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Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services > Hospital administration & management
The tech sectors are the least understood portion of the healthcare system, but the ones that supply most of the innovation in healthcare services and generate most revenue. Fully updated for this third edition, The Business of Healthcare Innovation is a wide-ranging analysis of business models and trends in the tech sectors of the healthcare industry. It provides a thorough overview of and introduction to the innovative sectors that fuel improvements in healthcare: pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, life science startups, medical devices and information technology. For each sector, the book examines the trends in scientific innovation, the science behind that innovation, the business and revenue models pursued to commercialize that innovation, the regulatory constraints within which each sector must operate and the growing issues posed by activist payers and consumers. From a combination of academic and industry perspectives, the authors show why healthcare sectors are such an important source of growth in any nation's economy.
Featuring New Expert Contributing Authors From Across The Country, This Timely Revision Addresses All The Important Topics In The Effective Management Of Public Health Departments And Agencies. Using A Practical, Nontheoretical Approach, The Book Is Ideal For The Hands-On Management Of These Complex Organizations And Their Daily Operations. The Third Edition Has Been Thoroughly Revised With New Case Studies As Well As The Following New Chapters: - Chapter 2 Leadership And Governance - Chapter 16 Public Health Performance Standards - Chapter 17 Continuous Quality Improvement - Chapter 18 Accreditation - Chapter 21 Social (Electronic) Media - Chapter 28 Starting A Health Board In The 21St Century The Text Is Accompanied By A Complete Package Of Instructor Resources Including A Transition Guide, Instructor's Manual, Testbank, And Powerpoint Slides.
This textbook has been created to support the journey from emerging registered healthcare professional through to becoming a competent frontline care setting manager. It considers the seminal theories and research into leadership and management and places them firmly into the healthcare context providing the reader with thorough and robust guidance in the application of the knowledge base in the subject area. Key features: Integration of theory and practice using Action Points and case studies throughout Includes perspectives from a wide range of healthcare settings and professional groups Each chapter includes 'Guidance on good practice' showing what high-quality care and effective change looks like Written by a vastly experienced author, practitioner and educator, this latest book from Neil Gopee is essential reading for nursing, health and social care students taking modules on leadership, management and transition to practice in their final year. It is also ideal for newly qualified professionals or those moving into band 5 or 6 roles with managerial responsibilities.
Das mitwirkende Verschulden im Zivilrecht wird gemeinhin als spezielle Auspragung des Grundsatzes von Treu und Glauben verstanden. Die Arbeit versucht, den Normbezug des Mitverschuldens am Beispiel der Arzthaftung nachzuweisen. Ausgehend vom versicherungsrechtlichen Begriff der Obliegenheit werden typische Fallgruppen schadensvermeidenden und schadensmindernden Patientenverhaltens entwickelt.
The application of audit to resource allocation and clinical practice has emerged as a fundamental principle in Western medical systems over recent years. Used effectively, audit can have wide-ranging benefits for both the patient and the practitioner, in terms of resource management and quality of care. This book reviews the concepts behind audit and the approaches that individual specialties take. First, the book describes the philosophy of audit and the requirements of various agencies such as the Department of Health and the Royal College of Surgeons for audit. Second, the book outlines the specific requirements of the major specialties and third, the book gives practical suggestions for the development of an audit strategy. There are comparisons between audit performed in the United Kingdom and that performed in the United States and Sweden. Further, the need to consider the relationship between resource management and medical audit particularly with reference to the data requirements is emphasized. Throughout the book the concept of "completing the loop," i.e.the need to effect change from the audit activity is discussed as well as the educational value of audit. The editors have stressed that there are no hard and fast rules in creating an audit strategy and as yet there are few experts.
Electronic health records are widely regarded as the 'connective tissue' of any modern healthcare system. For some they represent a 'dangerous enthusiasm' and for others a key enabler of 'disruptive innovation'. Many governments have made major policy and financial investments in digitalizing health records but their implementation has frequently run into opposition from doctors, had lukewarm responses from patients, and raised considerable concerns for privacy advocates and others worried by the security of sensitive health data and the risks of national data-bases. This book draws upon the concept of 'orders of worth' to reveal the moral dimensions of the medical division of labour and to delve deeper into understanding why electronic records have been so difficult to implement and the sources of opposition to them. The authors argue that digitalization disrupts the moral orders which define rights and responsibilities for the sharing and exchanging of patient medical data. This is illustrated through longitudinal studies of two of the most controversial attempts to introduce national systems - a patient controlled electronic record in Australia and a national summary care record that was part of the ill-fated NHS national program for IT in England. The authors conclude by using the lessons from these national experiences and insights from two regional projects in each country to suggest how the idea of electronic records might be re-thought. It is a must read for anyone concerned about health information and the implications of how it is shared and exchanged in a digital world.
Written by experts from around the globe, this book presents explains technical issues and clinical applications. It includes collective experiences from rehabilitation service providers in different parts of the world practicing a wide range of telerehabilitation applications. This book lays the foundations for the globalization of telerehabilitation procedures, making it possible for rehabilitation service to be delivered anywhere in the world.
This volume provides a theoretical framework for visionary leadership as well as specific management techniques to achieve success. The authors focus on maintaining a consistent set of behavioral characteristics for both the leader and the organization as a whole. The text is written in a conversational style using the authors' personal experiences and case studies to illustrate the principles and practices of successful leaders. When helpful, the large body of observational work on professional group dynamics is referenced. The text also provides ideal supplemental material for the many leadership programs offered by physician organizations and health care systems Developed by an accomplished physician leader from one of the nation's finest hospital systems and an experienced professor of business, The Best Medicine: A Physician's Guide to Effective Leadership is of great value to physicians of all levels who are interested in improving their understanding of leadership styles and tactics.
The key issues of the health care system are often conceptualised as involving three basic dimensions: the quality of health care provided; access to the health care system and the cost of health care. This book presents studies of two distinct types of reform that have been implemented to reduce the 'trade offs' arising from the 'unholy trinity'. The first focuses upon attempts to reorganise existing institutions in order to make them more effective and cost-efficient. The second considers the move toward 'evaluation research', that is, more critically evaluating health care treatments and outcomes to make sure that treatments are effective and cost-efficient.
Looking at the current turmoil facing contemporary healthcare systems worldwide, resulting from relentless imposition of financially-based performance indicators, the author argues that a return to a values-based approach to healthcare will create positive transformation. Writing from the fresh perspective of social anthropology, the author takes a highly pragmatic approach to practice, emphasizing the importance of values such as compassion, solidarity and social justice. He suggests that without being able clearly to identify the values and goals that unite their members, healthcare organizations are unlikely to be able to meet the demands of the constant and varied pressures they face, and explains how individuals at every level in healthcare can contribute in practical ways to positive change within their organizations. This much-needed and very accessible book will be essential reading for anyone interested in a better approach to healthcare reform, from clinicians and nurses, to managers and policy makers, as well as the interested reader.
Unbemannte Flugsysteme (unmanned aerial systems, UAS) in der medizinischen Versorgung einsetzen - was fur viele noch ein wenig futuristisch klingt, ist aktuell Gegenstand mehrerer Projekte in Deutschland. UEber 20 Autoren verschiedenster Fachgebiete prasentieren in diesem Buch ihre Erfahrungen, Analysen und Ergebnisse als interdisziplinares Positionspapier. Sie stellen den Status quo der UAS-Entwicklung in Deutschland vor, entwickeln Anwendungsszenarien fur unbemannte Flugsysteme in kunftigen medizinischen Versorgungskonzepten, identifizieren die wichtigsten Innovationsbarrieren bei der Umsetzung in aktuellen Strukturen der Gesundheitsversorgung und zeigen Wege zu ihrer UEberwindung auf. Dabei werden sowohl versorgungsstrukturelle, technische, rechtliche, gesetzliche als auch konzeptionelle Barrieren und Fragestellungen thematisiert. Den Experten gelingt es, die komplexen Inhalte aus den vier Themengebieten zur medizinischen Versorgung, Richtlinien, UAS-Technik sowie zur Entwicklung kunftiger Betriebskonzepte verstandlich zu machen. Angesprochen werden alle Akteure des Innovationsprozesses um medizinische UAS. Fur kunftig standardisierte Einsatze zahlen darunter politische Akteure mit Richtlinienkompetenz, medizinische Anwender und Kaufleute des Versorgungssystems, wie auch Entwickler von UAS-Technik und Infrastruktur im Gesundheitssektor.
Gesprache koennen Menschen miteinander verbinden oder auch entzweien. Egal ob zwischen Arzt und Patient, Partnern, Eltern und Kindern, Freunden oder Arbeitskollegen - jede noch so alltagliche Unterhaltung kann negative oder aber auch positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Beteiligten haben. So koennen Gesprache ebenso verletzen, entmutigen und demotivieren wie auch versoehnen, Mut machen, motivieren oder troesten.Dieses Buch beleuchtet die besondere Bedeutung eines guten Arzt-Patienten-Gesprachs in der Sprechstunde - auch oder gerade, weil fur AErzte die Zeit pro Patient immer knapper wird. Die Autorin zeigt mit einem ganzheitlichen Blick, welche Rahmenbedingungen und moeglichen Stoerfaktoren das Gesprach wechselseitig beeinflussen und wie sich gelungene Kommunikation auf das koerperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Konkrete Beispiele veranschaulichen, wie Arzt und Patient zu einem guten Austausch auf Augenhoehe kommen und somit bereits das Gesprach Teil der Medikation und des Heilungsprozesses werden kann.Eine Lekture fur alle, die erfahren moechten, wie das persoenliche und direkte Gesprach zu einem Medikament ohne Nebenwirkungen werden kann.
Wie kann man als Fuhrungskraft arztliche Weiterbildung in der eigenen Abteilung oder Praxis optimieren? Wie lassen sich Arbeits- und Lernbedingungen unter den aktuellen Gegebenheiten so gestalten, dass aus Assistenzarzten fahige und engagierte Facharzte werden? Dieses Essential erlautert pragnant und fundiert drei bewahrte psychologische Theorien, mit deren Hilfe arztliche Fuhrungskrafte Weiterbildung in ihrem direkten Einflussbereich so effektiv wie moeglich gestalten koennen, und gibt hilfreiche Tipps zur praktischen Umsetzung im Berufsalltag.
Qualitatsmanagement in Krankenhausern bedarf in einer Zeit massiven Personal- und Finanzmangels eines Paradigmenwechsels. Personal- und kostenintensive kommerzielle QM-Systeme sind nicht mehr zeitgemass, einfache Loesungen hingegen erforderlich. Die medizinischen Fachabteilungen sind deshalb mehr denn je gefordert, Qualitatsmanagement und damit verbunden Patientensicherheit im Kontext ihrer originaren Aufgabe, der Sicherung hoher Behandlungsqualitat, erfolgreich umzusetzen. Dieses essential stellt ein einfaches Konzept auf Basis der Identifizierung von Defiziten und der Bereitstellung von Praxistipps zur Optimierung vor. Handliche Checklisten erleichtern die Umsetzung im Klinikalltag.
All the forms, handouts, and records mental health professionals need to meet documentation requirements-fully revised and updated The paperwork required when providing mental health services continues to mount. Keeping records for managed care reimbursement, accreditation agencies, protection in the event of lawsuits, and to help streamline patient care in solo and group practices, inpatient facilities, and hospitals has become increasingly important. Now fully updated and revised, the Fourth Edition of "The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook" provides you with a full range of forms, checklists, and clinical records essential for effectively and efficiently managing and protecting your practice. The "Fourth Edition" offers: Seventy-two ready-to-copy forms appropriate for use with a broad range of clients including children, couples, and familiesUpdated coverage for HIPAA compliance, reflecting the latest The Joint Commission (TJC) and CARF regulationsA new chapter covering the most current format on screening information for referral sourcesIncreased coverage of clinical outcomes to support the latest advancements in evidence-based treatmentA CD-ROM with all the ready-to-copy forms in Microsoft(R) Word format, allowing for customization to suit a variety of practices From intake to diagnosis and treatment through discharge and outcome assessment, "The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook, Fourth Edition" offers sample forms for every stage of the treatment process. Greatly expanded from the "Third Edition," the book now includes twenty-six fully completed forms illustrating the proper way to fill them out. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Die Open Access Publikation nimmt die Mobilisierung von Gesundheit als Kategorie in den Fokus. Dem pragmatischen Zugang zu Digitalisierung und Gesundheit der Economie des Conventions folgend, wird situativ aufgezeigt, welche Rolle bestehende und neue Formen, Konventionen und Objekte spielen, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Transformationen. Der Sammelband setzt sich damit von einer salutogenetischen oder pathologischen Betrachtungsweise, die den bisherigen soziologischen Blick auf Gesundheitsverhaltnisse mitunter gepragt hat, ab und zeichnet die Pluralitat der Konventionen im Gesundheitsfeld nach.
If you believe that the latest blockbuster medication is worth a
premium price over your generic brand, or that doctors have access
to all the information they need about a drug's safety and
effectiveness each time they write a prescription, Dr. Jerry Avorn
has some sobering news. Drawing on more than twenty-five years of
patient care, teaching, and research at Harvard Medical School, he
shares his firsthand experience of the wide gap in our knowledge of
the effectiveness of one medication as compared to another. In
"Powerful Medicines, "he reminds us that every pill we take
represents a delicate compromise between the promise of healing,
the risk of side effects, and an increasingly daunting price. The
stakes on each front grow higher every year as new drugs with
impressive power, worrisome side effects, and troubling costs are
introduced. "From the Hardcover edition."
Das essentials widmet sich der systematischen Kategorisierung des Marketings in der Gesundheitswirtschaft, welches durch eine Vielzahl an Zielgruppen, Akteuren, Zielsetzungen und Produkten bzw. Dienstleistungen gekennzeichnet ist. Es zielt auf eine praxisorientierte konzeptionelle Einordnung dieses Marketings auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage ab. Hierzu werden thematisch relevante Begriffe erlautert und Kategorisierungen nach verschiedenen Dimensionen vorgenommen. Zudem erfolgt eine Darlegung und Adaption von Marketingansatzen zur Verwendung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Als Ergebnis werden Leitfragen und eine Bezugsmatrix erstellt, die ein systematisches Vorgehen fur angewandtes Marketing in Wissenschaft und Praxis der Gesundheitswirtschaft ermoeglichen.
Patientensicherheit wird - auch im Kontext von Krisen wie Corona - zum beherrschenden Thema fur die notwendige Neupositionierung des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland. Dieses Buch setzt bei der Analyse der Rahmenbedingungen an und fokussiert auf einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz von Patientensicherheit unter Beteiligung von Versorgern, Vertretern der Gesundheitspolitik, der AErzteschaft und den Krankenkassen, aber auch unter Einbindung von Patienten und Angehoerigen. Es werden neue Versorgungskonzepte, innovative Managementstrategien sowie zielfuhrende Instrumente zur Gewahrleistung hoher Versorgungsqualitat und Patientensicherheit vorgestellt. Zahlreiche Handlungsoptionen, Praxistipps und Fallbeispiele stellen den Praxisbezug zur Umsetzung insbesondere fur die AErzteschaft her. Ein Glossar mit wichtigen Begriffen, vor allem zur Information von Patienten und Personal der Versorgungseinrichtungen, rundet das Buch ab.
Implement change that fosters sustainable growth and better patient care Health care projects depend on astute management of change. But more than anything else, they depend on leaders who pay attention, who understand the importance of starting right, and who know how to launch projects that succeed. If leaders can increase the percentage of successful projects, patients, and practitioners everywhere will be better off and so will the organizations that depend on these projects for innovation. In Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations: Managing Successful Projects. Author David A. Shore of the Harvard School of Public Health speaks directly to the health care leaders and managers who see the need for change, but keep encountering nearly insurmountable challenges. Through his research, Shore discovered that most implementation failures occur because of a poor launch, and that strengthening processes and operations during the early weeks of a new project is a key to continued success. The book covers issues like: * The preliminary groundwork that cultivates a stronger launch * Systematic and selective project selection * Building the team that accomplishes change * Skill-building and record-keeping systems that foster sustainable growth Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations gives leaders and managers the practical, easy-to-implement ideas and methodologies to start and manage projects successfully.
"Provides hands-on samples of forms, policies, and procedures that can be easily customized, reproduced, and implemented in a medical practice. The manual is designed for all medical practices, regardless of organizational size, type, or specialty mix and provides practical tools that all providers, administrators, supervisors, and staff can use"--Provided by publisher. |
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