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Speurder Ella Neser stel ondersoek in nadat vier gemummifiseerde linkervoete in ’n Checkers-sak in ’n openbare tuin gevind word. Waar is die liggame waaraan die voete behoort? Lou Pepler, eks-polisieman, nou sekuriteitskonsultant, glo dit hou verband met ’n saak wat hy twintig jaar gelede ondersoek het – die verdwyning van Billy Katz, rykmanseun en rokjagter. Ella se soektog lei na ’n begrafnisonderneming in Turffontein en die Pottas-familie, met hul stom aanneemseun, Rakker. Maar hoe hou die voete verband met Billy Katz se verdwyning en die saak wat Lou sy loopbaan en amper sy lewe gekos het?
Banting has moved on since the Real Meal Revolution, and wow what a success story it is... By watching the detail an estimated millions of KG's have been lost and health has returned to so many. Rita Venter, (founder), Kim Blom and Natalie Lawson are the darlings of Banting 7 Day Meal Plans Facebook group, spreading love and kindness and in so doing turning lives around. They are not scientists, doctors, or nutritionists but decided to take back their health and help others do the same. Through extensive research, personal testing and adapting where necessary, they regained their energy, their bodies and their lives. The group has over 1,6-million followers, it grew by 100 000 members last month. It has 3M interactions per month. It's the largest nutrition group in the world on Facebook.
Reflecting Rogue is the much anticipated and brilliant collection of experimental autobiographical essays on power, pleasure and South African culture by Professor Pumla Dineo Gqola, author of the bestelling Rape: A South African Nightmare. In her most personal book to date, written from classic Gqola anti-racist, feminist perspectives, Reflecting Rogue delivers fourteen essays of deliciously incisive brain food, all extremely accessible to a general critical readership, without sacrificing intellectual rigour.
Lebogang Seale has written a personal and poignant account of the impact of South Africa’s failing and flailing land reform policy on ordinary people desperate for restorative justice. One Hundred Years of Dispossession shows not only that land reform in South Africa is a criminal failure and monumental disappointment, but more than that, it is a betrayal that punishes the affected communities whose quest for justice remains denied.
Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the center of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa's antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality. Long Walk To Freedom is his moving autobiography, in which he tells the extraordinary story of his life - an epic of struggle, setback, renewed hope, and ultimate triumph!
Life is frequently about ‘turning up’ and Tony Leon was present at the making of history both big and small. Being There is a frank and insightful collection of insider accounts from a life in politics. The centrepiece is Leon’s riveting diary of the GNU negotiations that went down to the wire following the 2024 elections. This is the first and only inside account of these talks. He also casts his gimlet eye on the fault lines of the Middle East, shares ambassadorial adventures in Argentina, and outlines the perils of political party fundraising. Written in Leon’s vintage style – observant, witty, acerbic – he proves the maxim that much of success is simply about being there.
Om terug te dink aan sy lewe is soos om ’n boek te lees waarvan daar bladsye uitgeskeur is. Hy onthou party hoofstukke so helder soos vandag, ander so vaag soos drome. Stories oor sy kleintyd, dié kom van oral af – van sy ma en pa, Safira, ander grootmense en sy boetie, Stephan. Hierdie stories neem hy met ’n knippie sout, glo hy ter wille van die vertellers. Hy is oor die algemeen inskiklik van geaardheid, iemand wat sy kleinkinders ’n people pleaser sou noem. Wat van Afrikaans gaan word, weet hy nie. Hy en Stephan, het in ’n pastorie grootgeword. Dis ook waar Andreas veronderstel was om die eerste lewenslig te aanskou, op die dubbelbed in die hoofslaapkamer waar hy, soos hy dit later uitgewerk het, waarskynlik ook verwek is. Suster Lenie Joubert, die gemeente se vroedvrou en hul huisdokter, dokter Morrie Jacobs, sou Louisa kom bystaan. Dit sou ’n tuisgeboorte wees, ’n private aangeleentheid in die veiligheid van haar eie huis. Van kleintyd af word Andreas nie net geestelik getoets nie, maar ook fisiek. Sy eie behoeftes en begeertes kry soms die oorhand. Byna te laat besef hy dat hy op ander dinge as geloof gereken het. Eers dan leer hy om hom geheel en al te onderwerp aan die wil van die Here. Geloof soos ’n mosterdsaadjie, sê Jesus, is al wat jy nodig het.
Dis nie maklik om in die ruimte te kom nie, maar met verbeelding, vindingrykheid en beplanning is alles moontlik. Kom ons help Rommel om sy droom te bereik ... om in die ruimte te kom, en dalk tot so ver as die maan.
Tortured to the bone, Treasure Mohapi steps into a world that many haven’t seen in Sandton; the new way of life filled with millionaires and quick cash scams doesn’t come cheap. The young model seems too naïve for Sandton and her bloodsucking master stops at nothing to prove his power. Treasure finds herself face-to-face with the Devil who controls ministers, doctors and policemen. A secret society like no other in the history of Africa comes alive once again. As she is drawn into supremacy, the chains of material slavery keep following Treasure and her best friend Lintle Kente. After years of sexual entertainment and high flying, can their master let them go? With the increasing number of dead bodies, drugs and cults, will this love affair prove to be a way of life for many? The wives of the rich and famous have deep, dark roots too.
Ont is ʼn drama oor die reis van “grootword”, ʼn studie oor die samestelling van ʼn gesin en die vreugdes van vryheid en vlug. Die proses van menswording word met deernis geskets met behulp van die Groot Verseboek, Ma se grammofoonspeler en Pa se Camel filters. Marina Griebenow sê: 'n Mens besef net weer dat ware skoonheid in eenvoud opgesluit lê, oftewel in die skyn van eenvoud. Die treffendste kuns kan altyd aan dié goue reël gemeet word. Die bekroonde Ont het feitlik elke dramaprys verower nadat dit feesgangers en kritici gaande gehad het … kragtoer waarin Pretorius vir ons die estetika van toneelkuns herdefinieer en sodoende ons menswees mateloos verryk.
The Case for a Second Republic: South Africa’s Second Chance is a timely intervention that navigates South Africa’s transition as a republic over the past 30 years on the one hand, and the conundrum of the government of national unity on the other. This book is not just politically thought-provoking, but erudite, educational and informative. It performs an urgent analytical sweep of 30 years of South Africa’s democracy, charting the long historical path that laid the foundations for the country’s geographical space from which its sovereignty derives. As an historian, Maloka takes the reader through an illuminating tour de force, spanning early South African history, the formation of the 1910 Union of South Africa and the democratic era. In this book, Maloka differentiates the idea of a ‘Second Republic‘ from the so-called ‘Second Transition’ advanced by some ANC and Alliance partners around 2012. He also posits the idea of the ‘re-foundation of the state’. Maloka rejects the ongoing hysteria about South Africa becoming a ‘failed state’. Maloka calls for the crafting of a new governance paradigm based on three pillars: a self-reliant mind-set; a technocratic state (not political braskap); and substantive people’s power through street committees and direct election of public representatives. Maloka strongly advocates for discussions around the possibility of the Second Republic, so as to find better mechanisms to address these issues that are a stubborn legacy of a long history of the country.
The only human ever born wearing Jordans receives a DM on Twitter after
a gang-related hit. The mission: Find the Tamagotchi, or else! This is
the story of a banggat, a main ou, a genuine ou, a malnaai and a
Twitter user. A story where dark and fantastical experiences are
intricately woven to tell the tale of a network of wannabe gangsters, a
wife fanning herself with her husband’s money in the Northern Suburbs
and a sturvy twenty-nine-year-old living in Woodstock.
“Aan die einde van 12 weke se basiese opleiding moes al hierdie mans weet hoe om te skiet en baie moes bereid wees om dood te skiet.” Anelia Heese hervertel die rou en soms skokkende stories van Suid-Afrikaanse mans wat in die 1970’s en 1980’s verplig is om weermagdiens te doen. In Diensplig praat van dié mans, baie van hulle vir die eerste keer, openhartig oor hul ervaringe. Sy gesels met die bekroonde joernalis Murray La Vita, die skrywer Deon Lamprecht, genl.maj. Roland de Vries en talle ander oor hulle ondervindings in die weermag. Die meeste dienspligtiges was eintlik maar nog seuns toe hulle gedwing is om aan te tree en hul hare onseremonieel afgeskeer is. Hulle praat hier eerlik oor onder meer die eerste kontak, die eerste keer toe iemand ’n makker verloor het, hoe sommige “terrie-ore” versamel het, oor patrollies in die townships, en die interne stryd wat dikwels agterna gevolg het. Anelia vra soms ongemaklike vrae om haarself en ander — veral jonger — Suid-Afrikaners te help sin maak van diensplig en die nadraai daarvan. Soos wie nou eintlik die vyand was, en wat dit beteken om jou land te dien . . .
Zamantungwa Khumalo is a rising star on the South African property scene. An award-winning media and content specialist, she is also a property entrepreneur who bought her first properties at age 27. Now, she wants other people to follow in her footsteps, climbing the property ladder on their way to building wealth and security. All her passion and expertise is concentrated in this volume, which covers a range of topics vital to property ownership. She also includes interviews with leading property industry experts like Gil Sperling, Michelle Dickens, and Silindile Leseyane who is the chairperson of Sakhisizwe Property Stokvel. This book is aimed at helping a wide range of people – women, young professionals, and also men who want to buy property but don’t quite know how to go about it – to take that first step. As she says in her introduction: ‘My hope is that this book will help to make your property dreams come true.’
Beleef jy God elke dag? God woon in die gewone, en ons kan onsself leer
om Hom daarin raak te sien. Ons kan die lewe opnuut beleef gevul met sy
teenwoordigheid. Tom Smith wys ons hoe ons daagliks meer bewus kan wees
van God in ons lewe: In ons gaan slaap, wakker word, soeke, reis, werk,
speel, eet, seerkry, rus en in die dood. Hy help ons om te sien dat ons
verhouding met God nie daaroor gaan om meer goed in ’n alreeeds
bedrywige lewe in te prop nie; dit gaan daaroor om God in alles te
n Televisieprogram oor die rekonstruksie van skedels dwing Carolien se gedagtes terug na ontstellende gebeure vyftien jaar tevore. En na die vreemdeling wat sy toe geteken het. Die taal van been is 'n roman oor gewone mense se strewe en verlies en die onthutsende werklikheid wat onder die oppervlak skuil. Dis tegelyk 'n speurverhaal met 'n politieke ondertoon, die storie van 'n kunsdosent wat haar werk deur regstellende aksie verloor en 'n eiesoortige liefdesverhaal. Uiteindelik gaan dit egter om veel meer. Hierdie roman bly subtiel spook omdat dit dinge se wat die teks verswyg.
Tien verhale wat die minder bekende stories van die mense van die Richtersveld, Namakwaland en Kalahari vertel. Die karakters is diere, mense, die son, maan en sterre. Skilpad en Volstruis sê mekaar die stryd aan. Sal Jakkals en Leeu kan saamwerk om te jag? Die mense van Hoerikwaggo trek //Hui !Gaeb toe. Daar is die Gariep se watergees in die vorm van 'n vrou. Pragtig vertel om lesers se verbeelding aan te wakker.
’n Katastrofe het Katjiesfontein getref! Die geld wat mevrou Mynie Koen vir die talentkompetisie geskenk het, is van juffrou Katoliek se lessenaar af gesteel. Leo is seker dit was daardie boelie, Spiertier. Tiere soek mos altyd skoor! Of dalk het dit iets te doen met Gato, die vreemde nuwe leerling in Laerskool Katedraal wat van Katalonië af kom. Maar skielik dink almal Leo was die dief! Hoe gaan hy sy onskuld bewys en vir Spiertier uitvang? En wie gaan die talentkompetisie wen?
Misfit bevat verwerkte rubrieke en kortverhale wat oorspronklik in Rapport gepubliseer is. Hierdie stories onnesoek issues van identiteit, seksualitieit, gesinsdinamika ennie daaglikse lewe van mense aan die rand vannie samelewing – die misfists. Ons leer ken vir Nana, ’n onverwagse geestelike gids (dink Boeddha met geperoxide hare in ’n updo) wat van drag races hou. Daar’s oek stories oor die lockdown-familiebraai oor Zoom, hoe seksualiteit innie bruin gemeenskap navigeer word en hul oupa se twie unsuspecting girlfriends wat by sy begrafnis ankom. En verhale oor die ervaring van gemarginaliseerde mense van Ocean View en binne die groter samelewing. In hierdie bundel, geskryf in Kaaps, weerklink die outentisiteit en humor waarvoor Chase Rhys bekend is.
Die verteller en haar man, Liefie, besluit om digby aftrede hulle lewe in die stad agter te laat en ’n plaas naby Greyton te koop. Hulle word verlei deur die blou berge en plattelandse idille. Wanneer hulle eers daar woon, word hulle egter ontnugter deur die werklikheid van die plaaslewe. Daar is ’n prys te betaal vir die mooi prentjies waarna gehunker word. Gif wat blom, plant, vrug en dier perfek vir die mark laat gedy sodat die landskap sag op die oog val, terwyl die versweë giwwe in die samelewing ook uitgespit word. Die alewige wind en vragmotors wat stof na die huis toe laat waai, teister hulle en stof word amper ’n soort hoofkarakter in die verhaal. Liefie sukkel om die boerdery winsgewend te maak, terwyl die verteller tevergeefs met die bouers stoei om die plaashuis in haar droomhuis te omskep (en tevergeefs skoonmaak aan die stof!). Die skrywer het ’n uitstekende waarnemingsvermoë en die beskrywing van die swaarkry en gesukkel op die plaas word verweef met ’n fyn sin vir humor. Die leser word ingetrek in die wêreld van die verteller, Liefie en hulle hond, Saar – asook hulle bure en die plaaswerkers.
Amid evictions, raids, killings, the drug trade, and fire, inner-city Johannesburg residents seek safety and a home. A grandmother struggles to keep her granddaughter as she is torn away from her. A mother seeks healing in the wake of her son’s murder. And displaced by a city’s drive for urban regeneration, a group of blind migrants try to carve out an existence. The Blinded City recounts the history of inner-city Johannesburg from 2010 to 2019, primarily from the perspectives of the unlawful occupiers of spaces known as hijacked buildings, bad buildings or dark buildings. Tens of thousands of residents, both South African and foreign national, live in these buildings in dire conditions. This book tells the story of these sites, and the court cases around them, ones that strike at the centre of who has the right to occupy the city. In February 2010, while Johannesburg prepared for the FIFA World Cup, the South Gauteng High Court ordered the eviction of the unlawful occupiers of an abandoned carpet factory on Saratoga Avenue and that the city’s Metropolitan Municipality provide temporary emergency accommodation for the evicted. The case, which became known as Blue Moonlight and went to the Constitutional Court, catalysed a decade of struggles over housing and eviction in Johannesburg. The Blinded City chronicles this case, among others, and the aftermath – a tumultuous period in the city characterised by recurrent dispossessions, police and immigration operations, outbursts of xenophobic violence, and political and legal change. All through the decade, there is the backdrop of successive mayors and their attempts to ‘clean up’ the city, and the struggles of residents and urban housing activists for homes and a better life. The interwoven narratives present a compelling mosaic of life in post-apartheid Johannesburg, one of the globe’s most infamous and vital cities.
Jojo and Titi heard that the mountains had a secret and they are determined to find out what it is. Join them on their adventure as they explore the unique Table Mountain Range.
Democracy is being destroyed. This is a crisis that expresses itself in the rising authoritarianism visible in divisive and exclusionary politics, populist political parties and movements, increased distrust in fact-based information and news, and the withering accountability of state institutions. What is less obvious is that the sources of the democratic rot are integral to the systemic crisis generated by neoliberal capitalism, which assigns economic metrics to all aspects of life. In other words, the crisis of democracy is the political crisis of neoliberal capitalism. Over the last four decades, democracy has radically shifted to a market democracy in which all aspects of human, non-human and planetary life are commodified, with corporations becoming more powerful than states and their citizens. Volume six of the Democratic Marxism series focuses on how decades of neoliberal capitalism have eroded the global democratic project and how, in the process, authoritarian politics are gaining ground. Scholars and activists from the left focus on four country cases – India, Brazil, South Africa and the United States of America – in which the COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled and highlighted the pre-existing crisis. They interrogate issues of politics, ecology, state security, media, access to information and political parties, and affirm the need to reclaim and re-build an expansive and inclusive democracy. Destroying Democracy is an invaluable resource for the general public, activists, scholars and students who are interested in understanding the threats to democracy and the rising tide of authoritarianism in the global global South and global North.
Faced with numerous challenges resultant from intelligence inertia, information overload, agenda-driven intelligence, and so forth, African military intelligence organisations must revisit the art of HUMINT (Human Intelligence). It remains a vital prerequisite to know and understand a challenger, an enemy, or a threat. Without intelligence, adjustments and corrections to strategies and operational designs cannot be made. Without it, the armed forces will be unable to discover the strategic or operational intent of the hostile forces. African military intelligence organisations currently face a deficit when it comes to the approaches to and collection of intelligence-information by human sources. These organisations must reassess how they are posited and become more forward-looking, pre-emptive, and action orientated and with a deeper operational reach. For defensive, offensive and containment reasons, the role of humans as collectors of intelligence-information must be more aggressively pursued. Covering topics such as understanding the role of military intelligence, HUMINT operations in Africa, intelligence tradecraft, and combat intelligence in support of Composite Warfare operations, this book is both a valuable contribution and guide to African military intelligence organisations and their trainers. It ought to be on every intelligence officer’s bookshelf.
Hierdie bundel het ontstaan na aanleiding van ’n gesoute bibliotekaresse se vreugde oor kinders wat ’n ou hardebandbundel met Langenhoven se spookstories uit die volwasse afdeling smokkel om in die kinderafdeling voos te lees. Die spookverhale is versigtig uitgekies en hervertel deur Wendy Maartens om by die oorspronklike teks aan te sluit, en terselfdertyd ook tot die kind van vandag te spreek. |
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