Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Family & other relationships > Intergenerational relationships
MARY COUGHLAN AND MANY OTHERS. What was life like for Ireland's
grandparents when they were young? What has changed for the better?
What values do they wish to hand down? In these pages, grandmother
and chronicler of times past Valerie Cox talks to fellow
grandparents, creating an unforgettable trip down memory lane.
Through schooldays, dating, jiving, child-rearing, working life,
holidays, fashion and more, memories are shared of a pre-digital
age when the world seemed smaller and community life was central.
They also describe the magic of the grandparent-grandchild
relationship, and their hopes for the upcoming generation. Full of
tender or surprising reminiscences from across Ireland, along with
revelations on what truly matters in life, When I Was Your Age
includes contributions from some of Ireland's best known
grandparents - a beautiful gift and a time capsule for the future.
El secreto del exito de la crianza de los hijos ya salio
Los estudios psicologicos afirman lo que la Biblia siempre ha
dicho: los ninos necesitan el amor que Dios nos dice que debemos
darles (Tito 2.4). Y los padres desean el respeto que la Escritura
dice claramente que es nuestro derecho (Exodo 20.12).
"Amor y respeto en la familia" es una guia practica para ayudar
a romper el ciclo loco de los conflictos familiares y reemplazarlo
con un ritmo energizante y saludable. Basado en lo que dice la
Biblia a los padres acerca de la crianza, este libro se centra en
el logro de una dinamica familiar saludable. En este libro el Dr.
Eggerichs nos ofrece, con una transparencia sin precedentes, la
aportacion de su esposa y de sus tres hijos mayores de edad,
quienes comparten la sabiduria adquirida en lo bueno, lo malo y lo
feo de su vida familiar.
Todo esta aqui en esta exploracion reveladora de los principios
biblicos sobre la crianza de los hijos que pueden ayudar a que las
familias funcionen como Dios manda.
"The secret to parenting success is out "
"Amor y respeto en la familia"" "gives practical guidance to
help break the Crazy Cycle of family conflict and replace it with a
healthy, energizing rhythm. Based on what the Bible says to parents
about parenting, this book focuses on achieving healthy family
This highly original book argues for increased recognition of
pregnancy, birthing and childrearing as social activities demanding
simultaneously physical, intellectual, emotional and moral work
from those who undertake them. Amy Mullin considers both parenting
and paid childcare, and examines the impact of disability on this
work. The first chapters contest misconceptions about pregnancy and
birth such as the idea that pregnancy is only valued for its end
result, and not also for the process. Following chapters focus on
childcare provided in different circumstances and on the needs of
both providers and receivers of care. The book challenges the
assumption that isolated self-sacrifice should be the norm in
either pregnancy or childcare. Instead reproductive labor requires
greater social support. Written from the perspective of a feminist
philosopher, the book draws on the work of, and seeks to increase
dialogue between, philosophers and childcare professionals,
disability theorists, nurses and sociologists.