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Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > Other manufacturing technologies > Precision instruments manufacture > General
This book provides an in-depth introduction to the sol to gel transition in inorganic and hybrid organic-inorganic systems, one of the most important chemical-physical transitions and the basis of the sol-gel process. Familiarity with the fundamental chemistry and physics of this transition is essential for students in chemistry and materials science through academic and industry researchers working on sol-gel-related applications. The book features a didactic approach, using simple and clear language to explain the sol to gel transition and the accompanying processes. The text is also suitable for use in short courses and workshops for graduate students as well as professionals.This fully revised and updated new edition contains a wealth of new content. In particular, it includes a detailed discussion of the chemistry of transition metal alkoxides and organosilanes, and an extended discussion of the sol to gel transition models.
This book presents the proceedings of SympoSIMM 2019, the 2nd edition of the Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics. Focusing on "Strengthening Innovations Towards Industry 4.0", the book presents studies on the details of Industry 4.0's current trends. Divided into five parts covering various areas of manufacturing engineering and mechatronics stream, namely, artificial intelligence, instrumentation and controls, intelligent manufacturing, modelling and simulation, and robotics., the book is a valuable resource for readers wishing to embrace the new era of Industry 4.0.
This book introduces a variety of basic sciences and applications of the nanocomposites and heterostructures of functional oxides. The presence of a high density of interfaces and the differences in their natures are described by the authors. Both nanocomposites and heterostructures are detailed in depth by researchers from each of the research areas in order to compare their similarities and differences. A new interfacial material of heterostructure of strongly correlated electron systems is introduced.
The intersection of nanostructuredmaterials with photonics and electronics shows greatpotential for clinical diagnostics, sensors, ultrafast telecommunication devices, and a new generation of compact and fast computers. Nanophotonics draws upon cross-disciplinary expertise from physics, materials science, chemistry, electrical engineering, biology, and medicine to create novel technologies to meet a variety of challenges. This is the first book to focus onnovel materials and techniques relevant to the burgeoning areaofnanoscale photonics and optoelectronics, including novel-hybrid materials with multifunctional capabilities andrecent advancements in the understanding of optical interactions in nanoscale materials and quantum-confined objects. Leading experts provide a fundamental understanding of photonics and the related science and technology of plasmonics, polaritons, quantum dots for nanophotonics, nanoscale field emitters, near-field optics, nanophotonic architecture, and nanobiophotonic materials. "
This book discusses the tribological, rheological and optical properties of liquid-crystal nanomaterials as well as lubricant media. It also describes the formation of liquid-crystal materials and the application of cholesteric liquid-crystal compounds in technical friction units and in human and animal joints. Further, it shows the connection between the tribological and other physical properties of liquid-crystal cholesterol compounds and develops a lubricity conceptual model of cholesteric-nematic, liquid-crystalline nanostructures on the basis of physical and energetic interpretations. This general model is valid for all surfaces and friction pairs, including biopolymers, and could lead to applications of cholesteric liquid-crystalline nanomaterials in different friction units and tribosystems as well as in the treatment of joint diseases.
This book provides an overview of the noteworthy developments in the field of micromachining, with a specific focus on microinjection systems used for biological micromanipulation. The author also explores the design, development, and fabrication of new mechanical designs for micromachines, with plenty of examples that elucidate their modeling and control. The design and fabrication of a piezoelectric microinjector, constant force microinjector, constant force microgripper, PDVF microforce sensor, and a piezoelectric microsyringe are presented as examples of new technology for microinjection systems. This book is appropriate for both researchers and advanced students in bioengineering.
The book deals with intelligent control of mobile robots, presenting the state-of-the-art in the field, and introducing new control algorithms developed and tested by the authors. It also discusses the use of artificial intelligent methods like neural networks and neuraldynamic programming, including globalised dual-heuristic dynamic programming, for controlling wheeled robots and robotic manipulators,and compares them to classical control methods.
With this volume, Ezequiel P. M. Leiva and co-authors fill a gap in the available literature, by providing a much-needed, comprehensive review of the relevant literature for electrochemists, materials scientists and energy researchers. For the first time, they present applications of underpotential deposition (UPD) on the nanoscale, such as nanoparticles and nanocavities, as well as for electrocatalysis. They also discuss real surface determinations and layer-by-layer growth of ultrathin films, as well as the very latest modeling approaches to UPD based on nanothermodynamics, statistical mechanics, molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations.
This book focuses on the behaviour of nanomaterials under extreme conditions of high temperature, irradiation by electron/ions and neutrons as well as in mechanical and corrosion extremes. The theoretical approaches and modeling are presented with numerous results of experimental studies. Different processing methods of extreme-tolerant nanomaterials are described. Many application examples from high-temperature technique, nuclear reactors of new generations, aerospace industry, chemical and general engineering, sensor facility, power engineering, electronics, catalysis and medical preparations are also contained. Some unresolved problems are emphasized.
This book is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary resource for the latest information on implantable medical devices, and is intended for graduate students studying electrical engineering, electronic instrumentation, and biomedical engineering. It is also appropriate for academic researchers, professional engineers, practicing doctors, and paramedical staff. Divided into two sections on Basic Concepts and Principles, and Applications, the first section provides an all-embracing perspective of the electronics background necessary for this work. The second section deals with pacing techniques used for the heart, brain, spinal cord, and the network of nerves that interlink the brain and spinal cord with the major organs, including ear and eye prostheses. The four main offshoots of implantable electronics, which this book discusses, are: The insertion of an implantable neural amplifier for accurate recording of neural signals for neuroengineering studies The use of implantable pulse generators for pacing the activities of diseased organs The use of implantable sensors for observing the influence of therapy and monitoring a patient's biological parameters The use of drug delivery systems to supervise the supply of accurate doses of medicine to affected parts Readers will also find chapters on the essentials of clocking and timing circuits, pulse generator circuits, neural amplifiers, batteries, biomaterials and biocompatibility, and more. Unique to this book is also a chapter on cyber security and confidentiality concerns with implants. End-of-chapter questions and exercises help readers apply the content to practical use, making this an ideal book for anyone wishing to learn more about implantable devices.
This proceedings volume presents selected and peer reviewed 50 reports of the 2015 International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (Azov, Russia, 19-22 May, 2015), devoted to 100th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Russia. The book presents processing techniques, physics, mechanics, and applications of advanced materials. The book is concentrated on some nanostructures, ferroelectric crystals, materials and composites and other materials with specific properties. In this book are presented nanotechnology approaches, modern piezoelectric techniques, physical and mechanical studies of the structure-sensitive properties of the materials. A wide spectrum of mathematical and numerical methods is applied to the solution of different technological, mechanical and physical problems for applications. Great attention is devoted to novel devices with high accuracy, longevity and extended possibilities to work in a large scale of temperatures and pressure ranges, aggressive media, etc. The characteristics of materials and composites with improved properties is shown, and new possibilities in studying of various physico-mechanical processes and phenomena are demonstrated.
This book presents the topology optimization theory for laminar flows with low and moderate Reynolds numbers, based on the density method and level-set method, respectively. The density-method-based theory offers efficient convergence, while the level-set-method-based theory can provide anaccurate mathematical expression of the structural boundary. Unsteady, body-force-driven and two-phase properties are basic characteristics of the laminar flows. The book discusses these properties, which are typical of microfluidics and one of the research hotspots in the area of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), providing an efficient inverse design approach for microfluidic structures. To demonstrate the applications of this topology optimization theory in the context of microfluidics, it also investigates inverse design for the micromixer, microvalve and micropump, which are key elements in lab-on-chip devices.
This book highlights how the properties and structure of materials are affected by dynamic high pressures generated by explosions, projectile impacts, laser compression, electric discharge or ball milling. Starting with the basics of shock-wave physics and an outline of experimental techniques, it then surveys dynamic compressibility and equations of state of various substances, phase transitions and syntheses of novel compounds under shock. It covers various industrial applications including hardening of metals and grinding (fragmentation) of solids, saturation of solids with defects for use as catalysts, production of superhard materials (synthetic diamond, BN (boron nitride)) and nanomaterials, especially nanodiamond, and discusses state-of-the-art techniques such as combining dynamic and static compression to obtain monolithic materials.
This book presents a universal mass-production micro/nano integrated fabrication technology, which can be used to realize micro/nano hierarchical structures on Si-based materials and flexible polymeric materials. This fabrication technology has been systematically investigated by using experimental measurements, mechanism analyses, theoretical simulations and so on. Three common materials (i.e., silicon, PDMS and Parylene-C) with micro/nano hierarchical structures have been successfully fabricated, which also show several attractive properties. Furthermore, this book introduces this fabrication technology into microenergy field, and proposes several high-performance nanogenerators, of which practical applications have also been studied in commercial electronic device and biomedical microsystem.
This book provides a new direction in electronics research with the invention of a new material tuPOY, which changes our perception of developing electronics. Evolving on a relatively underplayed phenomenon of static electricity in scientific exploration and application, tuPOY upholds the potential to rival both silicon and metals as electronics of the future. Devices made of tuPOY present a new emblem to the technological world, where we could envision our electronic paraphernalia from a completely different perspective. A computer the size of a big wall, which could be neatly folded and kept in our pockets when not in use and laundered on a regular basis, can be imagined possible with this invention. The concept, manufacturing process, physics and uses of tuPOY as the next generation material of electronics is described in this book. The book covers the production process of tuPOY and goes on to conceptual advancement from manipulating the sensing, radiating and processing properties of tuPOY. Theoretical modelling of tuPOY is characterized by steady-state equations exploiting interchanges based on the lattice kinetics, which mathematizes an Interchange Phenomenon in tuPOY. The numerical manifestations calibrate mathematically, tuPOY's response to any external physical impetus such as charge, heat or energy flow. The book validates the sensing properties and theoretical model by designing a tuPOY sensor which can be used in a plethora of applications. A novel microstrip antenna is designed by amalgamation of tuPOY, raw silk and polynylon composites to experimentally verify the radiation properties of the new material. The conduction properties are verified by drawing fibres of tuPOY and using them as wires and connectors in electronics. A Power Generating Unit (PGU) is designed with tuPOY as its primary element. This is a first of its kind PGU that scavenges power from thermal energy presenting a new dimension in operational power dynamics. Overall this book should be of interest to a wide range of readers ranging from researchers, scientists, developers, manufacturers, engineers, graduate students and anyone who has satiety to think differently.
This thesis focuses on the transport and magneto-transport properties of graphene p-n-p junctions, such as the pronounced quantum Hall effect, a well-defined plateau-plateau transition point, and scaling behavior. In addition, it demonstrates persistent photoconductivity (PPC) in the monolayer MoS2 devices, an effect that can be attributed to random localized potential fluctuations in the devices. Further, it studies scaling behavior at zeroth Landau level and high performance of fractional values of quantum Hall plateaus in these graphene p-n-p devices. Moreover, it demonstrates a unique and efficient means of controlling the PPC effect in monolayer MoS2. This PPC effect may offer novel functionalities for MoS2-based optoelectronic applications in the future.
This book, now in its second edition, introduces readers to quantum rings as a special class of modern high-tech material structures at the nanoscale. It deals, in particular, with their formation by means of molecular beam epitaxy and droplet epitaxy of semiconductors, and their topology-driven electronic, optical and magnetic properties. A highly complex theoretical model is developed to adequately represent the specific features of quantum rings. The results presented here are intended to facilitate the development of low-cost high-performance electronic, spintronic, optoelectronic and information processing devices based on quantum rings. This second edition includes both new and significantly revised chapters. It provides extensive information on recent advances in the physics of quantum rings related to the spin-orbit interaction and spin dynamics (spin interference in Rashba rings, tunable exciton topology on type II InAs/GaAsSb quantum nanostructures), the electron-phonon interaction in ring-like structures, quantum interference manifestations in novel materials (graphene nanoribbons, MoS2), and the effects of electrical field and THz radiation on the optical properties of quantum rings. The new edition also shares insights into the properties of various novel architectures, including coupled quantum ring-quantum dot chains and concentric quantum rings, topologic states of light in self-assembled ring-like cavities, and optical and plasmon m.odes in Moebius-shaped resonators.
This book demonstrates how the new phenomena in the nanometer scale serve as the basis for the invention and development of novel nanoelectronic devices and how they are used for engineering nanostructures and metamaterials with unusual properties. It discusses topics such as superconducting spin-valve effect and thermal spin transport, which are important for developing spintronics; fabrication of nanostructures from antagonistic materials like ferromagnets and superconductors, which lead to a novel non-conventional FFLO-superconducting state; calculations of functional nanostructures with an exotic triplet superconductivity, which are the basis for novel nanoelectronic devices, such as superconducting spin valve, thin-film superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) and memory-elements (MRAM). Starting with theoretical chapters about triplet superconductivity, the book then introduces new ideas and approaches in the fundamentals of superconducting electronics. It presents various quantum devices based on the new theoretical approaches, demonstrating the enormous potential of the electronics of 21st century - spintronics. The book is useful for a broad audience, including researchers, engineers, PhD graduates, students and others wanting to gain insights into the frontiers of nanoscience.
This book explores the new materials and the resultant new field of piezotronics. The growth and alignment of the zinc oxide nanostructures are discussed in detail because of its wide adoption in this field and its significance in optics, health, and sensing applications. The characterization of the piezotronic effect and how to distinguish it from other similar but, fundamentally different effects, like piezoresistive effect is also considered. The huge potential in the wearable and flexible devices, as well as organic materials, is further examined. The stain/stress sensing is introduced as an example of an application with piezotronic materials.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the methods and variety of Kelvin probe force microscopy, including technical details. It also offers an overview of the recent developments and numerous applications, ranging from semiconductor materials, nanostructures and devices to sub-molecular and atomic scale electrostatics. In the last 25 years, Kelvin probe force microscopy has developed from a specialized technique applied by a few scanning probe microscopy experts into a tool used by numerous research and development groups around the globe. This sequel to the editors' previous volume "Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: Measuring and Compensating Electrostatic Forces," presents new and complementary topics. It is intended for a broad readership, from undergraduate students to lab technicians and scanning probe microscopy experts who are new to the field.
This thesis focuses on the nanomanufacturing of graphene-a newly discovered, two-dimensional material with extraordinary properties-in order to realize its numerous potential applications. Combining experimental implementation with theoretical modelling, it investigates three classes of graphene nanostructure fabrication using particle beam irradiation: (i) doping of graphene using low energy nitrogen irradiation; (ii) joining of graphene sheets with laser and C, N, and Ar ion beam irradiation; and (iii) fabrication of graphene nanopores by means of focused ion beam and electron beam irradiation. The feasibility of the nanomanufacture of graphene using particle beam irradiation is demonstrated by various experimental methods, and the mechanisms involved under different types of beam irradiation are revealed using theoretical calculations. Further, the book analyzes the mechanical and electrical properties of the fabricated graphene nanostructures by means of atomic simulations to predict the application potentials of the proposed methods. The findings help promote the implementation of graphene-structure applications in industry.
This book discusses physical design and mask synthesis of directed self-assembly lithography (DSAL). It covers the basic background of DSAL technology, physical design optimizations such as placement and redundant via insertion, and DSAL mask synthesis as well as its verification. Directed self-assembly lithography (DSAL) is a highly promising patterning solution in sub-7nm technology.
This book discusses recent advances in hydrogels, including their generation and applications and presents a compendium of fundamental concepts. It highlights the most important hydrogel materials, including physical hydrogels, chemical hydrogels, and nanohydrogels and explores the development of hydrogel-based novel materials that respond to external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, pH, light, biochemicals or magnetism, which represent a new class of intelligent materials. With their multiple cooperative functions, hydrogel-based materials exhibit different potential applications ranging from biomedical engineering to water purification systems. This book covers key topics including superabsorbent polymer hydrogel; intelligent hydrogels for drug delivery; hydrogels from catechol-conjugated materials; nanomaterials loaded hydrogel; electrospinning of hydrogels; biopolymers-based hydrogels; injectable hydrogels; interpenetrating-polymer-network hydrogels: radiation- and sonochemical synthesis of micro/nano/macroscopic hydrogels; DNA-based hydrogels; and multifunctional applications of hydrogels. It will prove a valuable resource for researchers working in industry and academia alike.
This book presents some of the latest achievements in nanotechnology and nanomaterials from leading researchers in Ukraine, Europe, and beyond. It features selected peer-reviewed contributions from participants in the 4th International Science and Practice Conference Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO2016) held in Lviv, Ukraine on August 24-27, 2016. The International Conference was organized jointly by the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine), University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Turin (Italy), and Pierre and Marie Curie University (France). Internationally recognized experts from a wide range of universities and research institutions share their knowledge and key results on topics ranging from nanooptics, nanoplasmonics, and interface studies to energy storage and biomedical applications.
This book presents some of the latest achievements in nanotechnology and nanomaterials from leading researchers in Ukraine, Europe, and beyond. It features selected peer-reviewed contributions from participants in the 5th International Science and Practice Conference Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO2017) held in Chernivtsi, Ukraine on August 23-26, 2017. The International Conference was organized jointly by the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine), University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Turin (Italy), and Pierre and Marie Curie University (France). Internationally recognized experts from a wide range of universities and research institutions share their knowledge and key results on topics ranging from nanooptics and nanoplasmonics to interface studies. This book's companion volume also addresses topics such as energy storage and biomedical applications. |
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