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Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Occupational therapy > General
Recent decades have seen an increasing interest in the healing and therapeutic potential of nature and interest in the potential of greencare interventions for the benefit of mental health. The field of nature based therapies is expanding in line with this interest. "Nature and Therapy" offers a unique contribution by outlining the specific processes involved in conducting counselling and psychotherapy sessions in outdoor natural environments. Central areas covered in the book include: A thorough exploration of the evidence for the psychological and healing potential of natural spaces; Developing a therapeutic rationale for nature based therapeutic work; Understanding the therapeutic relationship and the unique therapeutic processes that come into play in outdoor natural spaces; Translating indoor therapeutic work to outdoor contexts; The practicalities of setting up and running a therapy session outside of a room environment; Experiential exercises to explore the therapeutic potential of nature. Martin Jordan offers a clear outline of how to set up and hold a therapeutic session outdoors. Using case examples "Nature and Therapy" explores both the practicalities and the therapeutic processes that come into play in an outdoor natural setting. The book will be of use to counsellors, psychotherapists, arts therapists, psychologists and health professionals who are interested in taking their therapeutic work into natural environments and outdoor spaces.
Philosophical principles of recovery and justice are driving changing attitudes in the behavioral health arena, but the practical methods used to incorporate these principles needs further clarity. To address this need, Cara and MacRae's Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice, Fourth Edition is completely revised and reorganized. Relevant information from previous editions, including assessments, techniques, diagnoses and specialized programs are interwoven throughout the text with a new emphasis on social issues and lived experiences. Dr. Anne MacRae designed this Fourth Edition to meet practice challenges as the occupational therapy profession continues to evolve to meet the current needs of our communities. It includes specific examples of programs, groups, assessments, activities, techniques, approaches, and outcomes. Inside Cara and MacRae's Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice, Fourth Edition: All new chapters on philosophical worldviews, psychiatric institutions and hospitals, community behavioral health services, and direct service provision, as well as consultation and program development. Reorganized and expanded chapters on built, virtual and natural environments, as well as cultural identity and context. A new chapter on personal and social identity discusses the aspects of identity that are linked to mental wellness/illness including personal choice, family, roles and habits, spirituality, rituals and traditions, as well as the profound effects of trauma, stigma, poverty, and violence. Trauma, stigma, poverty and violence are also identified throughout the text, especially in the case illustrations. Revised chapters on mental health of infants, children, adolescents and older adults. New chapters on mental health of emerging adults and mid-life adults. Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom. While occupational therapists can certainly use this material for providing direct services and being part of a team, Cara and MacRae's Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice, Fourth Edition is also an invaluable resource for defining and explaining psychosocial occupational therapy, and in supporting our roles in consultation and program development.
My aim in writing this book was to provide a guide to management for student occupational therapists and practitioners in the field. It is not intended to provide an answer to every conceivable management situation. The organization and delivery of health and social services is being subjected to relentless scrutiny and change. Hardly has one proposal been implemented before another one is introduced. In view of this, the thrust of this book is to highlight key points to be addressed when looking at the delivery of occupational therapy services. For this reason, the book starts from the viewpoint of one who is in the early stages of an occupational therapy career through to the position of having to manage the staff in an occupational therapy departmentl service. Following this plan, the book has been organized into two parts. Part One covers issues that an occupational therapist has to confront directly in any job situation. In this situation, she will need to know wh at is expected of her. Apart from knowing about the various duties, it is necessary to understand the context in which these duties are to be conducted. Hence, there are chapters that discuss professional responsibilities, self-management, stan dards of practice, and the structure of the two biggest employers of occupational therapists - the NHS and local authority social services departments."
Binder-Ready Edition: This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, students can personalize the text to match their unique needs! Master the role and skills of the OTA in caring for adults with physical disabilities! Early's Physical Dysfunction Practice Skills for the Occupational Therapy Assistant, 4th Edition is the only textbook on the rehabilitation process written specifically for OTA students and practitioners. It takes a client-centered approach, following the latest Occupational Therapy Practice Framework in addressing topics such as assessment, intervention principles, and clinical applications. New to this edition is an Intervention Principles for Feeding and Eating chapter plus the latest advances in OT technology. From a team of expert contributors led by Mary Elizabeth Patnaude, this book shows how you can succeed in the OTA role and help clients learn to perform functional tasks. Coverage of advances in OT assessment and intervention includes prosthetics and assistive technologies, along with the assessment and interventions of TBI (traumatic brain injury) problems related to cognitive and visual perception. Case studies offer snapshots of real-life situations and solutions, with many cases threaded through an entire chapter. Client-centered approach shows how to include the client when making decisions about planning and treatment, using the terminology and abbreviations from the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. Evidence-based content includes clinical trials and outcome studies, especially those relating to intervention. Cultural diversity and cultural sensitivity information helps you understand the beliefs and customs of other cultures so you can provide appropriate care. Information on prevention addresses safety and the prevention of accidents and injury. Key terms, chapter outlines, and chapter objectives introduce the essential information in each chapter. Reading guide questions and summaries in each chapter make it easier to measure your comprehension of the material. NEW! Intervention Principles for Feeding and Eating chapter is added to this edition. NEW! Reorganization of all chapters aligns content more closely with the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. NEW! Combined chapters make the material more concise and easier to navigate.
Das vorliegende Werk stellt eine Materialsammlung aus Vortragen zweier Internationaler Symposien dar, die sich mit den naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen tiber Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung von Musik, mit mogli- chen therapeutischen Anwendungen sowie mit geisteswissenschaftlichen Aspekten beschaftigen. Die Ftille des inzwischen wissenschaftlich gesicherten Materials legt die Inauguration des Begriffes "Musikmedizin" nahe, wobei hiermit die medi- zinische Anwendung von Musik gemeint ist. Musiktherapie im eigentlichen Sinne ist als psychotherapeutisches Ver- fahren ein Teilgebiet der Musikmedizin. Es solI nicht verkannt werden, daB noch umfangreiche Studien erforder- lich sind, urn klinisch zuverlassige Daten tiber Zusammensetzung, Dosie- rung und Applikationsweise musikalischer Reize bzw. musikalischer Sub- strukturen innerhalb einer "musikalischen Apotheke" moglich zu machen. Die vorliegende Materialsammlung solI ein erster Schritt in diese Richtung sem. Fur Anregung und Kritik sind die Herausgeber jederzeit dankbar. R. 5PINTGE und R. DROH Ltidenscheid, November 1986 v Preface This book contains a selection of papers presented at two international symposia addressing the scientific principles underlying the perception and mental processing of music, the possibilities of the use of music in therapy, and also considerations from the point of view of the fine arts. The body of this material, which has been scientifically verified, is closely connected to the introduction of the concept of "music medicine", by wich is meant the use of music for medical purposes. As a psychotherapeutic method, music therapy as such is a subdivision of music medicine.
Winner of the 2017 IDEC Book Award, 2017 EDRA Great Places Award (Book Category), 2017 American Society of Interior Designers Joel Polsky Prize and the 2016 International Interior Design Association TXOK Research Award Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders explains the influence of the natural and man-made environment on individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other forms of intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD). Drawing on the latest research in the fields of environmental psychology and education, the authors show you how architecture and interior spaces can positively influence individuals with neurodiversities by modifying factors such as color, lighting, space organization, textures, acoustics, and ventilation. Now you can design homes, therapeutic environments, work environments, and outdoor spaces to encourage growth and learning for the projected 500,000 children with ASD (in the United States alone) who are expected to reach adulthood by 2024. Topics discussed include: -Environmental design theories -Symptoms of ASD -Sensory processing deficits -Design needs of individuals on the spectrum at all ages -Design methods and solutions for spaces, including residential, learning, work, and therapeutic environments encompassing a wide range of budgets -Designing for self-actualization, well-being, and a high quality of life for the duration of an individual's life -Avenues for healthy living and aging in place -Biophilic design -Environmental impact on well-being -Strategies to promote active living as an integral part of the welfare focus.
The Exercise Effect on Mental Health contains the most recent and thorough overview of the links between exercise and mental health, and the underlying mechanisms of the brain. The text will enhance interested clinicians' and researchers' understanding of the neurobiological effect of exercise on mental health. Editors Budde and Wegner have compiled a comprehensive review of the ways in which physical activity impacts the neurobiological mechanisms of the most common psychological and psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. This text presents a rigorously evidence-based case for exercise as an inexpensive, time-saving, and highly effective treatment for those suffering from mental illness and distress.
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay is a highly practical, easy-to-read resource for all paediatric practitioners and students working with the developmental abilities and difficulties of children, providing a thorough overview of cerebral palsy and its treatment. The sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to integrate the latest evidence-base on motor control and motor learning, whilst still retaining Sophie Levitt's eclectic, holistic and functional approach. It includes greater detail on paediatric occupational therapy, classification systems, the latest systematic reviews of research, as well as an expanded chapter on adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy. The chapter on equipment has also been increased so as to be of further relevance to occupational therapists. Supported by clear diagrams and photographs, as well as summaries to consolidate learning, it outlines therapeutic approaches and suggests treatment and management options, providing a wealth of practical information. The book promotes positive relationships between therapists, people with cerebral palsy and their families.
This updated new edition is a practical guidebook for parents, teachers and other professionals supporting children with sensory and motor learning difficulties. It offers an understanding of developmental coordination disorder (DCD), and the impact that this can have in both home and school settings. Each chapter offers practical 'hands-on' strategies, activities and ideas for managing the effects of the condition as well as providing a sound medical and physiological understanding of the condition to facilitate access to education and everyday living. Each chapter contains: A clear explanation of potential challenges that people with DCD and coexisting conditions face, with an introductory definition, along with reference to current terminology Exploration of the implications of these challenges on home life, educational and social environments Practical strategies and ideas to help the child or young person reach their full potential Written by occupational therapists with extensive experience of DCD/dyspraxia and possible associated conditions, this book is structured in an accessible way, suitable for: parents, carers, teachers or health professionals seeking guidance for the young people they support. This is a must read for anybody looking to support children and young people with this often misunderstood condition.
Qualitative Research for Occupational and Physical Therapists is a
practical guide for students and professionals in rehabilitation
intended to encourage their active engagement with this major
approach to research design and implementation.
Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant is a comprehensive text that delineates the role of the occupational therapy assistant in the delivery of mental health services. Christine Manville and Jeremy Keough provide information and learning activities that enable the student to build knowledge of mental health practice, incorporating approaches used in the traditional medical model, as well as the community. The impact of mental illness on occupational performance across the lifespan is also examined. Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant guides the reader in how to analyze the service environment, including cultural, societal and political factors; explore the client’s participation in age-appropriate, meaningful occupations; and, under supervision of the occupational therapist, provide treatment that includes 1:1 and group interventions. Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant structures each chapter to provide an enhanced approach to student learning by incorporating concepts from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Current and emerging trends in mental health practice are discussed, as well as service provision in the traditional medical model. The appendices include a discussion of additional factors that impact the provision and efficacy of therapy services, including pharmacology and ethical and legal issues. Features: Provides an overview of the DSM-5 and the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. These classification systems provide a common language for practitioners from a variety of disciplines to communicate about the impact of mental illness on occupational performance and participation Describes the use of general educational strategies to enhance the teaching/learning process in the provision of occupational therapy services Terminology from the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, Third Edition is utilized to enhance the development of clinical reasoning and practice skills Provides information on how to communicate effectively with clients Mental health practice is viewed across the lifespan Instructor’s materials include PowerPoint presentations, student study sheets, tests questions, and application questions for each chapter Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom. Mental Health Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant is an excellent side-by-side resource for the occupational therapy assistant, occupational therapist, or any practitioner working in a mental health setting.
Learn how to take control of your own well-being. Get Fit, Stay Fit, 7th Edition and FitnessDecisions.com work together to show you how to create a complete fitness and wellness program you can follow from beginning to end or refer to whenever you need expert advice. You'll find both the motivation and scientific knowledge you need to develop your own personal plan for healthy living and to make physical activity an integral part of that plan. You'll also explore the roles of stress management, sleep, and nutrition in achieving your goals. Now in full color, the 7th Edition of this popular text introduces you to the diverse range of physical fitness activities that can become a part of healthy living at any level of ability.
Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy articulates how occupational science research produces unique insights into occupation and increases the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions. This text illustrates the four key types of knowledge now being researched in occupational science: descriptive, relational, predictive, and prescriptive. This text also offers a comprehensive review of occupational science's history of emergence from the needs and interests of occupational therapy, conflicting origins and intents, and ongoing development as a discipline within academia. In Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy, Dr. Doris Pierce and an outstanding group of occupational scientists explain how their discoveries build the science and support practice. A rich variety of methods and perspectives mark the work of these career scientists as they respond to the knowledge base needs of occupational therapy. This fully evidence-based text also brings the research experience alive for occupational therapy students, describing the passions, challenges, and choices that are the reality of research as an occupation. All research chapters discuss how findings build both science and practice, including learning supports in which students can try out research activities, explore assessment, or develop interventions. Most importantly, Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy provides new and experienced practitioners a thorough exploration of the latest research in occupation-based practice. Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy synthesizes key works by occupational scientists, including a foreword by Dr. Elizabeth Yerxa, founder of the science. Occupational therapy and occupational science students, practitioners, and faculty will especially appreciate this book's comprehensive coverage of work by current leaders of research on occupation-based practice.
"Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice "looks at
the contribution that occupational therapists make to the lives of
clients living with mental illness. It examines current practice
developments and the innovative research that is shaping
occupational therapy within the mental health arena, nationally and
internationally. The book employs a distinctive and engaging narrative approach,
bringing to life key issues in practice and research. It introduces
the reader to the mental health context, opening with a historical
overview and then exploration of the current developments in
occupational therapy before moving on to discuss the cultural
context and the need for cultural sensitivity in practice. Service
users and expert clinicians offer their narratives, through which
the clinical utility and cultural appropriateness of existing
occupational therapy concepts, assessments and outcome measures are
discussed and the associated implications for practice
highlighted. "Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice"
introduces and explores a variety of specialised work contexts from
practicing in acute inpatient settings to crisis intervention, home
treatment, forensic mental health settings and the specialist role
of occupational therapy in community mental health and social
services. Chapters are enriched with case stories, personal
narratives and guided reflection.
Today's students have expressed a strong preference for multiple modes of information delivery, including visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Medical Terminology Doodles by Karen Sladyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, suggests that, when learning medical terminology, there's evidence that a multi-sensory approach that includes doodling can promote better knowledge retention than traditional learning methods. Medical Terminology Doodles offers 268 of the most common medical terms to explore and learn through doodling. By drawing or doodling related images, students will create permanent connections between the brain and the terms, as well as their root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Study hints, spelling hints, and sample illustrations are offered for each of the words, but students are also encouraged to personalize their learning by assigning meaning to the terms and creating their own "art." Using visual cues to remember information will encourage students to review the material at hand, and will also help them understand the way that terms connect to larger medical concepts. Medical Terminology Doodles is a must have for students looking for a unique manner in which to engage with complicated scientific material. On the road to becoming a successful practitioner in the health professions, you can never underestimate the power of a doodle!
Being active is fundamental to a person's sense of physical and mental wellbeing, and the need to engage in purposeful and meaningful activity does not diminish with age. However, common effects of ageing, such as reduced vision and hearing, arthritis, dementia, and in some cases social isolation, can affect an older person's ability to participate in therapeutic and recreational activities. Introducing the concept of PIE (Planning, Implementation and Evaluation), this practical resource will enable professionals working with older people to initiate and run successful activity-based programmes with their clients, either individually or in groups. The authors guide the reader through the processes of group and individual work, and provide step-by-step instructions for a range of activities, including arts and crafts, music, drama, movement, relaxation, reminiscence, and day-to-day tasks such as taking care of personal hygiene and preparing food and drinks. The book also describes the importance of assessing and evaluating activity-based work, with examples of completed evaluation and assessment forms. Useful case studies and self-reflective activities for the facilitator are included throughout. This book will be an invaluable for occupational therapists, creative arts therapists, health and social care practitioners and all other professionals working with older people.
Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy: An Introduction to the Profession is a comprehensive, introductory text that provides first year students with foundational knowledge of occupational therapy as a profession and the construct of occupation. Due to the broadness of the profession this text identifies basic concepts and areas to novice students and helps inform them of the topics and components they will come across later in their studies. Inside the text, Dr. Bernadette Hattjar provides a general introduction, the historical development of the profession, and a basic review of the three major employment areas- physical disabilities, paediatrics and psychosocial occupational therapy. It also covers the topics of theoretical constructs, legislative and political influences on the profession, the use of adaptive devices in concert with major client groups, and the identification of influential professional individuals. Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy analyses the historical foundation, philosophical assumptions, ethical issues, core concepts, theories, models and frames of reference that have shaped the profession of occupational therapy. Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy: An Introduction to the Profession will provide entry level occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students with the information and tools they need to better understand, synthesize, and integrate the diverse elements of the profession into professional level courses, where in-depth understanding of these basic concepts occur in education programs.
Adaptation, as an internal human process, is an often-overlooked construct in occupational therapy education, research, and practice. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives aims to change that by presenting different perspectives that challenge the reader's understanding of occupational adaptation. As the first of its kind text to explore, analyze, and present a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to understanding occupational adaptation, the collection of writings in this text add to the range of knowledge available in occupational therapy. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives by Drs. Lenin Grajo and Angela Boisselle provides in-depth perspectives of occupation and adaptation that can be used to teach courses on foundational and theoretical perspectives in occupational therapy, occupational science undergraduate and graduate programs, and as a critical module in teaching Neuroscience to occupational therapy students. This text also aims to facilitate new bodies of research to define and apply the concept of adaptation in relation to occupational performance and participation. Some perspectives covered inside include: Historical and theoretical perspectives on occupation and adaptation Neural mechanisms of occupational adaptation Occupational science perspectives and international and lived-experience perspectives Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives opens the gates for new ways of understanding occupational adaptation and adds necessary information to the existing knowledge in the occupational therapy profession.
This book will help all health professionals involved in the rehabilitation of older people to provide their patients with the highest possible quality of life and autonomy. Expanded and rewritten by a diverse team of authors, the text is suitable for doctors in all specialties that see older patients, as well as nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, dietitians, speech and language therapists/pathologists, physician associates/assistants, healthcare assistants, and many others including patients, family members and students. The book is written in an accessible, no-jargon style and provides a patient-centred perspective on recent advances in the field of rehabilitation - an increasingly important aspect of care for older people. Clear explanations of relevant concepts: ageing, frailty, comprehensive assessment, rehabilitation Broad coverage of all aspects of rehabilitation including different settings Explanations of input from multiple health professionals Problem-based section that highlights solutions to common issues during rehabilitation Specialty-specific areas of rehabilitation such as stroke rehabilitation, cancer rehabilitation, post-operative rehabilitation, trauma, rehabilitation in the community Practical section explaining how to plan discharge safely, run a care planning meeting, organize home supports, continue rehabilitation at home Evidence-based but accessible writing, complemented by practical clinical wisdom Aimed at a broader audience - applicable to all health professionals who see older patients Resources for patients and their caregivers Multiple-choice questions to test knowledge
In a clear and accessible presentation, Occupational Physiology focuses on important issues in the modern working world. Exploring major public health problems-such as musculoskeletal disorders and stress-this book explains connections between work, well-being, and health based on up-to-date research in the field. It provides useful methods for risk assessment and guidelines on arranging a good working life from the perspective of the working individual, the company, and society as a whole. The book focuses on common, stressful situations in different professions. Reviewing bodily demands and reactions in eight selected common, but contrasting job types, the book explains relevant physiology in a novel way. Rather than being structured according to organs in the body, the book accepts the complex physiology of typical jobs and uses this as an entry. In addition to physiological facts, the book discusses risk factors for disorders and gives ideas on how to organize and design work and tasks so as to optimize health, work ability, and productivity. Although many books cover physiology, they are based on a traditional anatomical structure (e.g., addressing the physiology of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal system, and so forth) and require readers to synthesize this knowledge into real-life complex applications. Occupational Physiology is, instead, structured around a number of typical jobs and explains their physiologies, as complex as they may be. This approach, while still presenting the physiology needed to understand occupational life, demonstrates how to use this information in situations encountered in practice.
Addressing the major advances in biomedical, psychological, social, and environmental sciences over the past decade, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 5th Edition, remains the reference of choice for professionals in a wide range of fields, including medicine and health care, education, social service, advocacy, and public policy. This foundational, pioneering resource emphasizes children's assets and liabilities, not just categorical labels. Comprehensive in scope, it offers information and guidance on normal development and behavior, psychosocial, and biologic influences on development, developmental disorders, neurodevelopmental disabilities, and mental health conditions. It also discusses tools and strategies for diagnosis and management, including new assessments that can be used in telehealth encounters. Offers a highly practical focus, emphasizing clinical approaches to evaluation, counseling, treatment, and ongoing care. Provides new or expanded information on theoretical foundations of human development and behavior; trauma, adverse childhood events, and resilience across the life span; mechanisms of genetic, epigenetic, and neurological conditions; and principles of psychological assessment, including a broad array of evaluation approaches. Discusses management and treatment for developmental and behavioral conditions, spanning common factors, cognitive behavior therapies, rehabilitative services, integrative medicine, and psychopharmacology. Contains up-to-date chapters on celebrating socio-cultural diversity and addressing racism and bias, acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorder in youth, sexuality and variation, and alternatives to restrictive guardianship. Begins each chapter with a colorful vignette that demonstrates the importance of the human dimensions of developmental-behavioral pediatrics. Offers viewpoints from an interdisciplinary team of editors and contributors, representing developmental-behavioral pediatrics, general pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, occupational and physical therapy, speech-language pathology, and law. Provides the latest drug information in the updated and revised chapters on psychopharmacology. Includes key points boxes, tables, pictures, and diagrams to clarify and enhance the text. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
This fully updated new edition of From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination is a step-by-step 'how to' guide to the developmental examination of pre-school children. Based on up-to-date research into current child development philosophies and practices, this text supports the wider group of professionals who are required to assess children's developmental progress as part of their day-to-day working practices. It begins with a practical framework for developmental examination, then progresses through each of the key developmental domains, offering guidance on enquiry and observation, and on how to chart typical and atypical patterns, with red flags for recognising significant delay or disordered development. Advice is also given on how to make sense of the findings and how best to communicate this information to parents. To consolidate and expand on the practical and theoretical information across this book and its companion, Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years, an updated companion website is available at www.routledge.com/cw/sharma, which includes the following additional learning material: An interactive timeline of the key developmental domains; Introductions to theory with links to further reading; Research summaries; Video clips demonstrating practical assessment skills; Downloadable resources including pictures to support examination of verbal and non-verbal development, and tips to facilitate and promote development. Developed alongside the original Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress, this unique guide expands on its normative developmental stages by offering practical guidance for health, education and social care professionals, or anyone concerned with monitoring children's developmental progress. |
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