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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > Macroeconomics > General
For courses in the principles of macroeconomics. An evidence-basedapproach to economics Throughout Macroeconomics,3rd Edition, authors Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, and John List usereal economic questions and data to help students learn about the world aroundthem. Taking a fresh approach, they use the themes of optimization,equilibrium, and empiricism to not only illustrate the power of simple economicideas, but also to explain and predict what's happening in today's society.Each chapter begins with an empirical question that is relevant to the life ofa student and is later answered using data in the Evidence-Based Economicsfeature. As a result of the text's practical emphasis, students learn to applyeconomic principles to guide the decisions they make in their own daily lives
Develop a unified view of the latest global macroeconomic events, connecting the short, medium, and long-run markets. Macroeconomics: A European Perspective, 4th edition by Blanchard, Amighini & Giavazzi, offers the European perspective based on the best-selling US text by leading author Olivier Blanchard, presenting an integrated, global view of macroeconomics, and showing the connections between goods markets, financial markets, and labour markets worldwide. An essential textbook for students studying Macroeconomics at an intermediate level, this is a book rooted in the real world: from the major economic crisis of the late 2000s to the profound economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, from monetary policy in the US to Brexit, the problems of the Euro area, and growth in China, this edition will help you make sense not only of current macroeconomic events but also those that may unfold in the future. Key features include: A new chapter 'The COVID economic crisis' examines the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new appendix, 'What do macroeconomists do?', explores career options for those thinking about taking their Macroeconomics study further. Organised into two distinct parts: a core section focuses on short, medium, and long-run markets, and two extensions offer more in-depth coverage of the issues. Margin notes help re-create a student-teacher dialogue, further explaining more challenging concepts. Focus boxes discuss real macroeconomic events and facts from Europe, the United States, and around the world. With a series of features and digital resources to help you cement your learning, this is a must-have textbook on the European perspective reflecting all major contemporary changes in the field. Also available with MyLab (R) Economics MyLabis the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLabEconomics personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab (R) Economics, search for: 9781292360966 Macroeconomics: A European Perspective Paperback, 4th Edition plus MyLab Economics with Pearson eText. Package consists of: 9781292360898 Macroeconomics: A European Perspective Paperback, 4th Edition 9781292360935 Macroeconomics: A European Perspective Paperback, 4th Edition MyLab (R) Economics 9781292360973 Macroeconomics: A European Perspective Paperback, 4th Edition Pearson eText MyLab (R) Economics is not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
This timely book sets out a shrewd and comprehensive policy programme, for both 'microeconomic' supply-side settings of tax and regulatory systems, and 'macroeconomic' policies for fiscal and monetary policies to regulate demand and support the supply-side growth agenda. Explaining the numerous benefits of free trade after Britain's exit from the EU, and challenging the anti-Brexit argument, Patrick Minford builds on his extensive research into economic modelling to quantify the effects of Brexit and propose policies for the aftermath. Laying out an agenda for replacing social interventionist EU regulation with a robust free market framework, Minford proposes a radical tax reform programme to broaden the tax base and flatten marginal rates. This incisive book looks to the future of the UK beyond Brexit, addressing the effects of coronavirus and proposing an avenue of policies for recovery. Featuring key empirical analysis and insightful arguments, this book will be crucial reading for economists and policymakers investigating and overseeing the future of UK economic policy. It will also benefit scholars of economics and political economy, particularly those interested in tax reform programmes.
Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science, free from value judgements. This book demonstrates this to be a myth - one which serves to make such textbooks not only off-puttingly bland, but also dangerously misleading in their justification of the status quo and neglect of alternatives. In this much-needed companion volume to the popular Microeconomics Anti-Textbook, Tony Myatt reveals how the blind spots and methodological problems present in microeconomics continue to exert their influence in mainstream macroeconomics. From a flawed conception of the labour market, to a Pollyana view of the financial sector, macroeconomic principles as they are set out in conventional undergraduate textbooks consistently fail to set out a realistic, useful, or equitable framework for understanding the world. By summarising and then critically evaluating the major topics found in a typical macroeconomics textbook, the Anti-Textbook lays bare their sins of omission and commission, showing where hidden value judgements are made and when contrary evidence and alternative theories are ignored. The Macroeconomics Anti-Textbook is the student's essential guide to decoding mainstream macroeconomic textbooks, and demonstrating how real-world economics are much more interesting than most economists are willing to let on.
Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is author of one of the most important standard macroeconomics textbooks, which is used throughout the world. Endorsed by Blanchard himself, Anti-Blanchard Macroeconomics critically analyzes prevailing economic theory and policy in comparison with alternative approaches. This thoroughly revised edition represents a field of research that has developed through intense theoretical debates, continual empirical testing and the resultant disputes about economic policy. Emiliano Brancaccio and Andrea Califano succinctly explore the relationship between theoretical models and economic policies, providing readers with examples and empirical exercises, and showing how the conclusions of different theories can be empirically tested. This updated second edition examines the links between the issues at the core of macroeconomic debate, including economic growth, economic crises, labour market reforms, government debt sustainability, the behaviour of central banks and the stock market, among many others. Key features: Contains an analysis of the economic policies, consequences and theories surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic Examines the connection between contemporary issues in world politics, economic theory and policymaking It overcomes the typical contradiction between the opportunity to offer students a preliminary mainstream education and the need to nurture rather than crush their critical spirit It helps students to understand that economics is not a discipline that changes in a smooth, linear manner but, on the contrary, represents a dynamic field of research that develops through intense theoretical debate and continual empirical testing, and is shaped by the resultant disputes concerning economic policy Includes the typescript of a lively and informative debate between Emiliano Brancaccio and Olivier Blanchard, together with comparative economic policy examples.
Comparing Income Distributions brings together John Creedy's recent original research and analyses of income distribution. The book is concerned with both static, or cross-sectional, comparisons, and dynamic aspects of income mobility. The author presents new methods of depicting and measuring income mobility and poverty persistence. Income mobility is explored in terms of individuals' relative income changes and their positional changes within the distribution. The first half of the book covers a range of technical aspects of inequality measurement, including less well-known properties of inequality indices, and the decomposition of inequality changes into component contributions. The second half explores various aspects of the graphical display and measurement of income mobility. While the focus of the book is on methods, illustrative examples are provided using New Zealand data. Graduate students, public sector economists, and researchers interested in income distribution will welcome this important work.
This forward-thinking book examines the potential impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on productivity. Productivity and the Pandemic features 21 chapters authored by 46 experts, examining different aspects of how the pandemic is likely to impact on the economy, society and governance in the medium- and long-term. Drawing on a range of empirical evidence, analytical arguments and new conceptual insights, the book challenges our thinking on many dimensions. With a keen focus on place, firms, production factors and institutions, the chapters highlight how the pre-existing challenges to productivity have been variously exacerbated and mitigated by the pandemic and points out ways forward for appropriate policy-thinking in response to the crisis. An important read for scholars and students interested in the impact of the pandemic, this book will also be an invigorating read for economists and policy-makers looking for more information on how the pandemic and resulting economic recession is affecting productivity.
A Modern Guide to State Intervention investigates the impact of the changing role of the state, offering an alternative political economy for the third decade of the twenty-first century. Building on important factors including history, the role of institutions, society and economic structures, this Modern Guide considers economic and administrative interventions towards changing the destabilised status quo of modern societies. Exploring a variety of theoretical approaches, chapters offer sustainable growth-inducing policies and proposals to address important challenges in this era of neoliberal globalization and financialization. With key contributions by distinguished academics in the field, the book evaluates past efforts and policies and critiques failed perspectives. A critical read for political economics scholars wishing to look beyond orthodox perspectives, this book highlights key areas of contention in modern economic policies. This will also be a vital book for policy-makers and economists looking ahead to a more sustainable economic atmosphere.
Macroeconomics is widely praised for its ability to present theory as a way of evaluating key macro questions, such as why some countries are rich and others are poor. Students have a natural interest in what is happening today and what will happen in the near future. Macroeconomics capitalizes on their interest by beginning with business cycles and monetary-fiscal policy in both closed and open economy. After that, Gordon presents a unique dynamic analysis of demand and supply shocks as causes of inflation and unemployment, followed by a dual approach to economic growth in which theory and real-world examples are used to compare rich and poor countries.
Antidumping trade protection is one of the most frequent and ubiquitous trade policies in the global economy. This review discusses the key reference pieces in the antidumping literature that have critically defined and shaped what we know about this important and unique form of trade protection. The review critically analyzes the literature and discusses its future directions - it is an important research tool not only for new and established scholars in international economics, but also policymakers and legal scholars.
Foreign Direct Investment and the Chinese Economy provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of foreign direct investment, with extensive empirical evidence, on the Chinese economy over the last three and a half decades. Chunlai Chen presents a compelling and thorough analysis of the leading theoretical explanations of the impact of FDI through a series of rigorous and in-depth empirical investigations on China's regional economic growth, urban-rural income inequality and urbanization development. These case studies show that despite FDI's contribution to economic growth, reduction of income inequality and the rise in urbanization, there is further evidence of uneven regional distribution of FDI inflow. This has negatively affected economic growth, exacerbated income inequality and impeded urbanization of inland China. The book concludes by demonstrating that these findings have important policy implications, not only for China, but also for other developing countries influenced by the implementation of FDI policies. This work of highly focused theoretical analysis is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of economics as well as policy-makers who are interested in the Chinese economy.
A Great Leap Forward: Heterodox Economic Policy for the 21st Century investigates economic policy from a heterodox and progressive perspective. Author Randall Wray uses relatively short chapters arranged around several macroeconomic policy themes to present an integrated survey of progressive policy on topics of interest today that are likely to remain topics of interest for many years.
Measuring Economic Growth and Productivity: Foundations, KLEMS Production Models, and Extensions presents new insights into the causes, mechanisms and results of growth in national and regional accounts. It demonstrates the versatility and usefulness of the KLEMS databases, which generate internationally comparable industry-level data on outputs, inputs and productivity. By rethinking economic development beyond existing measurements, the book's contributors align the measurement of growth and productivity to contemporary global challenges, addressing the need for measurements as well as the Gross Domestic Product. All contributors in this foundational volume are recognized experts in their fields, all inspired by the path-breaking research of Dale W. Jorgenson.
Handbook of U.S. Consumer Economics presents a deep understanding on key, current topics and a primer on the landscape of contemporary research on the U.S. consumer. This volume reveals new insights into household decision-making on consumption and saving, borrowing and investing, portfolio allocation, demand of professional advice, and retirement choices. Nearly 70% of U.S. gross domestic product is devoted to consumption, making an understanding of the consumer a first order issue in macroeconomics. After all, understanding how households played an important role in the boom and bust cycle that led to the financial crisis and recent great recession is a key metric.
Applied Macroeconomics for Public Policy applies system and control theory approaches to macroeconomic problems. The book shows how to build simple and efficient macroeconomic models for policy analysis. By using these models, instead of complex multi-criteria models with uncertain parameters, readers will gain new certainty in macroeconomic decision-making. As high debt to GDP ratios cause problems in societies, this book provides insights on improving economies during and after economic downturns.
This book focuses on the connotation and the basic structure of smart supply chain finance and on this basis, systematically explores the elements of smart supply chain finance innovation, and further proposes a five-dimensional model for the realization of smart supply chain finance-SMART. The book also explores the risk management issues of smart supply chain finance from the perspective of industrial risk management.
This title brings together the most significant modern contributions to the literature on globalization and inequality. The editor's selection, set in context by an authoritative introduction, uses broad analyses and important case studies to illustrate the impact on levels of inequality of previous periods of globalization and of the current era of globalization. The research review further focuses on the issues of openness and inequality, and concludes with several benchmark papers that examine global levels of inequality. This timely book will be an invaluable resource for anyone concerned with this vital relationship, including teachers, doctoral students and researchers.
Professor William Nordhaus was honored with a Nobel Prize in Economics for his lifetime contributions to research and policy on climate change and macroeconomics. This book contains a collection of essays written by eleven leading climate change economists describing precisely how Professor Nordhaus changed climate change economics. The essays highlight the major contributions that Professor Nordhaus has made to understanding climate change. The book also discusses the important contributions Professor Nordhaus has made to develop effective policies to manage greenhouse gases both now and far into the future. Several authors also thank Professor Nordhaus for the influence he has had on the trajectory of their own careers. Finally, the essays press forward and discuss how the entire field continues to work on perfecting both climate change economics and policy.
This book starts from the application scenarios of artificial financial intelligence regulation, commercial banking, wealth management and payments, etc., and makes a detailed study of the main scenarios of the application of China's artificial intelligence in the financial field, and also analysis specific application cases of China.With the popularization of smart phones and the rapid development of e-commerce, mobile payment, big data and other technologies are in the ascendant in China in recent years. In particular, artificial intelligence technologies in the form of facial, speech and semantic recognition are showing preliminary advantages in the field of FinTech, and the future era of Intelligent Finance has quietly come. The Chinese government has clearly put forward "China should rely on a robust cycle of domestic demand and innovation as the main driver of the economy while maintaining foreign markets and investors as a second engine of growth", science and technology innovation is the basic motivation of economic and social cycle, to implement the " dual circulation strategy ", it is necessary to understand the key role of scientific and technological innovation in financial innovation services, and improve financial services must be driven by science and technology. There is a natural relationship between artificial intelligence and financial services, because financial services are credit and information intermediaries, and data is the most critical for finance, while artificial intelligence has a super ability in dealing with complex data. At present, many Chinese Banks have applied artificial intelligence to their daily operations and management, such as accurate customer identification, enhanced process tracking, intelligent marketing, and product process transformation, so as to simplify financial service processes and shorten service cycles. In General, this book both pays attention to practical application and theoretical, which is a useful reference book in theoretical research and practical work, and also helps readers to understand the application of intelligent finance in China. |
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