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Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > General
The first edition of this book appeared in 1983, and provided the first easily-accessible account of the state of biotechnology at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates. In this new edition, specialists in biotechnology at the University of Surrey have again collaborated with industrial experts to provide authoritative interdisciplinary coverage of an ever-expanding field. The revision of the text reflects the rapid advances made in many of the fields which go to make up biotechnology-ranging from the molecular to the process plant level. Biotechnology is an applied science, and this book relates theory to application by placing the basic advances in the context of commercial applicability and process optimization. For those wishing to explore the literature further, references to up-to-date reviews and original research publications are provided. Special thanks are due not only to the contributors, but to all those who have helped in the planning of this book. AW v Background to authors C. Bucke is Principal Lecturer in the School of Biotechnology, Polytechnic of Central London, and was previously Programme Manager Biotechnology at Tate & Lyle Group Research and Development. His research interests include the production and use of immobilized biocatalysts, the use of enzymes in the synthesis of novel bisaccharides and polysaccharides and the use of enzymes in extreme environments. He is Scientific Co-ordinator of the Institute for Biotechnological Studies, Department of Trade and Industry 'Extended use of Biocatalysts' Programme.
The popular Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM2) methodology has been around since the late '90s, but it was what professionals call a consequence-based approach. This work represents a revision to that bestselling RCM2 title, with more modern thinking, an emphasis on a risk-based methodology, and alignment with International ISO standards (55000 and 31000). The result is a more holistic, integrated, and rigorous way for developing asset care and risk- mitigating strategies for physical assets. Since the release of the ISO 310004 and ISO 550005 Standards for Risk Management and Asset Management respectively, Aladon developed RCM3, a risk-based RCM methodology that places managing the risk and reliability of physical assets mainstream with other business management systems in an organization. RCM3 fully complies and exceeds the requirements of the SAE Standard and fully aligns with the frameworks of the ISO Standards. The new risk-based focus of RCM3 features the following principles: Updated approach for testing and handling of protective devices, Based on the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and its challenges, Covers new expectations and new maintenance techniques for fourth-generation maintenance, Places reliability & risk management mainstream with organizational objectives and management systems, Aligned and integrated with International ISO Standards for Physical Asset Management and Risk Management (ISO 55000 & ISO 31000), Now part of an integrated asset strategy for full life-cycle management of physical assets.
Advances in Manufacturing and Processing of Materials and Structures cover the latest advances in materials and structures in manufacturing and processing including additive and subtractive processes. It's intended to provide a compiled resource that reviews details of the advances that have been made in recent years in manufacturing and processing of materials and structures. A key development incorporated within this book is 3D printing, which is being used to produce complex parts including composites with odd shape fibers, as well as tissue and body organs. This book has been tailored for engineers, scientists and practitioners in different fields such as aerospace, mechanical engineering, materials science and biomedicine. Biomimetic principles have also been integrated. Features Provides the latest state-of-the art on different manufacturing processes, including a biomimetics viewpoint Offers broad coverage of advances in materials and manufacturing Written by chapter authors who are world-class researchers in their respective fields Provides in-depth presentation of the latest 3D and 4D technologies related to various manufacturing disciplines Provides substantial references in each chapter to enhance further study
Ganz in der Tradition des bewahrten OEHLER/KAISER steht dieses
aktuelle Werk, das praxisbezogen die neuesten Entwicklungen der
Schneidtechnik darstellt.
The transfer of technology has been a central factor in the process of industrialization wherever it has occurred. If the process in the United States is to be fully understood, the transfer of crucial European industrial technologies must be examined. The industrialization of the United States in the nineteenth century occurred within the context of the basic European technologies brought by the colonists, and was spurred on by the innovative technologies brought from Europe after the American Revolution. Americans adapted and diffused these technologies, establishing an industrial complex that ultimately overtook the originator of the industrial revolution in many areas.
Batch manufactcring is a dominant manufacturing activity in the world, generating a great deal of industrial output. In the coming years, we are going to witness an era of mass customization of products. The major problems in batch manufacturing are a high level of product variety and small manufacturing lot sizes. The product variations present design engineers with the problem of designing many different parts. The decisions made in the design stage significantly affect manufacturing cost, quality and delivery lead times. The impacts of these product variations in manufacturing are high investment in equipment, high tooling costs, complex scheduling and loading, lengthy setup time and costs, excessive scrap and high quality control costs. However, to compete in a global market, it is essential to improve the productivity in small batch manufacturing industries. For this purpose, some innovative methods are needed to reduce product cost, lead time and enhance product quality to help increase market share and profitability. What is also needed is a higher level of integration of the design and manufacturing activities in a company. Group technology provides such a link between design and manufacturing. The adoption of group technology concepts, which allow for small batch production to gain economic advantages similar to mass production while retaining the flexibility of job shop methods, will help address some of the problems.
Auf dem Gebiet der Ventilatoren ist in jiingster Zeit ein unerwarte- ter Aufschwung eingetreten, der auf die Losung verschiedener stro- mungstechnischer Probleme zuriickzufiihren ist. Die Entwicklung war so rasch, daB plotzlich ein Wirkungsgrad von 90% bei kleiner Bauart er- reieht wurde. Infolgedessen gewann die bis dahin stiefmiitterlich be- handelte Maschinengruppe ganz erheblich an Interesse, was auch durch Dbersetzungen des Buches in mehrere fremde Sprachen zum Ausdruek gekommen ist. Es diirfte nunmehr der geeignete Zeitpunkt sein, das Gesamtgebiet in straffer Form neu darzustellen. Ieh habe vieles umgearbeitet, man- ehes Entbehrliche gestrichen und zahlenmaBige Ergebnisse neuer Ver- suche fUr den Praktiker aufgenommen. Bei Kleinstgeblasen und Quer- stromgeblasen sind wesentliche Erweiterungen erfolgt. Die wichtigen physikalischen GesetzmaBigkeiten wurden ausfiihrlicher gebraeht, die bisherigen Berechnungsverfahren ergiinzt. So erga b sieh eine weit- gehende Neubearbeitung. Mein Manuskript wurde von Prof. Dipl.-Ing. habil. M. PECORNIK (V orstand des Lehrstuhles fUr Stromungslehre und hydraulische Ma- sehinen u. Schiffsbaufalmltat in Rijeka, Universitat Zagreb) sehr ein- gehend durehgesehen. Er hat verschiedene Umstellungen vorgenommen und die Bezeichnungen der vielen Abbildungen systematisch nach den neuesten Vorschriften vereinheitlicht. Dariiber hinaus verdanke ich Prof. PECORNIK viele weitere Ratschlage und Erganzungen sowie seine Hilfe bei der Korrektur, die er mit groBer Umsicht durchfiihrte. Das Kapitel Sehallerzeugung und Schalldampfung wurde wieder von den bekannten Fachleuten Oberingenieur REGENSCHEIT und Dipl.- Ing. GoEHLICH nahezu vollig neu bearbeitet, wofUr ieh ihnen besonders danken mochte.
This innovative reference collects state-of-the-art procedures for the construction and design of nanoparticles and porous material while suggesting appropriate areas of application. Presenting both synthesis and characterization protocols, Surfaces of Nanoparticles and Porous Materials contains over 3000 references, tables, equations, drawings, and photographs. It examines the thermodynamics and kinetics of adsorption involving organic and inorganic liquids, solids, and gaseous media.. Topics include characterization, transport processes, diffusion, and the adsorption of heavy metals, ions, proteins, and pharmaceutical organics.
Welding: Skills, Processes, and Practices for Entry-Level Welders is an exciting new series that has been designed specifically to support the American Welding Societyas (AWS) SENSE EG2.0 training guidelines. Offered in three volumes, these books are carefully crafted learning tools consisting of theory-based texts that are accompanied by companion lab manuals, and extensive instructor support materials. With a logical organization that closely follows the modular structure of the AWS guidelines, the series will guide readers through the process of acquiring and practicing welding knowledge and skills. For schools already in the SENSE program, or for those planning to join, Welding: Skills, Processes, and Practices for Entry-Level Welders offers a turnkey solution of high quality teaching and learning aids.
Global Manufacturing Technology Transfer: Africa-USA Strategies, Adaptations, and Management presents practical strategies for developing and sustaining manufacturing technology transfers. It is particularly useful for helping developing nations achieve and sustain a solid footing of economic development through manufacturing. The book examines Africa and USA trade relations to demonstrate how modern technology innovation strategies can be developed and harmonized to keep a nation moving forward economically. It then explores how to advance existing technical relationships through new and updated approaches. The book uses the case and template of trade relations of Africa and the United States to demonstrate how technology innovation strategies can be developed and harmonized to keep a nation moving forward economically. The author discusses project management tools, highlights manufacturing as the foundation for economic development, and explores lessons learned. He details a systems approach, covering both qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques. Although focusing on Africa-USA technology transfer, the concepts are applicable to other technology transfer relationships. Africa is poised to assume a leading role in global manufacturing. However, the foundation for doing so successfully will depend on the development and sustainability of a reliable manufacturing infrastructure in Africa. A key requirement for this will be new and innovative mechanisms for technology transfer. This book gives you the strategies required to address each technology transfer path as well as new innovative approaches for developing and transferring new technology.
Die UEberarbeitung der 2. Auflage umfasst die Investitionsrechenverfahren, die Standortplanung im Produktionsnetzwerk, die energieeffiziente Fabrikplanung, Methoden der Produktionsstrukturplanung, die Unterstutzung des Projektmanagements mit Handhelp-Systemen sowie das Methoden-Management. Neue Planungsbeispiele, wie bspw. die Einrichtung eines montagenahen Supermarktes oder eines Produktionslogistikkonzeptes, verstarken den Anwendungsbezug. Planer und Entscheider erhalten einen Leitfaden fur die Neu-, Erweiterungs- oder Rationalisierungsplanung. Der ganzheitliche Ansatz umfasst dabei die gesamte Planungstiefe, von der Strategie- uber die Struktur- und Systemplanung bis hin zur Ausfuhrungsplanung und Inbetriebnahme. Ebenso wird die gesamte Planungsbreite uber alle Funktionssysteme und Gewerke, wie z.B. Fertigung und Montage, Lagerung und innerbetrieblicher Transport, Organisation, Gebaude und Infrastruktur mit ihren Abhangigkeiten behandelt. Grundsatzlich erfordert die Fabrikplanung als komplexe Aufgabenstellung ein zielgerichtetes und strukturiertes Vorgehen, Konzentration auf das Wesentliche und Wahl der richtigen Methoden und Instrumente, sollen Fehlinvestitionen vermieden werden.
This book consolidates the current state of knowledge on implementing cooperating robot-based systems to increase the flexibility of manufacturing systems. It is based on the concrete experiences of experts, practitioners, and engineers in implementing cooperating robot systems for more flexible manufacturing systems. Thanks to the great variety of manufacturing systems that we had the opportunity to study, a remarkable collection of methods and tools has emerged. The aim of the book is to share this experience with academia and industry practitioners seeking to improve manufacturing practice. While there are various books on teaching principles for robotics, this book offers a unique opportunity to dive into the practical aspects of implementing complex real-world robotic applications. As it is used in this book, the term "cooperating robots" refers to robots that either cooperate with one another or with people. The book investigates various aspects of cooperation in the context of implementing flexible manufacturing systems. Accordingly, manufacturing systems are the main focus in the discussion on implementing such robotic systems. The book begins with a brief introduction to the concept of manufacturing systems, followed by a discussion of flexibility. Aspects of designing such systems, e.g. material flow, logistics, processing times, shop floor footprint, and design of flexible handling systems, are subsequently covered. In closing, the book addresses key issues in operating such systems, which concern e.g. decision-making, autonomy, cooperation, communication, task scheduling, motion generation, and distribution of control between different devices. Reviewing the state of the art and presenting the latest innovations, the book offers a valuable asset for a broad readership.
Das Buch fuhrt in die Problematik der Variantenbeherrschung ein und stellt anschliessend den Grundansatz sowie Schritte zu seiner Umsetzung vor. Es folgt einer konzeptionellen Vorstellung der Gestaltungsfelder Technologie, Logistik, Qualitatsmanagement, Arbeitsorganisation und Qualifizierung. Hieran schliessen sich als Kernbestandteil der Veroffentlichung 12 Praxisbeispiele an, die jeweils von betrieblichen Gestaltern vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Die meisten Praxisbeispiele behandeln mehrere der Gestaltungsfelder und damit die Produktionsendstufe als ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Den Abschluss bildet eine Bilanzierung der Projektergebnisse sowie ein Anhang, der die im Projekt erarbeiteten praktisch nutzbaren Instrumente dokumentiert. "
Fixtures are used in manufacturing to secure working devices. They help insure conformity, accuracy, efficiency, and interchangeability; their reliability is crucial. This book introduces and implements a new methodology for more flexible fixture design and manufacturing processes, and develops the supporting technologies for automation and fixture planning using object oriented platforms. It also presents an integrated solution with Computer Aided Design (CAD) applications.
Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 provides the information and practical know-how required to facilitate a smooth adoption and incorporation of the latest revisions and enhancements put forth by the International Organization for Standardization. This unique work shows how to adopt or transition to the documentation procedures required for an Environmental Management System (EMS) using the 14001:2004 series of standards. These globally accepted procedures help eliminate waste and improve efficiency, while providing the means to achieve both local and international compliance. This tool supplies step-by-step guidance on how to develop and implement an EMS that, with little effort, can be instantly applied to any process-related industry or organization interested in environmental compliance, whether it is regulated or not. A complete, single-source reference, written in simple and precise language, the book puts the answers to complex and thorny issues at your fingertips. It includes samples of policy statements, objectives, targets, and programs that can be amended or adopted without wasting time re-inventing the wheel. The CD-ROM includes customizable Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that can be downloaded, edited, printed, and easily tailored to incorporate changes and add organizational requirements. The SOPs exclusively refer to the documents specially required for compliance; however other formats are included to ensure that the soft copy can be easily used worldwide in a diverse range of industries and organizations. The book helps minimize documentation and avoid the nightmare faced by management representatives at the time of certification. An effective time saver when you are in the process of writing and organizing documentation for certification and further improvement purposes, this book and CD-ROM package helps you easily translate the revised ISO 14001:1996 and ISO 14001:2004 standard requirements into immediate action. |
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