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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics
Boltzmann and Vlasov equations played a great role in the past and still play an important role in modern natural sciences, technique and even philosophy of science. Classical Boltzmann equation derived in 1872 became a cornerstone for the molecular-kinetic theory, the second law of thermodynamics (increasing entropy) and derivation of the basic hydrodynamic equations. After modifications, the fields and numbers of its applications have increased to include diluted gas, radiation, neutral particles transportation, atmosphere optics and nuclear reactor modelling. Vlasov equation was obtained in 1938 and serves as a basis of plasma physics and describes large-scale processes and galaxies in astronomy, star wind theory. This book provides a comprehensive review of both equations and presents both classical and modern applications. In addition, it discusses several open problems of great importance.
This book highlights essential concepts in connection with the traditional bat algorithm and its recent variants, as well as its application to find optimal solutions for a variety of real-world engineering and medical problems. Today, swarm intelligence-based meta-heuristic algorithms are extensively being used to address a wide range of real-world optimization problems due to their adaptability and robustness. Developed in 2009, the bat algorithm (BA) is one of the most successful swarm intelligence procedures, and has been used to tackle optimization tasks for more than a decade. The BA's mathematical model is quite straightforward and easy to understand and enhance, compared to other swarm approaches. Hence, it has attracted the attention of researchers who are working to find optimal solutions in a diverse range of domains, such as N-dimensional numerical optimization, constrained/unconstrained optimization and linear/nonlinear optimization problems. Along with the traditional BA, its enhanced versions are now also being used to solve optimization problems in science, engineering and medical applications around the globe.
Exploring Monte Carlo Methods is a basic text that describes the numerical methods that have come to be known as "Monte Carlo." The book treats the subject generically through the first eight chapters and, thus, should be of use to anyone who wants to learn to use Monte Carlo. The next two chapters focus on applications in nuclear engineering, which are illustrative of uses in other fields. Five appendices are included, which provide useful information on probability distributions, general-purpose Monte Carlo codes for radiation transport, and other matters. The famous "Buffon s needle problem" provides a unifying theme as it is repeatedly used to illustrate many features of Monte Carlo methods. This book provides the basic detail necessary to learn how to
apply Monte Carlo methods and thus should be useful as a text book
for undergraduate or graduate courses in numerical methods. It is
written so that interested readers with only an understanding of
calculus and differential equations can learn Monte Carlo on their
own. Coverage of topics such as variance reduction, pseudo-random
number generation, Markov chain Monte Carlo, inverse Monte Carlo,
and linear operator equations will make the book useful even to
experienced Monte Carlo practitioners.
The book shows that the analytic combinatorics (AC) method encodes the combinatorial problems of multiple object tracking-without information loss-into the derivatives of a generating function (GF). The book lays out an easy-to-follow path from theory to practice and includes salient AC application examples. Since GFs are not widely utilized amongst the tracking community, the book takes the reader from the basics of the subject to applications of theory starting from the simplest problem of single object tracking, and advancing chapter by chapter to more challenging multi-object tracking problems. Many established tracking filters (e.g., Bayes-Markov, PDA, JPDA, IPDA, JIPDA, CPHD, PHD, multi-Bernoulli, MBM, LMBM, and MHT) are derived in this manner with simplicity, economy, and considerable clarity. The AC method gives significant and fresh insights into the modeling assumptions of these filters and, thereby, also shows the potential utility of various approximation methods that are well established techniques in applied mathematics and physics, but are new to tracking. These unexplored possibilities are reviewed in the final chapter of the book.
Updated to reflect current research, Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem, Fourth Edition introduces fundamental ideas of algebraic numbers and explores one of the most intriguing stories in the history of mathematics-the quest for a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. The authors use this celebrated theorem to motivate a general study of the theory of algebraic numbers from a relatively concrete point of view. Students will see how Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem opened many new areas for future work. New to the Fourth Edition Provides up-to-date information on unique prime factorization for real quadratic number fields, especially Harper's proof that Z( 14) is Euclidean Presents an important new result: Mihailescu's proof of the Catalan conjecture of 1844 Revises and expands one chapter into two, covering classical ideas about modular functions and highlighting the new ideas of Frey, Wiles, and others that led to the long-sought proof of Fermat's Last Theorem Improves and updates the index, figures, bibliography, further reading list, and historical remarks Written by preeminent mathematicians Ian Stewart and David Tall, this text continues to teach students how to extend properties of natural numbers to more general number structures, including algebraic number fields and their rings of algebraic integers. It also explains how basic notions from the theory of algebraic numbers can be used to solve problems in number theory.
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of computational engineering, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 26th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES), held in Phuket, Thailand on January 6-10, 2021. ICCES covers all aspects of applied sciences and engineering: theoretical, analytical, computational, and experimental studies and solutions of problems in the physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, electrical, and mathematical sciences. As such, the book discusses highly diverse topics, including composites; bioengineering & biomechanics; geotechnical engineering; offshore & arctic engineering; multi-scale & multi-physics fluid engineering; structural integrity & longevity; materials design & simulation; and computer modeling methods in engineering. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.
This book provides a concise point of reference for the most commonly used regression methods. It begins with linear and nonlinear regression for normally distributed data, logistic regression for binomially distributed data, and Poisson regression and negative-binomial regression for count data. It then progresses to these regression models that work with longitudinal and multi-level data structures. The volume is designed to guide the transition from classical to more advanced regression modeling, as well as to contribute to the rapid development of statistics and data science. With data and computing programs available to facilitate readers' learning experience, Statistical Regression Modeling promotes the applications of R in linear, nonlinear, longitudinal and multi-level regression. All included datasets, as well as the associated R program in packages nlme and lme4 for multi-level regression, are detailed in Appendix A. This book will be valuable in graduate courses on applied regression, as well as for practitioners and researchers in the fields of data science, statistical analytics, public health, and related fields.
This book is a consequence of the international meeting organized in Marseilles in November 2018 devoted to the aftermath of the Great War for mathematical communities. It features selected original research presented at the meeting offering a new perspective on a period, the 1920s, not extensively considered by historiography. After 1918, new countries were created, and borders of several others were modified. Territories were annexed while some countries lost entire regions. These territorial changes bear witness to the massive and varied upheavals with which European societies were confronted in the aftermath of the Great War. The reconfiguration of political Europe was accompanied by new alliances and a redistribution of trade - commercial, intellectual, artistic, military, and so on - which largely shaped international life during the interwar period. These changes also had an enormous impact on scientific life, not only in practice, but also in its organization and communication strategies. The mathematical sciences, which from the late 19th century to the 1920s experienced a deep disciplinary evolution, were thus facing a double movement, internal and external, which led to a sustainable restructuring of research and teaching. Concomitantly, various areas such as topology, functional analysis, abstract algebra, logic or probability, among others, experienced exceptional development. This was accompanied by an explosion of new international or national associations of mathematicians with for instance the founding, in 1918, of the International Mathematical Union and the controversial creation of the International Research Council. Therefore, the central idea for the articulation of the various chapters of the book is to present case studies illustrating how in the aftermath of the war, many mathematicians had to organize their personal trajectories taking into account the evolution of the political, social and scientific environment which had taken place at the end of the conflict.
This book concentrates on a wide range of advances related to IT cybersecurity management. The topics covered in this book include, among others, management techniques in security, IT risk management, the impact of technologies and techniques on security management, regulatory techniques and issues, surveillance technologies, security policies, security for protocol management, location management, GOS management, resource management, channel management, and mobility management. The authors also discuss digital contents copyright protection, system security management, network security management, security management in network equipment, storage area networks (SAN) management, information security management, government security policy, web penetration testing, security operations, and vulnerabilities management. The authors introduce the concepts, techniques, methods, approaches and trends needed by cybersecurity management specialists and educators for keeping current their cybersecurity management knowledge. Further, they provide a glimpse of future directions where cybersecurity management techniques, policies, applications, and theories are headed. The book is a rich collection of carefully selected and reviewed manuscripts written by diverse cybersecurity management experts in the listed fields and edited by prominent cybersecurity management researchers and specialists.
This textbook serves as an introduction to nonlinear dynamics and fractals for physiological modeling. Examples and demonstrations from current research in cardiopulmonary engineering and neuro-systems engineering are provided, as well as lab and computer exercises that encourage readers to apply the course material. This is an ideal textbook for graduate students in biomedical engineering departments, researchers who analyze physiological data, and researchers interested in physiological modeling.
This volume is number ten in the 11-volume Handbook of the
History of Logic. While there are many examples were a science
split from philosophy and became autonomous (such as physics with
Newton and biology with Darwin), and while there are, perhaps,
topics that are of exclusively philosophical interest, inductive
logic - as this handbook attests - is a research field where
philosophers and scientists fruitfully and constructively interact.
This handbook covers the rich history of scientific turning points
in Inductive Logic, including probability theory and decision
theory. Written by leading researchers in the field, both this
volume and the Handbook as a whole are definitive reference tools
for senior undergraduates, graduate students and researchers in the
history of logic, the history of philosophy, and any discipline,
such as mathematics, computer science, cognitive psychology, and
artificial intelligence, for whom the historical background of his
or her work is a salient consideration. Chapter on the Port Royal contributions to probability theory and decision theory Serves as a singular contribution to the intellectual history of the 20th century Contains the latest scholarly discoveries and interpretative insights"
This book focuses on the latest developments in behaviormetrics and data science, covering a wide range of topics in data analysis and related areas of data science, including analysis of complex data, analysis of qualitative data, methods for high-dimensional data, dimensionality reduction, visualization of such data, multivariate statistical methods, analysis of asymmetric relational data, and various applications to real data. In addition to theoretical and methodological results, it also shows how to apply the proposed methods to a variety of problems, for example in consumer behavior, decision making, marketing data, and social network structures. Moreover, it discuses methodological aspects and applications in a wide range of areas, such as behaviormetrics; behavioral science; psychology; and marketing, management and social sciences. Combining methodological advances with real-world applications collected from a variety of research fields, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners, as well as for applied statisticians and data analysts.
Sparse grids are a popular tool for the numerical treatment of high-dimensional problems. Where classical numerical discretization schemes fail in more than three or four dimensions, sparse grids, in their different flavors, are frequently the method of choice. This volume of LNCSE presents selected papers from the proceedings of the fifth workshop on sparse grids and applications, and demonstrates once again the importance of this numerical discretization scheme. The articles present recent advances in the numerical analysis of sparse grids in connection with a range of applications including uncertainty quantification, plasma physics simulations, and computational chemistry, to name but a few.
This volume presents selected papers from the International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications (ICUIA), which took place on May 10-12, 2019 in Wuhan, China. The goal of the conference was to bring together researchers, industry leaders, policy makers, and administrators to discuss emerging technologies and their applications to advance the design and implementation of intelligent utilization and management of urban assets, and thus contributing to the autonomous, reliable, and efficient operation of modern, smart cities. The papers are collated to address major themes of urban sustainability, urban infrastructure and management, smart city applications, image and signal processing, natural language processing, and machine learning for monitoring and communications applications. The book will be of interest to researchers and industrial practitioners working on geospatial theories and tools, smart city applications, urban mobility and transportation, and community well-being and management.
This book presents theoretical modeling and numerical simulations applied to drive several applications towards Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). The topics discussed range from theoretical parts to extensive simulations involving many efficient algorithms as well as various statistical techniques. This book is suitable for postgraduate students, researchers as well as other scientists who are working in mathematics, statistics and numerical modeling and simulation.
This book presents intelligent data analysis as a tool to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The intelligent data analysis includes machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision applications to teach computers to use big data-based models for pattern recognition, explanation, and prediction. These functions are discussed in detail in the book to recognize (diagnose), predict, and explain (treat) COVID-19 infections, and help manage socio-economic impacts. It also discusses primary warnings and alerts; tracking and prediction; data dashboards; diagnosis and prognosis; treatments and cures; and social control by the use of intelligent data analysis. It provides analysis reports, solutions using real-time data, and solution through web applications details.
The scattering theory for transport phenomena was initiated by P. Lax and R. Phillips in 1967. Since then, great progress has been made in the field and the work has been ongoing for more than half a century. This book shows part of that progress. The book is divided into 7 chapters, the first of which deals with preliminaries of the theory of semigroups and C*-algebra, different types of semigroups, Schatten-von Neuman classes of operators, and facts about ultraweak operator topology, with examples using wavelet theory. Chapter 2 goes into abstract scattering theory in a general Banach space. The wave and scattering operators and their basic properties are defined. Some abstract methods such as smooth perturbation and the limiting absorption principle are also presented. Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport or linearized Boltzmann equation, and in Chapter 4 the Lax and Phillips formalism is introduced in scattering theory for the transport equation. In their seminal book, Lax and Phillips introduced the incoming and outgoing subspaces, which verify their representation theorem for a dissipative hyperbolic system initially and also matches for the transport problem. By means of these subspaces, the Lax and Phillips semigroup is defined and it is proved that this semigroup is eventually compact, hence hyperbolic. Balanced equations give rise to two transport equations, one of which can satisfy an advection equation and one of which will be nonautonomous. For generating, the Howland semigroup and Howland's formalism must be used, as shown in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 is the highlight of the book, in which it is explained how the scattering operator for the transport problem by using the albedo operator can lead to recovery of the functionality of computerized tomography in medical science. The final chapter introduces the Wigner function, which connects the Schroedinger equation to statistical physics and the Husimi distribution function. Here, the relationship between the Wigner function and the quantum dynamical semigroup (QDS) can be seen.
In the statistical domain, certain topics have received considerable attention during the last decade or so, necessitated by the growth and evolution of data and theoretical challenges. This growth has invariably been accompanied by computational advancement, which has presented end users as well as researchers with the necessary opportunities to handle data and implement modelling solutions for statistical purposes. Showcasing the interplay among a variety of disciplines, this book offers pioneering theoretical and applied solutions to practice-oriented problems. As a carefully curated collection of prominent international thought leaders, it fosters collaboration between statisticians and biostatisticians and provides an array of thought processes and tools to its readers. The book thereby creates an understanding and appreciation of recent developments as well as an implementation of these contributions within the broader framework of both academia and industry. Computational and Methodological Statistics and Biostatistics is composed of three main themes: * Recent developments in theory and applications of statistical distributions;* Recent developments in supervised and unsupervised modelling;* Recent developments in biostatistics; and also features programming code and accompanying algorithms to enable readers to replicate and implement methodologies. Therefore, this monograph provides a concise point of reference for a variety of current trends and topics within the statistical domain. With interdisciplinary appeal, it will be useful to researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in statistics, biostatistics, clinical methodology, geology, data science, and actuarial science, amongst others. |
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