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Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services > Hospital administration & management
Expertly mixing theory with practice, this text makes a unique and important contribution to the area of health management. Through examples and case studies drawn from across Europe, Managing for Health explores the management challenge in public health policy and offers pointers to equip students of health management and public health managers with the necessary perspectives and skills to function effectively in the twenty-first century. The book takes a uniquely comparative perspective on the issues of health improvement and the struggle between the needs of acute care providers, such as hospitals and those that provide preventative measures to promote health. The key issues addressed by this book include:
This comprehensive and balanced textbook is an essential read for students and those engaged with health management, public health and public management .
Expertly mixing theory with practice, this text makes a unique and important contribution to the area of health management. Through examples and case studies drawn from across Europe, Managing for Health explores the management challenge in public health policy and offers pointers to equip students of health management and public health managers with the necessary perspectives and skills to function effectively in the twenty-first century. This book takes a comparative perspective on the issues of health improvement and the struggle between the needs of acute care providers, such as hospitals and those that provide preventative measures to promote health. The key issues addressed by this book include:
This comprehensive and balanced textbook is an essential read for students and those engaged with health management, public health and public management .
Chart a Course to Excellence Sponsored by The American College of Physician Executives A much-needed, practical guide to giving and receiving feedback . . . a guide that is essential to the successful conduct of one of humanity's most important activities?productive conversation. Managing relationships, building trust, and communicating effectively are all essential skills to improving performance and ensuring the quality of patient care. This timely book offers the tools and techniques necessary to face the challenges of being a leader and resolving conflicts to produce win-win outcomes. Irwin M. Rubin and Thomas Campbell show how to eliminate the pitfalls of traditional feedback approaches and enhance the win-win quality of all communication. With vignettes, a case study, and pithy cartoons, the authors detail two dynamic tools to help chart a course to excellence in giving and receiving championship-level feedback. Their integrated four-phase feedback model and practical behavioral tools provide the ingredients essential to plan for and learn from our daily experiences.
Is leadership just a fashion that is blowing through the healthcare sector and will blow out again? Is it just new fancy language to describe what has always happened in hospitals, surgeries, and schools across the land? The authors think not, and there are many reasons why leadership - across the organization and across healthcare networks - needs to be taken seriously. Clear and convincing with practical applications, Leadership for Healthcare includes a systematic literature review of the academic and policy literature of healthcare leadership in the UK in the last 10 years. The book provides an evidence-based framework which synthesizes the literature from health services management and business. It draws out lessons for policy, practice, and future research in the area of leadership in healthcare, and it provides a clear 'road map' of the terrain of leadership which will help to avoid some of the pitfalls, fallacies, and fantasies about leadership.
The theory behind the PDU model is outlined and the key principles underpinning it are identified. The PDU approach is clearly differentiated from the Nursing Development Unit model. Implementation of key principles is explored in depth, with reference to specific work carried out in the PDU. Issues of evaluation, potential future developments and applications of the PDU model are also discussed. The book is for nurses and other practitioners working in PDUs and NDUs, and for health professionals in any setting with an interest in clinical innovation, practice development, research and leadership of multi-professional teams.
We invest more in health care than ever before, yet we are more anxious about doctors, hospitals, and the NHS in general. As perceptions of patients' rights have expanded, so has the transparency of the difficult choices that are routine. Government has become more critical of the NHS and the public less willing to wait for treatment. Why does demand for health care consistently exceed supply and how should Government manage the problem? There is a danger that improved rights for the strong and articulate will ignore less visible, or unpopular interests. How should the rights of elderly patients, or children, or those with terminal illnesses be balanced? Who should decide: the government, doctors, NHS managers, citizens, or the courts? How should decision-makers be held accountable, and by whom? How should governance regulate the NHS? As patients become 'consumers' of medical care, what choice do they have as to how, where, and when they will be treated; and should this include hospitals abroad? This completely revised new edition puts patients' rights into their political, economic and managerial contexts. It considers the implications of the Bristol Inquiry and the rhetoric of patients as 'consumers' of care. In balancing the rights of individuals with those of the community as a whole, it deals with one of the most pressing problems in contemporary society.
This unique text is the first to explore leadership in the context of healthcare systems across Europe. It investigates leadership and management learning against the backdrop of increasing European parliamentary influence, the expansion of EU membership, and the increasing number of patients, staff, governments and healthcare employers viewing Europe as a single market for healthcare provision and employment. This book: contains new research on leadership in healthcare; takes a unique European perspective; bridges the gulf between the worlds of academia and practicing management. Written by leading authority Neil Goodwin, this timely book provides an assessment of the literature as well as practical guidance for developing personal leadership. It includes case studies and examples and is a must buy for all students studying health management, leadership and public management as well as professionals within health services across Europe. This is the fourth text in the Routledge Health Management series.
In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Workshop "Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin" durch erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen etabliert. In ubersichtlicher Form wird das breite Spektrum universitarer und industrieller Anwendung und Forschung dargestellt. Dieser Band enthalt 131 Beitrage, davon einige in englischer Sprache, u. a. zu folgenden Themen: Segmentierung, Registrierung, Visualisierung, Optische 3D-Sensoren in der Medizin, bildgebende Diagnostik, Mammographie, Mikroskopie und Endoskopie sowie Bilderzeugung in der Mikromedizin. "
Mit wachsender Komplexitat des Versorgungssystems gewinnt die Erfassung gesundheitsbezogener Daten an Bedeutung. Der Band versammelt die Diskussionsergebnisse des Hauptstadtsymposiums der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (Juni 2008). Darin geht es um den Umgang mit Routinedaten, die die Versorgung psychisch kranker Menschen in Deutschland abbilden, die relevante Veranderungen erfassen und eine valide Grundlage fur die Qualitatssicherung und die gesundheitsokonomische wie -politische Diskussion liefern."
Im Jahr 2009 verabschiedete der Deutsche Bundestag das Gesetz ber
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mithilfe sachkundiger Beratung. Das Handbuch erl utert beratenden
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Kriterien und behandelt neben den medizinischen und juristischen
auch die ethischen, weltanschaulichen und religi sen Aspekte einer
Patientenverf gung.
Leistungstrager wollen leistungsgerecht gefuhrt werden Personalakquisition * Wie ermittle - und begrunde - ich den Personalbedarf? * Wie wahle ich die richtigen Mitarbeiter aus? Personalfuhrung und -entwicklung * Welcher Fuhrungsstil passt zu welchem Mitarbeiter? * Wer passt zu welchen Aufgaben am besten? * Gehaltsverhandlung * Arbeitsrecht: Arbeitszeitmodelle, Gleichstellung, Korruption ... * AErzte aus dem Ausland * OEkonomie und Ethik Gesundheitsfoerderung - physisch und psychisch * Altersgerechte Arbeitsbedingungen * Konflikt-Management * Mobbing: Pravention, Kosten ... Zukunftsfahigkeit - Veranderungen gestalten * Change-Management * Prozessverbesserung * Diversity-Management - soziale Vielfalt konstruktiv nutzen Das essentielle Know-how fur alle AErzte, die Fuhrungsverantwortung tragen - oder demnachst ubernehmen werden.
Ulrich Franke geht auf die Schwierigkeiten des Kapitalmarktzugangs fur Non-Profit-Unternehmen ein und analysiert, inwieweit ABS als Eigenkapital schonende Finanzierungsform eingesetzt werden kann. Grundlage fur die Diskussion verschiedener Ansatze in Deutschland bieten die ausfuhrlich dargelegten Erfahrungen in den USA und in anderen Landern."
Mit den Medizinischen Versorgungszentren hat der Gesetzgeber eine Versorgungsform geschaffen, die mehr Kooperation, aber auch Wettbewerb er ffnen soll. Nicht wenige der neuen Regelungen sind jedoch mit anderen Vorgaben des Gesundheitswesens nur unzureichend abgestimmt. Dadurch entstehen in der Rechtsanwendungspraxis erhebliche Probleme f r Berater und potentielle Betreiber. Ziel des Buches ist es, diese Probleme aufzuzeigen und wo m glich, L sungsans tze anzubieten.
Das Buch richtet sich an Gynakologen, die in vertrauter Sprache und Form Antworten auf spezifische juristische Fragen und Probleme suchen. Die gemeinsame Erarbeitung durch einen Juristen und Gynakologen erlauben eine hohe Praxisrelevanz bei gleichzeitiger juristischer Genauigkeit. Typische Situationen und Probleme des gynakologischen Alltags in Klinik und Praxis werden juristisch durchleuchtet. Sofort umsetzbare Antworten werden erganzt durch Checklisten und Praxistipps. Zukunftige Entwicklungen wie der Einfluss des europaischen Rechts auf die tagliche Arbeit oder auch Netzstrukturen werden berucksichtigt. Ein detailliertes Stichwortverzeichnis erleichtert das Auffinden der entsprechenden Themen. Das Buch richtet sich an Gynakologen aber auch an Arzte in der gynakologischen Weiterbildung in Klinik, Praxis und Verwaltung, um insbesondere Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf juristische Fragen dieses Fachgebietes zu nehmen. "
Angestossen durch die Publikation "To Err is Human" des Institute of Medicine aus dem Jahre 2000 fokussiert sich die Diskussion uber Qualitatssicherung im Gesundheitswesen immer starker auf das Thema Patientensicherheit. Ein gezieltes Risikomanagement kann diese erhoehen und damit als wesentlicher Teil eines umfassenden Qualitatsmanagements fungieren. Krankenhausinterne Fehlerberichtssysteme (CIRS) stellen ein wichtiges Instrument des Risikomanagements zur Sammlung und Analyse von Zwischenfallen, Komplikationen, Fehlern und Beinahe-Fehlern dar. Die vorliegende Schrift verfolgt das Ziel, die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Critical Incident Reportings de lege lata und de lege ferenda zu ermitteln und bietet eine umfassende Darstellung der in diesem Zusammenhang aufgeworfenen Rechtsfragen.
Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis stellen in diesem Buch die Grundlagen und Besonderheiten des Business-to-Business-Marketing fur Profifussballvereine umfassend und verstandlich dar."
Planung, Gestaltung und Steuerung von Behandlungsleistungen im Krankenhaus Mit der Einfuhrung des G-DRG-Systems gilt fur die strategische und operative Planung und Gestaltung von Krankenhausleistungen: Der Einzelfall und nicht der tagesgleiche Pflegesatz, der Behandlungsprozess und nicht das Bett sind die neuen Planungskategorien. Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch nachvollziehbar, was Leistungsmanagement bieten muss: - Erkennen von Marktpotenzialen und Einflussfaktoren - Behandlungsstufen - und Prozessgestaltung, - Definition von Ergebnisqualitatszielen - Sicherstellung und Messung der Ergebnisqualitat. Das G-DRG System sowie der Katalog der ambulanten Operationen und stationsersetzenden Massnahmen fuhren zu kurzfristigen Kapazitatsanpassungen und Organisationsveranderungen im Leistungsgeschehen der Krankenhauser. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen erstmals Schritt fur Schritt wie Sie vorgehen mussen, um ihr Leistungsgeschehen optimal zu planen, zu gestalten und zu steuern, um im Wettbewerb um Patienten erfolgreich zu sein."
The Emergence of Modern Hospital Management and Organisation in the World 1880s-1930s uses a range of empirical evidences and case studies drawn from previously unpublished archival sources to offer one of the first international comparative studies on the transformation and modernization of hospital management globally, a century ago. Focusing in the key years between the 1880s and the 1930s, when millions of people crossed the globe and created new large health care needs in the largest cities of the world, Paloma Fernandez-Perez analyzes core themes from a business history perspective, like organization, ownership and the professionalization of management, to reach a new understanding about the history of modern large scale healthcare institutions from the United States to China, with particular attention to Spain. The book analyses how varying institutional factors, as well as specific national elements, have influenced the application of Taylorist ideas about standardization, efficiency, and productivity, to large scale hospitals. It also demonstrates the complexities in the dissemination of Taylorist styles of management in large hospitals in the world, by presenting the diversity of situations and how they depended not just on national differences but also on the balance of power of interest groups in private and public hospitals.
The true story of an A&E doctor that became a huge word-of-mouth hit. Forget what you have seen on Casualty or Holby City, this is what it is really like to be working in A&E. Dr Nick Edwards writes with shocking honesty about life as an A&E doctor. He lifts the lid on government targets that led to poor patient care. He reveals the level of alcohol-related injuries that often bring the service to a near standstill. He shows just how bloody hard it is to look after the people who turn up at the hospital door. But he also shares the funny side - the unusual 'accidents' that result in with weird objects inserted in places they really should have ended up - and also the moving, tragic and heartbreaking. It really is an unforgettable read.
Applies the Principles of Informatics to the Pharmacy Profession Emphasizes Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement Approaches Leading the way in the integration of information technology with healthcare, Pharmacy Informatics reflects some of the rapid changes that have developed in the pharmacy profession. Written by educators and professionals at the forefront in this field, the book shows how informatics plays a central role in providing productive and efficient healthcare services. After defining pharmacy informatics, the text explores the information and biomedical technologies that are the drivers of change. It then discusses the basics of maintaining the reliability and security of computers in a connected world, the need for standardization in the healthcare industry, and effective strategies for searching, evaluating, and managing the wide variety of information resources available today. The next section covers the types of information systems that exist in hospitals and pharmacies, including bar coding. The book then presents tools for evidence-based practice, computerized clinical pharmacokinetics methods, clinical decision support, and data mining methods to improve therapy, reduce adverse outcomes, and cut costs. The final section examines various developments driven by the Internet and how current informatics solutions must evolve to maximize their potential. The continual growth and increasing complexity of therapeutic information necessitate new ways for effectively handling medical data and ultimately providing better patient care. This book discusses how these changes affect pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists, preparing them for what lies ahead in this evolving field.
Der Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) ist das oberste Beschlussgremium der gemeinsamen Selbstverwaltung von Vertragsarzten, Krankenhausern und Krankenkassen. Er legt massgeblich fest, welche Leistungen der medizinischen Versorgung von der GKV erstattet werden. Das vorliegende Werk setzt sich mit dem Normsetzungsinstrument der Richtlinie auseinander. Besondere Beachtung findet dabei die Frage der Einordnung der Richtlinien in die Rechtsquellensystematik und die Problematik der demokratischen Legitimation des G-BA zur Normsetzung. Daran schliesst sich eine ausfuhrliche Darstellung der Verfahren zur Integration neuer Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden in die ambulante und stationare Versorgung an. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Vorgehensweise des G-BA beim Richtlinienbeschluss auf der Grundlage seiner Verfahrensordnung erlautert. Dabei spielen die Grundsatze der evidenzbasierten Medizin und Gesundheitsversorgung eine besondere Rolle. "
This graduate-level text on rehabilitation and mental health counseling disseminates foundational knowledge of assessment principles and processes with a focus on clinical application. Written by recognized leaders in rehabilitation and mental health, it is the only book to use the World Health Organization's International Classification of Disability, Functioning, and Health framework to integrate assessment tools and techniques addressing practice with varied populations and settings.Chapters-written by leading practitioners with specialized knowledge-focus on specific populations and service delivery settings. The book features a variety of learning tools to foster critical thinking, including learning objectives and case examples highlighting important principles and applications. Sample reports and templates further reinforce understanding of specific applications. A robust instructor package offers PowerPoints, discussion questions, a test bank, and activities. Purchase includes access to the ebook for use on most mobile devices or computers. Key Features: Provides the only comprehensive view of assessment in rehabilitation and mental health using the ICF framework Integrates assessment tools and techniques for both rehabilitation and mental health in diverse settings Written by recognized leaders in the field of rehabilitation and mental health Includes learning objectives and case examples highlighting important principles and applications Presents sample report templates and completed reports to strengthen integration and presentation of test results Offers a robust instructor package with PowerPoints, discussion questions, test bank, and activities
Das Buch richtet sich an Chirurgen, die in vertrauter Sprache und Form Antworten auf spezifische juristische Fragen und Probleme suchen. Die gemeinsame Erarbeitung durch einen Juristen und Chirurgen erlauben eine hohe Praxisrelevanz bei gleichzeitiger juristischer Genauigkeit. Typische Situationen und Probleme des chirurgischen Alltags in Klinik und Praxis werden juristisch durchleuchtet. Sofort umsetzbare Antworten werden erganzt durch Checklisten und Praxistipps. Zukunftige Entwicklungen wie der Einfluss des europaischen Rechts auf die tagliche Arbeit oder auch Netzstrukturen werden berucksichtigt. Ein detailliertes Stichwortverzeichnis erleichtert das Auffinden der entsprechenden Themen. Das Buch richtet sich an Chirurgen aber auch an Arzte in der chirurgischen Weiterbildung in Klinik, Praxis und Verwaltung, um insbesondere Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf juristische Fragen dieses Fachgebietes zu nehmen. "
Advances in health information technology (health IT) have the potential to improve the quality of healthcare, to increase the availability of health information for treatment, and to implement safeguards that cannot be applied easily or cost-effectively to paper-based health records. However, the digitization of health information is also raising new privacy risks and concerns. Sensitive health information in digital form is more easily aggregated, used, and shared. In addition, the rising cost of healthcare and the search for efficiency may create incentives to use the information in new ways. Research has consistently shown that while the public sees the potential value of health information exchange and technological advancements, it remains gravely concerned about the privacy of their sensitive health information. As a result, it is becoming increasingly clear that ensuring public trust will be critical to the successful implementation of nationwide health information exchange. The purpose of this second edition is two-fold: 1) to educate readers about privacy concepts and 2) highlight key privacy issues facing the nation and the healthcare community as it moves towards electronic health records and health information exchange. The first three chapters are descriptive in nature, defining privacy and distinguishing it from security, defining the complex legal landscape for health information privacy, and setting the stage for the following chapters by describing the current landscape of the evolving healthcare environment. The following chapters discuss specific privacy issues and challenges in detail. The book concludes with a chapter providing a view to the future of healthcare and the association privacy implications. This is an updated version of one of HIMSS' best-selling books on information privacy.
Healthcare transformation requires us to continually look at new and better ways to manage insights - both within and outside the organization today. Increasingly, the ability to glean and operationalize new insights efficiently as a byproduct of an organization's day-to-day operations is becoming vital to hospitals and health systems ability to survive and prosper. One of the long-standing challenges in healthcare informatics has been the ability to deal with the sheer variety and volume of disparate healthcare data and the increasing need to derive veracity and value out of it. Demystifying Big Data and Machine Learning for Healthcare investigates how healthcare organizations can leverage this tapestry of big data to discover new business value, use cases, and knowledge as well as how big data can be woven into pre-existing business intelligence and analytics efforts. This book focuses on teaching you how to: Develop skills needed to identify and demolish big-data myths Become an expert in separating hype from reality Understand the V's that matter in healthcare and why Harmonize the 4 C's across little and big data Choose data fi delity over data quality Learn how to apply the NRF Framework Master applied machine learning for healthcare Conduct a guided tour of learning algorithms Recognize and be prepared for the future of artificial intelligence in healthcare via best practices, feedback loops, and contextually intelligent agents (CIAs) The variety of data in healthcare spans multiple business workflows, formats (structured, un-, and semi-structured), integration at point of care/need, and integration with existing knowledge. In order to deal with these realities, the authors propose new approaches to creating a knowledge-driven learning organization-based on new and existing strategies, methods and technologies. This book will address the long-standing challenges in healthcare informatics and provide pragmatic recommendations on how to deal with them. |
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