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Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Communications engineering / telecommunications > General
This book incorporates a selection of research and development papers. Its scope is on history and background, underlying design methodology, application domains and recent developments. The readers will be able to understand the underlying technology, philosophy, concepts, ideas, and principles, with regard to broader areas of sensor network. Aspects of sensor network and experimental results have been presented in proper order.
This book is centered on Smart grids and micro-grids, as a cost-effective method of ensuring fair and equitable access to power in urban areas. It also considers scenarios where deploying smart grids can be both cost-prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging. Deploying smart microgrids instead, offers a reliable power solution but, as is the case in smart grids, a key issue is guaranteeing usability, trust, and reliability while protecting against energy theft. This book considers aspects such as state estimation, capacity planning, demand forecasting, price signals, and demand management with respect to energy theft. Straight-forward approaches to provoking energy theft on smart grids and micro-grids include mis-recordings power consumption/generation information and exposures of personally identifiable information or sensitive information. Attack models based on mis-recorded generation and/or consumption data and exposure of personally identifiable information, are also studied. In each case, countermeasures are proposed to circumvent the power theft attacks raised. Researchers in Smart Micro-grids security, cyber-physical systems, and critical infrastructure will want to purchase this book as a reference. Professionals, Researchers, Academics and students working in security general and Security of Critical Infrastructure, Privacy, and Data Sharing will also want to purchase this book as a reference.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of digital signal processing for a multi-disciplinary audience. It posits that though the theory involved in digital signal processing stems from electrical, electronics, communication, and control engineering, the topic has use in other disciplinary areas like chemical, mechanical, civil, computer science, and management. This book is written about digital signal processing in such a way that it is suitable for a wide ranging audience. Readers should be able to get a grasp of the field, understand the concepts easily, and apply as needed in their own fields. It covers sampling and reconstruction of signals; infinite impulse response filter; finite impulse response filter; multi rate signal processing; statistical signal processing; and applications in multidisciplinary domains. The book takes a functional approach and all techniques are illustrated using Matlab.
The ability to extract generic 3D objects from images is a crucial step towards automation of a variety of problems in cartographic database compilation, industrial inspection and assembly, and autonomous navigation. Many of these problem domains do not have strong constraints on object shape or scene content, presenting serious obstacles for the development of robust object detection and delineation techniques. Geometric Constraints for Object Detection and Delineation addresses these problems with a suite of novel methods and techniques for detecting and delineating generic objects in images of complex scenes, and applies them to the specific task of building detection and delineation from monocular aerial imagery. PIVOT, the fully automated system implementing these techniques, is quantitatively evaluated on 83 images covering 18 test scenes, and compared to three existing systems for building extraction. The results highlight the performance improvements possible with rigorous photogrammetric camera modeling, primitive-based object representations, and geometric constraints derived from their combination. PIVOT's performance illustrates the implications of a clearly articulated set of philosophical principles, taking a significant step towards automatic detection and delineation of 3D objects in real-world environments. Geometric Constraints for Object Detection and Delineation is suitable as a textbook or as a secondary text for a graduate-level course, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry.
The general trend of modern network devices towards greater intelligence and programmability is accelerating the development of systems that are increasingly autonomous and to a certain degree self-managing. Examples range from router scripting environments to fully programmable server blades. This has opened up a new field of computer science research, reflected in this new volume. This selection of contributions to the first ever international workshop on network-embedded management applications (NEMA) features six papers selected from submissions to the workshop, held in October 2010 at Niagara Falls, Canada. They represent a wide cross-section of the current work in this vital field of inquiry. Covering a diversity of perspectives, the volume's dual structure first of all examines the 'enablers' for NEMAs-the platforms, frameworks, and development environments which facilitate the evolution of network-embedded management and applications. The second section of the book covers network-embedded applications that might both empower and benefit from such enabling platforms. These papers cover topics ranging from deciding where to best place management control functions inside a network to a discussion of how multi-core hardware processors can be leveraged for traffic filtering applications. The section concludes with an analysis of a delay-tolerant network application in the context of the 'One Laptop per Child' program. There is a growing recognition that it is vital to make network operation and administration as easy as possible to contain operational expenses and cope with ever shorter control cycles. This volume provides researchers in the field with the very latest in current thinking.
This book provides a comprehensive set of optimization and prediction techniques for an enterprise information system. Readers with a background in operations research, system engineering, statistics, or data analytics can use this book as a reference to derive insight from data and use this knowledge as guidance for production management. The authors identify the key challenges in enterprise information management and present results that have emerged from leading-edge research in this domain. Coverage includes topics ranging from task scheduling and resource allocation, to workflow optimization, process time and status prediction, order admission policies optimization, and enterprise service-level performance analysis and prediction. With its emphasis on the above topics, this book provides an in-depth look at enterprise information management solutions that are needed for greater automation and reconfigurability-based fault tolerance, as well as to obtain data-driven recommendations for effective decision-making.
Next generation transport is used to support storage, VOIP, DSL, Cable and soon-to-be FTTX. This book is a survey of the key technologies that comprise the backbone of the networking infrastructure. It explains transport networks, how they are used, management of the layers, and the role of standards in the development of certain technologies.
Antennas represent a critical technology in any of these wireless systems. Not only do they directly affect the received power of the system, they are also typically the largest and most visible part. Recently, the need for low-cost, low-profile, and lightweight antenna in the frequency range of the microwave/millimeter wave/THz band has regained momentum. "Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays" provides us a with the basics of the various Fresnel Antenna approaches, in order to achieve low-cost, low-profile, and lightweight antenna in the microwave/millimeter wave band. A potential solution of the antenna problem lies in using lens technology in an array. The Fresnel zone plate lens (FZPL) antenna is in particular an interesting candidate for the array element. The limiting focusing properties of FZPL including subwave length focus are described in detail. The book further presents a novel hexagonal FZPL antenna which can be more effectively packed in an array due to its shape. Before considering the hexagonal FZPL antenna in an array, the authors investigate two ideas, described as methods to potentially improve the radiation characteristics. The first idea is to change the reference phase of the Fresnel zone radii - a novel free parameter in the usual design of zone plate's lenses and antennas. To further improve the radiation characteristics of the hexagonal FZPL antenna, a technique involving Fresnel zone rotation is investigated. The book is of interest for designers of optical systems because, taking scaling effects into account, the characteristics of diffractive quasioptical elements are valid for diffractive focusing elements of integrated optics.
There is currently no single book that covers the mathematics, circuits, and electromagnetics backgrounds needed for the study of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This book aims to redress the balance by focusing on EMC and providing the background in all three disciplines. This background is necessary for many EMC practitioners who have been out of study for some time and who are attempting to follow and confidently utilize more advanced EMC texts. The book is split into three parts: Part 1 is the refresher course in the underlying mathematics; Part 2 is the foundational chapters in electrical circuit theory; Part 3 is the heart of the book: electric and magnetic fields, waves, transmission lines and antennas. Each part of the book provides an independent area of study, yet each is the logical step to the next area, providing a comprehensive course through each topic. Practical EMC applications at the end of each chapter illustrate the applicability of the chapter topics. The Appendix reviews the fundamentals of EMC testing and measurements.
Beltrami fields exist commonly in all areas of wave theory. In particular, Beltrami fields are necessary to analyze electromagnetic wave propagation in isotropic chiral materials, numerous examples of which are found in organic chemistry. Artificial chiral composites are evaluated for electromagnetic engineering purposes as well. In this book a comprehensive analysis of electromagnetic fields in chiral materials has been made.
This book has brought 24 groups of experts and active researchers around the world together in image processing and analysis, video processing and analysis, and communications related processing, to present their newest research results, exchange latest experiences and insights, and explore future directions in these important and rapidly evolving areas. It aims at increasing the synergy between academic and industry professionals working in the related field. It focuses on the state-of-the-art research in various essential areas related to emerging technologies, standards and applications on analysis, processing, computing, and communication of multimedia information. The target audience of this book is researchers and engineers as well as graduate students working in various disciplines linked to multimedia analysis, processing and communications, e.g., computer vision, pattern recognition, information technology, image processing, and artificial intelligence. The book is also meant to a broader audience including practicing professionals working in image/video applications such as image processing, video surveillance, multimedia indexing and retrieval, and so on. We hope that the researchers, engineers, students and other professionals who read this book would find it informative, useful and inspirational toward their own work in one way or another.
Many smart phone users reap the benefits of location-based services. While tracking users positions using their smart phone is an issue of concern for some, others who use Foursquare or rely on their Android GPS view location-based services as a necessity. Ubiquitous Positioning and Mobile Location-Based Services in Smart Phones explores new research in smart phones with an emphasis on positioning solutions in smart phones, smart phone-based navigation applications, mobile geographical information systems, and related standards.
Iterative Detection: Adaptivity, Complexity Reduction, and Applications is a primary resource for both researchers and teachers in the field of communication. Unlike other books in the area, it presents a general view of iterative detection that does not rely heavily on coding theory or graph theory. The features of the text include: Both theoretical background and numerous real-world applications. Over 70 detailed examples, 100 problems, 180 illustrations, tables of notation and acronyms, and an extensive bibliography and subject index. A whole chapter devoted to a case study on turbo decoder design. Receiver design guidelines, rules and suggestions. The most advanced view of iterative (turbo) detection based only on block diagrams and standard detection and estimation theory. Development of adaptive iterative detection theory. Application of adaptive iterative detection to phase and channel tracking in turbo coded systems and systems representative of digital mobile radio designs. An entire chapter dedicated to complexity reduction. Numerous recent research results. Discussion of open problems at the end of each chapter. Among the applications considered in this book are joint equalization and decoding, turbo codes, multiuser detection and decoding, broadband wireless channel equalization, and applications to two-dimensional storage and imaging systems. Audience: Iterative Detection: Adaptivity, Complexity Reduction, and Applications provides an accessible and detailed reference for researchers, practicing engineers, and students working in the field of detection and estimation. It will be of particular interest to those who would like to learn how iterative detection can be applied to equalization, interference mitigation, and general signal processing tasks. Researchers and practicing engineers interested in learning the turbo decoding algorithm should also have this book.
This book describes the design of a receiver front-end circuit for operation in the 60GHz range in 90nm CMOS. Physical layout of the test circuit and post-layout simulations for the implementation of a test chip including the QVCO and the first stage divider are also presented. The content of this book is particularly of interest to those working on mm-wave frequency generation and signal reception.
Today, networks are evolving to be scalable and have ever-increasing intelligence built into them, thanks to tremendous technical advances in optics, electronics, software, and professional know-how. Optical Network Standards is a single-source reference work on the specifications of networks at all levels - from components through systems to global networks, their management and services they offer. It comprises more than 25 chapters written by expert authors who are collectively responsible for generating the standards and their implementations. Key topics covered here include - harmonization and design of networks to deliver on-demand services crucial to day to day operations; architecture of optical-transport networks; optimization of SONET/SDH infra-structure for data centric services; GFP, VCAT and LCAS; distributed intelligent management and control; ASON and GMPLS; and more.
Testing of Communicating Systems presents the latest worldwide results in both the theory and practice of the testing of communicating systems. This volume provides a forum that brings together the substantial volume of research on the testing of communicating systems, ranging from conference testing through interoperability testing to performance and QoS testing. The following topics are discussed in detail: Types of testing; Phases of the testing process; Classes of systems to be tested; and Theory and practice of testing.GBP/LISTGBP This book contains the selected proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on the Testing of Communicating Systems (formerly the International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems), sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and held in Budapest, Hungary, in September 1999. The book contains not only interesting research on testing different communication technologies from telecom and datacom systems to distributed systems, but also presents reports on the application of these results in industry. Testing of Communicating Systems will be essential reading for engineers, IT managers and research personnel working in computer science and telecommunications.
Technology has advanced to such a degree over the last decade that it has been almost impossible to find up-to-date coverage of antennas. Antenna Handbook, edited by two of the world's most distinguished antenna speciallists, presents the most advanced antenna theory and designs and demonstrates their application in a wide variety of technical fields. They offer a staggering amount of in-depth data and analysis on a wide range of topics, supported by formulas, curves, and results, as well as derivations.
This book answers a question which came about while the author was work ing on his diploma thesis [1]: would it be better to ask for the available band width instead of probing the network (like TCP does)? The diploma thesis was concerned with long-distance musical interaction ("NetMusic"). This is a very peculiar application: only a small amount of bandwidth may be necessary, but timely delivery and reduced loss are very important. Back then, these require ments led to a thorough investigation of existing telecommunication network mechanisms, but a satisfactory answer to the question could not be found. Simply put, the answer is "yes" - this work describes a mechanism which indeed enables an application to "ask for the available bandwidth". This obvi ously does not only concern online musical collaboration any longer. Among others, the mechanism yields the following advantages over existing alterna tives: * good throughput while maintaining close to zero loss and a small bottleneck queue length * usefulness for streaming media applications due to a very smooth rate * feasibility for satellite and wireless links * high scalability Additionally, a reusable framework for future applications that need to "ask the network" for certain performance data was developed.
Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems presents cutting-edge digital signal processing theory and implementation techniques for problems including speech acquisition and enhancement using microphone arrays, new adaptive filtering algorithms, multichannel acoustic echo cancellation, sound source tracking and separation, audio coding, and realistic sound stage reproduction. This book's focus is almost exclusively on the processing, transmission, and presentation of audio and acoustic signals in multimedia communications for telecollaboration where immersive acoustics will play a great role in the near future.
This book focuses on the analysis and design of low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded modulations, which are becoming part of several current and future communication systems, such as high-throughput terrestrial and satellite wireless networks. In this book, a two-sided perspective on the design of LDPC coded systems is proposed, encompassing both code/modulation optimization (transmitter side) and detection algorithm design (receiver side). After introducing key concepts on error control coding, in particular LDPC coding, and detection techniques, the book presents several relevant applications. More precisely, by using advanced performance evaluation techniques, such as extrinsic information transfer charts, the optimization of coded modulation schemes are considered for (i) memoryless channels, (ii) dispersive and partial response channels, and (iii) concatenated systems including differential encoding. This book is designed to be used by graduate students working in the field of communication theory, with particular emphasis on LDPC coded communication schemes, and industry experts working on related fields.
This book gathers selected research papers presented at the AICTE-sponsored International Conference on IoT Inclusive Life (ICIIL 2019), which was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh, India, on December 19-20, 2019. In contributions by active researchers, the book presents innovative findings and important developments in IoT-related studies, making it a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and industrial professionals around the globe.
Chaos and nonlinear dynamics initially developed as a new emergent field with its foundation in physics and applied mathematics. The highly generic, interdisciplinary quality of the insights gained in the last few decades has spawned myriad applications in almost all branches of science and technology-and even well beyond. Wherever quantitative modeling and analysis of complex, nonlinear phenomena is required, chaos theory and its methods can play a key role. his fourth volume concentrates on reviewing further relevant contemporary applications of chaotic and nonlinear dynamics as they apply to the various cuttingedge branches of science and engineering. This encompasses, but is not limited to, topics such as synchronization in complex networks and chaotic circuits, time series analysis, ecological and biological patterns, stochastic control theory and vibrations in mechanical systems. Featuring contributions from active and leading research groups, this collection is ideal both as a reference and as a 'recipe book' full of tried and tested, successful engineering applications.
Volume II covers antenna theory and design, describing a number of antenna types, including receiving, wire and loop, horn, frequency-independent, microstrip, refelector, and lens antennas. This section also includes arrays, providing array theory as well as exploring waveguide-fed slot arrays, peiodic arrays, and aperiodic arrays.
Ignited by the mobile phone's huge success at the end of last century, the demand for wireless services is constantly growing. To face this demand, wireless systems have been and are deployed at a large scale. These include mobility-oriented technologies such as GPRS, CDMA or UMTS, and Local Area Network-oriented technologies such as WiFi. WiMAX Networks covers aspects of WiMAX quality of service (QoS), security, mobility, radio resource management, multiple input multiple output antenna, planning, cost/revenue optimization, physical layer, medium access control (MAC) layer, network layer, and so on. |
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