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Books > Professional & Technical > Agriculture & farming > Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
Vector transmission of pathogens affecting human, animal, and plant health continues to plague mankind both in industrialized and Third World coun tries. The diseases caused by these pathogens cost billions of dollars an nually in medical expenses and lost productivity. Some cause widespread of food-and fiber-producing plants and animals, whereas others destruction present direct and immediate threats to human life and further development in Third World countries. During the past 15 years or so, we have witnessed an explosive increase in interest in how vectors acquire, carry, and subsequently inoculate dis ease agents to human, animal, and plant hosts. This interest transcends the boundaries of anyone discipline and involves researchers from such varied fields as human and veterinary medicine, entomology, plant pa thology, virology, physiology, microbiology, parasitology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering, ultrastructure, biophysics, bio systematics, biogeography, ecology, behavioral sciences, and others. Ac companying and perhaps generating this renewed interest is the realization that fundamental knowledge of pathogen-vector-host interrelationships is a first and necessary step in our quest for efficient, safe methods of disease control."
As forests decline in temperate and tropical climates, highly-developed countries and those striving for greater economic and social benefits are beginning to utilize marginal forests of high-latitude and mountainous regions for resources to satisfy human needs. The benefits of marginal forests range from purely aesthetic to providing resources for producing many goods and services demanded by a growing world population. Increased demands for forest resources and amenities and recent warming of high latitude climates have generated interest in reforestation and afforestation of marginal habitats in cold regions. Afforestation of treeless landscapes improves the environment for human habitation and provides for land use and economic prosperity. Trees are frequently planted in cold climates to rehabilitate denuded sites, for the amenity of homes and villages, and for wind shelter, recreation, agroforestry, and industrial uses. In addition, forests in cold climates reduce the albedo of the earth's surface in winter, and in summer they are small but significant long-lived sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide. Finally, growth and reproductive success of forests at their geographic limits are sensitive indices of climatic change. As efforts to adapt forests to cold climates increase, however, new afforestation problems arise and old ones intensify. Austral, northern, and altitudinal tree limits are determined by many different factors. Current hypotheses for high-latitude tree limits are based on low growing-season temperatures that inhibit plant development and reproduction.
Tree based production systems abound especially in the tropics. Despite the pervasiveness of such multipurpose trees-outside-forest resources, they have not attracted adequate attention in the development paradigms of many nation states. These multispecies production systems impact the ecosystem processes favourably. Yet, our understanding of the diversity attributes and carbon dynamics under agroforestry is not adequate. This book focuses on the role of multispecies production systems involving tree and crop species as a means for carbon sequestration and thereby reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Sixteen chapters organized into three broad sections titled: Measurement and Estimation, Agrobiodiversity and Tree Management, and Policy and Socioeconomic Aspects represent a cross section of the opportunities and challenges in current research and emerging issues in harnessing carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems. "
DeFelice presents this intricate subject in an easy-to-follow, stepwise fashion: he reviews the fundamentals of electricity; transfers those principles to a biological context; and expands the discussion to encompass the subject's practical dimensions. Clear definitions and intuitive descriptions characterize the presentation, which is complemented by over 150 drawings and graphs. Mathematics is kept to the minimum necessary. The text covers both excitable and non-excitable membranes and includes the plasma membrane as well as intracellular membranes. A unique, 'electronics-made-simple' appendix, designed specifically for biologists, treats the operational amplifiers used in patch clamp, and other appendices offer solutions to equations and examples that illustrate principles.
This volume is a revision of Biological Control by R. van den Bosch and P. S. Messenger, originally published by Intext Publishers. In the revision, I have attempted to keep the original theme, and to update it with current research findings and new chapters or sections on insect pathology, microbial control of weeds and plant pathogens, population dynamics, integrated pest management, and economics. The book was written as an undergraduate text, and not as a complete review of the subject area. Various more comprehen sive volumes have been written to serve as handbooks for the experts. This book is designed to provide a concise overview of the complex and valuable field of biological control and to show the relationships to the developing concepts of integrated pest management. Population regulation of pests by natural enemies is the major theme of the book, but other biological methods of pest control are also discussed. The chapter on population dynamics assumes a precalculus-level knowledge of mathematics. Author names of species are listed only once in the text, but all are listed in the Appendix. Any errors or omissions in this volume are my sole responsibility. A. P. Gutierrez Professor of Entomology Division of Biological Control University of California, Berkeley vii Acknowledgments Very special thanks must be given to my colleagues, Professors C. B. Huffaker and L. E. Caltagirone, for the very thorough review they provided and for the many positive suggestions they gave. Dr."
Insects multiply. Destruction reigns. There is dismay, followed by outcry, and demands to Authority. Authority remembers its experts or appoints some: they ought to know. The experts advise a Cure. The Cure can be almost anything: holy water from Mecca, a Government Commis sion, a culture of bacteria, poison, prayers denunciatory or tactful, a new god, a trap, a Pied Piper. The Cures have only one thing in common: with a little patience they always work. They have never been known entirely to fail. Likewise they have never been known to prevent the next outbreak. For the cycle of abundance and scarcity has a rhythm of its own, and the Cures are applied just when the plague of insects is going to abate through its own loss of momentum. -Abridged, with insects in place of voles, from C. Elton, 1924, Voles, Mice and Lemmings, with permission of Oxford University Press This book is an enquiry into the "natural rhythms" of insect abundance in forested ecosystems and into the forces that give rise to these rhythms. Forests form unique environ ments for such studies because one can find them growing under relatively natural (pri meval) conditions as well as under the domination of human actions. Also, the slow growth and turnover rates of forested ecosystems enable us to investigate insect popula tion dynamics in a plant environment that remains relatively constant or changes only slowly, this in contrast to agricultural systems, where change is often drastic and frequent."
The prirnates that provide the central theme of these studies by David Chivers and his colleagues are the dominant large herbi vores of the tropical evergreen rain forest. Tothis extent, they are the ecological counterparts of the great herds of ungulates in habiting the savannahs of tropical Africa (and the monsoonal plains of Asia in their pristine state). Both groups comprise the chief primary consumers of living vegetable tissue in their respective environments. Members of each show appropriate anatomical adapt ations for such a diet. As efficient exploiters of a dispersed but generally abundant food source, each group collectively forms the main vertebrate component of animal biernass in the environment. Yet, despite superficial convergence, there are important differences in the biology and behaviour of members of these two groups of herbivores. Of greatest practical moment to the enquiring biologist are the ready visibility of most plains-dwelling ungulates, the ease with which the researcher can travel over (or above) their habitat by motor transport (or light aircraft) and the facility for near approach without causing disturbance that a closed vehicle has proved to offer. Given the additional attractions of wide, open views and stupendaus scenery, generally invigorating climate and easy life-style, it is perhaps not surprising that in past decades much research effort has focussed on the larger herbivorous mammals of the tropical savannahs.
The Fourteenth Midwest Conference on Endocrinology and Metab olism, held at the University of Missouri - Columbia on September 28th and 29th, 1978, brought together several prominent researchers who are authorities on various aspects of the renin-angiotensin system. Each speaker presented an in-depth coverage of a topic related to his own area of expertise, including recent findings from his own research laboratory. Following each presentation thet:e was a general discussion of the material by the speaker and the audience. These presentations and the ensuing discussions are summarized in these published Proceedings. Traditionally the Midwest Conferences on Endocrinology and Metabolism have emphasized breadth as well as depth of coverage of the selected topic; the present Conference is no exception. Perusal of the titles of the presentations will reveal that the Conference dea1th with many different facets of the renin-angiotensin system, including the biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, and comparative endocrinology of this hormonal system, plus special areas of con sideration such as angiotensin receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme, the control of renin release, angiotensin and aldosterone secretion, and the role of the renin-angiotensin system in the central nervous system. The selection of the renin-angiotensin system as the topic for the present conference was very timely because of the many noteworthy advances in this area in recent years, many by the participants in the Conference. The Editors are very appreciative of the excellent manuscripts which the speakers provided for these Proceedings.
Emphasis in agricultural research for many years has concen trated on crop production. This emphasis has become more important in recent years with the realization that the population worldwide is outstripping the food supply. There is, however, another side to increasing the availability of the food supply. This simply involves preservation of the harvested crop.for human consumption. The losses incurred in harvesting, handling, transportation, storage and marketing crops have become a greater problem as the distance from the farm to the ultimate consumer increases. In the Western world where modern transportation, storage facilities, and marketing technology are widely used, post-harvest technology requires a large input of energy which increases costs considerably. There fore, losses are more significant and the ability to provide fresh fruits and vegetables, out of season, at reasonable costs will depend on reduced post-harvest losses throughout the marketing chain from the farm gate to the ultimate consumer. The reduction in post-harvest losses depends on proper use of current technology and further developments derived from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Biochemistry, plant physiology, plant pathology, horticulture, agronomy, physics, engineering and agricultural economics, all provide knowledge which has been useful and will be useful in the future for improving post-harvest technol ogy and crop preservation. This volume records the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Post-Harvest Physiology and Crop Preservation, held at Sounion, Greece, April 28 - May 8, 1981."
Gilbert S. Omenn Dean, Public Health and Community Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 On behalf of the University of Washington, the City of Seattle, the sponsors and donors, and my co-organizers, I am delighted to welcome all of you to this Conference on Genetic Control of Environ mental Pollutants. My only regret is that Dr. Alexander Hollaender, who has inspired so many of us as young scientists and stimulated so many trail-blazing conferences in environmental sciences and in gen etic engineering, is ill and was unable to make the trip to Seattle. He sends his warm good wishes for an outstanding meeting and a fine volume. The purpose of this Conference is to identify and assess strat egies for more effectively and safely managing wastes and toxic sub stances in the environment, in part through use of genetically engi neered microorganisms. There is a sense of desperation in our soci ety that modern technologies have introduced a bewildering array of potential hazards to human health and to our environment. There is an accompanying sense of frustration that our prodigious basic re search capabilities and our technological ingenuity have not yielded practical ways to control many pollutants and waste streams, or- better still--to convert them to useful products.
The Daniel S. Lehrman Memorial Symposia Series will publish the proceedings of symposia devoted to the evolution, development, and organization of behavior. These various symposia will bring together at intervals scientists studying problems from each of these view points. The aim is to attempt to integrate our knowledge derived from these different sources and to familiarize scientists working on similar behavior patterns with the work of their colleagues in related fields of study. Each volume, therefore, will be devoted to a specific topic in the field of animal behavior, which will be explored with respect to its evolutionary aspects, including the adaptive nature of the behav ior; with respect to its developmental aspects, including neural, hor monal, and experiential influences; and with respect to the analysis of features of organization, including motivational, perceptual, and motor aspects and their physiological bases. It is our feeling that the most appropriate memorial to our colleague and close friend, Daniel S. Lehrman, is the continuation of his valuable contributions toward integrating these approaches to the study of animal behavior, which he pursued so effectively during his own life. Daniel S. Lehrman's lifelong love and study of animal behavior gave us a wealth of new insights into reproductive behavior and evolution. It is therefore appropriate that the first symposium of this series is devoted to recent advances in this field.
Charles E. Hess Department of Environmental Horticulture University of California Davis, CA 95616 Research in the biology of adventitious root formation has a special place in science. It provides an excellent forum in which to pursue fundamental research on the regulation of plant growth and development. At the same time the results of the research have been quickly applied by commercial plant propagators, agronomists, foresters and horticulturists (see the chapter by Kovar and Kuchenbuch, by Ritchie, and by Davies and coworkers in this volume). In an era when there is great interest in speeding technology transfer, the experiences gained in research in adventitious root formation may provide useful examples for other areas of science. Interaction between the fundamental and the applied have been and continue to be facilitated by the establishment, in 1951, of the Plant Propagators' Society, which has evolved into the International Plant Propagators' Society, with active programs in six regions around the world. It is a unique organization which brings together researchers in universities, botanical gardens and arboreta, and commercial plant propagators. In this synergistic environment new knowledge is rapidly transferred and new ideas for fundamental research evolve from the presentations and discussions by experienced plant propagators. In the past 50 years, based on research related to the biology of adventitious root formation, advances in plant propagation have been made on two major fronts.
Rice is the most important cereal crop which feeds more than half the population of the world. It is being grown in more than 144. 641 million ha with a production of over 468. 275 million tons (in 1988). Rice is attacked by a large number of pests and diseases which cause an enormous loss in its yield. Therefore, the major objectives in rice breeding are the development of disease resistance, tolerance to insects, adverse soil water, and drought; and improvement of quality including increased protein content. Tremendous efforts being made at the International Rice Research Institute have resulted in the release of improved varieties. It is estimated that the world's annual rice production must increase from 460 million tons (in 1987) to 560 million tons by the year 2000, and to 760 million tons by 2020 (a 65% increase) in order to keep up with the population growth (IRRI Rice Facts 1988). To achieve this gigantic goal, new strategies have to be evolved. Since the success of any crop improvement program de pends on the extent of genetic variability in the base population, new techniques need to be developed not only to generate the much needed variability but also for its conservation. In this regard the progress made in the biotechnology of rice during the last 5 years has amply demonstrated the immense value of innovative approaches for further improvement of this crop.
H. BINDING and J. REINERT In collaboration with the first authors of this volume This volume is devoted to the development of cell clones and plants from ma nipulated cells: isolated protoplasts, cell fusion bodies, and transformed cells. Isolated protoplasts represent cells which are liberated from their walls and separated from the differentiation pattern of the organism. Investigations on re generation from protoplasts provide a better understanding of the process and control of developmental pathways. Whereas protoplast isolation results in alteration of the state of differentiation of a cell, protoplast fusion is a means for the creation of cells with novel genetic constitution. Fascinating features are (1) to hybridize cells which-unlike gametes -did not derive from meiosis products, (2) to bring together foreign plastids and mitochondria and to investigate their parasexual reactions, and (3) to match ge netic traits which had been separated for long periods of evolution. Highly sophisticated techniques have already been elaborated for the transfer of genes by the use of isolated DNA and gene transfer systems. Highly promising results have already been obtained by the use of Ti plasmids of Agrobacterium, but direct DNA transformation is also proving to be useful. Most of the results in these areas are preliminary and/or limited to a few sys tem.lt is the aim of this volume to present the main features, but at the same time to draw attention to problems and perspectives of protoplast regeneration and so matic cell genetics in order to stimulate further investigations."
''Informative, well-constructed, and readable...The contributors are leaders in their fields and what they have to say is worthwhile.'' --- SGM Quarterly, August 1998
27 chapter cover the distribution, economic importance, conventional propagation, micropropagation, tissue culture, and in vitro production of important medicinal and pharmaceutical compounds in various species of Ajuga, Allium, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Aspilia, Atractylodes, Callitris, Choisya, Cinnamomum, Coluria, Cucumis, Drosera, Daucus, Eustoma, Fagopyrum, Hibiscus, Levisticum, Onobrychis, Orthosiphon, Quercus, Sanguinaria, Solanum, Sophora, Stauntonia, Tanecetum, Vetiveria, and Vitis. Like the previous volumes 4, 7, 15, and 21 in the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants series, the volume is tailored to the need of advanced students, teachers, and research scientists in the area of plant biotechnology andbioengineering, pharmacy, botany and biochemistry.
Both fire and climatic variability have monumental impacts on the dynamics of temperate ecosystems. These impacts can sometimes be extreme or devastating as seen in recent El Nino/La Nina cycles and in uncontrolled fire occurrences. This volume brings together research conducted in western North and South America, areas of a great deal of collaborative work on the influence of people and climate change on fire regimes. In order to give perspective to patterns of change over time, it emphasizes the integration of paleoecological studies with studies of modern ecosystems. Data from a range of spatial scales, from individual plants to communities and ecosystems to landscape and regional levels, are included. Contributions come from fire ecology, paleoecology, biogeography, paleoclimatology, landscape and ecosystem ecology, ecological modeling, forest management, plant community ecology and plant morphology. The book gives a synthetic overview of methods, data and simulation models for evaluating fire regime processes in forests, shrublands and woodlands and assembles case studies of fire, climate and land use histories. The unique approach of this book gives researchers the benefits of a north-south comparison as well as the integration of paleoecological histories, current ecosystem dynamics and modeling of future changes.
This book links the emerging concepts of complexity, complex adaptive systems (CAS) and resilience to forest ecology and management. It explores how these concepts can be applied in various forest biomes of the world with their different ecological, economic and social settings, and histories. Individual chapters stress different elements of these concepts based on the specific setting and expertise of the authors. Regions and authors have been selected to cover a diversity of viewpoints and emphases, from silviculture and natural forests to forest restoration, and from boreal to tropical forests. The chapters show that there is no single generally applicable approach to forest management that applies to all settings. The first set of chapters provides a global overview of how complexity, CAS and resilience theory can benefit researchers who study forest ecosystems. A second set of chapters provides guidance for managers in understanding how these concepts can help them to facilitate forest ecosystem change and renewal (adapt or self-organize) in the face of global change while still delivering the goods and services desired by humans. The book takes a broad approach by covering a variety of forest biomes and the full range of management goals from timber production to forest restoration to promoting the maintenance of biodiversity, quality of water and carbon storage.
In order to produce a superior scholarly treatise in bio medical science, three important conditions need to be met. First, the subject needs to be of recognized importance and preferably one in which a sizeable volume of new knowledge has been added recently. Second, it needs to be quite evident that the field involved re quires much more up-to-date coverage than it has received and third, the choice of the editors and in turn the authors needs to be recognized as outstanding. This major treatise fills these criteria in an admirable way. There are few who would deny the importance of knowledge concerning the circulatory system. This all pervasive system is the route by which virtually all of the cells and tissues of the body receive their nutrition and it is the major route by which metabolic waste products are carried away. Furthermore, the diseases that involve the circulatory system are, by far, the underlying causes of death and morbidity in the largest number of Americans, Western Europeans and several other populations of industrialized nations. Not only is atherosclerosis-induced-ischemic disease of the heart, brain and extremities widespread in these populations but venous occlusive disease also takes a great toll from phlebothrombosis, pulmonary embolism, etc.
One of the United States Food and Drug Administration's most difficult tasks is the assessment of risk-benefit ratios for a broad spectrum of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Furthermore, it is now widely recog nized that no drug, chemical or even natural substance is completely devoid of risk. Nowhere has this issue been the subject of more controversy than with steroidal contraceptive drugs. Regulated as a special class of products because of their prophylactic use in healthy individuals for prevention of pregnancy rather than for treatment of disease, steroid contraceptives drugs undergo more extensive animal safety tests than any other pharmaceutical agent. This view also contemplates the availability of alternative contraceptive measures posing fewer risks, but the use of less effective methods must take into consideration the hazards associated with pregnancy itself. In April 1983, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Insti tutes of Health in cooperation with the World Health Organization, the Population Council, and the Agency for International Development sponsored a three-day workshop to evaluate current guidelines for preclinical safety studies of contraceptive drugs in light of our extensive knowledge of the side effects of marketed products. The meeting included presenta tions by experts in the fields of comparative metabolism, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, carcinogenicity, toxicology, coagulation, lipid metabolism, epidemiology and pathology at a meeting of the Fertility and Maternal Health Drugs Advisory Committee of the National Center for Drugs and Biologics, Food and Drug Administration."
Insect pest control has continuously evolved from inorganics to botanicals, to chlo- rinated hydrocarbons, to organophosphorus compounds and methylcarbamates, then synthetic pyrethroids and most recently synthetic nicotinoids as the major classes. These insecticides allowed high standards of crop protection at minimal cost. A limitation in each new class of compounds is the selection of resistant strains and ultimate control failures and this serves as a driving force to discover and develop replacement compounds to circumvent resistance and overcome problem areas. The nicotinoids now play a critical role in meeting this need. Three generations of chemicals are involved in the history of nicotinoid insecti- cides. The first generation was the botanical nicotine used for at least three centuries to control sucking insect pests but largely replaced in the 1940s and 1950s by the more effective organophosphorus compounds and methylcarbamates, some with systemic properties. Synthesis programs based on nicotine as a prototype did not yield compounds that could compete with other synthetic insecticides. The second generation was the nitromethylene type such as nithiazine, discovered by Shell sci- entists in a screening/optimization program. The nitromethylenes had the potency, selectivity, and systemic properties but lacked the field effectiveness largely because of photolability (so close yet so far from a major commercial product). The third generation required a series of advances made by Bayer researchers starting from nithiazine as the model and enhancing its photostability and potency with a nitroimine and chloropyridyl moiety, respectively, to give imidacloprid, the subject of much of this monograph.
One of the most significant challenges facing mankind in the twenty-first century is the development of a sustainable global economy. Within the scientific community, this calls for the development of processes and technologies that will allow the sustainable production of materials from renewable natural resources. Plant material, in particular lignin, is one such resource. During the annual production of about 100 million metric tons of chemical wood pulps worldwide, approximately 45 and 2 million metric tons/year of kraft lignin and lignosulfonates, respectively, are also generated. Although lignosulfonates have found many applications outside the pulp and paper industry, the majority of kraft lignin is being used internally as a low-grade fuel for the kraft pulping operation. A surplus of kraft lignin will become available as kraft mills increase their pulp production without expanding the capacity of their recovery boilers that utilize lignin as a fuel. There is a tremendous opportunity and an enormous economic incentive to find better uses of kraft lignin, lignosulfonates and other industriallignins. The pulp and paper industry not only produces an enormous amount of lignins as by products of chemical wood pulps, but it also utilizes about 10 million metric tons of lignin per year as a component of mechanical wood pulps and papers. Mechanical wood pulps, produced in a yield of 90-98% with the retention of lignin, are mainly used to make low-quality, non-permanent papers such as newsprint and telephone directories because of the light-induced photooxidation of lignin and the yellowing of the papers.
The topics in this volume explore the etiology, cellular mechanisms, epidemiology, genetics, models and potential therapeutic measures for the blinding diseases of retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration. Special focus is highlighted in the areas of Mechanisms of Photoreceptor Degeneration and Cell Death (extremely important because very little is known how or why photoreceptors die in these diseases, despite an abundance of genetic information), Age-Related Macular Degeneration (with several novel approaches to its analysis), Usher Syndrome (the most severe form of retinitis pigmentosa, which includes an early or congenital loss of hearing along with blindness), and Gene Therapy. In addition, the section on Basic Science Related to Retinal Degeneration is particularly strong with several laboratories reporting on new discoveries in the area of outer segment phagocytosis, a key component of photoreceptor-retinal pigment epithelial cell interactions in normal and degenerating retinas.
Cut and come again forestry - reviving the ancient practice of resprout silviculture to power local woodland-based economies. Coppice Agroforestry is a richly illustrated, comprehensive guide to resprout silviculture - managing trees and shrubs by coppicing, pollarding, shredding, and pleaching - for a continuous supply of small diameter polewood for products from firewood to fine furniture. Contextualizing resprout silviculture historically, ecologically, and economically, Coppice Agroforestry explores the potential of this ancient practice for modern times. Coverage includes: The cultural history of coppicing in Europe and North America Tree and shrub anatomy, biology, and woodland ecology A suite of woodland management systems Dozens of handcrafted wood products on a continuum of value, offering a wide range of business opportunities Case studies of diverse coppice-based enterprises Assessing existing forests for coppice potential Designing new resprout silviculture systems Tables highlighting diverse species for various uses A vision of a modern resprout silviculture renaissance. A decade in the making, encyclopedic in scope, and written by the hand of a woodsman, Coppice Agroforestry is a deep dive into this ancient practice, blending it with modern science, systems thinking, and tools to land it firmly into the 21st century. Whether you have a few trees or an entire forest, Coppice Agroforestry is the must-have practical guide for homesteaders, farmers, foresters, land managers, and educators who ally themselves with the remarkable resilience of woody plants.
During the course of the developnent of most areas of scien- tific research certain events occur that serve to bring a particular area into focus. We feel that this symposilHll volume serves that role with regard to the study of the reproductive biology of amphib- ians. The collection of vnrks contained in this volume provides an excellent review of a diversity of past contributions to this field of investigation and brings together in one volume the major ap- proaches that have been utilized to study amphibian reproductive biology. The work emphasizes recently-completed studies and therefore can be considered to be an up-to-date account of the field. Equally signif icant, however, the contributors to this volume have excelled in pointing out directions for future research that will be of im- mense value in integrating the component parts of reproductive bi- ology, i.e., genetics, developnental biology, physiology, behavior, and ecology, into an eVOlutionary framework. |
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