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Books > Social sciences > Education > Educational resources & technology > General
Mission Statement: This volume will highlight papers presented at the second Nebraska Symposium on Information Technology in Education. With chapters focusing on the latest research findings and theoretical principles for using technology in education, the volume will extend findings from current research on technology-mediated instruction into a set of practical principles for designers, teachers, and managers of educational technology. Contributors will identify technical and design features required for sharing of content and assessment tools and will target promising areas for future research and development in technology-based learning, instruction and assessment.
How is information and communication technology (ICT) changing teaching and learning practices in secondary schools worldwide in the 21st century? This is the central question addressed by researchers involved in the series of surveys comprising the Second Information Technology in EducationStudy (SITES ). The question is a multifaceted one, with each facet raising additionalq uestions relating to both theory and practice. These include the following: * What traditional and new pedagogiesare evident in the 21st century? * What is the role of ICT in the teaching and learning process? * What ICT infrastructure is available in schools? * How can teachers and their administrators be prepared for effective practice? * How have these conditions and considerations changed since the first SITES survey in 1998? * What are the trends within and between national education systems? * What do the differences and similarities between these systems suggest? * How shouldchange be promoted in education in order to support teachers in their work? * Is there evidence that key strategic factors commonly found in ICT related educational policies do influence teachers' pedagogical use of ICT? Because these questions are interconnected, the SITES 2006 researchers recognized that if we are to make sense of changes in pedagogical practicesas a result of IC T use, then we need to view those practices in terms of the interacting layers in the 22 education systems surveyed.
This volume is the result of a 2016 research symposium sponsored by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) focused on the growing theoretical areas of integrating story and narrative into educational design. Narrative, or storytelling, is often used as a means for understanding, conveying, and remembering the events of our lives. Our lives become a series of stories as we use narrative to structure our thinking; stories that teach, train, socialize, and create value. The contributions in this volume examine stories and narrative in instructional design and offer a diverse exploration of instructional design and learning environments. Among the topics discussed: The narrative imperative: creating a story telling culture in the classroom. Narrative qualities of design argumentation. Scenario-based workplace training as storytelling. Designing for adult learners' metacognitive development & narrative identity. Using activity theory in designing science inquiry games . Changing the narrative of school: toward a neurocognitive redefinition of learning. Educational Technology and Narrative is an invaluable resource offering application-ready ideas to students of instructional design, instructional design practitioners, and teachers seeking to utilize theories of story and narrative to the ways that they convey and express ideas of instructional design and educational technology.
Discover the latest research on the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the field of education. Among the many areas covered, the book examines the latest innovations in the design, development, and evaluation of innovative educational environments. You ll also discover how ICTs support special education, collaborative learning, and distance learning. Finally, key social aspects of ICTs in education are examined.
Technology plays a vital role in bridging the digital divide and enhancing student learning both in and outside of the classroom. This is possible thanks to the successful use of educational online technologies and other new teaching resources being integrated into learning environments. Advanced Online Education and Training Technologies is an essential reference source that explores student and teacher learning through various online platforms. Featuring research on topics such as professional development in the twenty-first century and cultural differences in online learning environments, this book is ideally designed for educators, students, academicians, and other education professionals seeking coverage on enhanced student learning through technology-based learning tools.
As the field of 3D technology continues to grow and expand, educators are beginning to realise the potential for 3D learning applications to be incorporated with instructional design to provide an interactive learning environment for students. Cases on 3D Technology Application and Integration in Education highlights the use of 3D technologies in the educational environment and the future prospects of adaption and evolution beyond the traditional methods of teaching. This comprehensive collection of research aims to provide instructors and researchers with a solid foundation of information on 3D technology.
The core message of this book is: computer games best realise affective interaction. This book brings together contributions from specialists in affective computing, game studies, game artificial intelligence, user experience research, sensor technology, multi-modal interfaces and psychology that will advance the state-of-the-art in player experience research; affect modelling, induction, and sensing; affect-driven game adaptation and game-based learning and assessment. In 3 parts the books covers Theory, Emotion Modelling and Affect-Driven Adaptation, and Applications. This book will be of interest to researchers and scholars in the fields of game research, affective computing, human computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.
Interactivity is at the very heart of open and flexible learning,
and is evident at all level of engagement, whether between fellow
students, students and tutors or students and online learning
This book argues that embeddedness and community participation bring unique propositions for social entrepreneurship to foster social inclusion. It uncovers the role of local knowledge and grassroots level innovations to create necessary environment for the positive social change to roll. Social enterprises have proven to reduce drudgery of poor and excluded by offering creative and innovative solutions for long standing social problems. The grassroots level creative problem solving mechanisms they initiate travel through a variety of local dynamics and cultural contexts. However, social innovations quite often do not achieve their intended results, especially when they fail to understand the local contexts and embed themselves in such dynamism. In this background, the book attempts to understand and analyse the 'connect' between the social innovations and local dynamism. It argues that the community-driven innovation management which is based on local knowledge inspires the social entrepreneurial process and builds capacities and infrastructure to foster social inclusion. Each chapter in this book offers development scholars rich narration about how social problems have been approached, addressed, and altered through rich insights from communities and the social entrepreneurial teams.
"This book represents a milestone in bringing together these two
concepts - andragogy and Internet learning. Others have made
suggestions about what is needed for bringing them together, but
Dr. Isenberg has conducted the research and knows what is needed .
This is the only book I know that delivers such in-depth
information and research actually applying andragogy to Internet
learning." - Professor John Henschke, University of Missouri
Give your students a powerful learning resourcethe Internet! The Internet, though brimming with potential, is still vastly underused as a teaching resource. Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education gives teachers new strategies for the Internet's use as a dynamic educational resource. Where Type I teaching applications technologically mimic the procedures previously used by teachers, Type II teaching applications involve innovative thinking in the use of technology in learning. Using Type II applications with the Internet, students are actively empowered to look to its use as an effective partner in their learning process. This book clearly reviews several Type II teaching applications and integrative software for use in all educational levels, including Internet videoconferencing, instant messages, WebQuests, and WebCT. Though now readily available, even those schools with the capability fail to effectively integrate computer and Internet technology into meaningful classroom activities. Using the Internet as a teaching and learning tool offers a flexibility that can be extremely effective. Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education clearly shows how some creative educators have implemented inventive Type II applications in their teaching plans to give their students a more enriching learning experience. Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education explores: critically evaluating Web site information how perceptions and behaviors change when Internet access becomes universally available Internet2 Videoconferencing integrating online communication into courses utilizing computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools structured online class discussions using Instant Messenger (IM) increasing vocabulary through software and online texts online learning in second-language acquisition (SLA) a project in New Zealand in which teachers and students learn Web design with the help of an external expert WebQuests as a Type II application WebCT as a Type II application achievement testing through the computer the Global Forum on School Leadership (GFSL) as a Type II application Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education is a valuable, idea-generating resource for all academics working in information technology and education, and for K-12 teachers and administrators at all levels.
The mathematics curriculum - what mathematics is taught, to whom it is taught, and when it is taught - is the bedrock to understanding what mathematics students can, could, and should learn. Today's digital technology influences the mathematics curriculum in two quite different ways. One influence is on the delivery of mathematics through hardware such as desktops, laptops, and tablets. Another influence is on the doing of mathematics using software available on this hardware, but also available on the internet, calculators, or smart phones. These developments, rapidly increasing in their availability and decreasing in their cost, raise fundamental questions regarding a mathematics curriculum that has traditionally been focused on paper-and-pencil work and taught in many places as a set of rules to be practiced and learned. This volume presents the talks given at a conference held in 2014 at the University of Chicago, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum. The speakers - experts from around the world and inside the USA - were asked to discuss one or more of the following topics: changes in the nature and creation of curricular materials available to students transformations in how students learn and how they demonstrate their learning rethinking the role of the teacher and how students and teachers interact within a classroom and across distances from each other The result is a set of articles that are interesting and captivating, and challenge us to examine how the learning of mathematics can and should be affected by today's technology.
This book presents a mobile technology capacity building framework that offers academics, students, and practitioners involved in workplace education a deeper understanding of, and practical guidance on, how mobile technology can enhance professional learning. Approaching professional and workplace learning as a hybrid space in which work, learning and technology meet, the book discusses the value of mobile technology in shaping professional education, particularly during student placements. The framework focuses on staying professional and safe, considering issues of time and place, planning learning activities, initiating dialogue, networking, creating learning opportunities on-the-go, and deepening reflection. It is designed to assist students and their educators to use mobile technology knowledgeably and responsibly, and to help bridge the gap between university learning and workplace practice. This book also contributes to a better understanding of the interconnectedness between learning, practice and technology. It demonstrates how to enhance learning and working with mobile technology by drawing on two perspectives: the 'professional-plus' and the 'deliberate professional'.
The Distance Education Evolution: Case Studies addresses issues regarding the development and design of online courses, and the implementation and evaluation of an online learning program. Several chapters include design strategies for online courses that range from the specific to the universal. Many authors address pedagogical issues from both a theoretical and applied perspective. This diverse compilation of contributions by Temple University administrators and faculty gives a comprehensive overview of the distance education experience that can serve as a guide to others interested in providing quality distance education.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the film industry has confronted, challenged, and explored various social issues through its films. Social issue films are an excellent resource for teaching social issues. Teachers will find this book to be a valuable resource for teaching social issues. This book includes a discussion on teaching social issues, teaching with film, and how social issue films can be utilized to enhance the curriculum. This volume offers teachers an effective means for teaching social issues to today's digital and media savvy students. Furthermore, this volume details how film can be used to teach social issues, discusses relevant legal issues surrounding the use of film in the classroom, and details two separate models for teaching social issues with film. The heart of the book includes a detailed filmography of 180 films that pertain to 30 social issues. Each social issue includes a definition/explanation of the social issue and details six films. Each film detailed includes complete bibliographic information and a synopsis. This volume is clearly organized and expertly written for educators and is beneficial to librarians and teachers at the secondary and college level, particularly in social studies, sociology, history, political science, literature, film studies, and other social sciences.
Deryn Watson and Jane Andersen Editors INTRODUCTION The role of a Preface is to introduce the nature of the publication. The book that emerges from an IFIP Technical Committee World Conference on Computers in Education is complex, and this complexity lies in the nature of the event from which it emerges. Unlike a number of other major international conferences, those organised within the IFIP education community are active events. A WCCE is unique among major international conferences for the structure that deliberately ensures that all attendees are active participants in the development of the debate. In addition to the major paper presentations and discussion, from international authors, there are panel sessions and professional working groups who debate particular themes throughout the event. There is no doubt that this was not a dry academic conference - teachers, lecturers and experts, policy makers and researchers, leamers and manufacturers mingled and worked together to explore, reflect, discuss and plan for the future. The added value of this event was that we know that it will have an impact on future practice; networks will be formed, both virtual and real -ideas will change and new ones will emerge. Capturing the essence of this event is a challenge - this post-conference book has three parts. The first is the substantial number of theme papers.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, learners of all ages have had to quickly adapt to learning through digital media as traditional ways of teaching become obsolete. Educators did not have a clear digital strategy in mind before the COVID-19 pandemic as they primarily relied on these traditional ways of teaching and disseminating knowledge. As phygital learning opportunities are emerging thanks to the growing EdTech economy, educators now have the opportunity to reform the school system, bringing in more innovation while reducing costs, broadening access to resources, and improving the quality of the teaching provision. EdTech Economy and the Transformation of Education is a cutting-edge reference that examines successful digital transformation in educational settings as well as the tools available to do so and the competencies and skills needed for the future. The book paves the way for phygital or blended long-term solutions. Covering a range of topics such as online education, learning processes, and digital transformation, this reference work is ideal for researchers, administrators, policymakers, academicians, practitioners, scholars, instructors, and students.
Involving two or more academic subjects, interdisciplinary studies aim to blend together broad perspectives, knowledge, skills, and epistemology in an educational setting. By focusing on topics or questions too broad for a single discipline to cover, these studies strive to draw connections between seemingly different fields.Cases on Interdisciplinary Research Trends in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Studies on Urban Classrooms presents research and information on implementing and sustaining interdisciplinary studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for students and classrooms in an urban setting. This collection of research acts as a guide for researchers and professionals interested in improving learning outcomes for their students.
This book will provide a comprehensive guide to creating and managing a game jam. The book will also provide an overview of how and where game jams have been held, the type of game jams, the tools and technologies used in organising and participating in game jams.
Cognition, Education, and Communication Technology presents some of the recent theoretical developments in the cognitive and educational sciences and implications for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the organization of school and university education. Internationally renowned researchers present theoretical perspectives with proposals for and evaluations of educational practices. Each chapter discusses different aspects of the use of ICT in education, including: *the role of perceptual processes in learning; *external cognition as support for interactive learning; *the role of meta-cognition; *simulation learning environments as cognitive tools; *the role of science controversy for knowledge integration; *the use of ICT in the development of educators; and *the role of narratives in education. ICT has great potential for revolutionizing education. Large investments of resources are being made, often without a strong understanding of how ICT will or should be implemented. The expectation is that students will show immediate improvements in terms of their motivation to learn and their learning achievements, but reality is different. Progress of ICT in education requires more than just computers in the classroom. It demands an understanding of the complex processes contributing to human learning and how they interact with new technologies. This text provides theoretical perspectives on the learning processes that can be used as a foundation for constructing pedagogically valuable tools based on ICT. The combination of results--from cognitive science and pedagogy, with more practically oriented suggestions for how ICT can be used in various forms of education--makes this book suitable for researchers and students in the cognitive and educational sciences, as well as for practitioners and planners of education.
It is a pleasure to offer you this book containing papers about ICT and education from the World Computer Congress 2006 (WCC 2006), held in Santiago, Chile and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). A lot of people worked very hard to make this event happen and to produce this book. The programme committee with IFIP members from around the world issued a call for papers inspiring almost 80 people to submit papers, posters, demonstrations, and workshops to the IFIP TC3 (Technical Committee on Education) sub-conference of WCC 2006. The submitted papers were reviewed by a large group of referees to select the papers to be presented at the conference. What is really amazing is that all these people freely contributed their time and effort to do all this work. The TC3 sub-conference of WCC 2006 has two themes: Informatics Curricula, TEaching Methods and best practice (ICTEM II), and Teaching and Learning with ICT: Theory, Policy and Practice. These themes represent many of the broad range of interests of the Working Groups of IFIP TC3. Two kinds of papers are included in this book: full papers and short papers. Full papers are standard papers that are appropriate for an international conference on ICT and informatics education. Of the 64 full paper submissions, 28 (44%) were accepted. A short paper represents work in progress, opinion, a proposal, work with untested results, or an experience report.
The authors examine youths' practices in digital culture affecting social change, pedagogy, and creative learning practices. Knowledge about these practices is discussed, in which learning, knowledge sharing, distinct social contexts, pedagogical relationships, and artistic creative inquiry are examined in diverse formal and informal environments.
This book explores language teacher development in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environments and discusses approaches, tasks and resources that can guide language teachers to develop their skills and strategies for technology-enhanced language teaching (TELT). It looks at key aspects of CALL in terms of pedagogy and technology and proposes a model of CALL teacher development, which incorporates essential elements of teacher learning in CALL. Further, the author presents practical tasks and tips on how to develop knowledge and skills for the use of digital technologies in language teaching and suggests ideas to improve language teacher training and development.
In the coming decades, the general public will be required ever more often to understand complex environmental issues, evaluate proposed environmental plans, and understand how individual decisions affect the environment at local to global scales. Thus it is of fundamental importance to ensure that higher quality education about these ecological issues raises the environmental literacy of the general public. In order to achieve this, teachers need to be trained as well as classroom practice enhanced. This volume focuses on the integration of environmental education into science teacher education. The book begins by providing readers with foundational knowledge of environmental education as it applies to the discipline of science education. It relates the historical and philosophical underpinnings of EE, as well as current trends in the subject that relate to science teacher education. Later chapters examine the pedagogical practices of environmental education in the context of science teacher education. Case studies of environmental education teaching and learning strategies in science teacher education, and instructional practices in K-12 science classrooms, are included. This book shares knowledge and ideas about environmental education pedagogy and serves as a reliable guide for both science teacher educators and K-12 science educators who wish to insert environmental education into science teacher education. Coverage includes everything from the methods employed in summer camps to the use of podcasting as a pedagogical aid. Studies have shown that schools that do manage to incorporate EE into their teaching programs demonstrate significant growth in student achievement as well as improved student behavior. This text argues that the multidisciplinary nature of environmental education itself requires problem-solving, critical thinking and literacy skills that benefit students' work right across the curriculum.
A volume in Perspectives in Instructional Technology and Distance EducationSeries Editors: Charles Schlosser and Michael SimonsonNova Southeastern UniversityAs the title indicates, this book highlights the shifting and emergent features that represent life online, specificallyin and around the territory of e-learning. Cybercultures in themselves are complex conglomerationsof ideas, philosophies, concepts, and theories, some of which are fiercely contradictory. As aconstruct, "cyberculture" is a result of sustained attempts by diverse groups of people to make sense ofmultifarious activities, linguistic codes, and practices in complicated and ever-changing settings. It is animpossibly convoluted field. Any valid understanding of cyberculture can only be gained from livingwithin it, and as Bell suggests, it is "made up of people, machines and stories in everyday life." Althoughthis book contains a mix of perspectives, as the chapters progress, readers should detect some commonthreads. Technology-mediated activities are featured throughout, each evoking its particular culturalnuances and, as Derrick de Kerckhove (1997) has eloquently argued, technology acts as the skin of culture.All the authors are passionate about their subjects, every one engages critically with his or her topics, andeach is fully committed to the belief that e-learning is a vitally important component in the future of education.All of the authors believe that digital learning environments will contribute massively to the success of the information society we now inhabit.Each is intent on exploration of the touchstone of "any time, any place" learning where temporal and spatial contexts cease to become barriers to learning, and where the boundaries are blurring between the formal and informal.This book is divided into four sections. In Part I, which has been titled "Digital Subcultures," we begin an exploration of "culture" and attempt tolocate the learner within a number of digital subcultures that have arisen around new and emerging technologies such as mobile and handheld devices, collaborative online spaces, and podcasting. The chapters in this section represent attempts by the authors to demonstrate that there are many subdivisionspresent on the Web, and that online learners cannot and should not be represented as one vast amorphous mass of "Internet" users. |
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