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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Medical imaging > General

Resonancia Magn tica Nuclear - Diccionario Ilustrado de T rminos Imprescindibles (Spanish, Paperback): Eloy Calvo Perez Resonancia Magn tica Nuclear - Diccionario Ilustrado de T rminos Imprescindibles (Spanish, Paperback)
Eloy Calvo Perez
R278 Discovery Miles 2 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Computertomographie mit quantenzahlenden Detektoren (German, Paperback): Thomas Weidinger Computertomographie mit quantenzahlenden Detektoren (German, Paperback)
Thomas Weidinger
R1,589 Discovery Miles 15 890 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Radiazioni - recenti aspetti di diagnostica, terapia e riduzione delle dosi (Italian, Paperback): Filippo Grillo Ruggieri,... Radiazioni - recenti aspetti di diagnostica, terapia e riduzione delle dosi (Italian, Paperback)
Filippo Grillo Ruggieri, Mario Ciocca, Rolando Milani
R627 Discovery Miles 6 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Photodynamic Medicine - From Bench to Clinic (Hardcover): Herwig Kostron, Tayyaba Hasan Photodynamic Medicine - From Bench to Clinic (Hardcover)
Herwig Kostron, Tayyaba Hasan
R6,951 Discovery Miles 69 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is increasingly being used amongst health practitioners in combating a variety of diseases. This book reviews the current state of development of PDT, and also presents the foreseeable advancements of the field in the next decade. Practitioners in biological sciences, biotechnology and medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry will find this book an invaluable source of information. Chapters are drawn from research discussed at the 10th International Symposium on Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis in Clinical Practice in Brixen and are written and edited by leaders in the field. Mirroring the philosophy of that meeting, this book contains an informative balance of the basic science and clinical applications of PDT. Following an introduction to PDT, its history, and how techniques have developed, chapters serve as a practical guide for practitioners, covering topics such as sensitizer dosage and light dosage, and examples of relevant studies. The text goes further to explore areas outside the medical field, such as the impact of PDT on society and the environment, and the economics of therapies. This book is dedicated to the memory of Professor Giulio Jori, an expert in this field, who sadly passed away on the 23rd December 2014.

Heiter durch die Bestrahlung (German, Paperback): Huelya Yegin-Singer Heiter durch die Bestrahlung (German, Paperback)
Huelya Yegin-Singer
R249 Discovery Miles 2 490 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Cancer of the Ovary (Hardcover): Rodney Reznek Cancer of the Ovary (Hardcover)
Rodney Reznek
R2,106 R1,967 Discovery Miles 19 670 Save R139 (7%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Ovarian cancer is not only the commonest but also the most lethal gynaecological malignancy, partly because the majority of patients present with advanced disease. Nevertheless, the management of patients with ovarian neoplasms has changed substantially recently, with improved survival due to better screening strategies, major advances in chemotherapy and the constantly evolving role of surgery. Optimal patient care is best achieved by a multidisciplinary team, with imaging playing a pivotal role. The explosion of technological developments in imaging in recent years has meant that all members of the team should understand the potential applications, limitations and advantages of evolving imaging techniques. Each volume in Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging - A Multidisciplinary Approach is edited by an expert guest editor with contributions from all members of the multidisciplinary team, thus bringing together expertise from many specialties to promote the understanding and application of modern imaging in overall patient management.

Manual Del Aparato Digestivo para Tecnicos Radiologos (Spanish, Paperback): Francisco Javier Gonzalez Granja Manual Del Aparato Digestivo para Tecnicos Radiologos (Spanish, Paperback)
Francisco Javier Gonzalez Granja
R557 Discovery Miles 5 570 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Medizin mit Durchblick. Bildgebende High-Tech-Verfahren in der Radiologie und ihre Rolle in der Medizin (German, Paperback):... Medizin mit Durchblick. Bildgebende High-Tech-Verfahren in der Radiologie und ihre Rolle in der Medizin (German, Paperback)
Marcel Apel
R902 Discovery Miles 9 020 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Medizin - Radiologie, Nuklearmedizin, Note: 1,0, DIPLOMA Fachhochschule Nordhessen; Zentrale, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit versteht sich als komprimierter Versuch, ein wenig Licht in das Fachgebiet der Radiologie, mit all seinen Facetten zu bringen. Aufgezeigt werden soll, in welchen Bereichen des taglichen Arbeitens die Radiologie zur Anwendung kommt und welche unverzichtbare Rolle sie in der Medizin einnimmt. Sie dient als eine Art Informationsbroschure fur all jene im Gesundheitssektor tatigen Personen. Die Idee liegt in der Anregung an eine engere interdisziplinare Zusammenarbeit. Im ersten und umfangreicheren Teil dieser Arbeit werde ich auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung und die allgemeinen theoretischen Grundlagen des Fachbereiches Radiologie mit all ihrer Komplexitat eingehen. Der Theoretische Teil dieser Arbeit enthalt einige dennoch sehr vereinfachte physikalische Grundlagen, die aber zum besseren Gesamtverstandnis beitragen sollen. Erst im zweiten Teil fuhre ich auf, welche Auswirkung und welchen Stellenwert sie in der interdisziplinaren Zusammenarbeit im medizinischen Alltag hat. Mit dieser Arbeit stelle in Aussicht was sie uns zukunftig noch bringen wird.

Resonancia Magnetica para Tecnicos - Conceptos basicos (Spanish, Paperback): Eloy Calvo Perez Resonancia Magnetica para Tecnicos - Conceptos basicos (Spanish, Paperback)
Eloy Calvo Perez
R531 Discovery Miles 5 310 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
EEG in der Neuropadiatrie (German, Paperback, 2013 ed.): Bernhard Schmitt, Gabriele Wohlrab EEG in der Neuropadiatrie (German, Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Bernhard Schmitt, Gabriele Wohlrab
R795 Discovery Miles 7 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Das kindliche Elektroenzephalogramm unterscheidet sich in wesentlichen Punkten vom EEG des Erwachsenen. In jeder Altersgruppe finden sich parallel zur Hirnentwicklung spezifische EEG-Muster, Normvarianten und pathologischen Veranderungen, deren Kenntnis fur die Beurteilung essentiell ist. So gibt es eine Vielzahl altersabhangiger Epilepsieformen und anderer Krankheitsbilder, die im Erwachsenenalter unbekannt sind. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellt die Beurteilung des Neu- und Fruhgeborenen-EEGs dar.

Dieser Leitfaden klart daruber auf, was bei EEG-Ableitungen im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter zu berucksichtigen ist und hilft dabei, EEG-Kurven richtig zu interpretieren und pathologische von normalen Mustern abzugrenzen.

Das Buch ist ein unveranderter Nachdruck des gleichnamigen Kapitels aus dem Werk "Klinische Elektroenzephalographie" von Stephan Zschocke und Hans-Christian Hansen. Nutzlich ist es insbesondere fur Kinder- und Jugendarzten und Neurologen, die mit den Grundlagen der Elektroenzephalographie vertraut sind. Einsteigern zum Thema zeigt dieses Buch auf, wo und wann das EEG im Kindesalter einen Beitrag zur Diagnose leisten kann."

Second Harmonic Generation Imaging (Hardcover, New): Francesco S. Pavone, Paul J Campagnola Second Harmonic Generation Imaging (Hardcover, New)
Francesco S. Pavone, Paul J Campagnola
R5,729 Discovery Miles 57 290 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy has shown great promise for imaging live cells and tissues, with applications in basic science, medical research, and tissue engineering. Second Harmonic Generation Imaging offers a complete guide to this optical modality, from basic principles, instrumentation, methods, and image analysis to biomedical applications. The book features contributions by experts in second-harmonic imaging, including many pioneering researchers in the field. Written for researchers at all levels, it takes an in-depth look at the current state of the art and possibilities of SHG microscopy.

Organized into three sections, the book:

  • Provides an introduction to the physics of the process, step-by-step instructions on how to build an SHG microscope, and comparisons with related imaging techniques
  • Gives an overview of the capabilities of SHG microscopy for imaging tissues and cells including cell membranes, muscle, collagen in tissues, and microtubules in live cells by summarizing experimental and analytical methods
  • Highlights representative biomedical and medical applications in imaging cancer, fibroses, autoimmune diseases, connective tissue disorders, eye pathologies, and cardiovascular disease

Historically, clinical imaging at the cellular and tissue level has been performed by pathologists on ex vivo biopsies removed by the surgeon. While histology remains the "gold standard" for pathologists, its interpretation remains highly subjective. Much of SHG research has focused on developing more quantitative, objective metrics. A tutorial for newcomers and an up-to-date review for experts, this book explores how SHG may be used to more precisely image a wide range of pathological conditions and diseases."

Breast MRI - Fundamentals and Technical Aspects (Paperback, 2010 ed.): R.Edward Hendrick Breast MRI - Fundamentals and Technical Aspects (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
R.Edward Hendrick
R1,542 Discovery Miles 15 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Breast MRI has emerged as a valuable adjunct to the conventional imaging modalities in the detection of primary and recurrent breast cancer. Yet, most radiologists who rely on MRI do not have knowledge of the fundamentals so essential to achieving and maintaining high image quality. With a focus on the basic imaging principles of breast MRI rather than on mathematical equations, this book takes a practical approach to imaging protocols that helps radiologists increase their diagnostic effectiveness. The text walks the reader through the basics of MRI, making it especially accessible to beginners. From a detailed outline of equipment prerequisites for obtaining high quality breast MRI to instructions on how to optimize image quality, expanded discussions on how to obtain optimized dynamic information, and explanations of good and bad imaging techniques, the book covers the topics that are most relevant to performing breast MRI.

Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging for Biomedical Applications (Hardcover, Ed): Gokulakrishnan Srinivasan Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging for Biomedical Applications (Hardcover, Ed)
Gokulakrishnan Srinivasan
R4,058 Discovery Miles 40 580 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The latest advances in vibrational spectroscopic biomedical imagingWritten by expert spectroscopists, Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging for Biomedical Applications discusses recent progress in the field in areas such as instrumentation, detector technology, novel modes of data collection, data analysis, and various biomedical applications. This full-color volume covers various IR imaging techniques, including transmission reflection, transflection, and attenuated total reflection (ATR) imaging, and Raman imaging. The efficient use of vibrational spectroscopy in clinical applications is emphasized in this state-of-the-art guide. Coverage includes: Automated breast histopathology using mid-IR spectroscopic imaging Synchrotron-based FTIR spectromicroscopy and imaging of single algai cells and cartilage Preparation of tissues and cells for infrared and Raman spectroscopy and imaging Evanescent wave imaging sFTIR, Raman, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic imaging of fungal cells Widefield Raman imaging of cells and tissues Resonance Raman imaging and quantification of carotenoid antioxidants in the human retina and skin Raman microscopy for biomedical applications--efficient diagnosis of tissues, cells, and bacteria The current sate of Raman imaging in clinical application Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of microscopic stress patterns in biomedical materials Tissue imaging with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy

Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis w/DVD (Hardcover): M Haidekker Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis w/DVD (Hardcover)
M Haidekker
R4,518 Discovery Miles 45 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A comprehensive reference of cutting-edge advanced techniques for quantitative image processing and analysis

Medical diagnostics and intervention, and biomedical research rely progressively on imaging techniques, namely, the ability to capture, store, analyze, and display images at the organ, tissue, cellular, and molecular level. These tasks are supported by increasingly powerful computer methods to process and analyze images. This text serves as an authoritative resource and self-study guide explaining sophisticated techniques of quantitative image analysis, with a focus on biomedical applications. It offers both theory and practical examples for immediate application of the topics as well as for in-depth study.

Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis presents methods in the four major areas of image processing: image enhancement and restoration, image segmentation, image quantification and classification, and image visualization. In each instance, the theory, mathematical foundation, and basic description of an image processing operator is provided, as well as a discussion of performance features, advantages, and limitations. Key algorithms are provided in pseudo-code to help with implementation, and biomedical examples are included in each chapter.

Image registration, storage, transport, and compression are also covered, and there is a review of image analysis and visualization software. The accompanying live DVD contains a selection of image analysis software, and it provides most of the algorithms from the book so readers can immediately put their new knowledge to use.

Members of the academic community involved in image-related research as well as members of the professional R&D sector will rely on this volume.
It is also well suited as a textbook for graduate-level image processing classes in the computer science and engineering fields.

Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering (Hardcover, Ed): Adam Wax, Vadim Backman Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering (Hardcover, Ed)
Adam Wax, Vadim Backman
R5,526 Discovery Miles 55 260 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Essential light scattering theories, techniques, and practices Extend tissue characterization and analysis capabilities using cutting-edge biophotonics tools and technologies. This comprehensive resource details the principles, devices, and procedures necessary to fully employ light scattering in clinical and diagnostic applications. Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering explains how to work with biological scatterers and scattering codes, accurately model tissues and cells, build time-domain simulations, and resolve inverse scattering issues. Noninvasive biopsy procedures, precancer and disease screening methods, and fiber optic probe design techniques are also covered in this detailed volume. Analyze light scattering spectra from complex and continuous media Build high-resolution cellular models using FDTD and PSTD methods Work with confocal microscopic imaging and diffuse optical tomography Measure blood flow using laser Doppler, LSCI, and photon correlation Perform noninvasive optical biopsies using elastic scattering techniques Assess bulk tissue properties using differential pathlength spectroscopy Detect precancerous lesions using angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry Risk-stratify patients for colonoscopies using enhanced backscattering methods

Cranial Nerves: Anatomy, Pathology, Imaging (Paperback): Devin K. Binder, D. Christian Sonne, Nancy J. Fischbein Cranial Nerves: Anatomy, Pathology, Imaging (Paperback)
Devin K. Binder, D. Christian Sonne, Nancy J. Fischbein
R2,448 Discovery Miles 24 480 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A single-volume resource for detailed coverage of the anatomy, function, and pathology of the cranial nerves with CT and MRI correlation

"Unique...provid es] clear, concise descriptions...the first of its kind to offer a detailed look at the imaging findings of each cranial nerve in both normal and pathological states.--Journal of Neurosurgery"

"This book reaches its objective. It must be part of the library of the neurological surgery student as a useful tool for understanding basic anatomy and physiology, as well as the most common pathologies and the basic neuroradiology of the cranial nerves. We strongly recommend it.-- World Neurosurgery"

"This book is of interest to everyone who aims a solid understanding of the cranial nerves. --Central European Neurosurgery"

This beautifully illustrated book combines a detailed exposition of the anatomy and function of the cranial nerves with practical coverage of clinical concepts for the assessment and differential diagnosis of cranial nerve dysfunction. An introductory chapter provides a brief overview of cranial nerve anatomy and function, skull base anatomy, classification of pathologies, and imaging approaches. Each of the twelve chapters that follow is devoted to in-depth coverage of a different cranial nerve. These chapters open with detailed discussion of the various functions of each nerve and normal anatomy. The authors then describe common lesions and present a series of cases that are complemented by CT images and MRIs to illustrate disease entities that result in cranial nerve dysfunction.


  • Concise descriptions in a bulleted outline format enable rapid reading and review
  • Tables synthesize key information related to anatomy, function, pathology, and imaging
  • More than 300 high-quality illustrations and state-of-the-art CT and MR images demonstrate important anatomic concepts and pathologic findings
  • Pearls emphasize clinical information and key imaging findings for diagnosis and treatment
  • Appendices include detailed information on brainstem anatomy, pupil and eye movement control, parasympathetic ganglia, and cranial nerve reflexes

This book is an indispensable reference for practicing physicians and trainees in neurosurgery, neurology, neuroradiology, radiology, and otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. It will also serve as a valuable resource for students seeking to gain a solid understanding of the anatomy, function, and pathology of the cranial nerves.

ECGs for Nurses 2e (Paperback, 2nd Edition): P Jevon ECGs for Nurses 2e (Paperback, 2nd Edition)
P Jevon
R1,217 Discovery Miles 12 170 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

ECGs for Nurses provides everything the nurse needs to know about the electrocardiogram. Accessible yet comprehensive, and packed with case studies, this portable guide enables nurses to become skilled practitioners in an area often seen as highly complex. Using real ECG traces as examples, possible effects on the patient and treatment options are discussed, with a focus on the role of the nurse.

This fully illustrated second edition remains the essential reference guide for nurses working in all acute areas, as well as general nurses and students learning about ECGs for the first time.One of the only ECG texts written by a nurse specifically for nursesWritten by an expert in the fieldEasy-to-access information, full of practical adviceEssential for nurses working and studying in intensive care, high dependency units, theatre, theatre recovery coronary care units, medical wards and accident and emergency.Case studies and discussion of real ECGs throughout.

New to this editionFully updated throughout with up-to-date guidelines and proceduresIncludes new guidelines on management of cardiac arrest arrhythmiasCase studies added to all chapters

Exogene Modulation der Radioiodexhalation im Mausmodell (German, Paperback): Sebastian Weber Exogene Modulation der Radioiodexhalation im Mausmodell (German, Paperback)
Sebastian Weber
R1,474 Discovery Miles 14 740 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Doktorarbeit / Dissertation aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Medizin - Radiologie, Nuklearmedizin, Note: magna cum laude, Universitat zu Koln (Klinik und Poliklinik fur Nuklearmedizin), 112 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Nach Radioiodtherapie (RIT) stellt der Patient fur seine Umwelt (Angehorige, Personal auf Therapiestation und Unbeteiligte) eine Strahlenquelle dar. Die chemische Form des exhalierten Radioiods nach erfolgter RIT ist dabei ein wichtiger Faktor zur Beurteilung der zu erwartenden effektiven Dosis infolge von Inhalation. Die Bioverfugbarkeit wird in der Reihenfolge elementares Iod > aerosolische Iodformen > organisch gebundenes Iod jeweils um den Faktor 10 verringert. Somit ist aus Sicht des Strahlenschutzes eine Radioiodexhalation in moglichst vollstandig organisch gebundener Form wunschenswert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Ausmass und chemische Form der Radioiodexhalation in Tierexperimenten exogen moduliert und untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Schilddrusenmedikamente einen Einfluss auf die Radioiodexhalation nach 131I]-Applikation haben. Bei unbeeinflusster Schilddruse wird das 131I] zum Grossteil in organisch gebundener Form abgeatmet. Bei der Kaliumiodid (KI) und Perchloratgruppe konnte gezeigt werden, dass der organisch gebundene Iodanteil mit steigender Blockierung der Schilddruse abnimmt. Der elementare Iodanteil vergrossert sich gegenlaufig. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass das Ausmass dieser Veranderung der prozentualen Verteilung der unterschiedlichen Radioiodformen im Exhalat von der Menge des praapplizierten Medikaments abhangig ist. Die KI und Perchlorat Gruppen lassen vermuten, dass mit steigender Blockade die Menge des exhalierten Iods ansteigt. Die Bestimmung des absoluten Anteils des durch Exhalation eliminierten Iods lieferte Werte zwischen 0,21 und 0,54 %. Diese Werte sind grossenordnungsmassig gut mit den bisher beim Menschen bestimmten Werten vergleichbar. Thyreostatika konnen fo

Medical Imaging: Principles, Detectors, and Electr onics (Hardcover): K Iniewski Medical Imaging: Principles, Detectors, and Electr onics (Hardcover)
K Iniewski
R3,828 Discovery Miles 38 280 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A must-read for anyone working in electronics in the healthcare sector This one-of-a-kind book addresses state-of-the-art integrated circuit design in the context of medical imaging of the human body. It explores new opportunities in ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine (PET, SPECT), emerging detector technologies, circuit design techniques, new materials, and innovative system approaches. Divided into four clear parts and with contributions from a panel of international experts, Medical Imaging systematically covers: X-ray imaging and computed tomography-X-ray and CT imaging principles; Active Matrix Flat Panel Imagers (AMFPI) for diagnostic medical imaging applications; photon counting and integrating readout circuits; noise coupling in digital X-ray imaging Nuclear medicine-SPECT and PET imaging principles; low-noise electronics for radiation sensors Ultrasound imaging-Electronics for diagnostic ultrasonic imaging Magnetic resonance imaging-Magnetic resonance imaging principles; MRI technology

Prostate Cancer (Hardcover, New): Hedvig Hricak, Peter Scardino Prostate Cancer (Hardcover, New)
Hedvig Hricak, Peter Scardino
R2,440 Discovery Miles 24 400 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies in men in the Western world. Although a wide range of treatment regimens are available for this disease, there are few evidence-based guidelines for treatment selection. This volume describes the clinical value of imaging for improving not only staging and treatment selection, but also the diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment follow-up for patients with prostate cancer.
A multidisciplinary disease management approach is critical in this disease. For the radiologist, understanding the pathophysiology, critical clinical issues, and advantages and limitations of different treatments is essential for meaningful interpretation of imaging studies. Similarly, for the practicing clinician, understanding the advantages and limitations of imaging modalities and the importance of optimal technique are crucial to the rational use of imaging. This volume serves as a valuable reference for radiologists, urologists, medical and radiation oncologists and all practitioners involved in the management of prostate cancer.

Vascular Hemodynamics - Bioengineering and Clinical Perspectives (Hardcover): PJ Yim Vascular Hemodynamics - Bioengineering and Clinical Perspectives (Hardcover)
PJ Yim
R4,127 Discovery Miles 41 270 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The only complete work on vascular hemodynamics
Recently, vascular hemodynamics has undergone major advances, resulting from increasingly sophisticated imaging, computational, and clinical research methodologies. The effects of these advances are likely to be profound at both the scientific and clinical levels. Now, Vascular Hemodynamics provides a self-contained treatment of this rapidly advancing topic as it relates to vascular disease and related pathologies in the human body.
Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach encompassing engineering, vascular biology, vascular imaging, and clinical practice, the book provides a survey of the basic science and clinical research in hemodynamics of the vasculature. The topics presented involve sophisticated modeling, imaging, and measurement techniques. The text emphasizes both the technical and clinical aspects of the field.
Additionally, Vascular Hemodynamics:
Includes a wide variety of models of vascular pathology, including physical models, finite-element models, linear-system models, transmission-line models, and dye-dilution models
Discusses diverse pathologies of the large vessels, the microvasculature, and the systematic vasculature
Brings together a range of imaging modalities related to hemodynamics
Includes both introductory-level and research-oriented material on each topic
Vascular Hemodynamics is the only single-text treatment of this important topic, making it a vital reference for researchers and students of bioengineering, radiology, vascular surgery, neurology, nephrology, cardiology, and oncology.

Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging (Paperback, 2nd edition): Penelope J. Allisy-Roberts, Jerry Williams Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Penelope J. Allisy-Roberts, Jerry Williams
R3,384 Discovery Miles 33 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The new edition of Physics for Medical Imaging has been fully updated to reflect the latest advances in technology and legislation and the needs of today's radiology trainees. Invaluable reading, particularly for those sitting the primary and final examinations of the Royal College of Radiology, UK, the book will also be of value to radiographers and personnel interested in medical imaging. The concise text is also accompanied by clear line drawings and sample images to illustrate the principles discussed. Closely matches needs of FRCR examination candidates. Updated to reflect changes to FRCR examination. More medically orientated. Covers new legislation concerning radiological safety etc. 'Must-know' summaries at end of each chapter. Completely new design.

MRI from A to Z - A Definitive Guide for Medical Professionals (Paperback): Gary Liney MRI from A to Z - A Definitive Guide for Medical Professionals (Paperback)
Gary Liney
R1,511 Discovery Miles 15 110 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

From "AB systems" to "Zipper artefact" - even for the experienced practitioner in MRI, the plethora of technical terms and acronyms can be daunting and bewildering. This concise but comprehensive guide provides an effective and practical introduction to the full range of this terminology. It will be an invaluable source of reference for all students, trainees and medical professionals working with MRI. More than 800 terms commonly encountered in MR Imaging and Spectroscopy are clearly defined, explained and cross-referenced. Illustrations are used to enhance and explain many of the definitions, and references to further reading will point the reader to more in-depth coverage. As well as being a compendium of terms from A to Z, the volume concludes with a useful collection of appendices, which tabulate many of the key constants, properties and equations of relevance.

Naked To The Bone - Medical Imaging In The Twentieth Century (Paperback): Bettyann Kevles Naked To The Bone - Medical Imaging In The Twentieth Century (Paperback)
Bettyann Kevles
R880 Discovery Miles 8 800 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A century ago, the living body, like most of the material world, was opaque. Then Wilhelm Roentgen captured and X-ray image of his wife's finger,her wedding ring floating" around a white bone,and our range of vision changed forever. By the 1920s, X-ray technology was common-place: all army recruits had lined up for chest pictures during WWI, and children were examining the bones of their feet in shoe store fluoroscopes, spectacularly unaware of the radiation they were absorbing. Through lucid prose, vivid anecdotes, and over seventy striking illustrations, science writer Bettyann Holtzman Kevles shows how X-rays and the subsequent daughter technologies,CT, MRI, PET, ultrasound,transformed the practice of medicine (from pediatrics to neurosurgery), the rules of evidence in courts, and the vision of artists.

Medical Imaging Systems Techniques and Applications - Cardiovascular Systems (Hardcover): Cornelius T. Leondes Medical Imaging Systems Techniques and Applications - Cardiovascular Systems (Hardcover)
Cornelius T. Leondes
R4,366 Discovery Miles 43 660 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The field of cardiovascular medical imaging has been revolutionized by new techniques in powerful computations, image processing, and modalities such as computer-aided tomography and magnetic resonance, among others.;It is therefore an appropriate starting point for this new series which studies the marriage of computer capabilities and medical imaging, and exemplifies a significant manifestation of relatively recent, valuable technologies known as the second industrial revolution.;A few issues specifically studied in this book are intravascular ultrasound imaging techniques for evaluating coronary artery anatomy that may ultimately replace angiography as the gold standard, the importance of accurate measurements of cardiac shape and dynamics more precisely measured in 3D geometry rather than the traditional 2D format, and progress in developing quality images for effective diagnosis, while at the same time lowering X-ray dosages.;In short, this book clearly reveals the effectiveness and great significance of cardiovascular imaging techniques and applications available and, with further development the essential role they will play in the future.

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