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Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Construction & heavy industry > General
Mit jedem Baufortschritt verandern sich die Gegebenheiten auf der
Baustelle. Baumangel kann man dadurch spater schlecht feststellen
oder nachweisen. Der Ausgang eines Bauprozesses hangt oft davon ab,
welche Beweise im Einzelfall erbracht werden konnen.
Schalarbeiten haben baubetrieblich und bauwirtschaftlich gesehen eine grosse Bedeutung. Kosten und Bauzeit sind im Ortbetonbau massgeblich von den Schalarbeiten abhangig. Mit dem Buch gelingt es, die Auswahl von Schalungssystemen/-verfahren, Ablaufplanung, Logistik und Kalkulation so zu gestalten, dass eine Effizienzsteigerung moglich ist. Dazu werden Ablaufschemata und Interaktionsdiagramme sowie Kennzahlen vorgestellt. Diese Arbeitsweise fordert die systematische Betrachtung von wesentlichen baubetrieblichen und bauwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhangen."
Strategische und operative Unternehmensprozesse bilden den Schlussel fur notwendige lebenszyklusorientierte Veranderungen in der Baubranche. Im Band 1 Strategische Managementprozesse werden die wichtigsten Methoden zur erfolgreichen Ausrichtung von Geschaftseinheiten und Unternehmen sowie alle wichtigen Teilprozesse zur Unternehmensgestaltung und -fuhrung ausfuhrlich dargestellt. Strategie-, Marketing- und Organisationsplanung fur neue und bestehende Geschaftsfelder und deren operative Umsetzung stehen im Mittelpunkt. Sie finden Handlungsempfehlungen fur die systematische Durchfuhrung ihrer strategischen Aufgaben und die zukunftsorientierte Strukturierung der Unternehmensprozesse. Grossere Unternehmen konnen mit diesem Wissen ihre Positionierung im aggressiven, dynamischen und komplexen Umfeld verbessern und die eigene Wettbewerbsposition starken. Kleinere wachstumsorientierte Betriebe finden darin die Methodik, die sie ihrem Unternehmensaufbau zugrunde legen sollten. Moderne Managementkonzepte werden auf die Bauwirtschaft abgebildet."
Das vorliegende Buch beschaftigt sich mit dem Management von Risiken bei oeffentlichen Infrastrukturinvestitionen, insbesondere bei oeffentlich-privaten Partnerschaften (Public Private Partnerships/PPPs). Bestehende Verfahren werden auf den Prufstand gestellt und konkrete praktische Beispiele fur Verfahrensinnovationen gegeben. Dem Leser wird die Fahigkeit vermittelt, mittels eines ganzen Bundels alternativer Verfahren die Risikoidentifikation und -bewertung und das Risikomanagement im Investitionsprozess durchzufuhren. Neu sind dabei die Betrachtung des gesamten Lebenszyklus der Investition, die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verfahren der simulativen Risikoanalyse sowie die Auslotung der Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen des Handels mit Projektrisiken am Kapitalmarkt. Die Autoren legen grossen Wert auf die hohe Verstandlichkeit und den Anwendungsnutzen in konkreten Projektsituationen. Das Buch richtet sich vornehmlich an Entscheidungstrager in Politik und Verwaltung sowie an Projektmanager im PPP-Geschaft.
This book will be of interest to built environment professionals and to students of the economics and management of the built environment. It shows the value of integrating ideas and data about the production of the built environment as an industrial process with theories and data about the demand for construction. The approach taken is institutional and post-Keynesian, and illuminates an important and distinctive sector of the economy, embracing design, construction and property industries. This book offers some new and important perspectives for research and teaching in construction economics and management.
Global value chains (GVCs) are fraught with the phenomenon of fragmentation and dispersion of production across the world. India presents a unique example with its high potential in manufacturing capability but low integration in GVCs. This book examines the reasons why India has failed to integrate within GVCs so far and looks at key examples to understand the impediments in this process. The chapters bring together case studies from across the manufacturing industry - labour-intensive (garment, paper and diamond), capital-intensive (automobile and petrochemical), and knowledge-intensive (semi-conductor microchip, chemical and pharmaceutical) sectors. Together, they present stories of successful integration of some firms in GVCs as well as the difficulties faced by them. The volume also highlights the importance of GVCs in the context of developing countries in terms of benefits such as income and value generation, knowledge and technology collaborations, and advances in systems and processes. This book will interest scholars and researchers in economics, international trade studies, development economics and business management as well as to practitioners, policymakers, government officials, and those in the corporate sector.
Global construction data is vital for contractors, governments, international organisations, policy makers, academic researchers and statisticians. As the global population of the world expands, the sustainability of the built environment raises the political agenda and the need to manage infrastructure and buildings in both urban and rural contexts becomes ever more pressing. How much more can the built environment grow and how can it be managed sustainably? This edited volume addresses how we can find a possible way through the inconsistencies between national construction data sets to devise a consistent approach to national construction data to further the global sustainability agenda and inform policy making. This search begins in Part I, which looks at the methods and definitions used in construction statistics in different countries. Part II considers examples of different types of construction data from the cost of materials, measuring work on high rise buildings and existing stock. In Part III, the authors consider construction data internationally, beginning with the problem of comparing data in different countries using exchange rates and purchasing power parities (PPPs), comparing innovation processes in different countries and looking at the provision of building design internationally. In Part IV, the international theme is continued by comparing accounting practices and company performance in different countries and concludes with an international comparison of construction industries. This book raises awareness of the significance of the construction industry globally and the importance of data to measure it. It informs the discussion of the best ways of handling the consequences of policies affecting the built environment and the effect of the built environment on the rest of the economy and society. It is essential reading for international economists, construction industry consultants, policy makers, construction statisticians and academics.
Jahrlich werden in Deutschland mehr als 6 Milliarden Euro in die Abwasserbeseitigung investiert. Die Umsatzerlose betragen mehr als 9 Milliarden Euro. Die wirtschaftlichen Entscheidungen uber Investitionen, Bau- und Sanierungsmassnahmen, geeignete Betriebsformen, betriebliches Management und die sich daraus ergebenden Gebuhren und Beitrage werden auf Grundlage der Vorarbeiten von Ingenieuren aus dem Bereich der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft entschieden. Neben der Losung der technischen Fragestellungen mussen die Ingenieure daher grundlegende Kenntnisse der rechtlichen sowie der volks- und betriebswirtschaftlichen Zusammenhange ihres Fachgebiets haben. In diesem Buch werden erstmals alle relevanten okonomischen Fragestellungen der Abwasserbeseitigung in einheitlicher und praxisbezogener Form dargestellt. Dies ermoglicht sowohl dem Anwender in Ingenieurburo oder Behorde als auch dem Studierenden, sich in die teilweise als kompliziert empfundene Thematik einzuarbeiten bzw. damit umzugehen. Viele Abbildungen und Rechenbeispiele tragen zum Verstandnis bei. Zur Anwendung kommen aktuelle Kostendaten, die dem Planer als konkrete Entscheidungshilfe dienen. Bestandteil des Buches ist ein Rechenprogramm auf Excel-Basis, mit dem der Anwender eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der haufigen Fragestellung erhalt, ob im Bereich der Kanalsanierung eine Renovierung oder eine Erneuerung wirtschaftlich vorteilhaft ist."
Strategische und operative Unternehmensprozesse bilden den Schlussel fur notwendige lebenszyklusorientierte Veranderungen in der Baubranche. Im Band 2 operatives Management werden die Prozesse sowie Handlungsablaufe und die integrale Prozessverantwortung fur ein interagierendes Angebots-, Ausfuhrungs-, Risiko-, Nachtrags- und Qualitatsmanagement praxisorientiert dargelegt fur ein erfolgreiches Projekt- und Unternehmensmanagement. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, wie man eine lernende und innovative Unternehmenskultur entwickelt. Alle wichtigen Teilprozesse zur operativen Unternehmensgestaltung und -fuhrung werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt. Sie finden Handlungsempfehlungen fur die systematische Durchfuhrung ihrer taglichen operativen Aufgaben und die zukunftsorientierte Strukturierung der Unternehmensprozesse. Grossere Unternehmen konnen mit diesem Wissen ihre Positionierung im aggressiven, dynamischen und komplexen Umfeld verbessern und die eigene Wettbewerbsposition starken. Kleinere wachstumsorientierte Betriebe finden darin die Methodik, die sie ihrem Unternehmensaufbau zugrunde legen sollten. Moderne Managementkonzepte werden auf die Bauwirtschaft abgebildet."
Green Roofs, Facades, and Vegetative Systems: Safety Aspects in the Standards analyzes codes, standards and official documents from countries around the world, including: the United States and Canada in North America, Germany, France and Italy in Europe, and Australia, Singapore, Japan and Thailand in Asia. This essential resource for building design professionals covers a full range of living technologies, such as vegetative systems, green architecture/urban design, construction efficiency, facades, fire protection, sustainability aspects in buildings, landscape design, tall buildings and wind design. The book provides an invaluable tool on international codes and standards and how to incorporate them into projects.
In Barack Obama s America public works is once again a part of the national dialogue. Today it is offered as a solution to the economic downturn and to the public infrastructure crisis. This timely book examines the reasons for the economic crisis facing Main Street, and connects them to why the nation has structurally deficient bridges, weak levees, poorly maintained dams, and dilapidated schools.This book explores the new emerging dominant paradigm that will govern the nation, with a particular focus on the federal government s new emphasis to create jobs and build infrastructure. The book analyzes the history of U.S. public works, drawing upon and updating lessons from the New Deal, to understand the most effective way to organize a modern U.S. civic works project, as well as a civic works pilot project for the Gulf Coast. The pilot project is based on the Gulf Coast Civic Works Act, which would create a minimum of 100,000 prevailing wage jobs and training opportunities for local and displaced workers on infrastructure projects and restoring the coastal environment using emerging green building technologies. One chapter features new contributions from Howard Zinn, Angela Glover Blackwell, and other leading scholars, public policy advocates, and community organizers weighing in on how an U.S. civic works project might solve our economic, infrastructure, and environmental crises. Issues discussed in this section include using civic works to create green jobs, to alleviate poverty, to train the next generation of Rosie the Riveters, to organize Gulf Coast residents, to end the human rights crisis in the region, and to implement a national government-run public works project.Listen to the "Journey Home Radio Show" interview with Scott Myers-Lipton: Journey Home Radio Interview"
Extending Performance of Concrete Structures forms the Proceedings of the one day International Seminar held during the Congress, Creating with Concrete, 6-10 September 1999, organised by the Concrete Technology Unit, University of Dundee. Topics discussed include developments in materials and use in new construction. The themes of the seminar were Materials Developments and Practical Applications.
This major new printed guide and CD, compiled by a group of industry experts working under the auspices of the DTI, the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Actuarial Profession, presents in a succinct and cogent way a recommended approach to the management of strategic risk, STRATrisk, and an explanation of how to apply the approach.
Option B is a priced contract with a bill of quantities where the risk of carrying out the work at the agreed prices being is borne by the contractor. This document contains all the core and secondary option clauses, the shorter schedule of cost components, and contract data, relevant to an option B contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Digital Twins in the Built Environment offers a comprehensive, systematic and clear view of digital twin development in the engineering, architecture, construction and facilities management sectors. It will help you to uncover the implementation and development of digital twin works and understand how to manage, operate, and maintain built assets, buildings and cities using digital twins. This book presents systematic and structured approaches to the creation and use of digital twins, including principles, system architecture, data structure, and methods of creation for each layer in the system architecture. Chapters also contain real life cases studies of digital twin implementation at the built asset, building and city levels. Digital Twins in the Built Environment is an essential read for built environment professionals including asset owners, consultants, facility managers, contractors, designers, policymakers and researchers.
FIDIC Green Book: A companion to the 2021 Short Form of Contract is a practical guide for anyone involved in preparing, administering, or contributing to the 2021 FIDIC Short Form of Contract (FIDIC Green Book). Designed as a companion for both first-time and more experienced users, the book presents an accessible guide to the 14 clauses of the FIDIC Green Book. Opening chapters introduce international construction contracts, including the entire FIDIC suite of contracts, and definitions of key terms. Chapters in Part 2 give a brief introduction to each of the Clauses and Sub-Clauses in the FIDIC Green Book, and explain how they are interlinked. The final section is a concise practical guide to the use of the FIDIC Conditions, and summarises special provisions discussed in Part 2. Drawing on the author's 30 years' experience with the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, this unique guide to the FIDIC Green Book is an ideal introduction for first time users of the FIDIC conditions of contract and will also serve as a very useful handbook and practical commentary for more experienced users.
The family firm, once regarded as a transitory phenomenon on the way to a more sophisticated model of business organization, is now recognized internationally as an enduring element in modern industrial capitalism. Collen offers an informed and accessible discussion of a significant family-run institution which has operated throughout the island of Ireland since its foundation. The author makes use of untapped archival sources to analyse the fortunes of the company and illuminate the changing political, economic and social realities that shaped the context for its development. He explores how a family enterprise adapted to the far-reaching transformation of politics and society in Ireland over a period of two centuries. The Collen family business has survived economic depression, two World Wars, and the Troubles in Northern Ireland with a combination of resilience and business acumen. This book presents a distinctive Irish perspective on the evolution and persistence of family business, while casting new light on the commercial development of Dublin during the last two hundred years. Collen will be of use to scholars of modern Irish history, economic development, architecture, civil engineering, business and public policy and will be invaluable for all those with a professional interest in Irish business and family enterprise.
The Medina -- the Old City -- of Fez is the best-preserved, medieval walled city in the world. Inside this vibrant Moroccan community, internet cafes and mobile phones coexist with a maze of donkey-trod alleyways, thousand-year-old sewer systems, and Arab-style houses, gorgeous with intricate, if often shabby, mosaic work. While vacationing in Morocco, Suzanna Clarke and her husband, Sandy, are inspired to buy a dilapidated, centuries-old riad in Fez with the aim of restoring it to its original splendor, using only traditional craftsmen and handmade materials. So begins a remarkable adventure that is bewildering, at times hilarious, and ultimately immensely rewarding. "A House in Fez" chronicles their meticulous restoration, but it is also a journey into Moroccan customs and lore and a window into the lives of its people as friendships blossom. When the riad is finally returned to its former glory, Suzanna finds she has not just restored an old house, but also her soul.
Since the early 2000s, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has rapidly gained significance in India, both among large companies and as a policy instrument formally intended to foster corporate contributions to the country's development goals. This book analyses this phenomenon in relation to broader political and economic changes induced by India's 'pro-business' development strategy. Using a systems-theoretical approach, the analysis shows that 'pro-business' policies have led profit-driven economic processes to increasingly override collective aspirations for social welfare, environmental protection, and democracy. In order to decipher how CSR changes the interplays between profit-making and developmental aspirations, the book provides detailed analyses of CSR in the cement industry and in regulatory policies adopted by the central government. It shows that CSR operates as an 'intermediary institution' which further enhances the autonomy of the economic system, as it makes profit-making more responsive to risks arising from competing collective values and interests.
Neben und zusammen mit Stahl ist Beton heute der wichtigste Baustoff. Seine Herstellung und Verwendung wird deshalb hier am ausfuhrlichsten dargestellt. Beton ist fast unbegrenzt einsetz- und gestaltbar und kann vom Anwender seinen Anforderungen entsprechend selbst hergestellt werden. Hierzu bedarf es allerdings besonderer Kenntnisse der Eigenschaften von Beton, ihrer Beeinflussung und ihrer Wirkung. Die Neubearbeitung von Band 2 des vierbandigen Werkes Baustoffe fur tragende Bauteile behandelt die nichtmetallisch-anorganischen Stoffe, also vor allem Beton, Moertel und Mauerwerk. In mehreren Abschnitten werden die Betonarten, z.B. Schwer- und Leichtbeton, vorgestellt und ihre Zusammensetzung sowie ihre besonderen Eigenschaften wahrend des Einbaus und bei der Erhartung beschrieben. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist dem Moertel gewidmet, der sich in der Zusammensetzung nur durch die verwendete Korngroesse vom Beton unterscheidet. Im Kapitel uber Mauerwerk, dem anderen wichtigen nichtmetallisch-anorganischen Baustoff, werden vor allem die Festigkeits- und Verformungseigenschaften behandelt. Neueste technische Entwicklungen, aktuelle Normen und Vorschriften wurden bei der Neubearbeitung berucksichtigt. |
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