Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra > General
A Generalized Framework of Linear Multivariable Control proposes a
number of generalized models by using the generalized inverse of
matrix, while the usual linear multivariable control theory relies
on some regular models. The book supports that in H-infinity
control, the linear fractional transformation formulation is
relying on the inverse of the block matrix. If the block matrix is
not regular, the H-infinity control does not apply any more in the
normal framework. Therefore, it is very important to relax those
restrictions to generalize the classical notions and models to
include some non-regular cases. This book is ideal for scholars,
academics, professional engineer and students who are interested in
control system theory.
Linearity plays a critical role in the study of elementary
differential equations; linear differential equations, especially
systems thereof, demonstrate a fundamental application of linear
algebra. In Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, we explore
this interplay between linear algebra and differential equations
and examine introductory and important ideas in each, usually
through the lens of important problems that involve differential
equations. Written at a sophomore level, the text is accessible to
students who have completed multivariable calculus. With a
systems-first approach, the book is appropriate for courses for
majors in mathematics, science, and engineering that study systems
of differential equations.
Because of its emphasis on linearity, the text opens with a full
chapter devoted to essential ideas in linear algebra. Motivated by
future problems in systems of differential equations, the chapter
on linear algebra introduces such key ideas as systems of algebraic
equations, linear combinations, the eigenvalue problem, and bases
and dimension of vector spaces. This chapter enables students to
quickly learn enough linear algebra to appreciate the structure of
solutions to linear differential equations and systems thereof in
subsequent study and to apply these ideas regularly.
The book offers an example-driven approach, beginning each chapter
with one or two motivating problems that are applied in nature. The
following chapter develops the mathematics necessary to solve these
problems and explores related topics further. Even in more
theoretical developments, we use an example-first style to build
intuition and understanding before stating or proving general
results. Over 100 figures provide visual demonstration of key
ideas; the use of the computer algebra system Maple and Microsoft
Excel are presented in detail throughout to provide further
perspective and support students' use of technology in solving
problems. Each chapter closes with several substantial projects for
further study, many of which are based in applications.
Errata sheet available at:
For one- or two-semester junior or senior level courses in Advanced
Calculus, Analysis I, or Real Analysis. This text prepares students
for future courses that use analytic ideas, such as real and
complex analysis, partial and ordinary differential equations,
numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, and differential geometry.
This book is designed to challenge advanced students while
encouraging and helping weaker students. Offering readability,
practicality and flexibility, Wade presents fundamental theorems
and ideas from a practical viewpoint, showing students the
motivation behind the mathematics and enabling them to construct
their own proofs.
This book introduces students to the world of advanced mathematics
using algebraic structures as a unifying theme. Having no
prerequisites beyond precalculus and an interest in abstract
reasoning, the book is suitable for students of math education,
computer science or physics who are looking for an easy-going entry
into discrete mathematics, induction and recursion, groups and
symmetry, and plane geometry. In its presentation, the book takes
special care to forge linguistic and conceptual links between
formal precision and underlying intuition, tending toward the
concrete, but continually aiming to extend students' comfort with
abstraction, experimentation, and non-trivial computation. The main
part of the book can be used as the basis for a
transition-to-proofs course that balances theory with examples,
logical care with intuitive plausibility, and has sufficient
informality to be accessible to students with disparate
backgrounds. For students and instructors who wish to go further,
the book also explores the Sylow theorems, classification of
finitely-generated Abelian groups, and discrete groups of Euclidean
plane transformations.
Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics uses linear algebra as a
vehicle to introduce students to the inner workings of mathematics.
The structures and techniques of mathematics in turn provide an
accessible framework to illustrate the powerful and beautiful
results about vector spaces and linear transformations. The
unifying concepts of linear algebra reveal the analogies among
three primary examples: Euclidean spaces, function spaces, and
collections of matrices. Students are gently introduced to
abstractions of higher mathematics through discussions of the
logical structure of proofs, the need to translate terminology into
notation, and efficient ways to discover and present proofs.
Application of linear algebra and concrete examples tie the
abstract concepts to familiar objects from algebra, geometry,
calculus, and everyday life. Students will finish a course using
this text with an understanding of the basic results of linear
algebra and an appreciation of the beauty and utility of
mathematics. They will also be fortified with a degree of
mathematical maturity required for subsequent courses in abstract
algebra, real analysis, and elementary topology. Students who have
prior background in dealing with the mechanical operations of
vectors and matrices will benefit from seeing this material placed
in a more general context.
For courses in Linear Algebra. Fosters the concepts and
skillsneeded for future careers Linear Algebra and ItsApplications
offers a modern elementary introduction with broad,
relevantapplications. With traditional texts, the early stages of
the course arerelatively easy as material is presented in a
familiar, concrete setting, butstudents often hit a wall when
abstract concepts are introduced. Certainconcepts fundamental to
the study of linear algebra (such as linearindependence, vector
space, and linear transformations) require time toassimilate - and
students' understanding of them is vital. Lay, Lay, and McDonald
make theseconcepts more accessible by introducing them early in a
familiar, concrete n setting, developing them gradually, and
returning to themthroughout the text so that students can grasp
them when they are discussed inthe abstract. The 6th Edition offers
exciting new material, examples,and online resources, along with
new topics, vignettes, and applications.
This book is the ninth volume in a series whose goal is to furnish
a careful and largely self-contained proof of the classification
theorem for the finite simple groups. Having completed the
classification of the simple groups of odd type as well as the
classification of the simple groups of generic even type (modulo
uniqueness theorems to appear later), the current volume begins the
classification of the finite simple groups of special even type.
The principal result of this volume is a classification of the
groups of bicharacteristic type, i.e., of both even type and of
$p$-type for a suitable odd prime $p$. It is here that the largest
sporadic groups emerge, namely the Monster, the Baby Monster, the
largest Conway group, and the three Fischer groups, along with six
finite groups of Lie type over small fields, several of which play
a major role as subgroups or sections of these sporadic groups.
In this work Zoltan Paul Dienes enlivens the world of algebra and
examines some of the mysteries of mathematical constructions in a
new and exciting fashion. Step by step, equation by equation,
diagram by diagram, he strips away all the unintelligible jargon
and brings each task and problem to life. If algebra lessons were
viewed with dread at school, this is the book to make you
reconsider. The informal style, clear diagrams and comprehensive
explanations make understanding easy, while innovative games and
intriguing puzzles ensure that learning is no longer a chore but a
pleasure. Although predominantly aimed at those already equipped
with basic algebra skills, beginners and experts alike will find
much to interest and test them.
Since its original appearance in 1997, Numerical Linear Algebra has
been a leading textbook in its field, used in universities around
the world. It is noted for its 40 lecture-sized short chapters and
its clear and inviting style. It is reissued here with a new
foreword by James Nagy and a new afterword by Yuji Nakatsukasa
about subsequent developments.
This book is the third of a three-volume set of books on the theory
of algebras, a study that provides a consistent framework for
understanding algebraic systems, including groups, rings, modules,
semigroups and lattices. Volume I, first published in the 1980s,
built the foundations of the theory and is considered to be a
classic in this field. The long-awaited volumes II and III are now
available. Taken together, the three volumes provide a
comprehensive picture of the state of art in general algebra today,
and serve as a valuable resource for anyone working in the general
theory of algebraic systems or in related fields. The two new
volumes are arranged around six themes first introduced in Volume
I. Volume II covers the Classification of Varieties, Equational
Logic, and Rudiments of Model Theory, and Volume III covers Finite
Algebras and their Clones, Abstract Clone Theory, and the
Commutator. These topics are presented in six chapters with
independent expositions, but are linked by themes and motifs that
run through all three volumes.
Optimized linear algebra (LA) libraries that are able to exploit
the underlying hardware are always of interest in the
high-performance computing community. The implementation of LA
software has evolved along with computer architecture, while the
specification remains unaltered almost from the beginning. It is
important to differentiate between the specification of LA
libraries and their implementation. Because LA libraries pursue
high performance, the implementation for a given architecture needs
to be optimized for it specifically. However, the type of
operations included in the libraries, the input/output parameters,
and the data types to be handled are common to all of them. This is
why, while the specification remains constant, the implementation
evolves with the creation of new architectures. Developing Linear
Algebra Codes on Modern Processors: Emerging Research and
Opportunities presents the main characteristics of LA libraries,
showing the differences between the standards for sparse and dense
versions. It further explores relevant linear algebra problems and
shows, in a clear and understandable way, how to solve them using
different computer architectures. Covering topics such as
programming models, batched computing, and distributed memory
platforms, this premier reference source is an excellent resource
for programmers, computer scientists, engineers, students and
faculty of higher education, librarians, researchers, and