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Take your financial skills to the next level by mastering
cutting-edge mathematical and statistical financial applications
Key Features Explore advanced financial models used by the industry
and ways of solving them using Python Build state-of-the-art
infrastructure for modeling, visualization, trading, and more
Empower your financial applications by applying machine learning
and deep learning Book DescriptionThe second edition of Mastering
Python for Finance will guide you through carrying out complex
financial calculations practiced in the industry of finance by
using next-generation methodologies. You will master the Python
ecosystem by leveraging publicly available tools to successfully
perform research studies and modeling, and learn to manage risks
with the help of advanced examples. You will start by setting up
your Jupyter notebook to implement the tasks throughout the book.
You will learn to make efficient and powerful data-driven financial
decisions using popular libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, Numpy,
SciPy, and sklearn. You will also learn how to build financial
applications by mastering concepts such as stocks, options,
interest rates and their derivatives, and risk analytics using
computational methods. With these foundations, you will learn to
apply statistical analysis to time series data, and understand how
time series data is useful for implementing an event-driven
backtesting system and for working with high-frequency data in
building an algorithmic trading platform. Finally, you will explore
machine learning and deep learning techniques that are applied in
finance. By the end of this book, you will be able to apply Python
to different paradigms in the financial industry and perform
efficient data analysis. What you will learn Solve linear and
nonlinear models representing various financial problems Perform
principal component analysis on the DOW index and its components
Analyze, predict, and forecast stationary and non-stationary time
series processes Create an event-driven backtesting tool and
measure your strategies Build a high-frequency algorithmic trading
platform with Python Replicate the CBOT VIX index with SPX options
for studying VIX-based strategies Perform regression-based and
classification-based machine learning tasks for prediction Use
TensorFlow and Keras in deep learning neural network architecture
Who this book is forIf you are a financial or data analyst or a
software developer in the financial industry who is interested in
using advanced Python techniques for quantitative methods in
finance, this is the book you need! You will also find this book
useful if you want to extend the functionalities of your existing
financial applications by using smart machine learning techniques.
Prior experience in Python is required.
Design clever algorithms that discover hidden patterns and draw
responses from unstructured, unlabeled data. Key Features Build
state-of-the-art algorithms that can solve your business' problems
Learn how to find hidden patterns in your data Revise key concepts
with hands-on exercises using real-world datasets Book
DescriptionStarting with the basics, Applied Unsupervised Learning
with R explains clustering methods, distribution analysis, data
encoders, and features of R that enable you to understand your data
better and get answers to your most pressing business questions.
This book begins with the most important and commonly used method
for unsupervised learning - clustering - and explains the three
main clustering algorithms - k-means, divisive, and agglomerative.
Following this, you'll study market basket analysis, kernel density
estimation, principal component analysis, and anomaly detection.
You'll be introduced to these methods using code written in R, with
further instructions on how to work with, edit, and improve R code.
To help you gain a practical understanding, the book also features
useful tips on applying these methods to real business problems,
including market segmentation and fraud detection. By working
through interesting activities, you'll explore data encoders and
latent variable models. By the end of this book, you will have a
better understanding of different anomaly detection methods, such
as outlier detection, Mahalanobis distances, and contextual and
collective anomaly detection. What you will learn Implement
clustering methods such as k-means, agglomerative, and divisive
Write code in R to analyze market segmentation and consumer
behavior Estimate distribution and probabilities of different
outcomes Implement dimension reduction using principal component
analysis Apply anomaly detection methods to identify fraud Design
algorithms with R and learn how to edit or improve code Who this
book is forApplied Unsupervised Learning with R is designed for
business professionals who want to learn about methods to
understand their data better, and developers who have an interest
in unsupervised learning. Although the book is for beginners, it
will be beneficial to have some basic, beginner-level familiarity
with R. This includes an understanding of how to open the R
console, how to read data, and how to create a loop. To easily
understand the concepts of this book, you should also know basic
mathematical concepts, including exponents, square roots, means,
and medians.
Many professional, high-quality surveys collect data on people's
behaviour, experiences, lifestyles and attitudes. The data they
produce is more accessible than ever before. This book provides
students with a comprehensive introduction to using this data, as
well as transactional data and big data sources, in their own
research projects. Here you will find all you need to know about
locating, accessing, preparing and analysing secondary data, along
with step-by-step instructions for using IBM SPSS Statistics. You
will learn how to: Create a robust research question and design
that suits secondary analysis Locate, access and explore data
online Understand data documentation Check and 'clean' secondary
data Manage and analyse your data to produce meaningful results
Replicate analyses of data in published articles and books Using
case studies and video animations to illustrate each step of your
research, this book provides you with the quantitative analysis
skills you'll need to pass your course, complete your research
project and compete in the job market. Exercises throughout the
book and on the book's companion website give you an opportunity to
practice, check your understanding and work hands on with real data
as you're learning.
Discover the story of your data using the essential elements of
associations and correlations Key Features Get a comprehensive
introduction to associations and correlations Explore multivariate
analysis, understand its limitations, and discover the assumptions
on which it's based Gain insights into the various ways of
preparing your data for analysis and visualization Book
DescriptionAssociations and correlations are ways of describing how
a pair of variables change together as a result of their
connection. By knowing the various available techniques, you can
easily and accurately discover and visualize the relationships in
your data. This book begins by showing you how to classify your
data into the four distinct types that you are likely to have in
your dataset. Then, with easy-to-understand examples, you'll learn
when to use the various univariate and multivariate statistical
tests. You'll also discover what to do when your univariate and
multivariate results do not match. As the book progresses, it
describes why univariate and multivariate techniques should be used
as a tag team, and also introduces you to the techniques of
visualizing the story of your data. By the end of the book, you'll
know exactly how to select the most appropriate univariate and
multivariate tests, and be able to use a single strategic framework
to discover the true story of your data. What you will learn
Identify a dataset that's fit for analysis using its basic features
Understand the importance of associations and correlations Use
multivariate and univariate statistical tests to confirm
relationships Classify data as qualitative or quantitative and then
into the four subtypes Build a visual representation of all the
relationships in the dataset Automate associations and correlations
with CorrelViz Who this book is forThis is a book for beginners -
if you're a novice data analyst or data scientist, then this is a
great place to start. Experienced data analysts might also find
value in this title, as it will recap the basics and strengthen
your understanding of key concepts. This book focuses on
introducing the essential elements of association and correlation
Das vorliegende Buch verdankt seine Entstehung dem Bedurfnis nach
einer ubersichtlichen Einleitung in die Wahr
scheinlichkeitsrechnung und einer klaren Darstellung ihrer
Hauptsatze, welches sich mir aufdrangte, als ich vor langerer Zeit
von einem jungen, auch mathematisch gebildeten Philosophen gebeten
wurde, ihn in diese Rechnung einzufuhren. Trotz der Wichtigkeit,
welche dieser Zweig der Mathematik besitzt, trotz der Bedeutung
seiner Anwendungen auch auf rein wissenschaft lichem Gebiete
zufolge der auf ihm basierenden Ausgleichungs rechnung von
Beobachtungen fehlte es doch an einem Lehr buche, welches eine
erste Einfuhrung ermoglichte. Das mit Recht geruhmte Werk von Hag e
n: "Grundzuge der W ahr scheinlichkeitsrechnung" enthalt diese
Grundzuge nicht, sondern ihren weiteren Ausbau in der Methode der
kleinsten Quadrate und deren Anwendungen. Nur die ersten zwanzig
Seiten sind den Hauptsatzen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsreclmung
gewidmet; diese enthalten aber lediglich einen Abdruck der zehn
Principien, welche La Place in seinem "E88ai Philo8ophique SU1' Les
P1'O ba bilite8" als die hauptsachlichsten Resultate des Calculs
hinstellt. Obwohl sie mit erlauternden Bemerkungen versehen sind,
konnen sie doch eine methodische Einleitung nicht er setzen, ja,
sie wirken auf den Anfanger durch die Benutzung von nicht
definierten Begriffen, wie den der Ursache, sogar verwirrend ein.
IV Den erwahnten Mangel einer methodischen Einleitung soll das
vorliegende Buchlein ersetzen; dagegen schien es nicht notig, die
Anwendungen der entwi'ckelten Principien auf die
Ausgleichungsrechnung zu g'eben, weil hieruber vortreffliche Werke
in genugender Anzahl existieren, z. B. das erwahnte von Hagen und
die grundlegenden Darstellungen von Ga. uss."
This practical guide is designed for students and researchers with
an existing knowledge of R who wish to learn how to apply it in an
epidemiological context and exploit its versatility. It also serves
as a broader introduction to the quantitative aspects of modern
practical epidemiology. The standard tools used in epidemiology are
described and the practical use of R for these is clearly explained
and laid out. R code examples, many with output, are embedded
throughout the text. The entire code is also available on the
companion website so that readers can reproduce all the results and
graphs featured in the book. Epidemiology with R is an advanced
textbook suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students,
professional researchers, and practitioners in the fields of human
and non-human epidemiology, public health, veterinary science, and