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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids
This book presents efficient metaheuristic algorithms for optimal design of structures. Many of these algorithms are developed by the author and his graduate students, consisting of Particle Swarm Optimization, Charged System Search, Magnetic Charged System Search, Field of Forces Optimization, Democratic Particle Swarm Optimization, Dolphin Echolocation Optimization, Colliding Bodies Optimization, Ray Optimization. These are presented together with algorithms which are developed by other authors and have been successfully applied to various optimization problems. These consist of Partical Swarm Optimization, Big Band Big Crunch algorithm, Cuckoo Search Optimization, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and Chaos Embedded Metaheuristic Algorithm. Finally a multi-objective Optimization is presented to Solve large scale structural problems based on the Charged System Search algorithm, In the second edition seven new chapters are added consisting of Enhance colliding bodies optimization, Global sensitivity analysis, Tug of War Optimization, Water evaporation optimization, Vibrating System Optimization and Cyclical Parthenogenesis Optimization algorithm. In the third edition, five new chapters are included consisting of the recently developed algorithms. These are Shuffled Shepherd Optimization Algorithm, Set Theoretical Shuffled Shepherd Optimization Algorithm, Set Theoretical Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm, Thermal Exchange Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm, and Water Strider Optimization Algorithm and Its Enhancement. The concepts and algorithm presented in this book are not only applicable to optimization of skeletal structure, finite element models, but can equally be utilized for optimal design of other systems such as hydraulic and electrical networks.
This book is about algebraic and differential methods, as well as fractional calculus, applied to diagnose and reject faults in nonlinear systems, which are of integer or fractional order. This represents an extension of a very important and widely studied problem in control theory, namely fault diagnosis and rejection (using differential algebraic approaches), to systems presenting fractional dynamics, i.e. systems whose dynamics are represented by derivatives and integrals of non-integer order. The authors offer a thorough overview devoted to fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control applied to fractional-order and integer-order dynamical systems, and they introduce new methodologies for control and observation described by fractional and integer models, together with successful simulations and real-time applications. The basic concepts and tools of mathematics required to understand the methodologies proposed are all clearly introduced and explained. Consequently, the book is useful as supplementary reading in courses of applied mathematics and nonlinear control theory. This book is meant for engineers, mathematicians, physicists and, in general, to researchers and postgraduate students in diverse areas who have a minimum knowledge of calculus. It also contains advanced topics for researchers and professionals interested in the area of states and faults estimation.
This book includes select papers presented during the 16th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, held in JNCASR, Bangalore, and presents the latest developments in computational, experimental and theoretical research as well as industrial and technological advances. This book is of interest to researchers working in the field of fluid mechanics.
This textbook serves as an introduction to nonlinear dynamics and fractals for physiological modeling. Examples and demonstrations from current research in cardiopulmonary engineering and neuro-systems engineering are provided, as well as lab and computer exercises that encourage readers to apply the course material. This is an ideal textbook for graduate students in biomedical engineering departments, researchers who analyze physiological data, and researchers interested in physiological modeling.
The certification of the structural integrity of buildings, bridges, and mechanical components is one of the main goals of engineers. For civil engineers especially, understanding the tools available for infrastructure analysis is an essential part of designing, constructing, and maintaining safe and reliable structures. Fracture and Damage Mechanics for Structural Engineering of Frames: State-of-the-Art Industrial Applications outlines the latest computational tools, models, and methodologies surrounding the analysis of wall and frame load support and resilience. Emphasizing best practices in computational simulation for civil engineering applications, this reference work is invaluable to postgraduate students, academicians, and engineers in the field.
This book evaluates the seismic performance of concrete gravity dams, considering the effects of strong motion duration, mainshock-aftershock seismic sequence, and near-fault ground motion. It employs both the extended finite element method (XFEM) and concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) models to characterize the mechanical behavior of concrete gravity dams under strong ground motions, including the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction. In addition, it discusses the effects of the initial crack, earthquake direction, and cross-stream seismic excitation on the nonlinear dynamic response to strong ground motions, and on the damage-cracking risk of concrete gravity dams. This book provides a theoretical basis for the seismic performance evaluation of high dams, and can also be used as a reference resource for researchers and graduate students engaged in the seismic design of high dams.
This extended and revised second edition is intended for engineering students and researchers working with finite element methods in structural and mechanical analysis. Discussing numerical structural analysis from first mechanical and mathematical principles, it establishes the central role of influence functions (Green's functions) in finite element analysis, reanalysis, sensitivity analysis, parameter identification and in optimization, with a particular focus on computational aspects and questions of accuracy. It also presents a one-click reanalysis, a new technique that allows instantaneous modifications to a structure to be made by clicking on single elements. Lastly, the book features four programs that can be downloaded for the solution of the Poisson equation, 2-D elasticity, plate-bending problems and planar frames.
This book presents a systematic introduction to particle damping technologies, which can be used to effectively mitigate seismic-induced and wind-induced vibration in various structures. Further, it offers comprehensive information on the latest research advances, e.g. a refined simulation model based on the discrete element method and a simplified simulation model based on equivalent principles. It then intensively studies the vibration attenuation effects of particle dampers subjected to different dynamic loads; in this context, the book proposes a new damping mechanism and "global'' measures that can be used to evaluate damping performance. Moreover, the book uses the shaking table test and wind tunnel test to verify the proposed simulation methods, and their satisfactory damping performance is confirmed. To facilitate the practical engineering application of this technology, optimization design guidelines for particle impact dampers are also provided. In closing, the book offers a preliminary exploration of semi-active particle damping technology, which holds great potential for extension to other applications in which the primary system is subjected to non-stationary excitations.
This book offers a clear and comprehensive overview of both the theory and application of fundamental aspects of concrete-filled double steel tubes (CFDST). Many analysis and design applications are presented, which involve mechanical components and structural members often encountered in engineering practice. This monograph is written for practicing structural and civil engineers, students, and academic researchers who want to keep up to speed on the latest technologies for concrete-filled steel tube (CFST).
This book intends to introduce some recent results on passivity of complex dynamical networks with single weight and multiple weights. The book collects novel research ideas and some definitions in complex dynamical networks, such as passivity, output strict passivity, input strict passivity, finite-time passivity, and multiple weights. Furthermore, the research results previously published in many flagship journals are methodically edited and presented in a unified form. The book is likely to be of interest to university researchers and graduate students in Engineering and Mathematics who wish to study the passivity of complex dynamical networks.
This book focusses on structural bonding, including many facets, like fundamental aspects of adhesion, science and technology of surfaces, adhesive materials, mechanical properties of bonded joints, innovative designs and applications, testing and standardization, industrial aspects, quality procedures, environmental and ecological aspects. This first volume of the new series gathers selected contributions of the 6th international conference on structural adhesive bonding AB 2021, held in Porto, Portugal, 8-9 July 2021, represents the latest trends and serves as a reference volume for researchers and graduate students working in this field.
This book is ideal for teaching students in engineering or physics the skills necessary to analyze motions of complex mechanical systems such as spacecraft, robotic manipulators, and articulated scientific instruments. Kane's method, which emerged recently, reduces the labor needed to derive equations of motion and leads to equations that are simpler and more readily solved by computer, in comparison to earlier, classical approaches. Moreover, the method is highly systematic and thus easy to teach. This book is a revision of Dynamics: Theory and Applications (1985), by T. R. Kane and D. A. Levinson, and presents the method for forming equations of motion by constructing generalized active forces and generalized inertia forces. Important additional topics include approaches for dealing with finite rotation, an updated treatment of constraint forces and constraint torques, an extension of Kane's method to deal with a broader class of nonholonomic constraint equations, and other recent advances.
This book provides a comprehensive review of fundamental issues in the dynamical modeling and vibration control design for several flexible mechanical systems, such as flexible satellites, flexible aerial refueling hoses, and flexible three-dimensional manipulators. Offering an authoritative reference guide to the dynamics and control of flexible mechanical systems, it equips readers to solve a host of problems concerning these systems. It provides not only a complete overview of flexible systems, but also a better understanding of the technical levels involved. The book is divided into ten chapters: Chapters 1 and 2 lay the foundations, while the remaining chapters explore several independent yet related topics in detail. The book's final chapter presents conclusions and recommendations for future research. Given its scope, the book is intended for researchers, graduate students, and engineers whose work involves control systems, flexible mechanical systems, and related areas.
This volume brings together contributions from world renowned researchers and practitioners in the field of geotechnical engineering. The chapters of this book are based on the keynote and invited lectures delivered at the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. The book presents advances in the field of soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. A strong emphasis is placed on proving connections between academic research and field practice, with many examples, case studies, best practices, and discussions on performance-based design. This volume will be of interest to research scholars, academicians and industry professionals alike.
This book gathers contributions from the 15th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams. The workshop provided an opportunity for engineers, researchers and operators to present and exchange their experiences and the latest advances in numerical modelling in the context of the design, performance and monitoring of dams. Covering various aspects of computer analysis tools and safety assessment criteria, and their development over recent decades, the book is a valuable reference resource for those in the engineering community involved in the safety, planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of dams.
This book commemorates the 75th birthday of Prof. George Jaiani - Georgia's leading expert on shell theory. He is also well known outside Georgia for his individual approach to shell theory research and as an organizer of meetings, conferences and schools in the field. The collection of papers presented includes articles by scientists from various countries discussing the state of the art and new trends in the theory of shells, plates, and beams. Chapter 20 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
This book gathers selected, extended and revised contributions to the 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, and the 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization (CMBBE 2019), held on August 14-16, 2019, in New York City, USA. It reports on cutting-edge models and algorithms for studying various tissues and organs in normal and pathological conditions; innovative imaging and visualization techniques; and the latest diagnostic tools. Further topics addressed include: numerical methods, machine learning approaches, FEM models, and high-resolution imaging and real-time visualization methods applied for biomedical purposes. Given the scope of its coverage, the book provides graduate students and researchers with a timely and insightful snapshot of the latest research and current challenges in biomedical engineering, computational biomechanics and biological imaging, as well as a source of inspiration for future research and cross-disciplinary collaborations.
This book offers selected contributions to fundamental research and application in designing and engineering materials. It focuses on mechanical engineering applications such as automobile, railway, marine, aerospace, biomedical, pressure vessel technology, and turbine technology. This includes a wide range of material classes, like lightweight metallic materials, polymers, composites, and ceramics. Advanced applications include manufacturing using the new or newer materials, testing methods, and multi-scale experimental and computational aspects.
This book introduces the theory of structural dynamics, with focus on civil engineering structures. It presents modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course in structural dynamics. It is arranged in such a way that it can be used for a one- or two-semester course, or span the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, this book serves the practicing engineer as a primary reference. This book is organized by the type of structural modeling. The author simplifies the subject by presenting a single degree-of-freedom system in the first chapters and then moves to systems with many degrees-of-freedom in the following chapters. Many worked examples/problems are presented to explain the text, and a few computer programs are presented to help better understand the concepts. The book is useful to the research scholars and professional engineers, besides senior undergraduate and postgraduate students.
This book gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 14th International Symposium, PRADS 2019, held in Yokohama, Japan, in September 2019. It brings together naval architects, engineers, academic researchers and professionals who are involved in ships and other floating structures to share the latest research advances in the field. The contents cover a broad range of topics, including design synthesis for ships and floating systems, production, hydrodynamics, and structures and materials. Reflecting the latest advances, the book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners alike.
Is there a fatigue limit in metals? This question is the main focus of this book. Written by a leading researcher in the field, Claude Bathias presents a thorough and authoritative examination of the coupling between plasticity, crack initiation and heat dissipation for lifetimes that exceed the billion cycle, leading us to question the concept of the fatigue limit, both theoretically and technologically. This is a follow-up to the Fatigue of Materials and Structures series of books previously published in 2011. Contents 1. Introduction on Very High Cycle Fatigue. 2. Plasticity and Initiation in Gigacycle Fatigue. 3. Heating Dissipation in the Gigacycle Regime. About the Authors Claude Bathias is Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris 10-La Defense in France. He started his career as a research engineer in the aerospace and military industry where he remained for 20 years before becoming director of the CNRS laboratory ERA 914 at the University of Compiegne in France. He has launched two international conferences about fatigue: International Conference on the Fatigue of Composite Materials (ICFC) and Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF). This new, up-to-date text supplements the book Fatigue of Materials and Structures, which had been previously published by ISTE and John Wiley in 2011. A thorough review of coupling between plasticity, crack priming, and thermal dissipation for lifespans higher than a billion of cycle has led us to question the concept of fatigue limit, from both the theoretical and technological point of view. This book will address that and more.
This book gathers contributions by researchers from several countries on all major areas of robotic research, development and innovation, as well as new applications and current trends. The topics covered include: novel designs and applications of robotic systems, intelligent cooperating and service robots, advanced robot control, human-robot interfaces, robot vision systems, mobile robots, humanoid and walking robots, bio-inspired and swarm robotic systems, aerial, underwater and spatial robots, robots for ambient assisted living, medical robots and bionic prostheses, cognitive robots, cloud robotics, ethical and social issues in robotics, etc. Given its scope, the book offers a source of information and inspiration for researchers seeking to improve their work and gather new ideas for future developments. The contents reflect the outcomes of the activities of RAAD (International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region) in 2020.
This volume presents selected papers from IACMAG Symposium,The major themes covered in this conference are Earthquake Engineering, Ground Improvement and Constitutive Modelling. This volume will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in geotechnical and geomechanical engineering.
The objective of this book is to construct a rigorous mathematical approach to linear hereditary problems of wave propagation theory and demonstrate the efficiency of mathematical theorems in hereditary mechanics. By using both real end complex Tauberian techniques for the Laplace transform, a classification of near-front asymptotics of solutions to considered equations is given-depending on the singularity character of the memory function. The book goes on to derive the description of the behavior of these solutions and demonstrates the importance of nonlinear Laplace transform in linear hereditary elasticity. This book is of undeniable value to researchers working in areas of mathematical physics and related fields. |
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