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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Functional analysis
Written by a distinguished specialist in functional analysis, this book presents a comprehensive treatment of the history of Banach spaces and (abstract bounded) linear operators. Banach space theory is presented as a part of a broad mathematics context, using tools from such areas as set theory, topology, algebra, combinatorics, probability theory, logic, etc. Equal emphasis is given to both spaces and operators. The book may serve as a reference for researchers and as an introduction for graduate students who want to learn Banach space theory with some historical flavor.
This book offers an essential introduction to the theory of Hilbert space, a fundamental tool for non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Linear, topological, metric, and normed spaces are all addressed in detail, in a rigorous but reader-friendly fashion. The rationale for providing an introduction to the theory of Hilbert space, rather than a detailed study of Hilbert space theory itself, lies in the strenuous mathematics demands that even the simplest physical cases entail. Graduate courses in physics rarely offer enough time to cover the theory of Hilbert space and operators, as well as distribution theory, with sufficient mathematical rigor. Accordingly, compromises must be found between full rigor and the practical use of the instruments. Based on one of the authors's lectures on functional analysis for graduate students in physics, the book will equip readers to approach Hilbert space and, subsequently, rigged Hilbert space, with a more practical attitude. It also includes a brief introduction to topological groups, and to other mathematical structures akin to Hilbert space. Exercises and solved problems accompany the main text, offering readers opportunities to deepen their understanding. The topics and their presentation have been chosen with the goal of quickly, yet rigorously and effectively, preparing readers for the intricacies of Hilbert space. Consequently, some topics, e.g., the Lebesgue integral, are treated in a somewhat unorthodox manner. The book is ideally suited for use in upper undergraduate and lower graduate courses, both in Physics and in Mathematics.
By a Hilbert-space operator we mean a bounded linear transformation be tween separable complex Hilbert spaces. Decompositions and models for Hilbert-space operators have been very active research topics in operator theory over the past three decades. The main motivation behind them is the in variant subspace problem: does every Hilbert-space operator have a nontrivial invariant subspace? This is perhaps the most celebrated open question in op erator theory. Its relevance is easy to explain: normal operators have invariant subspaces (witness: the Spectral Theorem), as well as operators on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces (witness: canonical Jordan form). If one agrees that each of these (i. e. the Spectral Theorem and canonical Jordan form) is important enough an achievement to dismiss any further justification, then the search for nontrivial invariant subspaces is a natural one; and a recalcitrant one at that. Subnormal operators have nontrivial invariant subspaces (extending the normal branch), as well as compact operators (extending the finite-dimensional branch), but the question remains unanswered even for equally simple (i. e. simple to define) particular classes of Hilbert-space operators (examples: hyponormal and quasinilpotent operators). Yet the invariant subspace quest has certainly not been a failure at all, even though far from being settled. The search for nontrivial invariant subspaces has undoubtly yielded a lot of nice results in operator theory, among them, those concerning decompositions and models for Hilbert-space operators. This book contains nine chapters."
This and the previous volume of the OT series contain the proceedings of the Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, IWOTA 95, which was held at the University of Regensburg, Germany, July 31 to August 4, 1995. It was the eigth workshop of this kind. Following is a list of the seven previous workshops with reference to their proceedings: 1981 Operator Theory (Santa Monica, California, USA) 1983 Applications of Linear Operator Theory to Systems and Networks (Rehovot, Israel), OT 12 1985 Operator Theory and its Applications (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), OT 19 1987 Operator Theory and Functional Analysis (Mesa, Arizona, USA), OT 35 1989 Matrix and Operator Theory (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), OT 50 1991 Operator Theory and Complex Analysis (Sapporo, Japan), OT 59 1993 Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems (Vienna, Austria), OT 80 IWOTA 95 offered a rich programme on a wide range of latest developments in operator theory and its applications. The programme consisted of 6 invited plenary lectures, 54 invited special topic lectures and more than 100 invited session talks. About 180 participants from 25 countries attended the workshop, more than a third came from Eastern Europe. The conference covered different aspects of linear and nonlinear spectral prob lems, starting with problems for abstract operators up to spectral theory of ordi nary and partial differential operators, pseudodifferential operators, and integral operators. The workshop was also focussed on operator theory in spaces with indefinite metric, operator functions, interpolation and extension problems."
Functional Equations andInequalities provides an extensive studyofsome of the most important topics of current interest in functional equations and inequalities. Subjects dealt with include: a Pythagorean functional equation, a functional definition oftrigonometric functions, the functional equation ofthe square root spiral, a conditional Cauchy functional equation, an iterative functional equation, the Hille-type functional equation, the polynomial-like iterative functional equation, distribution ofzeros and inequalities for zeros of algebraic polynomials, a qualitative study ofLobachevsky's complex functional equation, functional inequalities in special classesoffunctions, replicativity and function spaces, normal distributions, some difference equations, finite sums decompositions of functions, harmonic functions, set-valued quasiconvex functions, the problem of expressibility in some extensions of free groups, Aleksandrov problem and mappings which preserve distances, Ulam's problem, stability of some functional equation for generalized trigonometric functions, Hyers-Ulam stability of Hosszil's equation, superstability of a functional equation, and some demand functions in a duopoly market with advertising. It is a pleasureto express my deepest appreciationto all the mathematicians who contributed to this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the superb assistance provided by the staffofKluwer Academic Publishers. June 2000 Themistocles M. Rassias xi ON THE STABILITY OF A FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR GENERALIZED TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ROMAN BADORA lnstytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Sli;ski, ul. Bankowa 14, PL-40-007 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: robadora@gate. math. us. edu. pl Abstract. In the present paper the stability result concerning a functional equation for generalized trigonometric functions is presented. Z.
Boolean algebras underlie many central constructions of analysis, logic, probability theory, and cybernetics. This book concentrates on the analytical aspects of their theory and application, which distinguishes it among other sources. Boolean Algebras in Analysis consists of two parts. The first concerns the general theory at the beginner's level. Presenting classical theorems, the book describes the topologies and uniform structures of Boolean algebras, the basics of complete Boolean algebras and their continuous homomorphisms, as well as lifting theory. The first part also includes an introductory chapter describing the elementary to the theory. The second part deals at a graduate level with the metric theory of Boolean algebras at a graduate level. The covered topics include measure algebras, their sub algebras, and groups of automorphisms. Ample room is allotted to the new classification theorems abstracting the celebrated counterparts by D.Maharam, A.H. Kolmogorov, and V.A.Rokhlin. Boolean Algebras in Analysis is an exceptional definitive source on Boolean algebra as applied to functional analysis and probability. It is intended for all who are interested in new and powerful tools for hard and soft mathematical analysis.
This book presents an operator theoretic approach to robust control analysis for linear time-varying systems. It emphasizes the conceptual similarity with the H control theory for time-invariant systems and at the same time clarifies the major difficulties confronted in the time varying case. The necessary operator theory is developed from first principles and the book is as self-contained as possible. After presenting the necessary results from the theories of Toeplitz operators and nest algebras, linear systems are defined as input- output operators and the relationship between stabilization and the existance of co-prime factorizations is described. Uniform optimal control problems are formulated as model-matching problems and are reduced to four block problems. Robustness is considered both from the point of view of fractional representations and the "time varying gap" metric, and the relationship between these types of uncertainties is clarified. The book closes with the solution of the orthogonal embedding problem for time varying contractive systems. This book will be useful to both mathematicians interested in the potential applications of operator theory in control and control engineers who wish to deal with some of the more mathematically sophisticated extension of their work.
This is a collection of original and review articles on recent advances and new directions in a multifaceted and interconnected area of mathematics and its applications. It encompasses many topics in theoretical developments in operator theory and its diverse applications in applied mathematics, physics, engineering, and other disciplines. The purpose is to bring in one volume many important original results of cutting edge research as well as authoritative review of recent achievements, challenges, and future directions in the area of operator theory and its applications. The intended audience are mathematicians, physicists, electrical engineers in academia and industry, researchers and graduate students, that use methods of operator theory and related fields of mathematics, such as matrix theory, functional analysis, differential and difference equations, in their work.
The subject of the book is Diophantine approximation and Nevanlinna theory. Not only does the text provide new results and directions, it also challenges open problems and collects latest research activities on these subjects made by the authors over the past eight years. Some of the significant findings are the proof of the Green-Griffiths conjecture by using meromorphic connections and Jacobian sections, and a generalized abc-conjecture. The book also presents the state of the art in the studies of the analogues between Diophantine approximation (in number theory) and value distribution theory (in complex analysis), with a method based on Vojta's dictionary for the terms of these two fields. The approaches are relatively natural and more effective than existing methods. The book is self-contained and appended with a comprehensive and up-to-date list of references. It is of interest to a broad audience of graduate students and researchers specialized in pure mathematics.
This book was undertaken to provide a text and reference on the theory and practice of the FFT and its common usage. This book is organized in only four chapters, and is intended as a tutorial on the use of the FFf and its trade space. The trade space of the FFT is the parameters in its usage and the relationships between them - the sampie rate, the total number of points or the interval over which processing occurs in a single FFf, the selectivity of tuning to a given frequency over signals out-of-band, and the bandwidth over which a signal appears. The examples given in this text are in FORTRAN 9512003. FORTRAN 2003 was frozen as a standard while this work was in progress. The listings given here are intended as an aid in understanding the FFT and associated algorithms such as spectral window weightings, with the goal of making the best of them more accessible to the reader. The code I use here provides a simple bridge between the material in the text and implementation in FORTRAN 2003, C++, Java, MATLAB (c), and other modem languages. The examples are sufficiently simple to be translated into older languages such as C and FORTRAN 77 if desired.
Spectral theoryis an important part of functional analysis.It has numerousapp- cations in many parts of mathematics and physics including matrix theory, fu- tion theory, complex analysis, di?erential and integral equations, control theory and quantum physics. In recent years, spectral theory has witnessed an explosive development. There are many types of spectra, both for one or several commuting operators, with important applications, for example the approximate point spectrum, Taylor spectrum, local spectrum, essential spectrum, etc. The present monograph is an attempt to organize the available material most of which exists only in the form of research papers scattered throughout the literature. The aim is to present a survey of results concerning various types of spectra in a uni?ed, axiomatic way. The central unifying notion is that of a regularity, which in a Banach algebra isasubsetofelementsthatareconsideredtobe nice .AregularityRinaBanach algebraA de?nes the corresponding spectrum ? (a)={ C: a / ? R} in R the same wayas the ordinaryspectrum is de?ned by means of invertible elements, ?(a)={ C: a / ? Inv(A)}. Axioms of a regularity are chosen in such a way that there are many natural interesting classes satisfying them. At the same time they are strong enough for non-trivial consequences, for example the spectral mapping theorem. Spectra ofn-tuples ofcommuting elements ofa Banachalgebraaredescribed similarly by means of a notion of joint regularity. This notion is closely related to ? the axiomatic spectral theory of Zelazko and S lodkowski."
This book proposes representations of multicast rate regions in wireless networks based on the mathematical concept of submodular functions, e.g., the submodular cut model and the polymatroid broadcast model. These models subsume and generalize the graph and hypergraph models. The submodular structure facilitates a dual decomposition approach to network utility maximization problems, which exploits the greedy algorithm for linear programming on submodular polyhedra. This approach yields computationally efficient characterizations of inner and outer bounds on the multicast capacity regions for various classes of wireless networks.
This book presents current research on Ulam stability for functional equations and inequalities. Contributions from renowned scientists emphasize fundamental and new results, methods and techniques. Detailed examples are given to theories to further understanding at the graduate level for students in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Key topics covered in this book include: Quasi means Approximate isometries Functional equations in hypergroups Stability of functional equations Fischer-Muszely equation Haar meager sets and Haar null sets Dynamical systems Functional equations in probability theory Stochastic convex ordering Dhombres functional equation Nonstandard analysis and Ulam stability This book is dedicated in memory of Stanilsaw Marcin Ulam, who posed the fundamental problem concerning approximate homomorphisms of groups in 1940; which has provided the stimulus for studies in the stability of functional equations and inequalities.
On February 15-17, 1993, a conference on Large Scale Optimization, hosted by the Center for Applied Optimization, was held at the University of Florida. The con ference was supported by the National Science Foundation, the U. S. Army Research Office, and the University of Florida, with endorsements from SIAM, MPS, ORSA and IMACS. Forty one invited speakers presented papers on mathematical program ming and optimal control topics with an emphasis on algorithm development, real world applications and numerical results. Participants from Canada, Japan, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Greece, and Denmark gave the meeting an important international component. At tendees also included representatives from IBM, American Airlines, US Air, United Parcel Serice, AT & T Bell Labs, Thinking Machines, Army High Performance Com puting Research Center, and Argonne National Laboratory. In addition, the NSF sponsored attendance of thirteen graduate students from universities in the United States and abroad. Accurate modeling of scientific problems often leads to the formulation of large scale optimization problems involving thousands of continuous and/or discrete vari ables. Large scale optimization has seen a dramatic increase in activities in the past decade. This has been a natural consequence of new algorithmic developments and of the increased power of computers. For example, decomposition ideas proposed by G. Dantzig and P. Wolfe in the 1960's, are now implement able in distributed process ing systems, and today many optimization codes have been implemented on parallel machines."
Survey on Classical Inequalities provides a study of some of the well known inequalities in classical mathematical analysis. Subjects dealt with include: Hardy-Littlewood-type inequalities, Hardy's and Carleman's inequalities, Lyapunov inequalities, Shannon's and related inequalities, generalized Shannon functional inequality, operator inequalities associated with Jensen's inequality, weighted Lp -norm inequalities in convolutions, inequalities for polynomial zeros as well as applications in a number of problems of pure and applied mathematics. It is my pleasure to express my appreciation to the distinguished mathematicians who contributed to this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the superb assistance provided by the staff of Kluwer Academic Publishers. June 2000 Themistocles M. Rassias Vll LYAPUNOV INEQUALITIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS RICHARD C. BROWN Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0350, USA. email address: [email protected] DON B. HINTON Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. email address: [email protected] Abstract. For nearly 50 years Lyapunov inequalities have been an important tool in the study of differential equations. In this survey, building on an excellent 1991 historical survey by Cheng, we sketch some new developments in the theory of Lyapunov inequalities and present some recent disconjugacy results relating to second and higher order differential equations as well as Hamiltonian systems. 1. Introduction Lyapunov's inequality has proved useful in the study of spectral properties of ordinary differential equations. Typical applications include bounds for eigenvalues, stability criteria for periodic differential equations, and estimates for intervals of disconjugacy.
Classical Sobolev spaces, based on Lebesgue spaces on an underlying domain with smooth boundary, are not only of considerable intrinsic interest but have for many years proved to be indispensible in the study of partial differential equations and variational problems. Many developments of the basic theory since its inception arise in response to concrete problems, for example, with the (ubiquitous) sets with fractal boundaries. The theory will probably enjoy substantial further growth, but even now a connected account of the mature parts of it makes a useful addition to the literature. Accordingly, the main themes of this book are Banach spaces and spaces of Sobolev type based on them; integral operators of Hardy type on intervals and on trees; and the distribution of the approximation numbers (singular numbers in the Hilbert space case) of embeddings of Sobolev spaces based on generalised ridged domains. This timely book will be of interest to all those concerned with the partial differential equations and their ramifications. A prerequisite for reading it is a good graduate course in real analysis.
The approximation of functions by linear positive operators is an important research topic in general mathematics and it also provides powerful tools to application areas suchas computer-aided geometric design, numerical analysis, and solutions of differential equations. q-Calculus is a generalization of many subjects, such as hypergeometric series, complex analysis, and particle physics. This monograph is an introduction to combining approximation theory and q-Calculus with applications, by usingwell- known operators. The presentation is systematic and the authors include a brief summary of the notations and basicdefinitions ofq-calculus before delving into more advanced material. Themany applications of q-calculus in the theory of approximation, especially onvariousoperators, which includes convergence of operators to functions in real and complex domain forms the gist of the book. This book is suitable for researchers andstudents in mathematics, physics andengineering, and forprofessionals who would enjoy exploring the host of mathematicaltechniques and ideas that are collected and discussedin thebook."
The articles in this volume are an outgrowth of an international conference entitled Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phe- nomena, held in Pisa in January-February 2000. Under the framework of the research project Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, the conference was organized to celebrate the 60th birthday of Antonio Marino, one of the leaders of the research group and a significant contrib- utor to the mathematical activity in this area of nonlinear analysis. The volume highlights recent advances in the field of nonlinear functional analysis and its applications to nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations, with particular emphasis on variational and topological meth- ods. A broad range of topics is covered, including: concentration phenomena in PDEs, variational methods with applications to PDEs and physics, pe- riodic solutions of ODEs, computational aspects in topological methods, and mathematical models in biology. Though well-differentiated, the topics covered are unified through a com- mon perspective and approach. Unique to the work are several chapters on computational aspects and applications to biology, not usually found with such basic studies on PDEs and ODEs. The volume is an excellent reference text for researchers and graduate students in the above mentioned fields. Contributors are M. Clapp, M.J. Esteban, P. Felmer, A. Ioffe, W. Marzan- towicz, M. Mrozek, M. Musso, R. Ortega, P. Pilarczyk, M. del Pino, E. Sere, E. Schwartzman, P. Sintzoff, R. Turner, and I\f. Willem.
This is the first book to comprehensively cover quantum probabilistic approaches to spectral analysis of graphs, an approach developed by the authors. The book functions as a concise introduction to quantum probability from an algebraic aspect. Here readers will learn several powerful methods and techniques of wide applicability, recently developed under the name of quantum probability. The exercises at the end of each chapter help to deepen understanding.
The book contains the methods and bases of functional analysis that are directly adjacent to the problems of numerical mathematics and its applications; they are what one needs for the understand ing from a general viewpoint of ideas and methods of computational mathematics and of optimization problems for numerical algorithms. Functional analysis in mathematics is now just the small visible part of the iceberg. Its relief and summit were formed under the influence of this author's personal experience and tastes. This edition in English contains some additions and changes as compared to the second edition in Russian; discovered errors and misprints had been corrected again here; to the author's distress, they jump incomprehensibly from one edition to another as fleas. The list of literature is far from being complete; just a number of textbooks and monographs published in Russian have been included. The author is grateful to S. Gerasimova for her help and patience in the complex process of typing the mathematical manuscript while the author corrected, rearranged, supplemented, simplified, general ized, and improved as it seemed to him the book's contents. The author thanks G. Kontarev for the difficult job of translation and V. Klyachin for the excellent figures."
Research in the theory of trigonometric series has been carried out for over two centuries. The results obtained have greatly influenced various fields of mathematics, mechanics, and physics. Nowadays, the theory of simple trigonometric series has been developed fully enough (we will only mention the monographs by Zygmund [15, 16] and Bari [2]). The achievements in the theory of multiple trigonometric series look rather modest as compared to those in the one-dimensional case though multiple trigonometric series seem to be a natural, interesting and promising object of investigation. We should say, however, that the past few decades have seen a more intensive development of the theory in this field. To form an idea about the theory of multiple trigonometric series, the reader can refer to the surveys by Shapiro [1], Zhizhiashvili [16], [46], Golubov [1], D'yachenko [3]. As to monographs on this topic, only that ofYanushauskas [1] is known to me. This book covers several aspects of the theory of multiple trigonometric Fourier series: the existence and properties of the conjugates and Hilbert transforms of integrable functions; convergence (pointwise and in the LP-norm, p > 0) of Fourier series and their conjugates, as well as their summability by the Cesaro (C,a), a> -1, and Abel-Poisson methods; approximating properties of Cesaro means of Fourier series and their conjugates.
This book deals with elliptic differential equations, providing the analytic background necessary for the treatment of associated spectral questions, and covering important topics previously scattered throughout the literature. Starting with the basics of elliptic operators and their naturally associated function spaces, the authors then proceed to cover various related topics of current and continuing importance. Particular attention is given to the characterisation of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators acting in a Hilbert space and, for elliptic operators, the realisation of such extensions in terms of boundary conditions. A good deal of material not previously available in book form, such as the treatment of the Schauder estimates, is included. Requiring only basic knowledge of measure theory and functional analysis, the book is accessible to graduate students and will be of interest to all researchers in partial differential equations. The reader will value its self-contained, thorough and unified presentation of the modern theory of elliptic operators.
This monograph presents the newly developed method of rigged Hilbert spaces as a modern approach in singular perturbation theory. A key notion of this approach is the Lax-Berezansky triple of Hilbert spaces embedded one into another, which specifies the well-known Gelfand topological triple. All kinds of singular interactions described by potentials supported on small sets (like the Dirac -potentials, fractals, singular measures, high degree super-singular expressions) admit a rigorous treatment only in terms of the equipped spaces and their scales. The main idea of the method is to use singular perturbations to change inner products in the starting rigged space, and the construction of the perturbed operator by the Berezansky canonical isomorphism (which connects the positive and negative spaces from a new rigged triplet). The approach combines three powerful tools of functional analysis based on the Birman-Krein-Vishik theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators, the theory of singular quadratic forms, and the theory of rigged Hilbert spaces. The book will appeal to researchers in mathematics and mathematical physics studying the scales of densely embedded Hilbert spaces, the singular perturbations phenomenon, and singular interaction problems.
This monograph gives a systematic presentation of classical and recent results obtained in the last couple of years. It comprehensively describes the methods concerning the topological structure of fixed point sets and solution sets for differential equations and inclusions. Many of the basic techniques and results recently developed about this theory are presented, as well as the literature that is disseminated and scattered in several papers of pioneering researchers who developed the functional analytic framework of this field over the past few decades. Several examples of applications relating to initial and boundary value problems are discussed in detail. The book is intended to advanced graduate researchers and instructors active in research areas with interests in topological properties of fixed point mappings and applications; it also aims to provide students with the necessary understanding of the subject with no deep background material needed. This monograph fills the vacuum in the literature regarding the topological structure of fixed point sets and its applications.
This book aims to present some analytic inequalities and their applications in partial differential equations. These inequalities include integral inequalities, differential inequalities and difference inequalities which play a crucial role in establishing (uniform) bounds, global existence, large-time behavior, decay rates and blow-up of solutions to various classes of evolutionary differential equations. The material summarizes a vast literature such as published papers, preprints and books in which inequalities are categorized in terms ofdifferent properties which are consequences of those inequalities such as (uniform)bounds, global existence, large-time behavior, decay rates and blow-up of solutions for some partial differential equations. |
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