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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Clinical psychology > General
In From Sign to Symbol: Transformational Processes in Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, and Psychology, Joseph Newirth describes the evolution of the unconscious from the psychoanalytic concept that reflected Freud's positivist focus on symptoms and repressed memories to the contemporary structure that uses symbols and metaphors to create meaning within intimate, intersubjective relationships. Newirth integrates psychoanalytic theory with cognitive, developmental, and neuropsychological theories, and he differentiates two broad therapeutic strategies: an asymmetrical strategy that utilizes the logic of consciousness and emphasizes the differentiation of person, place, time, and causality in the world of objects, and a symmetrical strategy that utilizes the logic of the unconscious in the world of emotional, intersubjective experience. He presents multiple approaches to the use of these symmetrical therapeutic strategies, including the use of humor, dreams, metaphors, and implicit procedural learning, in transforming concrete symptoms and signs into the symbolic organizations of meaning. Examples from both psychotherapeutic practice and supervision are presented to illustrate the development of the capacity for symbolic thought or mentalization.
Modern Myths and Medical Consumerism is concerned with the loss of a sense of limit in technological medicine today, and the way in which the denial of death leads to an uncontrollable, consumeristic multiplication of needs. Taking its starting point from C. G. Jung's analytical psychology, the book gives a symbolic interpretation based on archetypal, philosophical and socio-psychoanalytic ideas developed through the author's personal experience, moving from the medical to the psychoanalytical paradigm. Lanfranchi depicts ideal sources of medicine, based on archetypal material drawn from Greek myth, and discusses the progressive steps of the doctor's consciousness' evolution up to contemporary times. Critiquing current medicine and its 'modern myths', the book suggests the prevailing model of economic development is unsustainable, and provides prospects of a more contained ecological medicine and an ethical approach that will allow readers to reflect and move towards a more qualified attitude to mortality. The book meets the need to transform medicine into a critical domain of human experience, capable of providing essential services consistent with the naturalness of death and environmental sustainability. As such, it will be vital reading to academics in the fields of psychotherapy, analytical psychology, psychiatry and medicine, and those with a philosophical or sociological background.
Case Analyses for Abnormal Psychology, Second Edition uses case studies to explore the etiology, biology, and dynamics of psychiatric disorders in the DSM-5. Readers will learn about the new classifications and treatments for disorders while simultaneously reading the personal history of each consumer both before and during the development of each case. Every case ends with a section on the particular disorder presented, as viewed from a biological perspective. This updated edition bridges advances in abnormal psychology and neuroscience in understanding mental illness.
The "Report on Smoking and Health" published by the Royal College of Physicians in England in 1965 warned of a connection between lung -cancer and smoking. The findings were widely publicized, and were accepted by practically every-one-indeed, they persist today. As Hans J. Eysenck shows in his classic study "Smoking, Health, and Personality," the results were by no means immune to challenge. Not only were the experimental and statistical methods employed vulnerable to criticism, but the results were open to more than one interpretation. In this new edition, Stuart Brody reviews Eysenck's achievement. Eysenck critically reviewed the literature, presented longitudinal studies showing that psychological characteristics are far more potent predictors of heart disease and cancer than smoking behavior, and demonstrated that psychological treatment can halve death rates. Eysenck also spoke the unspeakable, iconoclastically attacking the cherished attribution of millions of deaths to smoking. He examined the interaction of smoking with personality and constitutional factors, and the connection between these factors and the development of cancer. Eysenck saw the cause-and-effect relation between cancer and smoking as oversimplification. He also makes a number of practical suggestions for the kind of social action that could be taken to decrease the incidence of lung cancer. For his part, Brody notes that massive campaigns which exhort people to eschew tobacco or cholesterol have had little or no demonstrable health benefits. This original and stimulating volume is written with great clarity and is easily understood by the layman. It is an incisive account of one of the most important social problems in this country today, and a challenge to orthodoxy in the medical world. As such, this volume offers much for both sides of the anti-smoking lobby, as well as those in the fields of psychology, political science, and sociology. .
"Whether counselors practice privately or within institutions, they will find valuable information within such sections as specialties of counseling, legal and ethical issues, insurance and malpractice. Each chapter is fully referenced. This is an excellent library resource with complete appendices of American Counseling Associations." ? TODAY?S LIBRARIAN "This handbook is a hallmark of collaboration with a consistency of style and quality uncharacteristic of edited works. Highly recommended for academic and professional counseling collections." ? LIBRARY JOURNAL A landmark publication in its field, The Handbook of Counseling is the authoritative voice of the counseling profession. Comprehensive in its scope, this text explores how the field has developed, the current state of the discipline, and where this dynamic profession is going. Edited by Don C. Locke, Jane E. Myers, and Edwin L. Herr, leaders in counseling education and research, this volume provides readers with the state-of-the-art theory and research today. This volume includes sections on the current status of the counseling profession, major approaches to counseling, settings and interventions, and education and supervisional research strategies. In addition, critical cutting-edge issues, such as responses to social and professional diversity, computer applications, and the state of independent counseling practice, are discussed. Sponsored by Chi Sigma Iota, the national honor society of counseling, The Handbook of Counseling is a "must-have" resource for all counselors, educators, supervisors, counselors-in-training, professionals, and libraries.
Depression provides a valuable and accessible resource for students, practitioners, and researchers seeking an up-to-date overview and summary of research-based information about depression. With the help of clinical examples, the authors present chapters covering the hypothesized causes of depression, including genetic and biological factors, life stress, family, and interpersonal contributors to depression. The third edition extensively updates prior coverage to reflect advances in the field. The presumed causes of depression from both a biological perspective as well as from social and cognitive perspectives are explored in detail. Two chapters explore the most recent developments in pharmacological and biological interventions and in psychological treatments, as well as the prevention of depression. This new edition includes updated discussion about challenges in research, including heterogeneity and diagnosis of depression and proposed solutions, as well as the efficacy and availability of treatments. Authored by experts in the field who are active researchers and clinicians, Depression provides a state-of-the-art primer for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students, clinicians, professionals, and researchers seeking a broad reference task that critically evaluates research into depression.
Depression provides a valuable and accessible resource for students, practitioners, and researchers seeking an up-to-date overview and summary of research-based information about depression. With the help of clinical examples, the authors present chapters covering the hypothesized causes of depression, including genetic and biological factors, life stress, family, and interpersonal contributors to depression. The third edition extensively updates prior coverage to reflect advances in the field. The presumed causes of depression from both a biological perspective as well as from social and cognitive perspectives are explored in detail. Two chapters explore the most recent developments in pharmacological and biological interventions and in psychological treatments, as well as the prevention of depression. This new edition includes updated discussion about challenges in research, including heterogeneity and diagnosis of depression and proposed solutions, as well as the efficacy and availability of treatments. Authored by experts in the field who are active researchers and clinicians, Depression provides a state-of-the-art primer for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students, clinicians, professionals, and researchers seeking a broad reference task that critically evaluates research into depression.
Neuropsychology has its roots in clinical neurology. Reading case de scriptions by 19th century neurologists, such as Wernicke's painstakingly detailed examinations of patients with the "aphasic symptom-complex," makes it obvious that neuropsychology is not a new discipline. Even the marriage with psychology is not new; the neurologist Arnold Pick, for example, was fully conversant with the developments in contemporary psychological as well as linguistic research. However, the primary focus of 19th and early 20th century psychology was on "general psychology," and only a small number of psychologists ventured into what then was called "differential psychology" (the psychology of individual dif ferences) including a few who became attached to neurological research and rehabilitation units after World War I. It remained until World War II for psychologists to establish a more solid working relationship with neurology. What psychology had to offer to neurology was its experimental skill, the development of a sophisticated methodology, and, for clinical work, the development of psychometrics. On the whole, the marriage between the two disciplines has been fruitful, leading to new insights, models, and discoveries about brain-behavior relationships, documented in several textbooks which appeared in rapid succession since the 1960s. In clinical practice, neuropsychology has been inventive in some respects, in others merely introducing psychometric rigor to already existing neurological examinations. As described in greater detail in this book, developmental neuropsy chology is of even more recent origin."
Depressive Realism argues that people with mild-to-moderate depression have a more accurate perception of reality than non-depressives. Depressive realism is a worldview of human existence that is essentially negative, and which challenges assumptions about the value of life and the institutions claiming to answer life's problems. Drawing from central observations from various disciplines, this book argues that a radical honesty about human suffering might initiate wholly new ways of thinking, in everyday life and in clinical practice for mental health, as well as in academia. Divided into sections that reflect depressive realism as a worldview spanning all academic disciplines, chapters provide examples from psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy and more to suggest ways in which depressive realism can critique each discipline and academia overall. This book challenges the tacit hegemony of contemporary positive thinking, as well as the standard assumption in cognitive behavioural therapy that depressed individuals must have cognitive distortions. It also appeals to the utility of depressive realism for its insights, its pursuit of truth, as well its emphasis on the importance of learning from negativity and failure. Arguments against depressive realism are also explored. This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of depressive realism within an interdisciplinary context. It will be of key interest to academics, researchers and postgraduates in the fields of psychology, mental health, psychotherapy, history and philosophy. It will also be of great interest to psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors.
Honor related violence is generally associated with crimes committed by people from the Middle East and adjacent areas. Perpetrators sometimes justify their deeds saying they 'had to' restore their honor. Theorists have argued that men from these populations exclusively correlate honor with the behaviour of their womenfolk, which they use as a pretext to further oppress and dominate women. Due to large-scale migration, western societies have become acquainted with honor related violence and honor killings. In this book, Robert Ermers addresses a number of questions related to honor related violence, including the use of predominantly negative frames regarding the cultural and social background of non-westerners and immigrants. In many publications, including the press, crimes committed by non-western individuals are often attributed to their cultural background rather than specific contexts or circumstances, in contrast to western cases. Vague and insufficiently defined concepts such as 'honor' and 'culture' strongly contribute to this bias. Honor Related Violence deals with honor and honor related violence, their background and contexts, what honor is, and what it is not. It examines stigma in relation to honor and based upon stigma research, reliably explains, analyses, and predicts honor related violence. The book argues that people all over the world can be stigmatized, excluded and ostracized when they commit misbehavior, and therefore find themselves in a state of dishonor which can lead to honor related violence. A timely intervention into the psychology of honor related violence, this is an essential resource for students and researchers in the fields of social psychology, sociology, law, criminology and anthropology.
What would you say to a deceased loved one if they could come back for one day? What if you can't just 'move on' from grief? At Home with Grief: Continued Bonds with the Deceased chronicles Blake Paxton's autoethnographic study of his continued relationship with his deceased mother. In the 90s, Silverman, Klass, and Nickman argued that after the death of a loved one, the bond does not have to be broken and the bereaved can find many ways to connect with memories of the dead. Building on their work, many other bereavement scholars have discussed the importance of not treating these relationships as pathological and have suggested that more research is needed in this area of grief studies. However, very few studies have addressed the communal and everyday subjective experiences of continuing bonds with the deceased, as well as how our relationship with our grief changes in the long term. In this book, Blake Paxton shows how a community in southern Illinois continues a relationship with one deceased individual more than ten years after her death. Through this gripping autoethnographic account of his mother's struggles with a rare cancer, her death, and his struggles with sexuality, he poses possibilities of what might happen when cultural prescriptions for grief are challenged, and how continuing bonds with the dead may help us continue or restore broken bonds with the living.
Psychiatry today is a barren tundra, writes medical historian
Edward Shorter, where drugs that don't work are used to treat
diseases that don't exist. In this provocative volume, Shorter
illuminates this dismal landscape, in a revealing account of why
psychiatry is "losing ground" in the struggle to treat
An international team focuses on current models of self-consciousness from neurosciences and psychiatry in this collection of essays. These are set against introductory essays describing philosophical, historical and psychological approaches. Neuroscience has recently contributed important insights to the concept and construction of the self from conditions, such as schizophrenia, in which the self becomes disordered and can be studied against healthy controls through experiment, building cognitive models of how the mind works, and imaging brain states.
Violent Offenders and Their Victims is a holistic and human exploration of the nature of violence and its genesis. Chad C. Breckenridge provides a complete psychoanalytic, child developmental, and neurobehavioral understanding of empathic failure and violence. Breckenridge reviews current thinking about the criminal personality from both a psychological and sociological perspective and provides a foundation for the possibility of change and growth in offenders.
This book focuses upon new methods of analysis for adult attachment texts. The authors’ introduce a highly nuanced model—the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM)—providing clinicians with a finely-tuned tool for helping patients examine past relationships, in addition to gauging the potential effectiveness of various treatment options. The authors offer a fascinating explanation of the neurobiological underpinnings of DMM, grounded in findings from the cognitive neurosciences about information processing. In this volume, readers have an eminently practical, theoretically-grounded work that is sure to transform many types of therapy.
At a historic conference in Toronto in October 1993, developmental researchers and clinicians came together for the first time to explore the implications of current knowledge of attachment. This volume is the outcome of their labors. It offers innovative approaches to the understanding of such diverse clinical topics as child abuse, borderline personality disorder, dissociation, adolescent suicide, treatment responsiveness, false memory, narrative competence, and the intergenerational transmission of trauma.
Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health: Guidelines for the New Consultant offers a practical guide for professionals working 'indirectly' with clients through consultation with staff. As resources become more scarce in public services and a greater number of people seek mental health interventions, professionals are increasingly called upon to consult with practitioners who conduct face-to-face work with clients. This book provides an essential guide for those who are interested in developing their consultation competence. This book introduces the reader to the principles of a collaborative approach to consultation with practitioners, teams and agencies working in health, education, social care and mental health. The book takes the reader step-by-step through the collaborative consultation process, from preparing and setting up the context for consultation through to communicating effectively to build cooperative partnerships, and evaluating consultation outcomes. Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health guides the consultant in how to apply and develop these principles and practices within group consultation and also addresses common dilemmas and challenges consultants encounter. Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health will appeal to both new and experienced consultants working with adults, children, older people, people with intellectual disabilities and families across a range of contexts.
In Patient-Centric Analytics in Health Care: Driving Value in Clinical Settings and Psychological Practice, James J. Gillespie and Gregory J. Privitera introduce a framework that explores the utility of analytics for managing care that is based on six key inputs of the health care system: patients, policy makers, providers, pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, and payers. Understanding the roles of these 6 P's and the utility of analytics to promote data-driven decision models can lead to new innovations. These improvements can enhance quality, increase access, and reduce costs, and thereby drive value for the most important stakeholders in health care: the patients. As the accessibility and volume of data continues to increase, there is a growing desire to utilize data to guide and optimize decision-making in health care environments. There is a wealth of data in health care organizations and much of it is not fully utilized. In today's climate, these organizations are under increased regulatory and financial pressures to deliver measurable value, particularly as it relates to the quality of patient care in clinical and diagnostic settings. This book includes short contributions from practitioners, including Laurie Branch, Puneet Chahal, Patrick C. Cunningham, Star* Cunningham, Matthew Dreckmeier, Joseph P. Gaspero, Sherri Matis-Mitchell, Gail Mayeaux, Edwin K. Morris, Plamen Petrov, Steven Press, Andrew J. Privitera, Derek Walton, and Daniel Yunker.
Self-Regulation and Ego Control examines the physiological effects of depletion, the effects of psychological variables in self-control depletion effects, the role of motivational and goal states on self-control depletion effects, and a number of cognitive perspectives on self-control exertion. This insightful book begins with an introduction of self-control theories, ego depletion phenomena, and experimental examples of research in self-control, and concludes by delineating more inclusive and comprehensive models of self-regulation that can account for the full spectrum of findings from current research. In recent years, researchers have had difficulty identifying the underlying resources responsible for depletion effects. Moreover, further research has identified several psychological and motivational factors that can ameliorate depletion effects. These findings have led many to question assumptions of the dominant strength model and suggest that capacity limitations alone cannot account for the observed effects of depletion. Self-Regulation and Ego Control facilitates discourse across researchers from different ideological camps and advances more integrated views of self-regulation based on this research.
The Clinical Practice of Equine-Assisted Therapy bridges theory, research, and practical methods to fill a rapidly developing gap for physical, occupational, speech, and mental health professionals interested in incorporating horses in therapy. Extensively researched and citing over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, it examines core issues such as terminology, scope of practice, competency recommendations, horse care ethics, and clinical practice considerations. This book is an essential resource for professionals who wish to use a best-practices approach to equine-assisted therapy.
Practical, day-to-day ways to manage your depression. Some call it the blues or a storm in their head. William Styron referred to it as "darkness visible." Whatever the description, depression is a disorder of the mind and body that affects millions of adults at some point in their lives. In Take Control of Your Depression, Dr. Susan J. Noonan provides people experiencing depression with strategies to take stock of their mental state, to chart a course toward emotional balance, and to track their progress on the journey to well-being. Writing from her personal experience as both a recipient and a provider of mental health services, Dr. Noonan explains how to obtain care from professionals, outlines what medical options are available, and lists everyday things people can do to feel better. Integrating medicine, psychology, and holistic care while exploring the basics of mental health, she touches on diet, sleep habits, physical activity, and mindfulness techniques. This useful and compassionate workbook, which is specifically designed for people who find it difficult to focus and concentrate during a depressive episode, includes * proven relapse prevention and resilience techniques * targeted cognitive exercises * daily worksheets that can be used to track your progress and response to therapy * the fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy * advice on dealing with family and friends * guidance from remarkable people on depression * a discussion of how technology and social media can be used to manage well-being * a section on treatment-resistant depression * specialized tips aimed at women, men, adolescents, the elderly, and people dealing with chronic illness The only workbook on depression that combines a discussion of medical options, talk therapy techniques, and established self-help strategies, Take Control of Your Depression empowers individuals to participate in their own care, which offers them a better chance of recovery and of staying well. Praise for Other Books by Susan J. Noonan "This practical and compassionate handbook is perfectly suited to individuals living with depression: in accessible language, it offers firm, specific advice and quick cognitive tests and self-assessment metrics that even those in the deepest of doldrums will find helpful and relevant . . . a valuable volume for those suffering from depression, as well as for loved ones who are fighting the fight by their side."-Publisher's Weekly "From defining a baseline of depression to charting moods and preventing relapses, this workbook is a top pick for any depression sufferer!"-Reference and Research Book News "This practical guide is an important contribution to the growing genre of self-help works on this topic."-Library Journal "This text is a much-needed addition to mental health literature, as depression is stigmatized and few understand how to support friends and loved ones who frequently do not obtain help on their own."-American Reference Books Annual "This book offers useful insight for any health professional working within mental health . . . It is of enormous value to the layperson, hungry for knowledge about how best to interact and help their loved one face the dreadful ravages of depression."-Nursing Times
Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health: Guidelines for the New Consultant offers a practical guide for professionals working 'indirectly' with clients through consultation with staff. As resources become more scarce in public services and a greater number of people seek mental health interventions, professionals are increasingly called upon to consult with practitioners who conduct face-to-face work with clients. This book provides an essential guide for those who are interested in developing their consultation competence. This book introduces the reader to the principles of a collaborative approach to consultation with practitioners, teams and agencies working in health, education, social care and mental health. The book takes the reader step-by-step through the collaborative consultation process, from preparing and setting up the context for consultation through to communicating effectively to build cooperative partnerships, and evaluating consultation outcomes. Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health guides the consultant in how to apply and develop these principles and practices within group consultation and also addresses common dilemmas and challenges consultants encounter. Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health will appeal to both new and experienced consultants working with adults, children, older people, people with intellectual disabilities and families across a range of contexts.
Human Strengths and Resilience is intended to serve as a bridge between these two rapidly expanding disciplines by focusing on the critical issue of human strengths and resilience in cross-cultural and international perspective. To achieve these ambitious goals the editors have assembled an international group of leading contributors who, taken together, have taught, counseled, consulted, and conducted research in all regions of the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Region, Latin America, the Caribbean Region, and the Middle East. Chapters focus on posttraumatic growth and resilience in such nations as Cambodia, Haiti, India, Syria, Armenia, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Guatemala, and South Africa.
For several decades there has been an increasing move towards viewing the psychotic illnesses from a dimensional perspective, seeing them as continuous with healthy functioning. The idea, concentrating mostly on schizophrenia, has generated considerable theoretical debate as well as empirical research, conducted under the rubric of 'schizotypy'. This book offers a timely discussion of the most significant themes and developments in this research area. Divided into four key sections which represent current concerns in schizotypy research - Measurement, Brain and Biology; Development and Environment; Consequences and Outcomes; and Future Directions - chapters reflect a broad range of approaches and discuss varied theoretical perspectives on schizotypy. Topics include: cognitive and perceptual biases psychometric assessments creativity and schizotypy genetic associations. developmental perspectives Schizotypy: New dimensions will appeal to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the area of psychotic illnesses, as well as professionals including psychiatrists and clinical psychologists who are concerned with the basis of serious mental disorder. The book will inform readers who are new to the topic and will update and expand the knowledge base of those more experienced in the field.
The book begins by describing, within a psychodynamic approach, some traits an infant may bring to an intervention, followed by descriptions of interventions in several specialised perinatal settings. Several chapters focus on parent-infant families who have experienced considerable anxiety and depression, and those who have experienced trauma and lived borderline experiences or of mental illness. An innovative intervention which successfully engaged young parents and their infants so that most of them felt they could understand and relate to their newborn infant is next outlined. Turning to most parents of an infant in a neonatal intensive care unit who feel traumatised which may impact on the emotional relationship with their infants, there is often a need for psychodynamic exploration before these difficulties can be modulated. With such interventions the staff become more containing and may more likely seek an intervention for a premature infant in their own right, attuned to the meaning of his or her mood and behaviour. Infant-parent therapy in paediatric contexts, infants in groups, and relating to infant and parents in the context of family violence are briefly described. |
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