Books > Law > International law > Public international law > International law of transport & communications
Der Band dokumentiert zwei zusammenhangende Tagungen, bei denen die
zentralen Probleme des Allgemeinen und Besonderen Teils des am
01.09.1998 in Kraft getretenen kodeks karny diskutiert wurden. Die
Analyse der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den
Strafgesetzbuchern der beiden Lander ist vor allem deshalb lohnend,
weil die neue polnische Kodifikation einerseits durch eine
grundlegende Liberalisierung zu einer Annaherung der Regelungen
gefuhrt hat, andererseits aber auch durchdenkenswerte eigenstandige
Bestimmungen uber aktuelle Probleme enthalt, deren Regelung im
deutschen Strafgesetzbuch noch fehlt. Die Referate stammen u.a. von
den polnischen Strafrechtswissenschaftlern, die die einzelnen
Abschnitte des kodeks karny federfuhrend mitgestaltet haben."
There is considerable writing on the laws designed to regulate war, but most of this material is devoted to international wars between different states. Lindsay Moir examines the laws which exist to protect civilians caught up in armed conflicts within a single state. This book traces the development of international law from the nineteenth century, up to events arising from the conflicts in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. It demonstrates how human rights can offer protection during armed conflict and how effectively (and by whom) the relevant rules can be enforced.
This book identifies and examines the legal challenges facing the
shipping industry and ship management today. It first addresses
flag state rules and private international law as organisational
tools of the shipowner for establishing the applicable legal
framework in an age of increasing regulatory activity and
extraterritorial effect of legislation. It then focuses on
sustainability requirements and the liability of shipping companies
managing supply chains and ships as waste. The third section
considers challenges stemming from times of financial crisis and
deals with the cross-border impact of shipping insolvencies, the
UNCITRAL Model Law, and the approaches of different jurisdictions.
Finally, the fourth section concerns digitalisation and automation,
including delivery on the basis of digital release codes, bills of
lading based on blockchain technology, the use of web portals and
data sharing, and particular aspects of the law relating to
autonomous ships, notably in marine insurance and carriage of
goods. The book will be a useful resource for academics and
practising lawyers working in shipping and maritime law.
Im Herzstuck des europaischen Vereinigungsprozesses, der
Warenverkehrsfreiheit, hat die EU auf der Basis der "Neuen
Konzeption" und des "Globalen Konzepts" mit dem System der
Akkreditierung und Zertifizierung eine europaische
Verwaltungsstruktur geschaffen. Deren tragendes Element bilden
Private, die als Benannte Stellen im Wege der Zertifizierung uber
die Marktzulassung von Produkten entscheiden. Die
mitgliedsstaatlichen Verwaltungen bilden nur noch einen
rechtsstaatlichen Ankerpunkt. Akkreditierung und Zertifizierung
werden als neue Institute des europaischen Verwaltungsrechts in der
deutschen Rechtsordnung beschrieben und anhand
verfassungsrechtlicher und europarechtlicher Grundsatze analysiert.
Das neue europaische Produktzulassungsrecht liefert damit einen
weiteren Baustein fur ein europaisches Verwaltungsrecht."
The new edition of this British Insurance Law Association
(BILA)-award winning text is the definitive reference source for
marine cargo insurance law. Written by an author who was closely
involved with the revisions to the Institute Cargo Clauses 2009,
the work expertly examines marine cargo insurance by reference to
important English and foreign legal cases as well as the Marine
Insurance Act 1906. Logically arranged to reflect the structure of
the Institute Cargo Clauses, the most widely used standard form of
cover, this text offers easy to find solutions for today's busy
practitioner. New to this edition: Completely revised to include
the Insurance Act 2015 (duty of fair presentation; warranties,
fraudulent claims) Brand new chapter on the revised Institute
Ancillary and Trade Clauses, including those to be introduced on 1
November 2015 Increased coverage of jurisdiction and choice of law,
particularly taking into account the Rome I Regulation Enhanced
coverage of the issue of Constructive Total Loss Consideration of
the Law Reform Commission's proposals for the reform of insurance
law, and further amendments to the Marine Insurance Act 1906.
Covers latest developments in the Enterprise Bill for damages for
late payment of claims Fully updated with all of the influential
cases since 2009, including: The Cendor MOPU, one of the most
important marine insurance cases of the last 50 years. Clothing
Management v Beazley Solutions Notable hull cases such as Versloot
Dredging v HDI Gerling on fraudulent devices Influential foreign
cases taken from this book's sister text, International Cargo
Insurance This unique text is a one-stop resource for marine
insurance lawyers handling cargo claims, and will also be of
interest to students and researchers of maritime law.
Written by a team of acclaimed practitioners and leading academics,
this book brings together in one single volume an analysis of
contemporary legal issues concerning ship building, sale and
finance contracts. It offers a comprehensive, expert and thoroughly
practical guide on what is a very complex area of law in today's
international shipping industry. The book presents a detailed and
critical analysis of standard and non-standard shipbuilding and
sale contracts, including vital but often overlooked issues such as
payment and refund guarantees, which have been at the forefront of
recent litigation and practice. It also critically and thoroughly
analyses several types of standard insurance contracts, including
shipbuilder's risks and mortgagee's interests, which are not
adequately dealt with elsewhere and it provides a critical and
contemporary discussion on the legal and practical issues
surrounding ship finance, ship mortgages and more esoteric issues
such as the use of bareboat charters and financial derivatives.
This book is an indispensable guide for legal practitioners,
academics and industry professionals worldwide. The book is divided
into 3 parts; Legal Issues relating to Ship Building, Ship Sale
Contracts and Practice, and Legal and Practical Issues relating to
Ship Finance. Each has been expertly contributed to by the leading
practitioners and academics in the field from top firms, chambers
and institutions including; Ince & Co, Quadrant Chambers,
Haynes and Boone CDG, LLP, Holman Fenwick Willan LLP, Watson Farley
& Williams LLP, 7 Kings Bench Walk, and Institute of
International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) of Swansea University.
This unique new title provides expert, hands-on advice as to the
law and practice of the maritime letter of indemnity. Detailing the
variety of implications that can arise from each type of letter,
the authors bring this important and litigious subject to the fore
with a view to reducing the commercial and legal risks involved in
this core area of shipping and international trade.
Key features of this title include detailed legal analysis
- The history of indemnity contracts and letters of
- Shipping and international trade contexts where letters of
indemnity are used
- GAFTA sale contract forms and standard letter of indemnity
P&I Clubs forms
- The enforceability of maritime letters of indemnity
- The rights and liabilities for sellers, buyers, banks and ship
owners which arise from the use of letters of indemnity
- The impact on the system based on the use of bills of lading
and on electronic bills of lading
- Policy issues arising from the use of letters of indemnity in
practice and of the practicalities of litigation involving letters
of indemnity.
As the only text currently on the market covering maritime
letters of indemnity in such detail, this book will be an
indispensable guide for maritime lawyers, professionals and
academics alike, as well as shipowners, charterers, commodity
traders and trade finance professionals
This report explores how Asia and the Pacific can capitalize on
growing opportunities in digital services through structural
reforms and international cooperation. Another year into the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the report describes an
Asia and Pacific region that has more experience in tackling
pandemic hardships, better data showing positive integration
trends, and greater confidence in regional cooperation to address
shared concerns. The publication gives an overview of changes in
trade and global value chains, cross-border investment, financial
integration, and the movement of people since the pandemic began.
Freight Forwarding and Multimodal Transport Contracts, 2nd Edition,
is a comprehensive guide to the law in relation to contract forms
and terms created by operators, trade associations or international
bodies such as the UN and used as a basis for trading conditions by
freight forwarders, logistics suppliers, combined or multimodal
transport operators and container operators. This second edition
examines the latest editions of contract forms and terms, both
where their object is the supply or procurement of multimodal
carriage, as well as where they are directed to the use of combined
transport equipment (ie containers, swap bodies). Of particular
prominence will be a detailed examination of the latest versions of
conditions used by the principal UK forwarding, logistics,
intermodal and container operators such as the British
International Freight Association (BIFA) conditions 2005A and the
current Freightliner Conditions as well as updates on many of the
conditions in use and legal developments relevant to them, eg Road
Haulage Association Conditions 2009, Maersk Conditions of Carriage,
TT Club Conditions.
International Cargo Insurance examines the law and practice of
marine cargo insurance on a worldwide basis, and provides the busy
practitioner the information needed to quickly and accurately
resolve cargo insurance coverage issues, wherever they may arise.
The book concentrates on the law in the United States and England.
It then examines other countries with a common law tradition
including Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Australia. The civil law
systems are highlighted in a number of key trading nations: Italy,
Germany, France and Norway. The book includes chapters on South
Africa as well as the People's Republic of China. It concludes with
a comparative law chapter concentrating on issues that arise in
practice in cargo coverage cases. This chapter also examines how
the Institute Cargo Clauses have been construed by Courts
worldwide. The appendices include the standard cargo policy
insurance terms used in each jurisdiction, some translated for the
first time for this volume, as well as translations of the relevant
statutes and commercial codes, many not available elsewhere.
This report reflects the changes in the South Asia Subregional
Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program's operational plan for the
period 2016-2025, in particular on priority projects resulting from
a rigorous vetting process. This involves defining SASEC transport
and energy networks and identifying priority projects based on
preparedness and their roles in filling network gaps. The result is
a more reasonable estimate of funding needs to help meet the SASEC
Program's goals of multimodal connectivity, energy market
development, and increased intraregional and interregional trade.