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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra > General
Shape theory is an extension of homotopy theory from the realm of CW-complexes to arbitrary spaces. Besides applications in topology, it has interesting applications in various other areas of mathematics, especially in dynamical systems and C*-algebras. Strong shape is a refinement of ordinary shape with distinct advantages over the latter. Strong homology generalizes Steenrod homology and is an invariant of strong shape. The book gives a detailed account based on approximation of spaces by polyhedra (ANR's) using the technique of inverse systems. It is intended for researchers and graduate students. Special care is devoted to motivation and bibliographic notes.
New Edition available hereGalois' Theory of Algebraic Equations gives a detailed account of the development of the theory of algebraic equations, from its origins in ancient times to its completion by Galois in the nineteenth century. The main emphasis is placed on equations of at least the third degree, i.e. on the developments during the period from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. The appropriate parts of works by Cardano, Lagrange, Vandermonde, Gauss, Abel and Galois are reviewed and placed in their historical perspective, with the aim of conveying to the reader a sense of the way in which the theory of algebraic equations has evolved and has led to such basic mathematical notions as “group” and “field”. A brief discussion on the fundamental theorems of modern Galois theory is included. Complete proofs of the quoted results are provided, but the material has been organized in such a way that the most technical details can be skipped by readers who are interested primarily in a broad survey of the theory.This book will appeal to both undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and the history of science, and also to teachers and mathematicians who wish to obtain a historical perspective of the field. The text has been designed to be self-contained, but some familiarity with basic mathematical structures and with some elementary notions of linear algebra is desirable for a good understanding of the technical discussions in the later chapters.
This is an updated English translation of "Cohomologie Galoisienne", published more than 30 years ago as one of the very first Lecture Notes in Mathematics. It includes a reproduction of an influential paper of R. Steinberg, together with some new material and an expanded bibliography.
Based on lectures given at Claremont McKenna College, this text constitutes a substantial, abstract introduction to linear algebra. The presentation emphasizes the structural elements over the computational - for example by connecting matrices to linear transformations from the outset - and prepares the student for further study of abstract mathematics. Uniquely among algebra texts at this level, it introduces group theory early in the discussion, as an example of the rigorous development of informal axiomatic systems.
This concise, fast-paced text introduces the concepts and applications behind plane networks. It presents fundamental material from linear algebra and differential equations, and offers several different applications of the continuous theory. Practical problems, supported by MATLAB files, underscore the theory; additional material can be downloaded from the author's website.
The Influence Line Approach to the Analysis of Rigid Frames offers a simple method of analysis of indeterminate structures. It is original and independent of other methods. The author derived these equations by applying an algebraic rather than an arithmetical method of distribution of fixed-end moments. His method is fully explained and illustrated by worked examples. The equations listed in the Tables in The Influence Line Approach to the Analysis of Rigid Frames offer a simple approach to the analysis of rigid frames, including building frames, rendering them statically determinate for any system of loading, static or moving and including the self weight of a structure. Particularly useful aspects to the reader are:
The fusion of algebra, analysis and geometry, and their application to real world problems, have been dominant themes underlying mathematics for over a century. Geometric algebras, introduced and classified by Clifford in the late 19th century, have played a prominent role in this effort, as seen in the mathematical work of Cartan, Brauer, Weyl, Chevelley, Atiyah, and Bott, and in applications to physics in the work of Pauli, Dirac and others. One of the most important applications of geometric algebras to geometry is to the representation of groups of Euclidean and Minkowski rotations. This aspect and its direct relation to robotics and vision will be discussed in several chapters of this multi-authored textbook, which resulted from the ASI meeting. Moreover, group theory, beginning with the work of Burnside, Frobenius and Schur, has been influenced by even more general problems. As a result, general group actions have provided the setting for powerful methods within group theory and for the use of groups in applications to physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and signal processing. These aspects, too, will be covered in detail. With the rapidly growing importance of, and ever expanding conceptual and computational demands on signal and image processing in remote sensing, computer vision, medical image processing, and biological signal processing, and on neural and quantum computing, geometric algebras, and computational group harmonic analysis, the topics of the book have emerged as key tools. The list of authors includes many of the world's leading experts in the development of new algebraic modeling and signal representation methodologies, novel Fourier-based andgeometric transforms, and computational algorithms required for realizing the potential of these new application fields.
This volume begins with a description of Alladi Ramakrishnan's remarkable scientific career and his grand vision that led to the creation of The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (MATSCIENCE), in Madras (now Chennai), India, in 1962. The lists of his research publications, his PhD students, and other relevant facts relating to his eventful career are included. The inclusion of both research and survey articles by leading mathematicians, statisticians, and physicists who got to know Alladi Ramakrishnan over the years and admired his significant contributions to research and to the scientific profession, have been written and dedicated in this volume to Ramakrishnan's memory.
This study covers comodules, rational modules and bicomodules; cosemisimple, semiperfect and co-Frobenius algebras; bialgebras and Hopf algebras; actions and coactions of Hopf algebras on algebras; finite dimensional Hopf algebras, with the Nicholas-Zoeller and Taft-Wilson theorems and character theory; and more.
Intended for graduate courses or for independent study, this book presents the basic theory of fields. The first part begins with a discussion of polynomials over a ring, the division algorithm, irreducibility, field extensions, and embeddings. The second part is devoted to Galois theory. The third part of the book treats the theory of binomials. The book concludes with a chapter on families of binomials - the Kummer theory. This new edition has been completely rewritten in order to improve the pedagogy and to make the text more accessible to graduate students. The exercises have also been improved and a new chapter on ordered fields has been included. About the first edition: ... the author has gotten across many important ideas and results. This book should not only work well as a textbook for a beginning graduate course in field theory, but also for a student who wishes to take a field theory course as independent study. - J. N. Mordeson, Zentralblatt. The book is written in a clear and explanatory style. It contains over 235 exercises which provide a challenge to the reader. The book is recommended for a graduate course in field theory as well as for independent study. - T.
Elliptic cohomology is an extremely beautiful theory with both geometric and arithmetic aspects. The former is explained by the fact that the theory is a quotient of oriented cobordism localised away from 2, the latter by the fact that the coefficients coincide with a ring of modular forms. The aim of the book is to construct this cohomology theory, and evaluate it on classifying spaces BG of finite groups G. This class of spaces is important, since (using ideas borrowed from Monstrous Moonshine') it is possible to give a bundle-theoretic definition of EU-(BG). Concluding chapters also discuss variants, generalisations and potential applications.
This book presents a unified mathematical treatment of diverse problems in the fields of cognitive systems using Clifford, or geometric, algebra. Geometric algebra provides a rich general mathematical framework for the development of the ideas of multilinear algebra, projective and affine geometry, calculus on manifolds, the representation of Lie groups and Lie algebras, and many other areas of applications. By treating a wide spectrum of problems in a common geometric language, the book offers both new insights and new solutions that should be useful to scientists and engineers working in different but related areas of artificial intelligence. It looks at building intelligence systems through the construction of Perception Action Cycles; critical to this concept is incorporating representation and learning in a flexible geometric system. Each chapter is written in accessible terms accompanied by numerous examples and figures that clarify the application of geometric algebra to problems in geometric computing, image processing, computer vision, robotics, neural computing and engineering. Topics and features: *Introduces a nonspecialist to Clifford, or geometric, algebra and it shows applications in artificial intelligence *Thorough discussion of several tasks of signal and image processing, computer vision, robotics, neurocomputing and engineering using the geometric algebra framework *Features the computing frameworks of the linear model n-dimensional affine plane and the nonlinear model of Euclidean space known as the horosphere, and addresses the relationship of these models to conformal, affine and projective geometries *Applications of geometric algebra to other related areas: aeronautics, mechatronics, graphics engineering, and speech processing *Exercises and hints for the development of future computer software packages for extensive calculations in geometric algebra The book is an essential resource for computer scientists, AI researchers, and electrical engineers and includes computer programs to clarify and demonstrate the importance of geometric computing for cognitive systems and artificial autonomous systems research.
Commutative Ring Theory emerged as a distinct field of research in math ematics only at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is rooted in nine teenth century major works in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry for which it provided a useful tool for proving results. From this humble origin, it flourished into a field of study in its own right of an astonishing richness and interest. Nowadays, one has to specialize in an area of this vast field in order to be able to master its wealth of results and come up with worthwhile contributions. One of the major areas of the field of Commutative Ring Theory is the study of non-Noetherian rings. The last ten years have seen a lively flurry of activity in this area, including: a large number of conferences and special sections at national and international meetings dedicated to presenting its results, an abundance of articles in scientific journals, and a substantial number of books capturing some of its topics. This rapid growth, and the occasion of the new Millennium, prompted us to embark on a project aimed at presenting an overview of the recent research in the area. With this in mind, we invited many of the most prominent researchers in Non-Noetherian Commutative Ring Theory to write expository articles representing the most recent topics of research in this area."
A smart city utilizes ICT technologies to improve the working effectiveness, share various data with the citizens, and enhance political assistance and societal wellbeing. The fundamental needs of a smart and sustainable city are utilizing smart technology for enhancing municipal activities, expanding monetary development, and improving citizens' standards of living. Data-Driven Mathematical Modeling in Smart Cities discusses new mathematical models in smart and sustainable cities using big data, visualization tools in mathematical modeling, machine learning-based mathematical modeling, and more. It further delves into privacy and ethics in data analysis. Covering topics such as deep learning, optimization-based data science, and smart city automation, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, civil engineers, government officials, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.
Field Arithmetic explores Diophantine fields through their absolute Galois groups. This largely self-contained treatment starts with techniques from algebraic geometry, number theory, and profinite groups. Graduate students can effectively learn generalizations of finite field ideas. We use Haar measure on the absolute Galois group to replace counting arguments. New Chebotarev density variants interpret diophantine properties. Here we have the only complete treatment of Galois stratifications, used by Denef and Loeser, et al, to study Chow motives of Diophantine statements. Progress from the first edition starts by characterizing the finite-field like P(seudo)A(lgebraically)C(losed) fields. We once believed PAC fields were rare. Now we know they include valuable Galois extensions of the rationals that present its absolute Galois group through known groups. PAC fields have projective absolute Galois group. Those that are Hilbertian are characterized by this group being pro-free. These last decade results are tools for studying fields by their relation to those with projective absolute group. There are still mysterious problems to guide a new generation: Is the solvable closure of the rationals PAC; and do projective Hilbertian fields have pro-free absolute Galois group (includes Shafarevich's conjecture)? The third edition improves the second edition in two ways: First it removes many typos and mathematical inaccuracies that occur in the second edition (in particular in the references). Secondly, the third edition reports on five open problems (out of thirtyfour open problems of the second edition) that have been partially or fully solved since that edition appeared in 2005.
Spinors are used extensively in physics. It is widely accepted that they are more fundamental than tensors, and the easy way to see this is through the results obtained in general relativity theory by using spinors -- results that could not have been obtained by using tensor methods only. The foundation of the concept of spinors is groups; spinors appear as representations of groups. This textbook expounds the relationship between spinors and representations of groups. As is well known, spinors and representations are both widely used in the theory of elementary particles. The authors present the origin of spinors from representation theory, but nevertheless apply the theory of spinors to general relativity theory, and part of the book is devoted to curved space-time applications. Based on lectures given at Ben Gurion University, this textbook is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics and mathematics, as well as being a reference for researchers.
This work provides the current theory and observations behind the cosmological phenomenon of dark energy. The approach is comprehensive with rigorous mathematical theory and relevant astronomical observations discussed in context. The book treats the background and history starting with the new-found importance of Einstein's cosmological constant (proposed long ago) in dark energy formulation, as well as the frontiers of dark energy. The authors do not presuppose advanced knowledge of astronomy, and basic mathematical concepts used in modern cosmology are presented in a simple, but rigorous way. All this makes the book useful for both astronomers and physicists, and also for university students of physical sciences.
Teaching quantum computation and information is notoriously difficult, because it requires covering subjects from various fields of science, organizing these subjects consistently in a unified way despite their tendency to favor their specific languages, and overcoming the subjects' abstract and theoretical natures, which offer few examples of actual realizations. In this book, we have organized all the subjects required to understand the principles of quantum computation and information processing in a manner suited to physics, mathematics, and engineering courses as early as undergraduate studies.In addition, we provide a supporting package of quantum simulation software from Wolfram Mathematica, specialists in symbolic calculation software. Throughout the book's main text, demonstrations are provided that use the software package, allowing the students to deepen their understanding of each subject through self-practice. Readers can change the code so as to experiment with their own ideas and contemplate possible applications. The information in this book reflects many years of experience teaching quantum computation and information. The quantum simulation-based demonstrations and the unified organization of the subjects are both time-tested and have received very positive responses from the students who have experienced them.
This self-contained work, focusing on the theory of state spaces of C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, explains how the oriented state space geometrically determines the algebra. The theory of orientation of C*-algebra state spaces is presented with a new approach that does not depend on Jordan algebras, and the theory of orientation of normal state spaces of von Neumann algebras is presented with complete proofs for the first time. The theory of operator algebras was initially motivated by applications to physics, but has recently found unexpected new applications to fields of pure mathematics as diverse as foliations and knot theory. Key features include: * first and only work devoted to state spaces of operator algebras--contains much material not available in existing books * prerequisites are standard graduate courses in real and complex variables, measure theory, and functional analysis * complete proofs of basic results on operator algebras presented so that no previous knowledge in the field is needed * detailed introduction develops basic tools used throughout the text * numerous chapter remarks on advanced topics of independent interest with references to the literature, or discussion of applications to physics "State Spaces of Operator Algebras" is intended for specialists in operator algebras, as well as graduate students and mathematicians seeking an overview of the field. The introduction to C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras may also be of interest in it own right for those wanting a quick introduction to basic concepts in those fields.
This book consists of eighteen articles in the area of `Combinatorial Matrix Theory' and `Generalized Inverses of Matrices'. Original research and expository articles presented in this publication are written by leading Mathematicians and Statisticians working in these areas. The articles contained herein are on the following general topics: `matrices in graph theory', `generalized inverses of matrices', `matrix methods in statistics' and `magic squares'. In the area of matrices and graphs, speci_c topics addressed in this volume include energy of graphs, q-analog, immanants of matrices and graph realization of product of adjacency matrices. Topics in the book from `Matrix Methods in Statistics' are, for example, the analysis of BLUE via eigenvalues of covariance matrix, copulas, error orthogonal model, and orthogonal projectors in the linear regression models. Moore-Penrose inverse of perturbed operators, reverse order law in the case of inde_nite inner product space, approximation numbers, condition numbers, idempotent matrices, semiring of nonnegative matrices, regular matrices over incline and partial order of matrices are the topics addressed under the area of theory of generalized inverses. In addition to the above traditional topics and a report on CMTGIM 2012 as an appendix, we have an article on old magic squares from India.
This present volume is the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Near rings and Nearfields held in Hamburg at the Universitiit der Bundeswehr Hamburg, from July 30 to August 06, 1995. This Conference was attended by 70 mathematicians and many accompanying persons who represented 22 different countries from all five continents. Thus it was the largest conference devoted entirely to nearrings and nearfields. The first of these conferences took place in 1968 at the Mathematische For schungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. This was also the site of the conferences in 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1989. The other eight conferences held before the Hamburg Conference took place in eight different countries. For details about this and, more over, for a general historical overview of the development of the subject, we refer to the article "On the beginnings and development of near-ring theory" by G. Betsch 3]. During the last forty years the theory of nearrings and related algebraic struc tures like nearfields, nearmodules, nearalgebras and seminearrings has developed into an extensive branch of algebra with its own features. In its position between group theory and ring theory, this relatively young branch of algebra has not only a close relationship to these two more well-known areas of algebra, but it also has, just as these two theories, very intensive connections to many further branches of mathematics."
This book is a collection of the various old and new results, centered around the following simple and beautiful observation of J.L. Walsh - If a function is analytic in a finite disc, and not in a larger disc, then the difference between the Lagrange interpolant of the function, at the roots of unity, and the partial sums of the Taylor series, about the origin, tends to zero in a larger disc than the radius of convergence of the Taylor series, while each of these operators converges only in the original disc. This book will be particularly useful for researchers in approximation and interpolation theory.
Fifteen years ago, most mathematicians who worked in the intersection of function theory and operator theory thought that progress on the Bergman spaces was unlikely, yet today the situation has completely changed. For several years, research interest and activity have expanded in this area and there are now rich theories describing the Bergman spaces and their operators. This book is a timely treatment of the theory, written by three of the major players in the field. |
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