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Net vriende. Dis al wat hulle is, sweer Karabo en Will. En dis waar.
Southern Africa has a particularly rich marine fauna and flora – almost 6% of all coastal marine species known worldwide occur here, along only 0.5% of the world’s coastline. The most frequently encountered species of this rich assemblage – fish to whales, algae to sponges, and seaweeds to dune forests – are covered in detail in this newly revised and comprehensively updated edition of the best-selling Two Oceans – A Guide to the Marine Life of Southern Africa. It encompasses descriptions of more than 2,200 species, covering diagnostic features, biology, related species, and distribution. Stunning full-color photographs illustrate the species. The only guide to southern Africa's marine heritage, this fifth edition brings the science up to date and features an additional 120 species, 260 updated species names, revised distribution maps, and more than 190 new photographs. Highly recommended for scientists, students, divers, fishers, and beachcombers.
In hierdie versamelbundel is daar ‘n groep uiteenlopende mense gevra om elk ‘n onafhanklike essay te skryf na aanleiding van ‘n Bybelteks. Daar is skrywers, ekonome, musikante, akademici en joernaliste. Die enigste voorwaardes was dat dit persone moet wees wat nie meer kerklik betrokke en/ of ‘n dominee of teoloog is nie. Baie essays is bloot verhale, vertellings, reise of verduidelikings wat met ‘n teks verbind kan word. Ons almal is medereisigers in hierdie verbygaande wêreldse bestel. Kom ons luister met ‘n oop gemoed na mekaar. Dán staan ons ‘n kans om te verstaan, te begryp, eerder as om te oordeel. Van die bekende en bekroonde skrywers wat deelneem aan hierdie projek is onder andere Jurie van den Heever, Annelie Botes, Dana Snyman, Pik Botha, Heinz Modler, Lizette Rabe, Dawie Roodt, Rachelle Greeff, Piet Croukamp, Joan Hambidge, Koos Kombuis, Karin Brynard, Jean Oosthuizen, Christine Barkhuizen Le Roux, Lina Spies, Valda Jansen, Valiant Swart, Nathan Trantraal, Churchil Naude, Riku Lätti en Luke Alfred.
Kita loves walking on the dusty red road. Mama tells Kita not to make red dust clouds. Mama says if the red dust cloud grows, it will become a Dust Eater. Dust Eaters swallow little girls in one big bite. Kita doesn’t think that story is true. Mama just doesn’t want her to get her pretty dress all dirty with the red dust. One afternoon, Kita learns what Mama is talking about. Kita has a Dance with the Dust.
Anna-Mart is ’n noodeenheid-spesialis en ken die lang gange van
Hospitaal Weltevreden goed. Sy is nie bang vir harde werk nie. Dis
immers ál hoe sy uit die armoede van haar en haar twee broers se
enkelma-huishouding kon ontsnap en haar droom om ’n dokter te word, kon
verwesenlik. Maar sy en haar ma, Beatrice, is bekommerd want haar
broers is met verkeerde vriende deurmekaar. Hulle het maande terug van
die twee gehoor. En boonop skaam Anna-Mart haar vir haar eenvoudige ma
wat deesdae by haar woon.
"This book is not an analysis of South Africa’s problems. It is an outline of what we must change to have the South Africa of our dreams. In these pages, I challenge myself and all those who are willing to take a chance to pursue a higher ideal, something bigger than any individual, a belief that we can be the stewards of our own destiny. This is a manifesto." For millions of South Africans, the promise of democracy, a promise our Constitution attempts to set out in its preamble, will not be realised in their lifetime. Some who are yet to be born will live and die poor and marginalised because their country was not ready to provide the tools that would help them to make their lives meaningful, healthy and prosperous. This situation is no accident. While the structural conditions that created the initial inequalities are a result of colonialism and apartheid, the worsening of this condition after 2010 is the result of political negligence, incompetence and rampant corruption borne out of a deep disconnection between the political elites and the real needs of the people. South Africa is in urgent need of a comprehensive overhaul of its political and state institutions, its social structures and institutions as well as its economy and policies. Manifesto presents a challenge to the professional class, black and white – who should know that turning the country around will take much more than good intentions – to urgently return to public life. They are key to moving South Africa towards modern democratic politics and can help to grow its economy to fit in and thrive in a rapidly evolving world. South Africa will get nowhere if the most able continue to be on the periphery of politics. Instead, we must adopt a different mindset and take on a new generational mission to accept the responsibility of leadership so that South Africa can finally have the future it has been waiting for the ANC to deliver.
Anelia Schutte grew up in Knysna – a beautiful town on the coast of South Africa, centred around a picturesque lagoon and popular with tourists. But there was another side to Knysna that those tourists never saw. In the hills surrounding the town with its exclusively white population lay the townships and squatter camps where the coloured and black people were forced to live. Most white children would never go to the other side of the hill, but Anelia did. Her earliest memories are of being the only white girl at a crèche for black children that her mother, Owéna, set up in the 1980s as a social worker serving the black community. Thirty years on, Anelia, now living in London, yearns to find out more about her mother’s work, and to understand the political unrest that clouded South Africa at the time. She returns to Knysna to find the truth about the town she grew up in, from the stories and memories of the people who were there. For The People is an exploration of apartheid South Africa through the eyes of Owéna – a white woman who worked tirelessly for the black people of Knysna and found herself swept up in their struggle. They called her Nobantu: ‘for the people'.
Mangi and his fiancée, Aza, have been living together in Linden for the
past eight years. One day while cleaning their bedroom, Mangi discovers
Aza’s secret. The uncovering of Aza's lie is the catalyst to the
unravelling of their already tumultuous relationship. When Aza
eventually ends their relationship, Mangi is left destitute.
Sinoyolo Sifo is a husband that cooks. His goal: to break the gender stereotypes that surround male figures in the kitchen and encourage more men to cook. As he says, the kitchen is no longer the domain of women only, and men need to get more comfortable in the kitchen, so they can share equally in the responsibilities of day-to-day life and its demands. Using what he calls ‘the universal language of food’, Sifo: The Cooking Husband is an invitation to readers – men and women alike – to share in the joy of making memories through food. Inspired by the nostalgia of home and family, this book brings together a selection of almost 70 recipes, each one simple and accessible, wholesome and delicious. There are scrumptious breakfasts, indulgent pasta dishes, hearty stews, quick lunches, impressive dinners, decadent desserts, as well as traditional South African dishes and some childhood favourites. Whether you are a newbie cook still finding your way around the kitchen, or more confident in your culinary abilities, these recipes are sure to satisfy the foodie in you.
How do Muslims fit into South Africa’s well-known narrative of colonialism, apartheid and postapartheid? South Africa is infamous for apartheid, but the country’s foundation was laid by 176 years of slavery from 1658 to 1834, which formed a crucible of war, genocide and systemic sexual violence that continues to haunt the country today. Enslaved people from East Africa, India and South East Asia, many of whom were Muslim, would eventually constitute the majority of the population of the Cape Colony, the first of the colonial territories that would eventually form South Africa. Drawing on an extensive popular and official archive, Regarding Muslims analyses the role of Muslims from South Africa’s founding moments to the contemporary period and points to the resonance of these discussions beyond South Africa. It argues that the 350-year archive of images documenting the presence of Muslims in South Africa is central to understanding the formation of concepts of race, sexuality and belonging. In contrast to the themes of extremism and alienation that dominate Western portrayals of Muslims, Regarding Muslims explores an extensive repertoire of picturesque Muslim figures in South African popular culture, which oscillates with more disquieting images that occasionally burst into prominence during moments of crisis. This pattern is illustrated through analyses of etymology, popular culture, visual art, jokes, bodily practices, oral narratives and literature. The book ends with the complex vision of Islam conveyed in the postapartheid period.
Liefde kan soms ‘n onverwagse wending neem Fea Furstenburg besluit impulsief om te bedank by die gewilde Wiehahn Dierekliniek. Ongelukkig lei dit daartoe dat haar verhouding met die skatryk Marius Wiehahn skipbreuk ly. Voordat sy die kliniek se stof finaal van haar voete afskud, ontmoet sy ‘n vreemdeling met blou oë en ‘n weerlose mond in ‘n perdestal wat ‘n vreemde emosie in haar wakker maak. Fea begin ‘n nuwe lewe as veearts in ’n rehabilitasiesentrum op ’n wildsplaas vol verrassings en uitdagende ervarings Tot haar verbasing erken sy die aantreklike plaaseienaar, Steph, as die vreemdeling in die perdestal. Net toe hul verhouding begin ontwikkel, daag Marius skielik uit die bloute op en bied sy onvoorwaardelike liefde aan haar. Na ‘n vreesaanjaende nag tussen wilde diere en die bedrywighede van ‘n sindikaat wat vir Fea aan smokkelhandel verbind, kry sy sekerheid oor die liefde en aan wie haar hart behoort.
Ben word geteister deur nie net een nie, maar twee boelies by die skool. Die rooikop-tweeling maak hom baie bang en ongelukkig en hy wil nie eers meer skool toe gaan nie. Mamma herinner Ben dat hy nooit hoef bang te wees as Jesus by hom is nie en dat daar ander maniere is om boelies te hanteer. Zuléka Smit se pragtige storie bespreek die sensitiewe tema van boelies, veral by skole, en is gebaseer op haar baie jare van ondervinding in die onderwys en ook haar ervaring met haar eie kinders.
Seven Days in Cape Town – a bestselling guidebook on the Mother City – has been given a new cover and fully revised to include the very latest information.
Gaan Kayla se lewe ooit weer oukei wees na Die Ramp? Die Ramp waarin hulle geliefde huis, Miernes, heeltemal afgebrand het en nou moet haar hele groot gesin in haar pa se ou werkswinkel, Ghrieshuis, gaan bly. Die Ramp waarin haar pa, motorwerktuigkundige en kranige fotograaf, sy sig verloor het en nou nie meer kan werk nie. Die Ramp wat alles verander het. Maretha Maartens skryf met haar ervare skrywershand ’n deernisvolle verhaal oor verlies, hoop en geloof.
There has been a lot of furore in the United States about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Opponents to it claim that it has saturated society at different levels, including the alleged indoctrination of school children and the poisoning of the media and public life. The assertion is that it is divisive and racist towards white people. It is sometimes referred to derisively in the shorthand ‘woke’. This panic has now reached our shores. Critical whiteness studies is an offshoot of CRT that Thandiwe Ntshinga believes is desperately needed in South Africa. She pokes holes in the belief that leaving whiteness undisturbed for analysis creates justice and normalcy. Instead, she says perpetually studying every other identity can only create the assumption that they are perpetually the problem. By design. The title of this book comes from one of the first comments she received on Tiktok when discussing her findings and research.
With this book the author tempts you to make scrumptious cakes with gourmet flavours for everyday dessert. Most of the cakes have traditional dessert flavours and will be ideal to serve as an after-dinner treat or even for afternoon tea. The cake, filling and coating recipes can be mixed and matched to create a different taste combination every time you bake. The book features 25 dessert cake projects from start to finish, showing you step by step how to create your own mouth-watering desserts. Also included are accompanying cupcakes for each recipe should you prefer a mini version served in individual portions. Everything can be made days or weeks in advance and kept refrigerated or frozen so that you have plenty of time to assemble the final product. There are also guidelines for increasing the recipes to suit specific needs, with lots of tips to help you create your own masterpiece.
'n Storie oor twee dapper tieners, Johannes en Dina, tydens die dodelike griepepidemie van 1918. As die enigste oorlewendes uit hul gesinne op twee buurplase in die Sandveld kruis hul paaie met oom Andries, 'n dorpenaar wat ook sy hele gesin verloor het. Tesame met Lya, wat vir Johannes help grootmaak het, durf hulle verskeie aanslae aan - van wilde diere en boewe tot die regering se beleid oor weeskinders en die eienaarskap van plase.
The National Democratic Revolution (NDR) is the policy blueprint of the governing ANC/SACP alliance, who have been implementing it in different spheres for more than two decades. It is intended to provide ‘the most direct route’ to a socialist South Africa and is the key to understanding events in the country since the 1994 transition. Although many important steps towards Expropriation without Compensation and other NDR objectives have already been taken or are well in train, most South Africans have never been informed about the NDR and its destructive goals. With growth stalling, joblessness at crisis levels, and governance unravelling, people cannot fathom why the ANC does not implement meaningful reforms. Understand the NDR, however, and its underlying priorities become apparent. If South Africa’s mainly capitalist economy was thriving, with high growth, low unemployment, and rising living standards, the ANC could not justify expanding state ownership or control. By contrast, with joblessness and destitution at unprecedented levels, the call for state provision and control becomes far more compelling – and even patently harmful policies such as Expropriation without Compensation seem justifiable. Written in clear and simple language, this book provides an indispensable primer on the NDR and its crucial role in the countdown to socialism in South Africa.
Lord Alfred Milner was a public servant of the late Victorian era. He was also one of Britain’s most famous – or notorious, depending on your point of view – empire builders who left an indelible imprint on the history of South Africa. Carefully chosen by Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to bring President Paul Kruger’s Boers to heel, Milner was primarily, though not solely, responsible for the Anglo-Boer War – a conflict that proved to be the beginning of the end of the British Empire. For three years after the war, a determined Milner set out to reconstruct the country, leaving behind a group of young administrators who contributed significantly to the unification of South Africa, but also resentment among Afrikaners for their mentor’s language and education policies. Back in England, Milner involved himself via the House of Lords in all the great issues of British politics, while continuing to promote the ends of Empire through the activities of the Round Table movement. In this biography, the first by a South African, Richard Steyn argues that Milner’s reputation should not be defined by his eight years’ service in South Africa alone. Chosen for his famed administrative abilities as Britain’s War Secretary, Milner did much to shape the Allied victory in the First World War. If his personal qualities and beliefs made him the wrong man to send to South Africa, where he failed to accomplish the over-ambitious goals he set himself, he was the right man in a far greater international conflict.
The Billionaire Career is an allegory of risk, playing to your strengths and discovering yourself to become successful in business. It tells the story of Dan, a man who wants more from his job and his life. He yearns to start his own business, and for the freedom and control that being his own boss would give him but he is faced with numerous challenges – for one thing, how to start a business with next to no money. But everything changes one day when he’s faced with a choice at work.
TIME magazine pinpointed 24 November 2010 as the day ‘Woodstock officially became Cape Town’s hottest district… when Luke Dale-Roberts opened The Test Kitchen there.’ Opening a fine-dining restaurant in a warehouse space in the Old Biscuit Mill was a gamble, but after a four-year tenure as executive chef of LaColombe, which culminated in an amazing 12th place on the S. Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, Luke was up to the challenge. The Test Kitchen, as the name implies, afforded the dynamic chef the opportunity to innovate, and the resultant dishes were a reflection of his creativity with flavours and ingredients. His vision eventually expanded beyond the food to encompass the whole dining experience – and the world loved it. Heralded as a founding pillar of the vibrant South African fine-dining landscape, The Test Kitchen operated for eleven years, won numerous local and international awards, and moulded the careers of many talented chefs, leaving an incredible and lasting legacy. In The Test Kitchen, Luke celebrates this legacy and shares his story, as well as some of the restaurant’s most beloved and iconic recipes. With a foreword by Heston Blumenthal and incredible colour photographs throughout, The Test Kitchen is a stunning visual keepsake as flavourful as Luke’s spectacular dishes.
Hierdie keur bevat drie lekkerlees liefdesverhale deur Christine le Roux: ’n Wêreld sonder hom, ’n Kwessie van tegniek en Bewys van liefde.
When it comes to making great decisions, the way you think about things is usually a lot more influential than what you actually think. If you ever hired a person who ‘looks the part’, dated someone who ‘gives you a good feeling’, voted for the party that ‘speaks the most sense’ or got into an investment that ‘cannot be missed’, only to realise you made a horrible mistake, you might have wondered how you ever talked yourself into it. Yet, even with the bruises you’ve earned, you’re currently likely to make exactly the same decision, the next time around. The beliefs that guide your ideas and the instincts that drive your actions, are all informed by your unconscious biases (and literally every single one of us has them), which irrationally tell us one thing is good, and another is bad; one thing is absolutely true and another is utterly false; and make you act less smartly than you actually are. But the good news is you can learn to see them, to manage them and ultimately to overcome them. In Don’t Believe Everything You Think, Colin J Browne, the author of How to Build a Happy Sandpit, shows you how biases work, why they matter, and how to reframe your thinking to make well-founded decisions about life and work, relationships and investing, and much else in between, to vastly improve your chances of success.
Foreword by topselling author, Gerard Labuschagne. A criminal's fate is often sealed by what is found on the autopsy table and Dr Hestelle van Staden has been crucial in the conviction of numerous criminals. As one of South Africa’s leading forensic pathologists, she has conducted over 7 000 autopsies. She has seen the worst South Africa has to offer and has been a voice to numerous murder victims. In Blood Has a Voice, she walks us through nine of her most compelling cases, cases that stand out from among the many autopsies she has conducted. There is the tragic story of baby Letitia Meyer, whose mother alleged she fell from her pram; the unexplained death of a young mother during labour; and the case of the musician Lucky Dube, who was shot and killed . . . Blood Has a Voice gives a rare glimpse into the investigation of death and the quiet heroism behind the unsung work of forensic pathologists.
Die verteller in Heks vind haar toevlug in sprokies en mites.
Terwyl die wêreld die oorlog in Oekraïne op TV-skerms gadeslaan,
verdiep sy haar in die mitologie van dié land – ook as skans teen die
toenemende vyandelikheid in haar huwelik. |
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