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Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > General
In today's extremely competitive manufacturing market, effective production planning and scheduling processes are critical to streamlining production and increasing profits. Success in these areas means increased efficiency, capacity utilization, and reduced time required to complete jobs. From the initial stages of plant location and capacity determination to plant operations and manpower scheduling, Production Planning and Industrial Scheduling, Second Edition presents a cohesive outlook on optimization and planning. The author provides a focus on practical applications and integrates logistics and planning in the areas of production and scheduling. Critical Techniques for Optimizing Operational Productivity Starting with the strategic development of plant locations and capacities, the book lays out a clear process for creating an effective production plan with considerations for existing production facilities. It discusses forecasting and aggregate planning, which can predict demands under scenarios. In addition, the book introduces techniques to improve plant efficiencies in various areas, as well as material requirement and inventory and capacity planning. This expanded second edition features new information on safety stock determination, uncertainty in demand, and resource center capacity planning. The problem-specific case studies illustrate the effect of different procedures on the entire system and stress coordination between independent techniques to help achieve optimal efficiency. With the aid of this reference and the proper application of its concepts, industrial managers and engineers can reduce their manufacturing cost, succeed in fulfilling their customers' demands ina timely manner, and attain superior planning and overall control of manufacturing operations.
This packet of blueprints are used as examples in exercises throughout the book and allow students to practice using real blueprints beyond those pictured in the text.
Signifikante Potenziale zur Optimierung der Produktqualitat und Effizienz koennen bei etablierten Fertigungsverfahren nur erkannt werden, wenn der gesamte Herstellungsprozess sowohl unter technologischen als auch unter logistischen Gesichtspunkten untersucht wird. Um nachhaltige Erfolge zu erzielen mussen radikale Veranderungen der Prozesskette, wie beispielsweise der Einsatz von innovativen und wirtschaftlich risikoreichen Fertigungsverfahren oder die vollstandige Umgestaltung der bekannten Prozessketten, in Betracht gezogen werden. Durch prozessubergreifend abgestimmte technologische sowie logistische Massnahmen koennen so bisher unbekannte und ungenutzte Optimierungspotenziale auch bei etablierten und hochgradig optimierten Einzelprozessen gewinnbringend genutzt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschaftigt sich das vorliegende Werk mit der Vorstellung und detaillierten Untersuchung der Prozesskette zur Herstellung von prazisionsgeschmiedeten Hochleistungsbauteilen, sowohl unter technologischen als auch logistischen Aspekten. Fur die Einzelprozesse der Prozesskette wird der aktuelle Stand der Forschung und Technik beschrieben und darauf aufbauend eine prozessubergreifende Technologieentwicklung vorgestellt.
A heavily illustrated classic on the evolution of the handloom. The handloom-often no more than a bundle of sticks and a few lengths of cordage-has been known to almost all cultures for thousands of years. Eric Broudy places the wide variety of handlooms in their historical context. What influenced their development? How did they travel from one geographic area to another? Were they invented independently by different cultures? How have modern cultures improved on ancient weaving skills and methods? Broudy shows how virtually every culture has woven on handlooms. He highlights the incredible technical achievement of early cultures that created magnificent textiles with the crudest of tools and demonstrates that modern technology has done nothing to surpass their skill or inventiveness.
Parallelkinematische Maschinen stellen die spektakulArste Innovation auf dem Gebiet der Maschinenstrukturen im letzten Jahrzehnt dar. Das als Nachschlagewerk konzipierte Buch vereint erstmals das umfangreiche Wissen zu diesem Thema. Der konstruktive Entwicklungsprozess parallelkinematischer Maschinen und der Einsatz in der industriellen Fertigung werden an Beispielen dargestellt. Schwerpunkte bilden die praktischen Anforderungen an parallelkinematische Maschinen, deren strukturelle Konzeption, die richtige Auslegung von Steuerung und Komponenten sowie die messtechnische Bewertung solcher Maschinen. Probleme der Modellbildung werden ebenfalls dargestellt. Einsatzerfahrungen, wie sie mit parallelkinematischen Werkzeugmaschinen und Handhabeeinrichtungen gewonnen wurden, und Felder potenzieller Anwendungen werden genauso beschrieben wie Gesichtspunkte der Programmierung solcher Maschinen. Ein einfA1/4hrender historischer Abriss und ErlAuterungen zur Terminologie runden das Buch inhaltlich ab. Ein Verzeichnis der verwendeten Formeln, ein ausfA1/4hrliches Literaturverzeichnis sowie ein Sachverzeichnis sind Hilfen, die dem Leser das Arbeiten mit dem Buch erleichtern.
The last two decades have witnessed important shifts in customers' behaviour. Companies now need to integrate customers in their strategies and manufacturers have to propose a large variety of products to meet the market's demand. Increasing the range of PVs attracts and retains customers, yet it dramatically augments the cost and complexity of the manufacturing systems. As many decisions taken at the design stage of the product are decisive for its entire life, it is crucial to integrate the process and the assembly system when designing the product. Integrated Design of a Product Family and Its Assembly System
presents an integrated approach for the design of a product family
and its assembly system, whose main principles consider the product
family as a fictitious unique product for which the assembly system
is to be devised. It imposes assembly and operation constraints as
late as possible in the design process to get liberties in the
system design, and adapts the product family at each design stage
to integrate the new constraints related to the successive design
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2002, held in Cairns, Australia, in June 2002.The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 150 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on neural computation, image and speech processing, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, autonomous agents, Internet applications, expert systems, AI applications, knowledge processing, model-based reasoning, and adaptive systems.
Die Fabrik der Zukunft ist reaktionsschnell, wandlungs- und vernetzungsfahig. Damit sie den neuen Anforderungen genugt, haben die Autoren die Methoden der Fabrikplanung und des Fabrikbetriebs weiterentwickelt: Sie stellen eine Typologie von Fabriken und Kompetenznetzen vor, zeigen, wie logistische Prozesse sowie Produktions- und Fabriksysteme auf Basis flexibler Fabrikmodule gestaltet werden koennen und entwickeln eine ganzheitliche Methodik fur Fabrikplanung und -betrieb. Die 2. Auflage wurde um den Aspekt der ressourceneffizienten Fabrik erganzt.
From concept development to final production, this comprehensive
text thoroughly examines the design, prototyping, and fabrication
of engineering products and emphasizes modern developments in
system modeling, analysis, and automatic control. This reference
details various management strategies, design methodologies,
traditional production techniques, and assembly applications for
clear illustration of manufacturing engineering technology in the
modern age. Considers a variety of methods for product design
including axiomatic design, design for X, group technology, and the
Taguchi method, as well as modern production techniques including
laser-beam machining, microlithography.
Die Aluminiumdruckgussbranche sieht sich einem sehr hohen Kostendruck durch hohe Energieintensitat der Produktion sowie steigende Energie- und Rohstoffpreise ausgesetzt. In dem Verbundforschungsprojekt ProGRess wurden gezielt Losungen erarbeitet, um unternehmensubergreifend den Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauch signifikant zu senken. Die in der Praxis erprobten Losungen werden anhand von Fallbeispielen in der Wertschopfungskette vorgestellt. Die Auswirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Massnahmen in der Praxis konnen in einem ganzheitlichen Bewertungsansatz fur Produktionsprozessketten verglichen werden
The processes of manufacture and assembly are based on the
communication of engineering information via drawing. These
drawings follow rules laid down in national and international
standards. The organisation responsible for the international rules
is the International Standards Organisation (ISO). There are
hundreds of ISO standards on engineering drawing because drawing is
very complicated and accurate transfer of information must be
guaranteed. The information contained in an engineering drawing is
a legal specification, which contractor and sub-contractor agree to
in a binding contract. The ISO standards are designed to be
independent of any one language and thus much symbology is used to
overcome any reliance on any language. Companies can only operate
efficiently if they can guarantee the correct transmission of
engineering design information for manufacturing and assembly.
Based on an extensive research project done by the author in the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, and Austria from December 1999 to June 2001, Enterprise Architecture and New Generation Information Systems focuses on four main themes:
LESLIE J. JARDINE Lmvrence Livermore National LaboratOlY Livermore, CA 94551 U. S. A. The Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Nuc1ear Materials Safety held lune 8-10, 1998, in St. Petersburg, Russia, was attended by 27 Russian experts from 14 different Russian organizations, seven European experts from six different organizations, and 14 V. S. experts from seven different organizations. The ARW was conducted at the State Education Center (SEC), a former Minatom nuc1ear training center in St. Petersburg. Thirty-three technical presentations were made using simultaneous translations. These presentations are reprinted in this volume as a formal ARW Proceedings in the NATO Science Series. The representative technical papers contained here cover nuc1ear material safety topics on the storage and disposition of excess plutonium and high enriched uranium (HEU) fissile materials, inc1uding vitrification, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication, plutonium ceramics, reprocessing, geologic disposal, transportation, and Russian regulatory processes. This AR W completed discussions by experts of the nuc1ear materials safety topics that were not covered in the previous, companion ARW on Nuc1ear Materials Safety held in Amarillo, Texas, in March 1997. These two workshops, when viewed together as a set, have addressed most nuc1ear material aspects of the storage and disposition operations required for excess HEV and plutonium (see Fig. 1, Opening Remarks).
This resulting volume details the state-of-the-art regarding numerous aspects of advanced micro technologies with respect to a wide range of materials, and the development of new production platforms for micro systems-based products. The contributions from leading authors from universities, independent research and corporate organizations provide an invaluable overview of this rapidly moving subject and an insight into key research and development areas. This comprehensive collection of indexed and peer-reviewed articles is also contained on a CD with search functionality.
Japan's technology support system has played a crucial role in developing firms technological capability and stimulating their innovation. How has it been done, and why is it effective? The research findings presented here show that what has worked best in Japan is inter-firm cooperative learning, which requires the support of public technology institutions to promote cooperation, disseminate technology, and facilitate innovation. Among the many books published about Japanese technology policies and corporate management, this is the first to show definitively that cooperative learning is important in a wide spectrum of firms, whether or not they are keiretsu-affiliated. With a caveat on the limitations of the Japanese system from an institutional perspective, the countrys techno-governance structure is revealed to be more effective in assembly-oriented industries than in those that are basic-science oriented and employ rapidly changing technology.
Seit Jahrzehnten ist der Softwarebau in der Krise. Immer noch gehen etwa die Halfte aller in der IT-Produktion eingesetzten Mittel verloren. Angekundigte Programme verzogern sich oder bleiben hinter den Erwartungen zuruck. Muss das so sein? Die These dieses Werkes lautet: die Ursachen hierfur sind in den dem Softwarebau zugrunde liegenden Paradigmen zu suchen. Statt den Blick in erster Linie auf eingesetzte Technik, Best Practices oder Prozesse zu werfen, betreibt der Autor im Sinne des Total Quality Managements Ursachenforschung und stellt die Denk- und Arbeitsweisen der Entwickler auf den Prufstand. Dabei hinterfragt er zugrunde gelegte Annahmen, fahndet nach neuen Losungsparadigmen und ubertragt diese auf industrietaugliche Arbeitskonzepte. In einem interdisziplinaren Ansatz wird dargestellt, wie Software effizienter, kostengunstiger und qualitativ besser werden kann, weil Mitarbeiter gelernt haben, die anstehenden Aufgaben ganzheitlich zu bewaltigen. "
The field of electronic packaging continues to grow at an amazing rate. To be successful in this field requires analytical skills, a foundation in mechanical engineering, and access to the latest developments in the electronics field. The emphasis for each project that the electronic packaging engineer faces changes from project to project, and from company to company, yet some constants should continue into the foreseeable future. One of these is the emphasis on ther mal design. Although just a few years ago thermal analysis of electronic equipment was an afterthought, it is becoming one of the primary aspects of many packaging jobs. It seems that the days of just adding a bigger fan to reduce the overheat ing problem are almost over. Replacing that thought is the up-front commitment to CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software code, FEA (Finite Element Analysis) software, and the realization that the problem will only get worse. As the electronic circuit size is reduced, speed is increased. As the power of these systems increases and the volume allowed diminishes, heat flux or density (heat per unit area, W/m 2 or Btulh ft2) has spiraled. Much of the improvement in the reliability and packaging density of electronic circuits can be traced to advances in thermal design. While air cooling is still used extensively, advanced heat transfer techniques using exotic synthetic liquids are becoming more prominent, allowing still smaller systems to be manufactured. The appli cation of advanced thermal management techniques requires a background in fluid dynamics."
Das Buch widmet sich der Hydro-Umformung, der wohl wichtigsten Verfahrensgruppe auf dem Gebiet der Umformung mit Wirkmedien, wobei das flussige Medium in einem Hohlraum wirkt, der durch Werkstuck und Dichtsystem abgeschlossen ist. Die Monographie ist sowohl Nachschlagewerk fur den in der Praxis tatigen Ingenieur als auch Lehrbuch fur Studierende. Schwerpunkte bilden Verfahrensgrundlagen, Prozessgestaltung, Werkzeugtechnik und Anlagenkomponenten fur die Hydro-Umformung. Dabei werden u.a. Verfahrenskenngrossen, Verfahrensvarianten, Werkzeugfertigung sowie Maschinen und Anlagensteuerung in besonderen Kapiteln behandelt. Fur die betrachteten Verfahrensvarianten werden typische Prozesslosungen und Versagensfalle mit zugehorigen Simulationsergebnissen diskutiert. Schliesslich wird die Bedeutung der FEM-Simulation fur die Prozessoptimierung dargestellt. Ein einfuhrender historischer Abriss und Betrachtungen zum Anwenderpotential sowie abschliessende Planungsbeispiele und Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen runden den Inhalt des Buches ab. Angefugt sind Symbol- und Stichwortverzeichnis sowie ein Literaturverzeichnis."
In the 1980's sonochemistry was considered to be a rather restricted branch of chemistry involving the ways in which ultrasound could improve synthetic procedures, predominantly in heterogeneous systems and particularly for organometallic reactions. Within a few years the subject began to expand into other disciplines including food technology, environmental protection and the extraction of natural materials. Scientific interest grew and led to the formation of the European Society of Sonochemistry in 1990 and the launch of a new journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry in 1994. The subject continues to develop as an exciting and multi-disciplinary science with the participation of not only chemists but also physicists, engineers and biologists. The resulting cross-fertilisation of ideas has led to the rapid growth of interdisciplinary research and provided an ideal way for young researchers to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the ways in which different sciences can interact. It expands scientific knowledge through an opening of the closed doors that sometimes restrict the more specialist sciences. The journey of exploration in sonochemistry and its expansion into new fields of science and engineering is recounted in "Sonochemistry Evolution and Expansion" written by two pioneers in the field. It is unlike other texts about sonochemistry in that it follows the chronological developments in several very different applications of sonochemistry through the research experiences of the two authors Tim Mason and Mircea Vinatoru. Designed for chemists and chemical engineers Written by two experts and practitioners in the subject Volume 1 covers the historical background and evolution of sonochemistry Volume 2 explains the wider applications and expansion of the subject VOLUME 2 Applications and Developments Volume 2 contains six chapters which detail the developments of sonochemistry in fields which continue to attract considerable research and development interest from academia and industry. The topics range from the important developments in chemical synthesis through food technology and materials processing to therapeutic ultrasound. The authors have made contributions to all of these and so the content is written in a way which should be understandable to readers whose expertise may not necessarily be in the individual topic. Each of the applications and developments described help to illustrate not only the diverse nature of sonochemistry but also the unifying theme of the effects of acoustic cavitation on a wide range of procedures.
This book provides a convenient, single source of information on advanced machining, material forming, and joining processes. It describes available technologies that use tools, such as high velocity material jets, pulsed magnetic fields, light beams, electrochemical reactions, and more. Organized by type of process (mechanical, chemical, electrochemical, and thermal), the book discusses 31 important nontraditional processes and covers each process's principles, equipment, capabilities, and operating parameters. The author includes a list of nontraditional manufacturing firms, nearly 250 figures that clearly illustrate the technologies, and numerous bibliographic citations for additional reading.
In recent years there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in manufac turing systems design and analysis. Large industrial companies have realized that their manufacturing facilities can be a source of tremendous opportunity if managed well or a huge corporate liability if managed poorly. In particular industrial managers have realized the potential of well designed and installed production planning and control systems. Manufacturing, in an environment of short product life cycles and increasing product diversity, looks to tech niques such as manufacturing resource planning, Just In Time (lIT) and total quality control among others to meet the challenge. Customers are demanding high quality products and very fast turn around on orders. Manufacturing personnel are aware of the lead time from receipt of order to delivery of completed orders at the customer's premises. It is clear that this production lead time is, for the majority of manufacturing firms, greatly in excess of the actual processing or manufacturing time. There are many reasons for this, among them poor coordination between the sales and manufacturing function. Some are within the control of the manufacturing function. Others are not."
Mit der Globalisierung ruckt die Logistik als Wettbewerbsfaktor fur Produktionsunternehmen zunehmend in den Vordergrund. In dem Band wird erstmals ein ganzheitlicher, sozio-technischer Ansatz fur das Auftragsmanagement in der industriellen Produktion vorgestellt, der die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Systemfunktionen, Nutzern und der Organisation berucksichtigt. Unter Einbeziehung dieser Aspekte wird die Gestaltung und Einfuhrung eines Auftragsmanagement-Systems nachvollziehbar beschrieben und durch zahlreiche Bilder und Praxisbeispiele veranschaulicht." |
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