conjunction with the research field of anisotropic turbulence. It focuses on theoretical approaches, computational examples and numerical simulations to demonstrate the strength of a new hypothesis and anisotropic turbulence modelling approach for academic benchmark problems and industrially relevant engineering applications. This book contains MATLAB codes, and C programming language based User-Defined Function (UDF) codes which can be compiled in the ANSYS-FLUENT environment. The computer codes help to understand and use efficiently a new concept which can also be implemented in any other software packages. The simulation results are compared to classical analytical solutions and experimental data taken from the literature. A particular attention is paid to how to obtain accurate results within a reasonable computational time for wide range of benchmark problems. The provided examples and programming techniques help graduate and postgraduate students, engineers and researchers to further develop their technical skills and knowledge.
This new edition of Classical Mechanics in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics describes the motions of rigid bodies and shows how classical mechanics has important applications to geophysics, as in the precessions of the earth, oceanic tides, and the retreat of the moon from the earth owing to the tidal friction. Unlike the more general mechanics textbooks this gives a unique presentation of these applications. The coverage of geophysical fluid dynamics has been revised, with a new chapter on various kinds of gravity waves, a new section on geostrophic turbulence, and new material on the Euler angles, the precession and nutation of a Lagrange top, Rayleigh-Benard convection, and the Ekman flow. This textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students outlines and provides links between classical mechanics and geophysical fluid dynamics. It is particularly suitable for geophysics, meteorology, and oceanography students on mechanics and fluid dynamics courses, as well as serving as a general textbook for a course on geophysical fluid dynamics.
Microcontinuum field theories constitute an extension of classical field theories -- of elastic bodies, deformations, electromagnetism, and the like -- to microscopic spaces and short time scales. Material bodies are here viewed as collections of large numbers of deformable particles, much as each volume element of a fluid in statistical mechanics is viewed as consisting of a large number of small particles for which statistical laws are valid. Classical continuum theories are valid when the characteristic length associated with external forces or stimuli is much larger than any internal scale of the body under consideration. When the characteristic lengths are comparable, however, the response of the individual constituents becomes important, for example, in considering the fluid or elastic properties of blood, porous media, polymers, liquid crystals, slurries, and composite materials. This volume is concerned with the kinematics of microcontinua. It begins with a discussion of strain, stress tensors, balance laws, and constitutive equations, and then discusses applications of the fundamental ideas to the theory of elasticity.
Turbulent combustion sits at the interface of two important nonlinear, multiscale phenomena: chemistry and turbulence. Its study is extremely timely in view of the need to develop new combustion technologies in order to address challenges associated with climate change, energy source uncertainty, and air pollution. Despite the fact that modeling of turbulent combustion is a subject that has been researched for a number of years, its complexity implies that key issues are still eluding, and a theoretical description that is accurate enough to make turbulent combustion models rigorous and quantitative for industrial use is still lacking. In this book, prominent experts review most of the available approaches in modeling turbulent combustion, with particular focus on the exploding increase in computational resources that has allowed the simulation of increasingly detailed phenomena. The relevant algorithms are presented, the theoretical methods are explained, and various application examples are given. The book is intended for a relatively broad audience, including seasoned researchers and graduate students in engineering, applied mathematics and computational science, engine designers and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) practitioners, scientists at funding agencies, and anyone wishing to understand the state-of-the-art and the future directions of this scientifically challenging and practically important field.
Alternative Mathematical Theory of Non-equilibrium Phenomena
presents an entirely new theoretical approach to complex
non-equilibrium phenomena, especially Gibbs/Falk thermodynamics and
fluid mechanics. This innovative new theory allows for inclusion of
all state variables and introduces a new vector-dissipation
velocity-which leads to useful restatements of momentum, the Second
Law, and tensors for the laws of motion, friction, and heat
conduction. This application-oriented text is relatively
self-contained and is an excellent guide-book for engineers with a
strong interest in fundamentals, or for professionals using applied
mathematics and physics in engineering applications.
Market: Students and researchers in chaos, plasma physics, and fluid transport. This superb collection of invited papers offers an excellent overview of the current status and future trends in chaotic dynamics, plasma and fluid physics, nonlinear phenomena and chaos, and transport and turbulence studies.
Fluid Mechanics, as a scientific discipline in a modern sense, was established between the last third of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century. This book analyses its genesis from two lines: resistance and discharge. This approach highlights the existence of a remarkable experimental aspect in the aforementioned research lines, together with their link with problems of a practical nature, such as ballistics, hydraulics, fluid-using machines or naval theory. |
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