Books > Humanities
Van al die gebeure in die Kaapkolonie gedurende die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog het die teregstelling van Hans Lötter, asook dié van kmdt. Gideon Scheepers, die meeste emosie onder Afrikaners ontketen. Lötter en sy mederebelle in die Kolonie het die verbeelding van die plaaslike bevolking aangegryp en die Britte maande lank hoofbrekens besorg. Sy gevangeneming, verhoor en teregstelling deur ’n Britse vuurpeloton op Middelburg, Kaap, het groot woede en verontwaardiging veroorsaak en hom verewig as Boeremartelaar in die Afrikaner-volksoorleweringe. Nou word sy boeiende verhaal vir die eerste keer volledig vertel.
The brilliant and provocative new book from one of the world’s foremost political writers.
In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it?
It’s become perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What’s more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human-rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy.
In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows the ways in which many well-meaning people have been lured into polarisation by lies, and shows how far the world’s most crucial political debates have been hijacked across Europe and America. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and hypocritical activism, The War on the West is an essential and urgent polemic that cements Murray’s status as one of the world’s foremost political writers.
The New Century Youth Bible, first published in 1993, has
consistently been among the top three selling Bibles in the UK.
This revised edition brings the Youth Bible right up-to-date for
the twenty-first century. Whilst retaining the original Anglicized
text, this revised edition has over 25 of its Life Files replaced
or updated. There are also new categories on subjects such as
music, euthanasia and the environment.
A collection of edited life story interviews conducted with 25 current and past residents of Wentworth, Durban, that illustrates the social history of this historically ‘çoloured’ township.
This history from below documents the formation of the townships in the late 1950s and its history through the life experiences of the 25 residents during various periods. The book illustrates the wide diversity of the members of this black South African community in terms of origin, ancestry, class, educational qualifications, political outlook, self-identification, primary concerns, political activism, contribution to society, social impediments suffered, etc. that refute generalisations made about the ‘race’ to which they belong.
The life stories also illustrate the impact of major transformations, such as the advent of democracy, on members of this community.
You deserve to stop suffering because of what other people have done to
Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing
offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like
this, but you don't know what to do next. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled
through this journey. But in surprising ways, she’s discovered how to
let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving
people who aren’t willing to make things right.
With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming
out of more than 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa will help you:
- Learn how to move on when the other person refuses to
change and never says they're sorry.
- Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from
the hurt of your past and feel less offended today.
- Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and
the peace that comes from living it out right now.
- Identify what's stealing trust and vulnerability from your
relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead.
- Disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by
embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.
Who or what is a public intellectual and how are they created? What
is the role of the public intellectual in social, cultural,
political and academic contexts? What are the kinds of questions
they raise? What compels intellectuals to put forward their ideas?
The Fabric of Dissent: Public Intellectuals in South Africa is a
pioneering volume, representing a rich tapestry of South Africans
who were able to rise beyond narrow formulations of identity into a
larger sense of what it means to be human. Each brief portrait
provides readers with an opportunity to consider the context,
influences and unique tensions that shaped the people assembled
here. In its entirety, the book showcases an astonishing array of
achievements and bears testimony to the deep imprint of these
public intellectuals. As South Africans continue to grapple with
their past, present and future, it is clear that the insights of
these remarkable people into reimagining an inclusive society
continue to be relevant today.
A new, but ancient, way to pray can turn your life around. Discover
how to experience God's love at your core, freeing you to love
others, and even yourself. When biblical scholar and coach Brian
Russell discovered centering prayer at a difficult crossroad in his
life, he had no idea how his life would change. "Sensing God's love
for me has been so transformational that it almost feels as though
I've experienced conversion all over again," he writes. He became
calmer, less anxious, less reactive, freed of past wounds, and a
better listener in the presence of others. Centering prayer, also
known as the prayer of silence, helps you quiet your mind from the
constant thoughts and impulses, and frees your true self to
experience more of God's love in the very core of your being. This
inviting guide gives you practical tools to make centering prayer a
consistent habit in your life, gives the history and theological
foundation for the practice, and helps identify and overcome common
obstacles. Beginners, as well as seasoned practitioners, will gain
inspiration, rich insight, and practical knowledge of a
contemplative prayer practice that can open you up to deep
experiences of inner healing and peace.
Marthie Voigt (nooi Prinsloo) is in 1931 in Suidwes-Afrika gebore;
die vierde van ses kinders. Wat volg is ’n groot avontuur. Marthie
word groot in die wye en ongetemde vlaktes van Angola. Die
Prinsloo-gesin trek baie rond agter goeie weiding en gesonder
toestande aan. Die lewe in ongerepte Angola het ook sy gevare en
Marthie beleef groot hartseer toe haar sussie op 19 sterf aan
malaria. Nadat Marthie trou met Carl-Wilhelm Voigt en hulle hul
gevestig het op haar skoonouers se koffieplaas, begin die onheil in
Angola roer. Ongelukkig breek daar oorlog uit en die Voigts moet
hulle plaas net so los. Hulle speel ’n groot rol daarin om
vlugtelinge uit Angola te versorg. Marthie Voigt het haar
ongelooflike herinneringe aan hierdie historiese en persoonlike
gebeurtenisse neergeskryf sodat wanneer ’n mens dit lees, dit
glashelder voor jou geestesoog afspeel. ’n Wonderlike lewensverhaal
uit die pen van ’n sterk, intelligente vrou.