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Books > Law > International law > Public international law > International law of transport & communications
Written by eminent international judges, scholars and practitioners, this book offers a timely study of China's role in international dispute resolution in the context of the construction of the 'Belt and Road Initiative' (BRI). It provides in-depth analysis of the law and practice in the fields of international trade, commerce, investment and international law of the sea, as they relate to the BRI construction. It is the first comprehensive assessment of China's policy and practice in international dispute resolution, in general and in individual fields, in the context of the BRI construction. This book will be an indispensable reading for scholars and practitioners with interest in China and international dispute resolution. It also constitutes an invaluable reference for anyone interested in the changing international law and order, in which China is playing an increasingly significant role, particularly through the BRI construction.
From the time it was first published in 1998, Shipping and the Environment has been the leading text on international and US law and practice in this field. Written by renowned legal and insurance practitioners with over 100 years of combined specialist experience, including first-hand knowledge of many major incidents, it is not only a comprehensive reference work but an abundant source of introductory material and practical insights, all explained with a clarity appreciated by lawyers and non-lawyers alike in a broad international readership. While updating its core subjects of pollution from ships, wreck removal and dumping at sea, this enlarged text extends into other modern areas including pollution from offshore operations after Deepwater Horizon, plastics released into the sea, recycling of vessels, polar operations, and the fast-changing restrictions on carbon emissions from ships, as well as safety threats such as cyberattacks, terrorism and modern forms of piracy. With a highly readable introductory chapter amounting to a book within a book, this is a volume of great importance to all whose work or studies are concerned with marine environmental affairs, whether in government, international bodies, industry, technical organizations, the professions, environmental NGOs, the academic world or other walks of life.
Der Autor untersucht die Grenzen internationaler Schiedsvereinbarungen im Hinblick auf international zwingende Sachnormen (sog. Eingriffsnormen). Kann die Schiedseinrede mit dem Argument zuruckgewiesen werden, das vereinbarte Schiedsgericht werde eine Eingriffsnorm, die fur nationale Gerichte zwingend sei, nicht beachten? Oder hat das abredewidrig angerufene Gericht die Parteien dennoch auf das schiedsrichterliche Verfahren zu verweisen? Zur Klarung dieser Frage erfolgt eine umfangreiche Analyse zum Umgang mit Eingriffsnormen in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit sowie eine Auswertung der Schiedspraxis. Auf dieser Grundlage entwickelt der Autor einen detaillierten Loesungsvorschlag aus der Sicht eines deutschen Gerichts und wendet diesen auf praktisch relevante Beispielsfalle an.
Die Autorin widmet sich dem Gemeinsamen Zolltarif der EU, seiner Bedeutung, strukturellen Besonderheit als Normativakt und sich daraus ergebenden Anwendungsschwierigkeiten. Sie folgt dem Leitgedanken, der Gemeinsame Zolltarif der EU sei ein Normativakt, der auch als solcher wahrgenommen und behandelt werden muss. So befasst sie sich mit seiner Bedeutung und ordnet ihn u.a. in einen rechtlichen Kontext ein. Die vielfaltigen Verflechtungen des Gemeinsamen Zolltarifs der EU mit anderen Rechtsbereichen werden dargestellt und eine vergleichende Analyse der Normstruktur des Gemeinsamen Zolltarifs der EU mit anderen Normativakten vorgenommen. Besonderheiten des Gemeinsamen Zolltarifs der EU werden herausgearbeitet und daraus Rechtsanwendungsschwierigkeiten im Umgang mit dem Gemeinsamen Zolltarif der EU abgeleitet.
While it might have been viable for states to isolate themselves from international politics in the nineteenth century, the intensity of economic and social globalisation in the twenty-first century has made this impossible. The contemporary world is an international world - a world of collective security systems and collective trade agreements. What does this mean for the sovereign state and 'its' international legal order? Two alternative approaches to the problem of 'governance' in the era of globalisation have developed in the twentieth century: universal internationalism and regional supranationalism. The first approaches collective action problems from the perspective of the 'sovereign equality' of all States. A second approach to transnational 'governance' has tried to re-build majoritarian governmental structures at the regional scale. This collection of essays wishes to analyse - and contrast - the two types of normative and decisional answers that have emerged as responses to the 'international' problems within our globalised world.
Many companies that have become household names have avoided billions in taxes by 'parking' their valuable intellectual property (IP) assets in holding companies located in tax-favored jurisdictions. In the United States, for example, many domestic companies have moved their IP to tax-favored states such as Delaware or Nevada, while multinational companies have done the same by setting up foreign subsidiaries in Ireland, Singapore, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. In this illuminating work, tax scholar Jeffrey A. Maine teams up with IP expert Xuan-Thao Nguyen to explain how the use of these IP holding companies has become economically unjustified and socially unacceptable, and how numerous calls for change have been made. This book should be read by anyone interested in how corporations - including Gore-Tex, Victoria's Secret, Sherwin-Williams, Toys-R-Us, Apple, Microsoft, and Uber - have avoided tax liability with IP holding companies and how different constituencies are working to stop them.
This book explains the definition, concepts, practices and procedures of Free Zone operations; how they are created, how they operate, and their benefits to the global and national economy. Readers will be able to understand why Free Zones exist, their role in the development and maintenance of international trade, and how they contribute to national and global economic development and wellbeing, especially in developing nations. The author explains the processes in the establishment of Free Zones, and how government legislation and initiatives assist in this process. The book comprehensively but accessibly covers the topics of Freeports, Free Zones, Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and Special Economoic Zones (SEZs), as well as issues such as Customs requirements, Free Zone law and government initiatives, including the new UK Freeport initiative. It analyses the role of such Zones in global economic development and considers the challenges and issues related to Free Zone development and operation, including security and potential crime. The book also provides a series of case studies into selected global examples of Free Zones, EPZs and SEZs. Freeports and Free Zones will have a broad readership, being of interest to global economic, fiscal and government institutions, policymakers, legal practitioners and advisers, economic and business advisers, port and airport authorities and major multinational enterprises. It will be especially relevant to the food, automotive, defence, manufacturing, logistics, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), pharmaceutical, aviation and maritime industries.
The are new sections and a chapter (on financing) to cover topics missing or covered in insufficient detail in the first edition. The book has been updated to cover key decisions in relevant case law and industry practice in this area since the last edition. The book provides hands-on, practical guidance - assists practitioners with the negotiation of contract wording and resolving disputes during the execution of projects. Businesses engaged in offshore construction often urgently require such practical guidance. English law remains the preferred choice of law, and London the preferred dispute resolution centre. - will be relevant to jurisdictions worldwide, even where other systems of law or dispute resolution venues are chosen, as typical principles of English law often come into play. The book is written by those engaged on a daily basis with giving urgent advice and practical guidance to clients engaged in these activities.
Bills of lading form an essential part of the carriage of goods by sea and international trade. Their multi-functional nature, together with the large volume of case law and regulation, make the law in this field as complex as it is commercially vital. This bestselling book, now in its third edition, provides a detailed analysis of the law and practice applicable to bills of lading before, during, and after shipment, helping today's busy practitioner to quickly and easily find the information they need. This book has been fully revised and updated with all the major developments, including: reference to increasingly important Singapore and Far-Eastern decisions; an analysis of modern developments in seaworthiness, from vetting and approval clauses to the topical issues of vulnerability and piracy attacks; detailed examination of misdelivery, fraudulent or forged bills of lading, and delivery without production of a bill of lading; revised coverage of conflicts and procedural matters, including anti-suit injunctions, jurisdiction battles, and the scope of arbitration; reference to relevant European law relating to issues of jurisdiction and procedure; comprehensive treatment of switch bills, transhipment, house bills, deck carriage, and container cargo; and new material on the practical implications of electronic bills of lading, and the implications of automated vessels. This text continues to provide an indispensable reference for maritime practitioners and institutions worldwide.
The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law provides an introduction to, and demystification of, the private and public dimensions of international aviation law. Unlike other global sectors, the air transport industry is not governed by a discrete area of the law, but by disparate transnational regulatory instruments. Everything from the routes that an international air carrier can serve to the acquisition of its fleet and its liability to passengers and shippers for incidents arising from its operations can be the object of bilateral and multilateral treaties that represent diverse and often contradictory interests. Beneath this are hundreds of domestic regulatory regimes that also apply national and international rules in disparate ways. The result is an agglomeration of legal cultures that can leave even experienced lawyers and academics perplexed. By combining classical doctrinal analysis with insights from newer disciplines such as international relations and economics, the book maps international aviation law's complex terrain for new and veteran observers alike.
Analysing the regulation of vessel-source pollution from the perspective of the political interests of key players in the ship transportation industry, this 2005 book by Alan Khee-Jin Tan offers a comprehensive and convincing account of how pollution of the marine environment by ships may be better regulated and reduced. In this timely study, he traces the history of regulation at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and investigates the political, economic and social forces influencing the IMO treaties. Also examined are the efforts of maritime states, ship-owners, cargo owners, oil companies and environmental groups to influence IMO laws and treaties. This is an important book, which uncovers the politics behind the law and offers solutions for overcoming the deficiencies in the regulatory system. It will be of great interest to professionals in the shipping industry as well as practitioners and students.
Bringing a fresh, comparative approach to transport documents used in the carriage of goods by sea, this book covers bills of lading, sea waybills, ship's delivery orders, multimodal transport documents, and electronic transport documents. The book covers historic developments, current conventions, and thoughts for the future on these transport documents; and delves deeply into the legal issues concerning them. It represents a comprehensive compilation of case and statute law from around the world on this subject. In addition to English law, the book covers American, French, German, and Italian laws, as well as the laws of several East Asian jurisdictions (China, Japan, South Korea). Primarily, the book will be of use to maritime law scholars and students, and lawyers who deal with shipping. It may also be of interest to international traders, banks, and ship masters and officers.
In dieser Arbeit werden alle relevanten Bereiche und Rechtsgebiete des Seeprivatrechts daraufhin untersucht, wie sich Streitigkeiten in das System des vereinheitlichten europaischen Prozessrechts einfugen. Dabei wird analysiert, welche Gerichtsstande der EuGVVO fur die jeweiligen Streitigkeiten eroffnet sind und welche seeprozessrechtlichen Probleme sich ergeben. Schwerpunkte sind das Seetransport- und das Seearbeitsrecht. Auslandische Literatur und Rechtsprechung werden zu den wichtigsten Fragen der internationalen Zustandigkeit berucksichtigt."
The Crisis behind the Euro-Crisis encourages dialogue among scholars across the social sciences in an attempt to challenge the narrative that regarded the Euro-crisis as an exceptional event. It is suggested instead that the Euro-crisis, along with the subsequent crises the EU has come to face, was merely symptomatic of deeper systemic cracks. This book's aim is to uncover that hidden systemic crisis - the 'crisis behind the Euro-crisis'. Under this reading it emerges that what needs to be questioned is not only the allegedly purely economic character of the Euro-crisis, but, more fundamentally, its very classification as an 'emergency'. Instead, the Euro-crisis needs to be regarded as expressive of a chronic, dysfunctional, but 'normal' condition of the EU. By following this line of analysis, this book illuminates not only the causes of contemporary turbulences in the European project, but perhaps the 'true' nature of the EU itself.
Jurisdiction and arbitration clauses are two different mechanisms that help to ensure impartiality and predictability in international dispute resolution. Despite their benefits, these clauses can be inconvenient for parties that are forced to litigate before distant fora. Moreover, particular problems arise in the context of maritime transport documents. Based on a broad comparative approach, this study seeks to explain the existing rules within their legal context and to develop a coherent system for such clauses, which takes into account the underlying interests as well as economic theory. While offering detailed answers to most issues surrounding jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in maritime transport documents, the book confronts the fundamental question of the limits of freedom of contract in an international setting.
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