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Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services > Hospital administration & management
Verschiedenen sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen wird mit Sozialmarketingkampagnen begegnet. Anhand dieser Kampagnen thematisieren bspw. Nonprofit-Organisationen und öffentliche Institutionen wichtige Problemfelder. Sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Praxis stehen der Herausforderung gegenüber, eine möglichst wirksame Ausgestaltung dieser unterschiedlichen Kampagnen zu entwickeln, damit diese eine intendierte Verhaltensänderung bestmöglich fördern. Julia Thaler gibt einen Überblick über bestehende wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Wirksamkeit von Sozialmarketing und analysiert theoretisch sowie mittels eines experimentellen Designs dessen Wirksamkeit, insbesondere die Ausgestaltung des zeitlichen und sozialen Framing im Kontext von prosozialem und individuellem Verhalten.
Technology plays a critical role in the management of health care, the system, its delivery and its organizations. This book examines the role of technology in the delivery of health care by physicians and other health care workers, and their respective roles in the management of health care technology. The complexity of the health care environment and the difficulties in managing technology in general (and in health care in particular) makes this book a landmark exploration for the purpose of creating in-roads into the largely uncharted territory of health care technology. The chapters in this book will introduce the horizons that are open for scholarly pursuit in this area. Managing Technology in Healthcare has two main objectives. First, to provide the reader with an overview of the main issues of concern and the topics of study in managing technology in health care. Second, to offer the reader specific knowledge embedded in the eleven chapters of the book, covering a broad range of topics of interest to health care and to R&D/technology scholars and practitioners.
Community development, planning and partnerships have become important terms in health promotion but, up until now, debate around these concepts have been discussed more in planning science than in public health literature. Roar Amdam draws on theories and new empirical evidence from local, regional and international planning and public health in order to develop a new model for health promotion: empowerment planning. Much health promotion planning has focused on top-down approaches, and while efforts to be participative are made, it is often without having a clear understanding of how community empowerment can be accommodated within health promotion programs. Amdam's innovative concept combines top-down and bottom-up approaches to enable people to take more responsibility for their own health and for individual and collective capacity building. Planning in Health Promotion Work is suitable for all students and researchers of health promotion and health planning and development, whilst the numerous applied examples make it an invaluable resource for policymakers and practitioners working in public health.
In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Workshop "Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin" durch erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen etabliert. Ziel ist auch 2012 wieder die Darstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse und die Vertiefung der Gesprache zwischen Wissenschaftlern, Industrie und Anwendern. Die Beitrage dieses Bandes - einige davon in englischer Sprache - umfassen alle Bereiche der medizinischen Bildverarbeitung, insbesondere Algorithmen, Hard- und Softwaresysteme sowie deren klinische Anwendung, u.a.: Bildgebung und -akquisition, Sichtbares Licht, Endoskopie, Mikroskopie, Visualisierung und Animation, Patientenindividuelle Simulation und Planung, Computerunterstutzte Diagnose, Biomechanische Modellierung, Computergestutzte Operationsplanung, Bildverarbeitung in der Telemedizin, Bildgestutzte Roboter und Chirurgische Simulatoren."
Healthcare is noted for using leading-edge technologies and embracing new scientific discoveries to enable better cures for diseases and better means to enable early detection of most life-threatening diseases. However, the healthcare industry globally, and in the US specifically, has been extremely slow to adopt technologies that focus on better practice management and administrative needs. Presently, healthcare is grappling with many challenges both nationally and globally, including escalating costs, a move to a preventative care environment, and a technologically savvy patient with high expectations. The Handbook of Research on Optimizing Healthcare Management Techniques is a pivotal reference source that provides an extensive and rich compilation of various ICT initiatives and examines the role that ICT plays and will play in the future of healthcare delivery. It represents ways in which healthcare delivery can be made superior and the healthcare industry can begin to address the major challenges it faces in the 21st century so that ultimately the most important person in the web of healthcare players, the patient, can be confident about receiving high-quality, cost-effective healthcare. While highlighting topics such as e-health, medical informatics, and patient value, this publication explores the role of supportive technologies as well as the methods of focused, patient-centric outcomes. This book is ideally designed for doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, medical staff, hospital directors, medical boards, IT consultants, health practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students.
This Briefs Series book illustrates in depth a concept of healthcare management engineering and its domain for hospital and clinic operations. Predictive and analytic decision-making power of management engineering methodology is systematically compared to traditional management reasoning by applying both side by side to analyze 26 concrete operational management problems adapted from hospital and clinic practice. The problem types include: clinic, bed and operating rooms capacity; patient flow; staffing and scheduling; resource allocation and optimization; forecasting of patient volumes and seasonal variability; business intelligence and data mining; and game theory application for allocating cost savings between cooperating providers. Detailed examples of applications are provided for quantitative methods such as discrete event simulation, queuing analytic theory, linear and probabilistic optimization, forecasting of a time series, principal component decomposition of a data set and cluster analysis, and the Shapley value for fair gain sharing between cooperating participants. A summary of some fundamental management engineering principles is provided. The goal of the book is to help to bridge the gap in mutual understanding and communication between management engineering professionals and hospital and clinic administrators. The book is intended primarily for hospital/clinic leadership who are in charge of making managerial decisions. This book can also serve as a compendium of introductory problems/projects for graduate students in Healthcare Management and Administration, as well as for MBA programs with an emphasis in Healthcare.
after heated and often bitter debates, SIEBENMANN'S opinion finally prevailed, i. e. , a contribution to cochlear lesions due to vibrations of the floor transmitted via bone conduction could not be demonstrated. For one thing, it was hard to see how appreciable amounts of energy could reach the ears in this manner, considering the attenuation that is bound to occur across each of the many joints along the pathway involved. In some older audiological surveys conducted in industry (e. g. , TEMKIN, 1933), groups of workmen were found who displayed signs of apical-turn lesions, i. e. , low-tone hearing losses for air and for bone. Such lesions could not be expected to results from exposure to air-borne sounds because of the low-frequency attenu ation of the middle ear. Although WITTMAACK'S explanation, which was frequently invoked in such reports, does no longer appear tenable, such apical-turn lesions could conceivably be caused by bone conduction components of high-intensity noise in the sense of BEKESY (1948). - As far as I am aware of, no newer studies have been conducted in this problem area, and the older experiments and/or surveys were done at times before signal parameters could be precisely controlled or measured. A detailed, critical review of the older studies on the potential contribution of bone-conducted energy to industrial hearing loss and its underlying pathology may be found in Werner (1940) who, incidently, favored SIEBENMANN'S point of VIew.
Contents: Classification of mental disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders. Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use. Schizophrenia, schizotypal, and delusional disorders. Mood (affective) disorders. Neurotic, stressrelated, and somatoform disorders. Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors. Disorders of adult personality and behavior. Appendix: categories of mental and behavioral disorders according to ICD-10. Index of case titles with ICD-10 classification codes. Index of ICD-10 classification codes with case titles. Index of diagnoses.
The third book in the Healthcare Payment Systems series, Prospective Payment Systems examines the various types of prospective payment systems (PPS) used by healthcare providers and third-party payers. Emphasizing the basic elements of PPS, it considers the many variations of payment for hospital inpatient and outpatient services, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, long-term hospital care, and rehabilitation facilities along with other providers. The book describes the anatomy of PPS, including cost reports, adjudication features and processes, relative weights, and payment processes. It outlines the features and documentation requirements for Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs), the Medicare Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs), Medicare HHPPS, Medicare Skilled Nursing Resource Utilization Groups (RUGs), and private third-party payers. Provides a framework for understanding and analyzing the characteristics of any PPS Discusses Medicare prospective payment systems and approaches Includes specific references to helpful resources, both online and in print Facilitates a clear understanding of the complexities related to PPS-covering specific topics at a high level and revisiting similar topics to reinforce understanding Complete with a detailed listing of the acronyms most- commonly used in healthcare coding, billing, and reimbursement, the book includes a series of case studies that illustrate key concepts. It concludes with a discussion of the challenges with PPS-including compliance and overpayment issues-to provide you with the real-world understanding needed to make sense of any PPS.
PATIENT FLOW: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery is dedicated to improving healthcare through reducing the delays experienced by patients. One aspect of this goal is to improve the flow of patients, so that they do not experience unnecessary waits as they flow through a healthcare system. Another aspect is ensuring that services are closely synchronized with patterns of patient demand. Still another aspect is ensuring that ancillary services, such as housekeeping and transportation, are fully coordinate with direct patient care. Past experience shows that effective management of healthcare delays can produce dramatic improvements in medical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and access to service, while also reducing the cost of healthcare. The 15 chapters of this book exposes the healthcare community of researchers, practitioners and administrators to a set of techniques and strategies that can be used by clinicians and administrators to substantially reduce delays in healthcare delivery. It is the first book treatment to have reduction in patient delay as its sole focus, and therefore, provides the foundation by which hospitals can implement change. Reflecting the highly interdisciplinary and practitioner nature of this book, the chapters have been written by doctors, nurses, industrial engineers, system engineers and geographers, and thus, these perspectives provide the comprehensive view needed to address the problem of patient delay. The book provides a "hands-on" discussion and methods for solving a variety of problems that inhibit prompt and swift health care delivery. Some examples are:
First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence examines Britain s highly acclaimed approach to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), and its international potential. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been regarded as a role model for the implementation of CEA, and is being closely watched by health care policy makers throughout Europe, and in the United States. This volume dissects the robustness of the agency s technology appraisal processes as NICE evaluates innovative methods for diagnosis and intervention. Given the unique features of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) starting with it being diagnosed mainly in children and adolescents, its high comorbidity with other psychiatric conditions, and its considerable economic impact the disorder is a perfect focal point for discussion. "
Reasons for Writing This Book The published literature on the economic appraisal of healthcare acquired infection (HAI) is described by phrases such as: "With so many virtues of the cost-benefit approach identified, it is perhaps puzzling why greater use of economic appraisal has not been made in the area of infection control" [1] "Clinicians should partner with economists and policy analysts to expand and improve the economic evidence available" [2] "the quality of economic evaluations should be increased to inform decision makers and clinicians" [3] "The economics of preventing hospital-acquired infections is most often described in general terms. The underlying concepts and mechanisms are rarely made explicit but should be understood for research and policy-making" [4] The aim of this book is to describe how economics should be used to inform decisi- making about infection control. Our motivation stems from the previous quotes which show economics is being used within the infection control community, but not to its full potential. Our expectation is that you do not have any formal training in economic analyses. Economic analyses have been used for many decades to argue for increased funding for hospital infection-control. In 1957, Clarke [5] investigated bed wastage in British hospitals due to Staphylococcus aureus in patient's wounds. She concluded .... "the average length of stay in hospital of patients whose wounds were infected with Staph.
This timely and important work looks at the collaborative health care model for the delivery of mental health care in a primary care setting. This has become the ideal model for the treatment of comorbid medical and psychiatric or psychological disorders. There is also an increased awareness that pharmacological intervention, the most frequently delivered intervention for psychological disorders, is often of limited effectiveness without concurrent specific psychological intervention. The book includes more than two dozen case studies, co-written by clinical psychologists and primary care physicians. It is essential reading for any psychology practitioner in a clinical setting, as well as for health care administrators.
Choices in Palliative Care brings together leading experts to spotlight core issues in the field and identify ways PC can fill gaps in current care systems. This far-sighted volume redefines palliative care as interdisciplinary and integrative, bridging acute and long-term care to respond to clients evolving needs. Those teaching health service delivery courses will find this material especially useful.
Depression and Globalisation is an important academic text on the political aspects of depression, specifically the relationship between globalisation and depression. In this text Dr. Walker reestablishes the link between mental health research and treatment, along with the political and economical influences outside the world of academic and clinical mental health. Overall, this book will accomplish the task of how closely and inextricably linked these diverse fields are and the way they operate together to produce not only a cultural representation of mental illness but influence the extent and type of mental distress in the 21st century.
Why some patients wait longer than others remains an important question. This book is a reference for health services researchers looking for statistical tools with which to study waiting times. The book offers detailed coverage of statistical concepts and methods for the analysis and interpretation of waiting-time data. It provides analysis from health services research perspective, rather than operations management, and contains a collection of examples.
It 's a core issue at the heart of elder care: while best-practice data exist for long-term care, quality of life as a concept, measure and standard for care outcomes remains elusive. The result of an ambitious European research initiative, the Care Keys Project addresses quality of life issues among frail, care-dependent seniors, taking their social as well as health needs into account. This resulting volume explains the theory behind Care Keys, its methodology, empirical findings, and practical considerations in promoting effective, efficient elder care aimed at social and emotional well-being and including disabled and cognitively impaired patients.
Proven to increase efficiencies in the manufacturing sector, Standard Work has become a key element in reducing process waste, ensuring patient safety, and improving healthcare services. Part of the Lean Tools for Healthcare Series, this reader-friendly book builds on the success of the bestselling, Standard Work for the Shopfloor. Standard Work for Lean Healthcare explains how to apply this powerful Lean tool to increase patient safety and reduce the cost of providing healthcare services. It illustrates how standardization can help you establish best practices for performing daily work and why it should be the cornerstone for all of your continuous improvement efforts. Presented in an easy-to-assimilate format, the book describes work in terms of cycle time, work in process, takt time, and layout. It also:
A joint effort between the Rona Consulting Group and Productivity Press, this book presents invaluable insights from pioneers in Lean thinking to help you avoid common mistakes that can lead to unnecessary wastes of time and resources. Each richly illustrated chapter includes a chapter summary, reflection questions, and margin assists that highlight key terms, how-to steps, and healthcare examples making this an essential resource for healthcare professionals starting out on their Lean journey. "
The facts are hard to ignore: rising rates of chronic disease, epidemic obesity and diabetes, a widening longevity gap between rich and poor, health care "reforms" at odds with patient interests. In response, Policy Innovations for Health argues that a nation's well-being mirrors the health of its citizens-and calls not only for improvement in our health care systems but for a complete reconceptualization of health and social policy, starting with expanded, interrelated roles for health care providers, consumers, and policymakers. The long-term strategies outlined in this book emphasize a stronger balance between public and individual health goals, and collaborations between cost-efficient, streamlined medical care and innovative therapeutic research and technology-values that have been traditionally been considered in conflict. Examples are included of new care models and groundbreaking programs from Canada, the EU, and Australia that bring together the community, consumer, governmental, and corporate sectors; bridge the gaps between prevention, health promotion, and practice; and improve core health determinants such as living conditions, education, and social supports. These social, political, medical, and technological advances, assert the authors, are crucial to meeting the challenges of the decades ahead. Among the topics covered: Health as a central economic and societal force. New directions in the monitoring of health and well-being. "Integrating Health in all Policies" programs and how they can be implemented. The democratization of health knowledge and the expanding role of patient participation. Closing the financial divide in public health priority-setting. Policy Innovations for Health adds important new voices to the health care debate, and its vision will inspire professionals in health policy, health administration, health economics, and global health, as well as graduate students planning to enter these rapidly changing fields.
The definitive guide to clinical leadership, by Dickon Weir-Hughes, the Chief Executive of the NMC. Dickon takes a unique slant on the teaching of Leadership and Management through an A-Z format, making this subject very accessible. The book provides a helpful and practical summary of the key leadership principles within healthcare. Dickon has drawn on his personal experience of the 'sharp end' of clinical leadership in a number of organisations. Utilising his experience as a leadership programme facilitator, mentor and coach. he understands the need for students and practitionners to grasp leadership concepts and terminology, to assess their competence against such a framework and to have some suggestions for taking forward personal development. This book fulfils that in and accessible and novel way.
Of previous editions: '... breaks new ground in its readability ... It is concise, wise, and firmly pragmatic'. British Medical Journal 'Since it was first published in 1994, Peter Tate's The Doctor's Communication Handbook has been essential reading to improve GP registrars' communication skills'. Practical Diabetes International This bestselling title has established itself as the ultimate guide to patient communication for all doctors, whatever their experience and wherever they practice. Highly respected by many and acclaimed for its light, conversational tone, this completely updated and expanded eighth edition remains a key text for doctors at all levels and in all settings, particularly candidates sitting for the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Key features: Unique and accessible approach to this vital and frequently poorly practiced aspect of medicine Addresses the change in practice where traditional doctor consultations are increasingly being done by other health professionals, including nurse practitioners and paramedics Reflects the dissolution of the primary/secondary care boundary, and the increasing importance of shared responsibility for patient communication in clinical and social care Covers the new types of consultation including telephone triage and virtual consultation and the associated risks and benefits Retains all the features praised in previous editions brevity, readability and humour As patients become participants, doctors are increasingly adjusting to new roles and forms of communication from orators and governors to confidants and interpreters. The Doctor's Communication Handbook continues to provide an invaluable 'one stop shop' to help students, practicing doctors, nurses and other healthcare practitioners value and improve their skills in this area.
There is little debate that health care in the United States is in need of reform. But where should those improvements begin? With insurers? Drug makers? The doctors themselves? In Big Med, David Dranove and Lawton Robert Burns argue that we're overlooking the most ubiquitous cause of our costly and underperforming system: megaproviders, the expansive health care organizations that have become the face of American medicine. Your local hospital is likely part of one. Your doctors, too. And the megaproviders are bad news for your health and your wallet. Drawing on decades of combined expertise in health care consolidation, Dranove and Burns trace Big Med's emergence in the 1990s, followed by its swift rise amid false promises of scale economies and organizational collaboration. In the decades since, megaproviders have gobbled up market share and turned independent physicians into salaried employees of big bureaucracies, while delivering on none of their early promises. For patients this means higher costs and lesser care. Meanwhile, physicians report increasingly low morale, making it all but impossible for most systems to implement meaningful reforms. In Big Med, Dranove and Burns combine their respective skills in economics and management to provide a nuanced explanation of how the provision of health care has been corrupted and submerged under consolidation. They offer practical recommendations for improving competition policies that would reform megaproviders to actually achieve the efficiencies and quality improvements they have long promised. This is an essential read for understanding the current state of the health care system in America-and the steps urgently needed to create an environment of better care for all of us.
Community development, planning and partnerships have become important terms in health promotion but, up until now, debate around these concepts have been discussed more in planning science than in public health literature. Roar Amdam draws on theories and new empirical evidence from local, regional and international planning and public health in order to develop a new model for health promotion: empowerment planning. Much health promotion planning has focused on top-down approaches, and while efforts to be participative are made, it is often without having a clear understanding of how community empowerment can be accommodated within health promotion programs. Amdam's innovative concept combines top-down and bottom-up approaches to enable people to take more responsibility for their own health and for individual and collective capacity building. Planning in Health Promotion Work is suitable for all students and researchers of health promotion and health planning and development, whilst the numerous applied examples make it an invaluable resource for policymakers and practitioners working in public health.
The book provides comprehensive, practical guidelines on the responsibilities of those who lead, co-ordinate and manage volunteers in small hospices, large specialist palliative care units, and in general hospitals with palliative care teams. Volunteers are key workers, who often perform difficult and important work. In the United Kingdom alone there are thousands of volunteers in hospice work, a small proportion doing work with patients, and the vast majority doing equally valuable work such as driving, sitting with relatives, manning charity shops and telephones. As a result, Europe, Australia, the United States and Canada are very interested in the United Kingdom's use of volunteers. Aimed primarily at Voluntary Services Managers in small hospices, large specialist palliative care units, and in general hospitals with palliative care teams, this updated second edition covers volunteer selection, training, supervision and support, and legal and ethical considerations. Information is presented in an easily accessible way, using key points, summary panels and checklists. This book will also appeal to the volunteers themselves. |
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