Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Inorganic chemistry > General
Celebrating Volume 100: Thirty years ago Springer-Verlag together
with a distinguished Board of Editors started the series "Structure
and Bonding." Initially the series was set up to publish reviews
from different fields of modern inorganic chemistry, chemical
physics and biochemistry, where the general subject of chemical
bonding involves a metal and a small number of associated atoms.
Three years ago the aims of the series was refined to span the
entire periodic table and address structure and bonding issues
wherever they may be relevant. Not only the traditional areas of
chemical bonding will be dealt with but also nanostructres,
molecular electronics, supramolecular structure, surfaces and
clusters. With these aims in mind it is noteworthy that Volume 100
effectively reinforces and illustrates these ideals and is titled
"Pi-Electron Magnetism" "from Molecules to Magnetic Materials."
The aim of this compilation has been to provide a comprehensive,
non critical source of information concerning organometallic
compounds. The scope is limi ed to the compounds containing at
least one carbon-metal bond. The information includes methods of
preparation, properties, chemical reactions, and applications. The
First Edition comprised the literature from 1937 to 1958. The
Second Edition is completely revised and extended through 1964. The
literature prior to 1937 was thoroughly covered by E. Krause and A.
von Grosse in ''Die Chemie der metall-organischen Verbindungen,"
Verlag von Gebrueder Borntraeger, Berlin, 1937. Our work consists
of three volumes. Volume I contains derivatives of the transition
metals of Groups III through VIII of the Periodic Table. Volume II
contains derivatives of germanium, tin, and lead. Volume III
contains derivatives of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth. The
compilation is based on searches through Chemical Abstracts. The
collection of references for 1964 was completed before the Subject
Indexes to Volumes 60 and 61 of the Abstracts were available; thus
some omissions in the coverage of that year are possible. We have
attempted to make the .. coverage of the literature complete in
order that the compilation may have best i1ity to the chemist,
chemical engineer, patent attorney, and editor. In the interest of
brevity, certain numerical data are omitted, but references to the
original literature are given. Yield data are rounded to two
significant figures. Wherever possible, tables have been used. The
entries in the Bibliography section include references to Chemical
It is said that behind every successful man there stands a devoted
and capable woman. The three famous chemists Perkin, Kipping and
their collaborator Lapworth married three sisters: Mina, Lily, and
Kathleen Holland. The three Holland sisters kept their husbands in
close and very productive collaboration throughout their lives,
thereby greatly increasing their scientific output. They functioned
as a productive scientific family. However, the life and work of
the men is thoroughly documented, but little is known about their
wives. Professor Eugene G. Rochow, a world-renowned scientist,
wrote this biographical historical novel with the help of a
grandson, Dr. Brian Kipping. Professor Rochow did not intend to
write a bare-bones biography. He took care to make the book
factually accurate. Wherever there are no facts, he has not
hesitated to flesh out the account with imagination and actual
experience of others in order to make the text more readable.
The modeling of minerals and silicated materials is a. difficult
challenge faced by Solid StatePhysics, Quantum Chemistry and
Molecular Dynamics communities. The difficulty of such a modeling
is due to the wide diversity of elements, including heavy atoms,
and types of bonding involved in such systems. Moreover, one has to
consider infinite systems: either perfect cr- tals or glasses and
melts. In the solid state a given chemical composition gives rise
to numerous polymorphs, geometricallycloselyrelated. These
polymorphs have very similar energies and related thermodynamical
pr- erties which explain the complexity of their phase diagrams.
The modeling of silicates and minerals covers a wide field of
applications ranging from basic research to technology, from Solid
State Physics to Earth and Planetary science. The use of modeling
techniques yields information of different nature. In the case of
chemical studies, we can mention inv- tigations on catalytic
processes occurring on surfaces and in zeolite cages. These
calculations find possible applications in chemical engineering, in
particular in the oil industry
This volume is a description of the current knowledge on the
different metal-oxo and metal-peroxo species involved in catalytic
oxidations. The series contains critical reviews of the present
position and future trends, and short and concise reports written
by the world s renowned experts."
Some of the more interesting elements in the chemistry of life are
less commonly occuring ones such as nickel and molybdenum. This
volume elucidates the chemistry of these elements in important
enzymes and also explores the chemistry of elements that do not
normally occur in biological molecules, but are useful in probing
their structure and function. Topics include: Acquisition and
transport of Ni. Mechanistic action of Ni in a wide variety of
enzymes. Multielectron redox systems involving pterins in proteins.
Chemistry of the pterin and flavin complexes of Mo, Fe, Cu and Ru
ions. Replacement of iron in transferrin by a number of other metal
ions. Use of polypyridyl complexes of ruthenium and other
transition metals as probes of nucleic acid structure through
photochemical reactions.
General The making and breaking of carbon-metal bonds is
fundamental to all the p- cesses of organometallic chemistry and
moreover plays a significant role in - mogeneous as well as
heterogeneous catalysis. This rather blunt statement - phasises the
extent to which a proper understanding of the structure, energetics
and reactivity of C-M bonds is at the core of the discipline. In
order to accept it, a proper definition of the terms involved is
required. Quite simply we define the metal-carbon bond in its
broadest sense to embrace carbon linked to transiti- metals,
lanthanides and actinides, and main group metals. We do not dist-
guish between formally covalent single or multiple bonding on the
one hand and q-bonding on the other. In the studies to be described
in the following chapters, the emphasis will be on transition metal
complexes and insofar as the fun- mentals come under scrutiny,
simple metal alkyls or related species (metal al- nyl, alkynyl,
aryl, or allyl) will play an emphatic part. The central role of
metal alkyls and their congeners and especially the role of their
metal carbon linkage in homogeneous catalysis may be appreciated by
considering some key reaction steps leading to their formation or
breakdown. There follows a few prominent examples of transition
metal mediated stoichiometric or catalytic processes: - In
homogeneous hydrogenation of double bonds, the stepwise reaction of
an q2-coordinated alkene with dihydrogen gives first an alkyl metal
hydride, and then the decoordinated alkane by elimination.
Bioinorganic Chemistry of Copper focuses on the vital role of
copper ions in biology, especially as an essential metalloenzyme
cofactor. The book is highly interdisciplinary in its approach--the
outstanding list of contributors includes coordination chemists,
biochemists, biophysicists, and molecular biologists. Chapters are
grouped into major areas of research interest in inorganic copper
chemistry, spectroscopy, oxygen chemistry, biochemistry, and
molecular biology. The book also discusses basic research of great
potential importance to pharmaceutical scientists. This book is
based on the first Johns Hopkins University Copper Symposium, held
in August 1992. Researchers in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular
biology, and medicinal chemistry will find it to be an essential
reference on its subject.
The fields of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and hydrodenitrogenation
(HDN) continue to attract the attention of researchers in the
various disciplines connected to these fascinating problems that
represent two of the key outstanding chemical challenges for the
petroleum refining industry in view of their very strong
environmental and commercial implications. One area that has
flourished impressively over the last 15 years is the
organometallic chemistry of thiophenes and other related
sulfur-containing molecules. This has become a powerful method for
modeling numerous surface species and reactions implicated in HDS
schemes, and nowadays it represents an attractive complement to the
standard procedures of surface chemistry and heterogeneous
catalysis, for understanding the complex reaction mechanisms
involved in this process. Similar developments have begun to appear
in connection with HDN mechanisms, although in a much more modest
scale and depth. Some years ago when, encouraged by Prof. B. R.
James, this book was planned, several excellent reviews and
monographs treating different aspects of HDS were already available
including some on the subject of organometallic models. However, it
seemed appropriate to try to summarize the most striking features
of this chemistry in an updated and systematic way, and inasmuch as
possible in connection with the common knowledge and beliefs of the
mechanisms of heterogeneous HDS catalysis. Hopefully, this attempt
to build some conceptual bridges between these two traditionally
separated areas of chemistry has met with some success.
The aesthetically pleasing molecular architectures of fullerenes
and nanotubes are appealing not only because of their beauty but
also because they are responsible for the many unprecedented
chemical and physical properties of this compound class. Although
succession of exciting new discoveries continues unabated fullerene
research has become a mature science. It is now possible to predict
fullerene chemistry, to design new structure variations like open
fullerene clusters, heterofullerenes and endohedral fullerenes, and
to develop fullerene materials and modified nanotubes with high
potential for technological applications. This volume represents
the state-of-the-art of fullerene research, focussing on areas
showing high potential for future growth and practical
applications. The authors are leading scientists whose groups are
making major contributions in the field.
Drawing a picture of the current situation of this new field, this
volume both summarizes the past achievements and analyzes the
present unsolved problems.
When presented with a new compound or material, the inorganic
chemist will usually have several questions in mind about its
composition and structure. Although a simple elemental analysis may
answer many questions about its composition, the chemist will still
have questions about its structure, and, ifthe material contains a
metal atom, he will often want to know its oxidation state,
coordination number and geometry. Further, at an increasingly
frequent rate, the chemist may need details of the spin state,
magnetic and perhaps dynamic properties of the material. If the
investigator is fortunate, the material or compound may contain an
ele ment such as iron, tin, antimony, iodine, gold, or one of
several of the rare earth metals which are amenable to study by the
Mossbauer effect. Often the Mossbauer effect can, sometimes with
quite simple experiments, provide the answers to all of these
questions. The goal of this book is to illustrate the effectiveness
of the Mossbauer effect in providing the answers to the many
questions that arise in char acterizing new materials and, indeed,
in studying known materials in more detail. Several chapters
introduce the effect to the novice and provide details about the
various hyperfine interactions that are the "bread and butter" of
the Mossbauer spectroscopist. Three chapters deal specifically with
the experimental aspects of the technique and the increasing impor
tance of sophisticated computer analysis of the resulting data."
This book arose from a symposium titled 'Transition Metal Carbides
and Nitrides: Preparation, Properties, and Reactivity' organized by
Jae Sung Lee, Masatoshi Nagai and myself. The symposium was part of
the 1995 Congress of Pacific Rim Chemical Societies, held in
Honolulu, Hawaii between December 17-22, 1995. The meeting was the
first major conference to exclusively address the theme of metal
carbides and nitrides, and brought together many of the major
researchers in the field. Over 50 scientists and engineers reported
their latest findings in five sessions of presentations and
discussions. The book closely follows the topics covered in the
conference: Theory of bonding Structure and composition Catalytic
properties Physical properties New methods of preparation
Spectroscopy and microscopy The book is unique in its coverage. It
provides a general introduction to the properties and nature of the
materials, but also covers their latest applications in a wide
variety of fields. It should thus be of interest to both experts
and nonexperts in the fields of material science, solid-state
chemistry, physics, ceramics engineering, and catalysis. The first
chapter gives an overview, and many of the chapters provide
summaries of advanced topics. All contributions were peer-reviewed.