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Completely revised and updated, with a totally new look! The previous edition of this book is The Ultimate Medical Mnemonic Comic Book: Color Version (ISBN 978-1532726217) The Ultimate Medical Mnemonic Comic Book combines mnemonics, over 150 cartoons, bullet points, and humor to review and retain important medical information. Whether you're a medical student, physician, physician assistant, nurse, student, or other health care professional, you need to access a vast wealth of information quickly and accurately. From the finer points of human physiology to differential diagnoses, pharmacology, and complex medical procedures, you're expected to have the facts you need, when you need them. Memorizing and retaining so much information is a gargantuan task. Health care professors Dwayne A. Williams and Isaak. N. Yakubov are here to help with hundreds of health care-related memory aids. While not intended to be a sole source of information, Williams and Yakubov's work offers a lighthearted but effective supplement to traditional textbooks. Clever mnemonics and funny wordplay stick in your head, while cartoons offer memory anchors for visual learners. The Ultimate Medical Mnemonic Comic Book adds entertainment and laughter to what would otherwise be a grueling test of memory. Whether you're still studying or just need a quick mental refresher, The Ultimate Medical Mnemonic Comic Book helps you learn and retain the knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen health care career.
Catafalque offers a revolutionary new reading of the great psychologist Carl Jung as mystic, gnostic and prophet for our time. This book is the first major re-imagining of both Jung and his work since the publication of the Red Book in 2009 -- and is the only serious assessment of them written by a classical scholar who understands the ancient Gnostic, Hermetic and alchemical foundations of his thought as well as Jung himself did. At the same time it skillfully tells the forgotten story of Jung's relationship with the great Sufi scholar, Henry Corbin, and with Persian Sufi tradition. The strange reality of the Red Book, or "New Book" as Carl Jung called it, lies close to the heart of Catafalque. In meticulous detail Peter Kingsley uncovers its great secret, hidden in plain sight and still -- as if by magic -- unrecognized by all those who have been unable to understand this mysterious, incantatory text. But the hard truth of who Jung was and what he did is only a small part of what this book uncovers. It also exposes the full extent of that great river of esoteric tradition that stretches all the way back to the beginnings of our civilization. It unveils the surprising realities behind western philosophy, literature, poetry, prophecy -- both ancient and modern. In short, Peter Kingsley shows us not only who Carl Jung was but who we in the West are as well. Much more than a brilliant spiritual biography, Catafalque holds the key to understanding why our western culture is dying. And, an incantatory text in its own right, it shows the way to discovering what we in these times of great crisis must do.
This fourth edition contains over 500 questions which comprehensively cover the curriculum. The book features questions in all the formats that feature in the AKT exam: single best answers; extended matching questions; rank ordering; picture format; algorithm completion and the recently introduced 'complete the gap' question types. The newly added questions cover important topics such as: management of low back pain contraception and pregnancy the new fit notes diagnosis and management of people with skin problems acute eye problems management of osteoporosis The questions and answers have been comprehensively updated to reflect changes in management of clinical and administrative areas, with references and weblinks updated throughout. 400 extended matching, single best answer questions, rank ordering and free text completion 88 algorithm completion questions 52 picture questions, with all photographs presented in full colour The book has been favourably reviewed by trainees, trainers and programme directors alike and is on the recommended reading lists of a number of VTS schemes. It is essential reading for candidates preparing for the AKT and also for training practices and libraries. It has been used by trainers to plan teaching sessions and tutorials and by established GPs to help them with appraisal and revalidation. IF YOU WANT TO PASS THE AKT PAPER IN THE MRCGP, THEN YOU NEED THIS BOOK From reviews of previous editions: "Just had my AKT results and they were well above the average... This book is clearly laid out and I feel acts as a good supplement to online revision and fills in the gaps online revision can leave." "This is a good road testing for those who face into the AKT... the questions are clear and easily understood. The picture quality is excellent. The answers are informative and provide useful revision..."
Medical students encounter many challenges on their path to success, from managing their time, applying theory to practice, and passing exams. The Medical Student Survival Skills series helps medical students navigate core subjects of the curriculum, providing accessible, short reference guides for OSCE preparation and hospital placements. These guides are the perfect tool for achieving clinical success. Medical Student Survival Skills: Clinical Examination provides step-by-step guidance on the physical evaluation of the body and its functions. This portable and concise guide leads readers through each component of a clinical examination, including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and peripheral arterial and venous system exams. OSCE key learning points, exam preparation lists, practical tips, website access for videos and OSCE checklists help medical students and junior doctors efficiently perform a clinical examination.
Drawing on The Medic Portal's established track record, the third edition of this popular revision aid, retitled Mastering the UCAT to reflect the extension of the former UK-specific exam to prospective medical and dental students in Australia and New Zealand, takes you, step by step, through the proven techniques that have already helped thousands of our students achieve top scores. Our expert authors deconstruct all question types before leading you through core strategies, common pitfalls and top tips - as well as the tactics examiners use to trip you up.
Vaccine reluctance and refusal are no longer limited to the margins of society. Debates around vaccines' necessity - along with questions around their side effects - have gone mainstream, blending with geopolitical conflicts, political campaigns, celebrity causes, and "natural" lifestyles to win a growing number of hearts and minds. Today's anti-vaccine positions find audiences where they've never existed previously. Stuck examines how the issues surrounding vaccine hesitancy are, more than anything, about people feeling left out of the conversation. A new dialogue is long overdue, one that addresses the many types of vaccine hesitancy and the social factors that perpetuate them. To do this, Stuck provides a clear-eyed examination of the social vectors that transmit vaccine rumors, their manifestations around the globe, and how these individual threads are all connected.
HIGHLY COMMENDED IN THE 2017 BMA BOOK AWARDS! Here's what the judges said: "The book is thorough and well written. It has many good questions and challenging scenarios and will allow candidates to prepare thoroughly for their interview. This is a useful book with plenty of scenarios for medical school applicants to practise and prepare. I am not aware of any other books in this subject area that describe potential interview questions to such depth. The quality of the questions as well as the answers and the variety is satisfying to see." Competition ratios for medical school are approximately 10:1. Faced with the increasing numbers of well-qualified applicants, the medical school interview has become a vital part of the application process. Put simply, if you want to get into medical school, you will need to do well in your medical school interview. As well as the more traditional use of 'across the table' interview questions, many medical schools are now using 'Multiple Mini Interviews' as a core part of their recruitment process. How to Prepare for Medical School Interviews is the largest collection of both types of interview questions available. It contains over 200 practice questions with full answers, as well as detailed practical advice to help you approach your interviews with confidence. Edited by an academic surgical registrar and with real-life contributions from students from medical schools across the UK, How to Prepare for Medical School Interviews is the perfect book to help you get ready for, practise and succeed in your medical school interview.
Tracy Kidder is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the author of the bestsellers The Soul of a New Machine, House, Among Schoolchildren, and Home Town. He has been described by the "Baltimore "Sun as the "master of the non-fiction narrative." This powerful and inspiring new book shows how one person can make a difference, as Kidder tells the true story of a gifted man who is in love with the world and has set out to do all he can to cure it. "From the Hardcover edition.
Vital Statistics of The United States: Births, Life Expectancy, Deaths, and Selected Health Data brings together a comprehensive collection of birth, mortality, and health data into a single volume. It provides a wealth of information compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics and other government agencies. Vital Statistics contains over 225 tables and is divided into four parts : Births, Mortality, Health, and Marriage and Divorce. Charts and graphs, available at applicable points in each chapter, illustrate some of the most vital trends in the data. In addition, updated definitions reflect the latest federal parameters for information about births, mortality, health, and marriages.
The book contains more than 250 photographs which are representative of the thousands that were studied. Each photograph is evaluated and interpreted in terms of the intended meaning and purpose of the images. . . . This book is a pleasure to read and represents the distillation of many hundreds of hours reviewing photographic materials. . . . The basic information regarding the interpretation of photographic conventions should be of great interest to both photographers and those with an interest in the cultural histories of Britain and the US. Journal of Biological Photography With a perspective shaped by recent work in art history and the sociology of knowledge, the authors encourage the reader to analyze photographs as complicated historical documents. They argue that, while photographs may appear to be literal depictions of reality, they actually pose profound problems of historical interpretation. The authors take as their subject matter the representation of medicine in photographs taken in Britain and the United States from 1840 through the present day. They have studied thousands of photographs, more than 250 of which are reprinted in this volume, in conjunction with other primary sources and historical accounts. The text explores the representations of medicine made by photographers and their employers, and the ways that audiences through the years have interpreted their messages.
"This book is particularly relevant now as the baby-boomer generation is aging and a greater proportion of the world's population is growing older. Interpersonal communication is clearly the most critical process for promoting social integration and adaptation of older adults within society. Yet understanding of the complex dynamics of interpersonal communication with the elderly is severely limited and the aged are often stigmatized, stereotyped, and isolated. This book will help clarify the role of communication in effective social integration and adaptation of the aged by providing comprehensive and in-depth analyses of relevant research and theory. The book integrates information on the most important issues and contexts influencing interpersonal communication and aging and the individual chapters are written by an excellent group of authors who have demonstrated expertise on their topics. The book is well organized, clearly written, and comprehensive. The major topics are logically organized and compelling. I highly recommend this book!" --Gary L. Kreps, Northern Illinois University "Aging obviously occurs at many levels, with biological, psychological, and social systems showing multidirectional and interdependent changes. What is less obvious is how these factors affect communication in later life. This volume represents a strong contribution toward solving this problem by bringing together a group of prominent scholars with diverse perspectives on language, communication, and aging." --Elizabeth A. I. Stine, University of New Hampshire "The Hummert, Wiemann, and Nussbaum book brings together a strong theoretical base with the presentation of new data. The chapters go well beyond the typical literature reviews usually found in edited volumes. The contributors provide sophisticated presentations of a variety of socially significant and unique topics, including the communicative impact of physical and cognitive changes sometimes associated with aging, patronization, verbosity, frailty, conversational skills, proper names, and the presentation of self. Some of the chapters are strongly quantitative while others are more interpretive. After building a strong rationale for the volume, the editors go on to put together a series of well-written chapters that provide a much needed emphasis on the social construction of relationships through communication. The book should prompt much new research and advance our understanding of interpersonal communication and the aging process significantly." --Teresa Thompson, University of Dayton "The rich diversity of theoretical and methodological perspectives highlighted within the various chapters is an impressive feature of this edited collection. These essays add conceptual breadth and depth to our understanding of interpersonal communication and the process of aging." --Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin "This book is a valuable addition to the gerontological literature. Written from the perspective of the communication researcher, it brings together existing literature and offers new insights to gerontologists working in many social science disciplines. I recommend Interpersonal Communication in Older Adulthood as a resource to any scholars interested in older adults." --Victor G. Cicirelli, Professor of Developmental and Aging Psychology, Purdue University "This book is very timely. Communication is offering a new wave of aging research, and interpersonal processes in communication are where our experiences and our personal theories of aging are grounded. This book brings together many of the researchers who are breaking new ground in communication and aging. It offers a valuable overview of where we have gone in aging theory communicatively, and where we need to go. Interpersonal Communication in Older Adulthood demonstrates the rich diversity of methods and traditions of communication research that are beginning to illuminate gerontology." --Nikolas Coupland, University of Wales, Cardiff By highlighting the commonalities across a range of disciplines, Interpersonal Communication in Older Adulthood provides a unique and broad-based perspective on communication and aging. This integrative approach brings together the best of the current research and theory from communication, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, and medical sociology. The underlying framework of the book centers around three topics--cognition, language, and relationships--exploring the individual areas as well as the ways they intersect. In addition, this volume brings to light the implications of the elderly population's individual differences as they affect communication, and illustrates the positive as well as the negative effects of the aging process on language production, relational satisfaction, and other communication-related variables. This major reference source, Interpersonal Communication in Older Adulthood, is essential reading for anyone concerned with the issues of aging and communication.
Medical students encounter many challenges on their path to success, from managing their time, applying theory to practice, and passing exams. The Medical Student Survival Skills series helps medical students navigate core subjects of the curriculum, providing accessible, short reference guides for OSCE preparation and hospital placements. These guides are the perfect tool for achieving clinical success. Medical Student Survival Skills: History Taking and Communication Skills is a concise and compact guide to obtaining and recording medical histories and achieving positive patient interactions. The first section explores taking history--from initial introduction to identifying symptoms--and includes abdominal and chest pain, dizziness and vertigo, shortness of breath, sexual history, confusion and loss of memory. Essential patient communication skills and strategies for various situations are described in the second section, including angry patients, instances of drug and alcohol abuse, diabetes counselling and breaking bad news.
The topic of stem cells has a high profile in the media. We've made important advances in our scientific understanding, but despite this the clinical applications of stem cells are still in their infancy and most real stem cell therapy carried out today is some form of bone marrow transplantation. At the same time, a scandalous spread of unproven stem cell treatments by private clinics represents a serious problem, with treatments being offered which are backed by limited scientific rationale, and which are at best ineffective, and at worse harmful. This Very Short Introduction introduces stem cells, exploring what they are, and what scientists do with them. Introducing the different types of stem cells, Jonathan Slack explains how they can be used to treat diseases such as retinal degeneration, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, and spinal trauma. He also discusses the important technique of bone marrow transplantation and some other types of current stem cell therapy, used for the treatment of blindness and of severe burns. Slack warns against fake stem cell treatments and discusses how to distinguish real from fake treatments. He also describes the latest scientific progress in the field, and looks forward to what we can expect to happen in the next few years Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing offers a complete resource for information about dental sedation nursing. Updated to reflect the current National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) curriculum, the new edition provides essential information on the subject in an accessible format. The book starts by defining conscious sedation and discusses why dental sedation is used before moving on to discuss topics such as the medico-legal aspects, the dental nurse's role, equipment, patient selection, types of sedation, medical emergencies, and anatomy. Presents essential evidence-based information on dental sedation nursing Reflects the current NEBDN curriculum Supported by images to demonstrate the concepts discussed Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing is a useful manual for sedation nurses undertaking any of the NEBDN sedation qualifications, including the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing, City and Guilds or CACHE Dental Nursing qualifications, as well as for dental hygienists and therapists.
Framing Healthcare instruction: An Information Literacy Handbook for the Health Sciences is a step-by-step guide to integrating the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy into health sciences librarianship. Although this topic has been touched on briefly in previous publications, this book is dedicated exclusively to the unique considerations of the health sciences. With over fifty case studies describing explicit lesson plans and assessments, health sciences librarians who may be new to the Framework or are looking for ready-made lesson plans will find this guide easy to navigate and to apply to their own educational sessions. Multiple disciplines are covered, including: nursing, medicine, allied health, veterinary medicine, and more. In addition to the practical application of the case studies, the books covers in depth each part of the Framework and how it relates to students in the health science
Single best answer (SBA) questions have been introduced into the FRCR Part 2A examination of the Royal College of Radiologists in the UK for the first time. This book of 600 SBA questions and explanatory answers has been written to aid students preparing for the exam by current trainees in clinical radiology, coordinated through The Society of Radiologists in Training (SRT). Questions are grouped by topic and each topic is split into three papers of 70 questions, with explanations separated into chapters to enable readers to either attempt a whole mock exam paper or to browse question by question. The book is a bridge between a pure revision aid and a reference text, including a bibliography of useful references for further information. Candidates for other professional exams in Radiology will find the text useful, as will and those from other specialties wishing to explore the radiological aspects of their syllabus in greater depth. This is a companion volume to Final FRCR Part A Modules 4-6 Single Best Answer MCQs by the same team. |
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