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Brave and fascinating, as well as important . . . . A scholarly and
comprehensive contribution to our growing knowledge of the history
of homosexuality. Recent years have seen enormous attention devoted to the history of sexuality in the Western world. But how has the West conceived of non-western societies been influenced by these other traditions? The Geography of Perversion and Desire is the first historical study to demonstrate convincingly that the representation cultural otherness, as found in European thought from the Enlightenment through modern times, is closely interrelated with modern constructions of homosexual identity. Travel reports and early ethnographic accounts of cross-gender roles in the Americas, Africa, and Asia corroborated the 18th century construction of the sodomite identity. Similarly, the late 19th-century construction of the third sex provoked much anthropological speculation on to genetic versus societal nature of male-to-male sexual relations, a precursor of current essentialist versus constructionist debates. An invaluable contribution to the ongoing debates on cultural and sexual otherness, this volume unravels how the categories of the modern sodomite and later homosexual were inextricably intertwined with essentialist definitions of racial identity. In encyclopedic detail, Bleys traces how cross-cultural records were collected, created, structured, manipulated, excerpted, reformulated, and omitted in interaction with changing beliefs about male-to-male sexuality. Focusing in such subjects as puritanism, sodomy, and ethnicity in colonial North America; cross-gender behavior and hermaphrodditism; the semiotics of genitalia; andthe parameters of sexual science, The Geography of Perversion and Desire is a breathtakingly thorough, cross cultural history of sexual categories. Drawing on travel reports and early ethnographic accounts, The Geography of Perversion and Desire presents the first historical study to demonstrate convincingly that the representation of cultural otherness, as found in European thought from the Enlightenment to modern times, is closely interrelated with modern constructions of homosexual identity.
Traces the history of, and analyzes, the current status of the law on a number of prohibited acts forbidden to the federal government as prescribed in Article I, Section 9, of the United States Constitution. Most of these represent constraints on Congress with the exception of the statement that no money may be drawn from the U.S. Treasury except by appropriation, which increases the power of Congress. The provisions include prohibitions against suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus except in cases of emergency and against passing bills of attainder and ex post facto laws. These prohibitions secure important freedoms for the citizens of the United States. Among the other prohibitions discussed are a delay in stopping the slave trade, forbidding taxes on exports between states, forbidding giving preferences to ports of one state, and forbidding public officers from accepting things of value from foreign countries. Several of these provisions, such as those concerning bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and the writ of habeas corpus laws are the bedrock of our free society. The provision on the need for appropriations enhances the role of Congress and sets up potential conflicts between it and the other two branches of government, conflicts that might lead to highly significant cases that will help to clarify to doctrine of the separation of powers. A table of cases, bibliographic essay, and an index to enable further pursuit of key topics is included to aid students, legal, and constitutional scholars.
A comprehensive examination of the rulings, key figures, and legal legacy of the Stone Court. When President Franklin Roosevelt got the chance to appoint seven Supreme Court justices within five years, he created a bench packed with liberals and elevated justice Harlan Fiske Stone to lead them. Roosevelt Democrats expected great things from the Stone Court. But for the most part, they were disappointed. The Stone Court significantly expanded executive authority. It also supported the rights of racial minorities, laying the foundation for subsequent rulings on desegregation and discrimination. But whatever gains it made in advancing individual rights were overshadowed by its decisions regarding the evacuation of Japanese Americans. Although the Stone Court itself did not profoundly affect individual rights jurisprudence, it became the bridge between the pre-1937 constitutional interpretation and the "new constitutionalism" that came after.
Der Band dokumentiert eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des Mainzer Medieninstituts und der Kölner Forschungsstelle für Medienrecht in Kooperation mit dem 18. Medienforum NRW im Juni 2006. Gegenstand der Diskussion waren die Anfang des Jahres 2006 getroffenen Entscheidungen des Bundeskartellamtes und der Kommission zur Ermittlung der Konzentration im Medienbereich (KEK) zu der zu dieser Zeit geplanten Übernahme der ProSiebenSAT.1 Media AG durch die Axel Springer AG. In beiden Entscheidungen werden über den konkreten Fall hinaus Grenzen für Markt- und Meinungsmacht aufgezeigt, die auf ein unterschiedliches Echo gestoßen sind. Anliegen der Veranstaltung war es, den Beteiligten an der kontrovers diskutierten und schließlich gescheiterten Fusion ein Forum zu verschaffen.
"A glorious book . . . A spirited defense of science . . . From the first page to the last, this book is a manifesto for clear thought."
"Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective" introduces readers to diverse perspectives on the interplay of religion, law, and communications freedom in different cultures around the world. Through discussion and analysis of the religious mores and cultural values that a nation adheres to, a greater understanding of that nation, its laws, and its freedoms can be cultivated. Rather than suggesting that harmony can be achieved without conflict, the essays in this volume seek to present the reader with a variety of perspectives from which to view and understand the relationships among religion, law, and freedom in various cultures. This multifaceted analysis, therefore, helps readers draw their own conclusions as to the best way to resolve cultural conflict brought about by the growing global community. The book consists of fifteen chapters, authored or coauthored by 17 international scholars representing China, Germany, Israel, Iran, Japan, Latvia, Nigeria, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The chapters are organized into four parts: "Perspectives on Eastern and Western Religions; Press Freedom in Religious and Secular Societies; Journalism, Advertising, and Ethical Issues;" and "Religion, Politics, Media, and Human Rights." This important contribution will especially appeal to researchers and students in such fields as mass communications, legal studies, cultural studies, political science, religion, intercultural communications, international communications, and journalism.
Introduction. An Experimental Approach to Victim Decision Making. Experimental Studies on the Role of Social Influence in Victim Decision Making. Eyewitness Identification by Theft Victims. Analyses Across Experimental Studies. Normative Expectations for Calling the Police. Archival Analyses. Self-Reports: Surveying Crime Victims. A Model of Crime Victim Decision Making. Summary and Implications of the Research. Appendix: A Lawsuit Against the Researchers. Index.
When the American Railway Union went on strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in 1894, it set into motion a chain of events whose repercussions are still felt today. The strike pitted America's largest industrial union against twenty-four railroads, paralyzed rail traffic in half the country, and in the end was broken up by federal troops and suppressed by the courts, with union leader Eugene Debs incarcerated. But behind the Pullman case lay a conflict of ideologies at a watershed time in our nation's history. David Ray Papke reexamines the events and personalities surrounding the 1894 strike, related proceedings in the Chicago trial courts, and the 1895 Supreme Court decision, In re Debs, which set important standards for labor injunctions. He shows how the Court, by upholding Debs's contempt citation, dealt fatal blows to broad-based unionism in the nation's most important industry and to any hope for a more evenhanded form of judicial involvement in labor disputes-thus setting the stage for labor law in decades to come. The Pullman case was a defining moment in the often violent confrontation between capital and labor. It matched wealthy industrialist George Pullman against Debs and gave a stage to Debs's fledgling attorney Clarence Darrow. Throughout the trial, capital and labor tried to convince the public of the justice of their cause: Debs decrying the company's treatment of workers and Pullman raising fears of radical unionists. Papke provides an analytically concise and highly readable account of these proceedings, offering insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the law at the peak of industrial capitalism, showcasing Debs's passionate commitment to workers' rights, and providing a window on America during a period of rapid industrialization and social transformation. Papke shows that the law was far from neutral in defending corporate interests and suggests what the Pullman case, by raising questions about both the legitimacy of giant corporations and the revolutionary style of industrial unions, can teach us about law and legal institutions in our own time. His book captures the passions of industrial America and tells an important story at the intersection of legal and cultural history.
Inaugurating "Greenw4ood's Reference Guides to the United States Constitution" series, this superlative guide to the Sixth Amendment is the first to survey the legal guarantee of counsel's assistance since 1963's "Gideon" ruling. The vast majority of important, even landmark cases regarding the right to counsel were decided after that pivotal ruling, making this the definitive work on the topic. Tomkovicz offers a concise yet substantial account of the historical development of the right to counsel in England and America. Included are: A brief history of the topic Lengthy and sophisticated analysis of the current state of the law A bibliographical essay organizing and evaluating scholarly material for further research A table of cases Index A thorough analysis of the relevant U.S. Supreme Court's doctrine gives concrete content to the right to assistance of defense counsel. Scholars and students of the U.S. Constitution, along with attorneys and lay readers, will gain a rich understanding of the meaning and importance of the Sixth Amendment, and a comprehensive overview of a cornerstone of America's constitutional and legal order.
As part of a new series of Greenwood's comprehensive reference guides to the United States Constitution, Professor Durchslag's edition on the Eleventh Amendment's guarantee of state sovereign immunity is the most thorough and up-to-date treatment of that amendment. The Court's interpretation of the Eleventh Amendment over the past two centuries has been an attempt to balance the sovereign interests of the states against the primacy of federal law, and is currently its primary means of articulating its federalist doctrine. Beginning with an extensive history of the Eleventh Amendment and the ratification debates surrounding it, Durchslag proceeds to a chronological discussion of the development of the first generation of Eleventh Amendment jurisprudence from 1793 - 1890. The book then proceeds topically, tracing the developments of the various doctrinal components of the Amendment, and includes suggestions as to how they may evolve. The work concludes with an erudite bibliographic essay to guide the reader to relevant primary and secondary works, and is fully indexed. For constitutional students, scholars, and legal practitioners, as well as for political scientists and historians studying the constitution or federalism.
Auf dem Gebiet des Vertragsrechts wird seit langem lebhaft darüber diskutiert, inwieweit die zunehmende Beschränkung der Vertragsfreiheit gerechtfertigt ist. Für das Deliktsrecht hat sich eine diesbezügliche Diskussion erst ansatzweise entwickelt, obwohl sich auch dieser Bereich durch eine zunehmende Beschränkung der Handlungsfreiheit des potentiellen Schädigers auszeichnet. Die bedeutendste Rolle in dem Prozess der zunehmenden Haftungsverschärfung kommt dabei den Verkehrspflichten zu, deren Verhaltensgebote und -verbote heute nahezu alle Lebensbereiche erfassen. Dieser Arbeit liegt deshalb die Frage zugrunde, ob und inwiefern die Handlungsfreiheit des potentiellen Schädigers im ausufernden System der deliktischen Verkehrspflichten ausreichende Berücksichtigung findet.
We had been there for over 12 hours. The man was still 30 feet up a tree, balancing on a branch directly over one of the main railway lines out of one of the busiest train stations in the country. He refused to talk to us, threatening to jump if we came too close. To him, we were the enemy. My job was to preserve his life. The most dangerous time in any negotiation is when you think you’re winning. From kidnappings to terrorist incidents, violent armed stand-offs to talking someone back from the ledge: all these make up the day-to-day life of Nicky Perfect’s job as a crisis and hostage negotiator. One of the first on the scene in situations that most would run from, Nicky is deployed to defuse the most volatile and fraught situations imaginable. After a decade on the frontlines, confronting the extremes of human behaviour, these are the stories and cases that have shaped a career spent on high alert, where life often hangs in the balance. It’s about finding yourself and following your passion, and of a life lived to help others.
Die Arbeit behandelt Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Vorkaufsrechten beim Verkauf von Aktienpaketen. Ausgehend von §§ 463-473 BGB werden die zivil- und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Besonderheiten dargestellt. Hierbei wird die über die Verschaffungs- und Abwehrfunktion des Vorkaufsrechts hinausgehende Zwecksetzung der Vorkaufsabrede verdeutlicht. Anwendungsbereich und Umgehungsschutz werden unter Bildung von Fallgruppen erläutert. Diese Studie legt die objektive und subjektive Teilbarkeit bei Verkäufen von Aktienpaketen und einer Mehrheit von Berechtigten und/oder Verpflichteten umfassend dar. Die im Rahmen der Arbeit angesprochenen Konstellationen werden hierbei durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis verdeutlicht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung münden in eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Handhabung von Vorkaufsrechten in der praktischen Vertragsgestaltung.
Die Verschmelzung als wirtschaftlich und rechtlich engste Form der Unternehmensverbindung stellt in einer dynamischen Wirtschaft ein nie an Aktualität einbüßendes Thema dar. Umfassend und fachübergreifend werden neben betriebswirtschaftlichen auch handels- und gesellschaftsrechtliche Aspekte sowie steuerliche Fragestellungen betrachtet. Dabei bildet die Darstellung des Verschmelzungsvorgangs in Handelsbilanzen von Überträgerin und Übernehmerin den Schwerpunkt der Analyse. Das Bewertungswahlrecht zwischen Buchwertverknüpfung und Anschaffungskostenansatz der Übernehmerin in § 24 UmwG wird ausführlich für verschiedene Gegenleistungen untersucht. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele, Tabellen und Abbildungen ist das Buch für Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermaßen geeignet.
This book analyses French criminal procedure. It explores issues such as the status of the judge, the changing rights of the defence, and the immunity of the French President, offering valuable comparisons between France and other cultures. This volume aims to present the French system as it is today, in theory and in practice. The contributors represent a wide spectrum of academic, professional and national standpoints and are thus able to discuss the impact of judicial practices on the political and business arenas, in very broad context.
Unfallflucht (§ 142 StGB) ist egoistisch, gemein und gesellschaftsschädigend, aber ist das Verhalten strafbar? Die sogenannten Besonderheiten des Straßenverkehrs scheinen die Notwendigkeit der Strafbarkeit zu legitimieren. Eine genaue und sachliche Untersuchung der - scheinbaren - Begründung offenbart jedoch deren emotionsbehaftete Widersprüchlichkeit und Unhaltbarkeit gemessen an elementaren (straf)rechtlichen Prinzipien.
This volume contains a collection of Tadzhikistan legal texts translated and edited by the author. All material is translated anew and is prefaced by a note on the legislative history of each enactment and a contextual observation. The documents translated in this volume have been chosen for their importance in understanding the Tadzhikistan state structure and legal system and the peace process intended to achieve civil accord. There is also a strong emphasis upon the enactments of key importance to the foreign investor. The scope of this work should provide the practitioner, legal scholar, government legal advisor, and student a reference tool for understanding contemporary Tadzhikistan legal structures.
Illustrating the emergence of male rape as a social and legal issue, this book highlights the myths and misconceptions that keep this a hidden crime.This book researches a topic that remains highly taboo and under-researched. It draws on experiences of male survivors of rape. It explores attitudes of the police in dealing with this sensitive issue. It considers the role of the media in fuelling myths about male rape. Focusing on male-on-male rape, this book looks at the common myths surrounding this taboo issue, including the idea that 'men who rape other men must be homosexual' and that 'real men can't be raped'. It also reveals that men are not only raped in prison, as is commonly believed, and that they suffer similar trauma to female survivors of rape. |
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