Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Inorganic chemistry > General
1. D.M.P. Mingos, J.E. McGrady, A. L. Rohl Moments of Inertia in
Cluster and Coordination Compounds 2. M. Drillon, J. Darriet
Progress in Polymetallic Exchange-Coupled Systems, Some Examples in
Inorganic Chemistry 3. P. Zanello Stereochemical Aspects Associated
with the Redox Behaviour of Heterometal Carbonyl Clusters 4. R. G.
Denning Electronic Structure and Bonding in Actinyl Ions 5. M.
Evain, R. Brec ANew Approach to Structural Description of Complex
Polyhedra Containing Polychalcogenide Anions 6. E. Brese, M.
O'Keeffe Crystal Chemistry of Inorganic Nitrides
"Imagination and shrewd guesswork are powerful instruments for
acquiring scientific knowledge . . . " 1. H. van't Hoff The last
decades have witnessed a rapid growth of quantum chemistry and a
tremendous increase in the number of very accurate ab initio
calculations of the electronic structure of molecules yielding
results of admirable accuracy. This dramatic progress has opened a
new stage in the quantum mechanical description of matter at the
molecular level. In the first place, highly accurate results
provide severe tests of the quantum mecha nics. Secondly, modern
quantitative computational ab initio methods can be synergetically
combined with various experimen tal techniques thus enabling
precise numerical characterization of molecular properties better
than ever anticipated earlier. However, the role of theory is not
exhausted in disclosing the fundamental laws of Nature and
production of ever increasing sets of data of high accuracy. It has
to provide additionally a means of systematization, recognition of
regularities, and ratio nalization of the myriads of established
facts avoiding in this way complete chaos. Additional problems are
represented by molecular wavefunctions provided by the modern
high-level computational quantum chemistry methods. They involve,
in principle, all the information on molecular system, but they are
so immensely complex that can not be immediately understood in
simple and physically meaningful terms. Both of these aspects,
categorization and interpretation, call for conceptual models which
should be preferably pictorial, transparent, intuitively appealing
and well-founded, being sometimes useful for semi quantitative
Organometallic chemistry is a well established research area at the
interface of organic and inorganic chemistry. In recent years this
field has undergone a ren aissance as our understanding of
organometallic structure, properties and mechanism has opened the
way for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions
tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as medicine, biology,
materials and polymer sciences and organic synthesis. For example,
in the de velopment of new catalytic processes, organometallic
chemistry is helping meet the challenge to society that the
economic and environmental necessities of the future pose. As this
field becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, we recognize the need
for critical overviews of new developments that are of broad
significance. This is our goal in starting this new series Topics
in Organometallic Chemistry. The scope of coverage includes a broad
range of topics of pure and applied or ganometallic chemistry,
where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance
to a larger scientific audience. Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
differs from existing review series in that each volume is
thematic, giving an overview of an area that has reached a stage of
maturity such that coverage in a single review article is no longer
possible. Furthermore, the treatment addresses a broad audience of
researchers, who are not specialists in the field, starting at the
graduate student level. Discussion of possible future research
directions in the areas covered by the individual volumes is
Metal-ligand interactions are currently being studied in different
fields, from a variety of points of view, and recent progress has
been substantial. Whole new classes of compounds and reactions have
been found; an arsenal of physical methods has been developed;
mechanistic detail can be ascertained to an increasingly minute
degree; and the theory is being developed to handle systems of
ever-growing complexity. As usual, such multidisciplinarity leads
to great opportunities, coupled with great problems of
communication between specialists. It is in its promotion of
interactions across these fields that Metal-Ligand Interactions:
From Atoms, to Clusters, to Surfaces makes its timely contribution:
the tools, both theoretical and experimental, are highly developed,
and fundamental questions remain unanswered. The most fundamental
of these concerns the nature of the microscopic interactions
between metal atoms (clusters, surfaces) and ligands (atoms,
molecules, absorbates, reagents, products) and the changes in these
interactions during physical and chemical transformation. In
Metal-Ligand Interactions, leading experts discuss the following,
vital aspects: ab initio theory, semi-empirical theory, density
functional theory, complexes and clusters, surfaces, and catalysis.
The book highlights some of the important present day roles played
by Main Group Elements as well as their emergent new roles in the
fields of materials science, chemical synthesis and structure, and
biological-cum-environmental aspects. Rarely can one find a single
book on Main Group elements that comprehensively discusses their
impact on fundamental and applied sciences with a multidisciplinary
flavour, while catering for the special interests of a wide
cross-section of readers.
In the short time since the first nitroxyl radical was obtained in
1959, a new branch of chemical science has arisen and taken
shape-the chemistry of stable nitroxyl radicals. The present book
was written by E. G. Rozantsev, one of the pioneers in this field
and a prominent specialist on stable radicals at the Division of
Chemical and Biological Processes of the Institute of Chemical
Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His numerous papers have
contributed greatly to the present situation, wherein nitroxyl
radicals have acquired unusually wide popularity, including the
fields of biology, medicine, chemis try, physics, biophysics, and
instrument construction. A clear illustration of the astonishingly
vigorous development of this new field of chemistry can be given by
the enormous flow of information on the synthesis and use of
nitroxyl radicals. There is no doubt that this monograph, which in
part generalizes the results of many workers studying these
radicals, will be received with interest by specialists working in
this field. The author has not attempted to give an exhaustive
account of the material. His aim is to introduce the reader to this
new field and to show the wide possibilities for using radicals in
scientific experiment. The voluminous bibliography, including many
papers by the author himself which may not be well enough known to
the American reader, will undoubtedly contribute to the usefulness
of the monograph."
The second edition of this textbook is identical with its fourth
German edi tion and it thus has the same goals: precise definition
of basic phenomena, a broad survey of the whole field, integrated
representation of chemistry, physics, and technology, and a
balanced treatment of facts and comprehen sion. The book thus
intends to bridge the gap between the often oversimpli fied
introductory textbooks and the highly specialized texts and
monographs that cover only parts of macromolecular science. The
text intends to survey the whole field of macromolecular science.
Its organization results from the following considerations. The
chemical structure of macromolecular compounds should be inde
pendent of the method of synthesis, at least in the ideal case.
Part I is thus concerned with the chemical and physical structure
of polymers. Properties depend on structure. Solution properties
are thus discussed in Part II, solid state properties in Part III.
There are other reasons for dis cussing properties before
synthesis: For example, it is difficult to understand equilibrium
polymerization without knowledge of solution thermodynamics, the
gel effect without knowledge of the glass transition temperature,
etc. Part IV treats the principles of macromolecular syntheses and
Silicon in Polymer Synthesis gives the first concise overview of
silicon used for the synthesis and modification of polymers. The
first section gives an introduction to the topic. The subsequent
chapters detail the current status both from the basic research as
well as from the industrial application points of view.
S.C. Singhal and X.-D. Zhou: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.- H. Wang
and H.D. Abruna/: Electrocatalysis of Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells:
Quantitative DEMS Studies.- J. Benziger, A. Bocarsly, M.J. Cheah,
P.Majsztrik, B. Satterfield and Q. Zhao: Mechanical and Transport
Properties of Nafion: Effects of Temperature and Water Activity.-
S. Sachdeva, J. A. Turner, J.L. Horana and A. M. Herring: The Use
of Heteropoly Acids in Proton Exchange Fuel Cells.- M. T. Kelly:
Perspective on the Storage of Hydrogen: Past and Future.-"
1. R.C. Mehrotra, Jaipur, India Present Status and Future Potential
of the Sol-Gel Process 2. J. Fricke, A. Emmerling, Wuerzburg, FRG
Aerogels - Preparation, Properties, Applications 3. S. Sakka, T.
Yoko, Kyoto, Japan Sol-Gel-Derived Coating Films and Applications
4. H. Schmidt, Saarbruecken, FRG Thin Films, the Chemical
Processing up to Gelation 5. M. Henry, J.P. Jolivet, J. Livage,
Paris, France Aqueous Chemistry of Metal Cations: Hydrolysis,
Condensation and Complexation 6. R. Reisfeld, Jerusalem, Israel,
C.K. Joergensen, Geneva, Switzerland Optical Properties of
Colorants or Luminescent Species in Sol-Gel Glasses
Organolithium chemistry occupies a central position in the
selective construction of C-C bonds in both simple and complex
molecules. Paralleling the surge of interest in methods for
asymmetric synthesis, the use of organolithiums in enantioselective
synthesis has witnessed spectacular advances in a little over a
decade. This volume is the first dedicated to a comprehensive
coverage of this important area. It is designed to provide graduate
students and researchers with a rich source of essential
information on synthesising molecules in an enantioselective manner
using organolithiums, and be an inspiration for future
developments. Following an overview chapter summarising the key
milestones, successive chapters, each written by leading experts in
their field, critically survey all the major areas of progress.