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Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services > Hospital administration & management
Die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen fur Krankenhauser werden anspruchsvoller. Eine qualitativ hochwertige medizinische Versorgung mussen die Verantwortlichen aber weiterhin gewahrleisten. Dass dies mit geschicktem Management durchaus moglich ist, zeigen die Beispiele in diesem Buch. Die Stellhebel, die Klinik-Managern generell zur Verfugung stehen, um die Leistungs- und Wettbewerbsfahigkeit ihrer Hauser zu verbessern und sie fit fur die Zukunft" zu machen, werden in kompakter Form dargelegt. Anschliessend wird dieses Know-how um nutzwertige Co-Autoren-Beitrage aus der Praxis erganzt: erfahrene Klinikmanager und Spezialisten aus der Gesundheitswirtschaft nehmen hier zu ausgewahlten Herausforderungen der Branche Stellung und skizzieren, wie sie diese angegangen sind und welche Erkenntnisse sich aus ihrem" Einzelfall verallgemeinernd ableiten lassen."
Die Kenntnis des Schwerbehindertenrechts ist fur alle AErzte in Klinik und Praxis von grosser Bedeutung. Immer wieder werden Fragen zur Begutachtung an sie herangetragen, die sie ohne spezielle Kenntnisse nicht beantworten koennen. Hier finden Sie die Antworten. Die Autoren erlautern theoretische Grundlagen und das Schwerbehindertenrecht in der Praxis. Sie benennen Grenzen und Fehlerquellen der Begutachtung. Zudem erlautern sie die Materie aus sozialgerichtlicher Sicht und gehen auf die Rolle koerperlicher und seelischer Stoerungen im Schwerbehindertenrecht ein. Sie aussern sich zu den sozialmedizinischen Aspekten des Schwerbehindertengesetzes und zur Zukunft des Schwerbehindertenrechts. Plus: Begutachtungsrichtlinien mit GdB/ MdE-Tabellen.
Good communication is at the heart of strategies for effective health promotion and public health. At a time when lifestyle and preventable diseases are still on the rise, practitioners are in need of the skills to deliver effective health messages to the right audience, at the right time. Responding to this demand, Working on Health Communication provides a practical guide to the process of designing, implementing and evaluating campaigns. The book follows the campaign design process step-by-step. It covers every stage from selecting theoretical models and identifying the message and target audience, right through to running the campaign and evaluating its success. "Real-life examples" of actual campaigns are used throughout to show how theoretical ideas work in practice. Working on Health Communication is ideal for students and practitioners in public health, health promotion and other health-related areas who are working on health campaigns.
The question of how to allocate scarce medical resources has become an important public policy issue in recent decades. Cost-utility analysis is the most commonly used method for determining the allocation of these resources, but this book counters the argument that overcoming its inherent imbalances is simply a question of implementing methodological changes. The Economics of Resource Allocation in Health Care represents the first comprehensive analysis of equity weighting in health care resource allocation that offers a fundamental critique of its basic framework. It offers a critique of health economics, putting the discourse on economic evaluation into its broader socio-political context. Such an approach broadens the debate on fairness in health economics and ties it in with deeper-rooted problems in moral philosophy. Ultimately, this interdisciplinary study calls for the adoption of a fundamentally different paradigm to address the distribution of scarce medical resources. This book will be of interest to policy makers, health care professionals, and post-graduate students looking to broaden their understanding of the economics of the health care system.
Die zweite, voellig uberarbeitete Auflage des Buches beschaftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen und Zielen, mit den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und Optionen Betrieblicher Gesundheitspolitik. Weitere Themen sind Standards und wichtige Einzelthemen des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements wie z. B. Mitarbeiterbefragungen und Kennzahlenentwicklung. Im Zentrum stehen die Arbeits- und Organisationsbedingungen, ihre Diagnose und gesundheitsfoerderliche Gestaltung. Zentrale Konzepte sind dabei Fuhrung, Sozialkapital, Sinnhaftigkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit der Arbeit sowie Mitarbeiterorientierung.
Analysing Health Care Organizations seeks to link the world of health policy and management with the academic field of organization studies in a novel and additive way. It outlines the main developments in UK health care management apparent over the last thirty years and explores how they might be (re)seen with the application of some important organizational theories and perspectives. This book draws out contemporary and enduring themes from current literature on health care organization and considers them from a range of theoretical perspectives. Drawing on robust areas of research and some key academics who contribute to work in this field, it is a book relevant both to experts in the field and to those seeking to develop an understanding of health care organization from a theoretical perspective. Analysing Health Care Organizations provides a state of the art introduction foundation for subsequent works that will extend its content; providing a broad introductory overview of this theoretical terrain and setting the scene for further research.
The modern-day practice of health care was imported into Nigeria over 500 years ago. In 1947, the first national health plan was developed in Nigeria with the primary goal of providing universal health care (UHC), but this goal remains elusive to date. This comprehensive book presents the roadmap needed to attain UHC in Nigeria and offers a blueprint for achieving high-quality health care in the nation. Starting with a brief overview of the Nigerian state, the fundamentals of health care, including the challenges to affordable quality healthcare delivery, the author critically examines the healthcare system in Nigeria and offers specific recommendations to invigorate the system and improve interprofessional collaborations. Each chapter includes case studies to allow readers to contextualize the information presented and behavioral learning objectives to test readers' knowledge. Among the topics covered: The Organizational Structure and Leadership of the Nigerian Healthcare System The Vulnerabilities of the Nigerian Healthcare System The Spectrum of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Emerging Developments in Traditional Medicine Practice in Nigeria The Plight of Persons Living with Disabilities: The Visible Invisibles in Nigeria A Comparative Analysis of the Health System of Nigeria and Six Selected Nations Around the World A Qualitative Investigation of the Barriers to the Delivery of High-Quality Healthcare Services in Nigeria The Political and Economic Reforms Needed to Achieve Universal and High-Quality Health Care in Nigeria Reimagining the Nigerian Healthcare System to Achieve Universal and High-Quality Health Care by 2030 The Nigerian Healthcare System: Pathway to Universal and High-Quality Health Care is ideal for adoption as a textbook in health services administration, health policy and management, health informatics, healthcare delivery systems, and primary health care courses offered at universities in Nigeria. It also would appeal to students and faculty in African diaspora programs internationally. The book is also essential for policymakers, health systems technocrats, researchers, and professionals in various health disciplines, including medicine, nursing, and allied health.
Die Mitarbeiterbefragung als Instrument der Feedbackgewinnung und Organisationsentwicklung wird in grossen und mittleren Unternehmen zunehmend haufiger eingesetzt. In vielen Fallen wird es aber versaumt, die nach der eigentlichen Befragung notwendigen Follow-up-Massnahmen zu ergreifen. Dadurch bleiben Erkenntnisse ungenutzt, wichtige Veranderungen werden nicht angeschoben und die Unzufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter steigt. Mittlerweile erkennen die Verantwortlichen, dass das zeit- und kostenaufwandige Verfahren MAB nur dann nachhaltig wirksam ist, wenn Folgeprozesse bereits von Beginn an eingeplant und nach der Befragung konsequent durchgefuhrt werden. In der Praxis besteht zur Zeit eine grosse Nachfrage, wie man ein gutes Follow-up gestaltet. Dieses Buch beschreibt - aufbauend auf den Grundlagen zur Durchfuhrung einer Mitarbeiterbefragung - praxisnahe Tools fur die Steuerung der Folgeprozesse und stellt konkrete Firmenbeispiele vor. Es schliesst eine Lucke in der Literatur und ist ein unverzichtbarer Werkzeugkasten fur alle, die Mitarbeiterbefragungen durchfuhren oder beratend tatig sind."
Organizational Behavior in Health Care, Fourth Edition is specifically written for health care managers who are on the front lines every day, motivating and leading others in a constantly changing, complex environment. Uniquely addressing organizational behavior theories and issues within the healthcare industry, this comprehensive textbook not only offers in-depth discussion of the relevant topics, such as leadership, motivation, conflict, group dynamics, change, and more, it provides students with practical application through the use of numerous case studies and vignettes. Thoroughly updated, the Fourth Edition offers: - Two chapters addressing demographic shifts and cultural competency and their importance for ensuring the delivery of high quality care (Ch. 2 & 3) - New chapter on change management and managing resistance to change. - New and updated content (modern theories of leadership, teaming, etc), and case studies throughout.
The growing number of networks delivering healthcare, and professionals learning together to improve care, has created a need for new kinds of management and leadership. This timely book highlights key lessons for network leaders in a world where care must increasingly be managed through partnerships and networks as a response to complex health needs requiring better solutions across health economies. Using their own research and case studies, the authors set out the context: why networks are here to stay; the benefits: why networks work well and for what; the difference between networks and hierarchies and when to use each form to improve care and learn; the different types of network; and how to lead a network effectively. Written for health and social care professionals wanting to set up or currently leading a network, this book by two leading experts is practical, informative, but theoretically grounded. Also useful for academics teaching health care leadership, it includes practical diagnostic materials and up to date examples from care sectors world-wide.
Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader's legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. By building trust and generating enthusiastic support from their subordinates, authentic leaders are able to improve individual and team performance. Many scholars and practitioners of authentic leadership say that the number one quality of an authentic leader is self-awareness. Self-aware leaders are transformational. Armed with self-awareness they build engaging, cooperative teams. How to gain and sustain self-awareness is the focus of the book. This book addresses current leadership challenges in health care and gives leaders guidelines for finding, living and sharing their authentic voice at home and at work. It is a much needed handbook to give current leaders perspective and practical tips to being more authentic, communicating more effectively while building engaging rapport across the organization. Additionally, a focus of the book is patient satisfaction. With a focus on nurse and physician leadership, this book provides new perspectives and action plans to increase patient satisfaction through communication that speaks to the needs of the patient in authentic and engaging ways.
In Industriel ndern ist der Einsatz von Pharmaka fester Bestandteil des Alltags. Der Verbleib dieser Stoffe nach ihrer Verwendung sowie die Entsorgung ungebrauchter Produkte sind wichtige Fragen, die unmittelbar aus der Bef rchtung m glicher Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt erwachsen. Der Titel "Heil-Lasten" spiegelt die ambivalente Rolle der Pharmaka wider. Standortbestimmung und Diskurs zum aktuellen Informationsstand und weiteren Forschungsbedarf.
The best healthcare organizations have developed effective approaches to develop compelling strategic visions and strategies based on long-term thinking and continue to apply Lean principles across their organizations to create a culture of continuous improvement. Establishing effective strategies and Toyota style Hoshin Kanri enables healthcare organizations to align everyone in the organizations and creates a unique competitive advantage. This book follows a regional hospital's journey through the creation of long-term strategic goals and Toyota Style strategy deployment.
Leading Reliable Healthcare describes 'state of the art' healthcare management systems. The key focus of the publication is 'reliable'; describing how leadership can ensure never less than reliable standards of care for patients and how excellence can be achieved. The focus throughout is on ensuring that patients and their families can depend on a reliable healthcare system for their needs, fulfilling their expectations that hospitals are trustworthy, stable and capable of dealing with their health, from the simplest to the most complex illnesses. Each of the chapters focuses on a different aspect of building a reliable healthcare system, concentrating on the leadership necessary to deliver and manage the different component elements of the healthcare system. The nominated contributors for this book are recognized leaders from various healthcare systems around the globe, including the UK, USA, Canada and South Korea/Singapore. The contributors have been selected to ensure a wide perspective of healthcare management, building on diverse approaches, practices and experiences, and are currently practicing healthcare management in their respective systems. The book aims to focus on the pragmatic rather than theoretical and will provide a series of practical methodologies and case studies to help improve decision making in healthcare management. With contributions by: Sallie J. Weaver, PhD, MHS, Associate Professor, Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality and Dept. of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine, John Hopkins University School of Medicine Susan Mascitelli, Senior Vice President, Patient Services & Liaison to the Board of Trustees, New York-Presbyterian Hospital Dr. Sandra Fenwick, Chief Executive Officer, Boston Children's Hospital Martin A. Makary, MD, MPH, Professor of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Professor of Health Policy and Management, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Frank Federico, RPh, Vice President, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Dr. Hanan Edrees, Manager, Quality Management, KAMC-Riyadh Dr. Hee Hwang, CIO and Associate Professor; Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of pediatric Neurology, Center of Medical Informatics Dr. M. Andrew Padmos, Chief Executive Officer, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Professor Richard Hobbs, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, Director, NIHR English School for Primary Care Research, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford Ms. Jules Martin, Managing Director, Central London Clinical Commissioning Group Dr. Bruno Holthof, Chief Executive Officer, Oxford University Hospitals Tara Donnelly, Chief Executive, Health Innovation Network, South London Goeran Henriks, Chief Executive of Learning and Innovation, Qulturum, County Council of Joenkoeping, Sweden
The Definitive Guide to Complying with the HIPAA/HITECH Privacy and Security Rules is a comprehensive manual to ensuring compliance with the implementation standards of the Privacy and Security Rules of HIPAA and provides recommendations based on other related regulations and industry best practices. The book is designed to assist you in reviewing the accessibility of electronic protected health information (EPHI) to make certain that it is not altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner, and that it is available as needed only by authorized individuals for authorized use. It can also help those entities that may not be covered by HIPAA regulations but want to assure their customers they are doing their due diligence to protect their personal and private information. Since HIPAA/HITECH rules generally apply to covered entities, business associates, and their subcontractors, these rules may soon become de facto standards for all companies to follow. Even if you aren't required to comply at this time, you may soon fall within the HIPAA/HITECH purview. So, it is best to move your procedures in the right direction now. The book covers administrative, physical, and technical safeguards; organizational requirements; and policies, procedures, and documentation requirements. It provides sample documents and directions on using the policies and procedures to establish proof of compliance. This is critical to help prepare entities for a HIPAA assessment or in the event of an HHS audit. Chief information officers and security officers who master the principles in this book can be confident they have taken the proper steps to protect their clients' information and strengthen their security posture. This can provide a strategic advantage to their organization, demonstrating to clients that they not only care about their health and well-being, but are also vigilant about protecting their clients' privacy.
Dieses Buch setzt sich mit der Fuhrung der in Medizinbetrieben
Beschaftigten auseinander. Ausgehend von allgemeinen Grundlagen
werden branchenspezifische Probleme der Personalfuhrung in
Medizinbetrieben dargestellt und Erfolgsfaktoren sowie
Losungsansatze z. B. fur arztliche Praxen, Institutsambulanzen,
Tageskliniken, poliklinische Ambulanzen, medizinische
Versorgungszentren, Praxiskliniken, Krankenhauser, Belegabteilungen
an Krankenhausern, Rehabilitationskliniken, Pflegeheime,
Rettungsdienste und Gesundheitsamter beschrieben.
Written by industry professionals: a workplace safety specialist in conjunction with a practicing physician and medical manager. Provides recommendations for assessing hospital safety practices as well as specific suggestions for behavioural interventions. Brings a systematic approach to healthcare safety, identifying common problems through illustrative case studies and offering solutions. Offers several different perspectives including patient safety, doctor safety, and administrator safety.
The Handbook of Medical Leadership and Management couples the essentials of clinical leadership with a practical approach to help healthcare professionals be effective clinical leaders and managers. Beginning with a theoretical analysis it then focuses on practical ways of being a good manager and leader and the day-to-day requirements of a consultant working within a multi-professional clinical team. This is an essential resource for all those leading and managing a clinical team and those who aspire to lead, covering a broad understanding of the requirements of effective leadership. This includes quality care, patient safety, how to ensure good outcomes, using data for improvement, commissioning services and developing business cases, as well as the development of person-centred care and the education of the next generation of leaders.
As new information and communication technologies (NICTs) increasingly reorganize our practices and influence our daily lives, there is a pressing need to study their impact in the field of hospital logistics and to question their future use. Hospital Logistics and e-Management presents an inventory of the health information system, and deals with informational and logistical issues with regard to medical information. Through two case studies of hospital logistics systems which have drawn on academic research, this book examines how powerful decision support tools can improve the quality of patient service and logistics organization. The first case study deals with the influx of patients to emergency services and service organization, and the second with the optimization of product collection and distribution flows.
Das bekannte Lehrbuch zur Physik und Technik der kernmagnetischen Resonanz liegt jetzt auch in deutscher Sprache vor. Es beschreibt den physikalischen Hintergrund der Scan-Methoden und ihren Einsatz in der medizinischen Diagnostik. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch neue Wege und Verfahren aufgezeigt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt der Behandlung von Artefakten und ihrer mathematischen Beschreibung. Das Buch ist mit vielen Illustrationen zu Scan-Verfahren, wie z.B. RARE, GRASE, EPI, Balanced FFE und Spiralscan ausgestattet. Detaillierte Aussagen A1/4ber Echoamplituden in Multi-Echosequenzen, wie TSE, FFE und BURST sind in einem besonderen Kapitel mit Hilfe der Konfigurationstheorie ausfA1/4hrlich abgehandelt. Eine kurze EinfA1/4hrung in die Geschichte der MR-Bildgebung rundet dieses Buch ab.
Examining the health care market in a historical framework, Drake analyzes the forces and events that have shaped American health care in the twentieth century and sheds new light on why and how our health care system has dampened competitive market forces and failed to provide sound value for much of our health care expenditures. He examines the roles that physicians, hospitals, insurance companies, businesses, individual consumers, and government legislation have played in creating a provider-dominated market in which the cost of care has been concealed from consumers. Comparing U.S. health care expenditures with those of other developed countries, he concludes that a significant part of our health care problem is the style of medicine practiced in the United States, which is much more specialized and high tech than in other developed nations. Drake develops proposals for health care financing reform that consider the political and economic difficulties involved. He first examines the Clinton health care reform plan and makes specific recommendations for revisions that would improve its likelihood of controlling costs. He then offers an alternative proposal that would both maintain the principle of universal, noncancelable coverage and eliminate the flaws in the market for health care services by giving consumers a financial stake in cost containment. This timely argument, combining economic and historical analysis with thoughtful consideration of the motivating humanitarian and political concerns, will be of interest to everyone seeking to understand and to reform our ailing health care system.
Mediziner, Gesundheitsokonomen, -politiker, Verbraucherschutzer und Juristen diskutieren lebhaft die Entwicklung und Folgen eines expandierenden Systems privat zu finanzierender medizinischer Zusatzleistungen. Vielfach kennen Patienten ihre Rechte bei Individuellen Gesundheitsleistungen (IGeL) nicht. Kritiker befurchten, Arzte nutzten das in sie gesetzte Vertrauen aus, um Patienten allein im finanziellen Eigeninteresse unnutze Leistungen aufzudrangen. Dabei sind IGeL auch vor dem Hintergrund einer fortschreitenden impliziten Rationierung im Gesundheitswesen zu sehen. Die vorliegende Studie setzt sich umfassend mit den rechtlichen Vorgaben fur Angebot und Inanspruchnahme von IGeL auseinander. Das umfangreiche Pflichtenspektrum bei der IGeL-Erbringung wird vor dem Hintergrund der vielfaltigen sozial- und haftungsrechtlichen Regelungen grundlegend analysiert und mit dem der klassischen Heilbehandlung verglichen. Die Ergebnisse bieten eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage fur aktuelle und zukunftige Bemuhungen um einen sachgerechten Ausgleich der Interessen und Bedurfnisse von Arzt und Patient. " |
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