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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory

Diophantine Approximations and Diophantine Equations (Paperback, 1st ed. 1991. 2nd printing 1996): Wolfgang M. Schmidt Diophantine Approximations and Diophantine Equations (Paperback, 1st ed. 1991. 2nd printing 1996)
Wolfgang M. Schmidt
R1,721 Discovery Miles 17 210 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

"This book by a leading researcher and masterly expositor of the subject studies diophantine approximations to algebraic numbers and their applications to diophantine equations. The methods are classical, and the results stressed can be obtained without much background in algebraic geometry. In particular, Thue equations, norm form equations and S-unit equations, with emphasis on recent explicit bounds on the number of solutions, are included. The book will be useful for graduate students and researchers." (L'Enseignement Mathematique) "The rich Bibliography includes more than hundred references. The book is easy to read, it may be a useful piece of reading not only for experts but for students as well." Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum

Diophantine Approximation (Paperback, 1st ed. 1980. 2nd printing 1996): W.M. Schmidt Diophantine Approximation (Paperback, 1st ed. 1980. 2nd printing 1996)
W.M. Schmidt
R2,022 Discovery Miles 20 220 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

"In 1970, at the U. of Colorado, the author delivered a course of lectures on his famous generalization, then just established, relating to Roth's theorem on rational approxi- mations to algebraic numbers. The present volume is an ex- panded and up-dated version of the original mimeographed notes on the course. As an introduction to the author's own remarkable achievements relating to the Thue-Siegel-Roth theory, the text can hardly be bettered and the tract can already be regarded as a classic in its field."(Bull.LMS) "Schmidt's work on approximations by algebraic numbers belongs to the deepest and most satisfactory parts of number theory. These notes give the best accessible way to learn the subject. ... this book is highly recommended." (Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap)

Numbers (Paperback, 1st Corrected ed. 1991. Corr. 2nd printing 1996): Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus Numbers (Paperback, 1st Corrected ed. 1991. Corr. 2nd printing 1996)
Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus; Edited by John H. Ewing; Introduction by K. Lamotke; Translated by H.L.S. Orde; Hans Hermes, …
R2,465 Discovery Miles 24 650 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is a book about numbers - all kinds of numbers, from integers to p-adics, from rationals to octonions, from reals to infinitesimals. Who first used the standard notation for Â? Why was Hamilton obsessed with quaternions? What was the prospect for "quaternionic analysis" in the 19th century? This is the story about one of the major threads of mathematics over thousands of years. It is a story that will give the reader both a glimpse of the mystery surrounding imaginary numbers in the 17th century and also a view of some major developments in the 20th.

Bruhat-Tits Theory - A New Approach (Hardcover, New Ed): Tasho Kaletha, Gopal Prasad Bruhat-Tits Theory - A New Approach (Hardcover, New Ed)
Tasho Kaletha, Gopal Prasad
R4,910 R4,239 Discovery Miles 42 390 Save R671 (14%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Bruhat-Tits theory that suffices for the main applications. Part III treats modern topics that have become important in current research. Part IV provides a few sample applications of the theory. The appendices contain further details on the topic of integral models.

Mixed Motives and their Realization in Derived Categories (Paperback, 1995 ed.): Annette Huber Mixed Motives and their Realization in Derived Categories (Paperback, 1995 ed.)
Annette Huber
R1,595 Discovery Miles 15 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The conjectural theory of mixed motives would be a universal cohomology theory in arithmetic algebraic geometry. The monograph describes the approach to motives via their well-defined realizations. This includes a review of several known cohomology theories. A new absolute cohomology is introduced and studied.
The book assumes knowledge of the standard cohomological techniques in algebraic geometry as well as K-theory. So the monograph is primarily intended for researchers. Advanced graduate students can use it as a guide to the literature.

Polynomial Mappings (Paperback, 1995 ed.): Wladyslaw Narkiewicz Polynomial Mappings (Paperback, 1995 ed.)
Wladyslaw Narkiewicz
R1,165 Discovery Miles 11 650 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book deals with certain algebraic and arithmetical questions concerning polynomial mappings in one or several variables. Algebraic properties of the ring Int(R) of polynomials mapping a given ring R into itself are presented in the first part, starting with classical results of Polya, Ostrowski and Skolem. The second part deals with fully invariant sets of polynomial mappings F in one or several variables, i.e. sets X satisfying F(X)=X . This includes in particular a study of cyclic points of such mappings in the case of rings of algebrai integers. The text contains several exercises and a list of open problems.

Explicit Formulas - for Regularized Products and Series (Paperback, 1994 ed.): Jay Jorgenson Explicit Formulas - for Regularized Products and Series (Paperback, 1994 ed.)
Jay Jorgenson; Appendix by Dorian Goldfeld; Serge Lang, Dorian Goldfeld
R1,177 Discovery Miles 11 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The theory of explicit formulas for regularized products and series forms a natural continuation of the analytic theory developed in LNM 1564. These explicit formulas can be used to describe the quantitative behavior of various objects in analytic number theory and spectral theory. The present book deals with other applications arising from Gaussian test functions, leading to theta inversion formulas and corresponding new types of zeta functions which are Gaussian transforms of theta series rather than Mellin transforms, and satisfy additive functional equations. Their wide range of applications includes the spectral theory of a broad class of manifolds and also the theory of zeta functions in number theory and representation theory. Here the hyperbolic 3-manifolds are given as a significant example.

On Artin's Conjecture for Odd 2-dimensional Representations (Paperback, 1994 ed.): Gerhard Frey On Artin's Conjecture for Odd 2-dimensional Representations (Paperback, 1994 ed.)
Gerhard Frey
R1,429 Discovery Miles 14 290 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The main topic of the volume is to develop efficient algorithms by which one can verify Artin's conjecture for odd two-dimensional representations in a fairly wide range. To do this, one has to determine the number of all representations with given Artin conductor and determinant and to compute the dimension of a corresponding space of cusp forms of weight 1 which is done by exploiting the explicit knowledge of the operation of Hecke operators on modular symbols.
It is hoped that the algorithms developed in the volume can be of use for many other problems related to modular forms.

The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems (Paperback, 1995 ed.): Rolf-Peter Holzapfel The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems (Paperback, 1995 ed.)
Rolf-Peter Holzapfel
R1,514 Discovery Miles 15 140 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

As an interesting object of arithmetic, algebraic and analytic geometry the complex ball was born in a paper of the French Mathematician E. PICARD in 1883. In recent developments the ball finds great interest again in the framework of SHIMURA varieties but also in the theory of diophantine equations (asymptotic FERMAT Problem, see ch. VI). At first glance the original ideas and the advanced theories seem to be rather disconnected. With these lectures I try to build a bridge from the analytic origins to the actual research on effective problems of arithmetic algebraic geometry. The best motivation is HILBERT'S far-reaching program consisting of 23 prob lems (Paris 1900) " . . . one should succeed in finding and discussing those functions which play the part for any algebraic number field corresponding to that of the exponential function in the field of rational numbers and of the elliptic modular functions in the imaginary quadratic number field." This message can be found in the 12-th problem "Extension of KRONECKER'S Theorem on Abelian Fields to Any Algebraic Realm of Rationality" standing in the middle of HILBERTS'S pro gram. It is dedicated to the construction of number fields by means of special value of transcendental functions of several variables. The close connection with three other HILBERT problems will be explained together with corresponding advanced theories, which are necessary to find special effective solutions, namely: 7. Irrationality and Transcendence of Certain Numbers; 21."

Introduction to Etale Cohomology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994): M. Kolster Introduction to Etale Cohomology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994)
M. Kolster; G unter Tamme
R2,675 Discovery Miles 26 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Etale Cohomology is one of the most important methods in modern Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory. It has, in the last decades, brought fundamental new insights in arithmetic and algebraic geometric problems with many applications and many important results. The book gives a short and easy introduction into the world of Abelian Categories, Derived Functors, Grothendieck Topologies, Sheaves, General Etale Cohomology, and Etale Cohomology of Curves."

Finite Geometry and Character Theory (Paperback, 1995 ed.): Alexander Pott Finite Geometry and Character Theory (Paperback, 1995 ed.)
Alexander Pott
R1,195 Discovery Miles 11 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Difference sets are of central interest in finite geometry and design theory. One of the main techniques to investigate abelian difference sets is a discrete version of the classical Fourier transform (i.e., character theory) in connection with algebraic number theory. This approach is described using only basic knowledge of algebra and algebraic number theory. It contains not only most of our present knowledge about abelian difference sets, but also gives applications of character theory to projective planes with quasiregular collineation groups. Therefore, the book is of interest both to geometers and mathematicians working on difference sets. Moreover, the Fourier transform is important in more applied branches of discrete mathematics such as coding theory and shift register sequences.

Basic Analysis of Regularized Series and Products (Paperback, 1993 ed.): Jay Jorgenson, Serge Lang Basic Analysis of Regularized Series and Products (Paperback, 1993 ed.)
Jay Jorgenson, Serge Lang
R1,161 Discovery Miles 11 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Analytic number theory and part of the spectral theory of operators (differential, pseudo-differential, elliptic, etc.) are being merged under amore general analytic theory of regularized products of certain sequences satisfying a few basic axioms. The most basic examples consist of the sequence of natural numbers, the sequence of zeros with positive imaginary part of the Riemann zeta function, and the sequence of eigenvalues, say of a positive Laplacian on a compact or certain cases of non-compact manifolds. The resulting theory is applicable to ergodic theory and dynamical systems; to the zeta and L-functions of number theory or representation theory and modular forms; to Selberg-like zeta functions; andto the theory of regularized determinants familiar in physics and other parts of mathematics. Aside from presenting a systematic account of widely scattered results, the theory also provides new results. One part of the theory deals with complex analytic properties, and another part deals with Fourier analysis. Typical examples are given. This LNM provides basic results which are and will be used in further papers, starting with a general formulation of Cram r's theorem and explicit formulas. The exposition is self-contained (except for far-reaching examples), requiring only standard knowledge of analysis.

Classical Diophantine Equations (Paperback, 1993 ed.): Vladimir G. Sprindzuk Classical Diophantine Equations (Paperback, 1993 ed.)
Vladimir G. Sprindzuk
R1,984 Discovery Miles 19 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The author had initiated a revision and translation of "Classical Diophantine Equations" prior to his death. Given the rapid advances in transcendence theory and diophantine approximation over recent years, one might fear that the present work, originally published in Russian in 1982, is mostly superseded. That is not so. A certain amount of updating had been prepared by the author himself before his untimely death. Some further revision was prepared by close colleagues. The first seven chapters provide a detailed, virtually exhaustive, discussion of the theory of lower bounds for linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers and its applications to obtaining upper bounds for solutions to the eponymous classical diophantine equations. The detail may seem stark--- the author fears that the reader may react much as does the tourist on first seeing the centre Pompidou; notwithstanding that, Sprind zuk maintainsa pleasant and chatty approach, full of wise and interesting remarks. His emphases well warrant, now that the book appears in English, close studyand emulation. In particular those emphases allow him to devote the eighth chapter to an analysis of the interrelationship of the class number of algebraic number fields involved and the bounds on the heights of thesolutions of the diophantine equations. Those ideas warrant further development. The final chapter deals with effective aspects of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem, harkening back to earlier work of the author. There is no other congenial entry point to the ideas of the last two chapters in the literature.

Eisenstein Cohomology and the Construction of Variable Motives (English, German, Paperback, 1993 ed.): Gunter Harder Eisenstein Cohomology and the Construction of Variable Motives (English, German, Paperback, 1993 ed.)
Gunter Harder
R951 Discovery Miles 9 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The aim of this book is to show that Shimura varieties provide a tool to construct certain interesting objects in arithmetic algebraic geometry. These objects are the so-called mixed motives: these are of great arithmetic interest. They can be viewed as quasiprojective algebraic varieties over Q which have some controlled ramification and where we know what we have to add at infinity to compactify them. The existence of certain of these mixed motives is related to zeroes of L-functions attached to certain pure motives. This is the content of the Beilinson-Deligne conjectures which are explained in some detail in the first chapter of the book. The rest of the book is devoted to the description of the general principles of construction (Chapter II) and the discussion of several examples in Chapter II-IV. In an appendix we explain how the (topological) trace formula can be used to get some understanding of the problems discussed in the book. Only some of this material is really proved: the book also contains speculative considerations, which give some hints as to how the problems could be tackled. Hence the book should be viewed as the outline of a programme and it offers some interesting problems which are of importance and can be pursued by the reader. In the widest sense the subject of the paper is number theory and belongs to what is called arithmetic algebraic geometry. Thus the reader should be familiar with some algebraic geometry, number theory, the theory of Liegroups and their arithmetic subgroups. Some problems mentioned require only part of this background knowledge.

The Development of the Number Field Sieve (Paperback, 1993 ed.): Arjen K. Lenstra, Hendrik W. Jr. Lenstra The Development of the Number Field Sieve (Paperback, 1993 ed.)
Arjen K. Lenstra, Hendrik W. Jr. Lenstra
R1,292 Discovery Miles 12 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The number field sieve is an algorithm for finding the prime factors of large integers. It depends on algebraic number theory. Proposed by John Pollard in 1988, the method was used in 1990 to factor the ninth Fermat number, a 155-digit integer. The algorithm is most suited to numbers of a special form, but there is a promising variant that applies in general. This volume contains six research papers that describe the operation of the number field sieve, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Pollard's original manuscript is included. In addition, there is an annotated bibliography of directly related literature.

A Comprehensive Course in Number Theory (Hardcover, New): Alan Baker A Comprehensive Course in Number Theory (Hardcover, New)
Alan Baker
R2,558 Discovery Miles 25 580 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Developed from the author's popular text, A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, this book provides a comprehensive initiation to all the major branches of number theory. Beginning with the rudiments of the subject, the author proceeds to more advanced topics, including elements of cryptography and primality testing, an account of number fields in the classical vein including properties of their units, ideals and ideal classes, aspects of analytic number theory including studies of the Riemann zeta-function, the prime-number theorem and primes in arithmetical progressions, a description of the Hardy-Littlewood and sieve methods from respectively additive and multiplicative number theory and an exposition of the arithmetic of elliptic curves. The book includes many worked examples, exercises and further reading. Its wider coverage and versatility make this book suitable for courses extending from the elementary to beginning graduate studies.

Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes - 10th International Symposium, AAECC-10, San Juan de Puerto... Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes - 10th International Symposium, AAECC-10, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, May 10-14, 1993. Proceedings (Paperback, 1993 ed.)
Gerard Cohen, Teo Mora, Oscar Moreno
R1,680 Discovery Miles 16 800 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This volume is the proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC 10), held in Puerto Rico, May 1993. The aim of the AAECC meetings is to attract high-level research papers and to encourage cross-fertilization among different areas which share the use of algebraic methods and techniques for applications in the sciences of computing, communications, and engineering. The AAECC symposia are mainly devoted to research in coding theory and computer algebra. The theoryof error-correcting codes deals with the transmission of information in the presence of noise. Coding is the systematic use of redundancy in theformation of the messages to be sent so as to enable the recovery of the information present originally after it has been corrupted by (not too much)noise. Computer algebra is devoted to the investigation of algorithms, computational methods, software systems and computer languages, oriented to scientific computations performed on exact and often symbolic data, by manipulating formal expressions by means of the algebraic rules they satisfy. Questions of complexity and cryptography are naturally linked with both coding theory and computer algebra and represent an important share of the area covered by AAECC.

Cyclic Galois Extensions of Commutative Rings (Paperback, 1992 ed.): Cornelius Greither Cyclic Galois Extensions of Commutative Rings (Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Cornelius Greither
R1,171 Discovery Miles 11 710 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The structure theory of abelian extensions of commutative rings is a subjectwhere commutative algebra and algebraic number theory overlap. This exposition is aimed at readers with some background in either of these two fields. Emphasis is given to the notion of a normal basis, which allows one to view in a well-known conjecture in number theory (Leopoldt's conjecture) from a new angle. Methods to construct certain extensions quite explicitly are also described at length.

Mathematical Research Today and Tomorrow - Viewpoints of Seven Fields Medalists. Lectures given at the Institut d'Estudis... Mathematical Research Today and Tomorrow - Viewpoints of Seven Fields Medalists. Lectures given at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, June 1991 (Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Carles Casacuberta; Contributions by A. Connes, G. Faltings; Edited by Manuel Castellet; Contributions by V. Jones, …
R1,407 Discovery Miles 14 070 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The Symposium on the Current State and Prospects of Mathematics was held in Barcelona from June 13 to June 18, 1991. Seven invited Fields medalists gavetalks on the development of their respective research fields. The contents of all lectures were collected in the volume, together witha transcription of a round table discussion held during the Symposium. All papers are expository. Some parts include precise technical statements of recent results, but the greater part consists of narrative text addressed to a very broad mathematical public. CONTENTS: R. Thom: Leaving Mathematics for Philosophy.- S. Novikov: Role of Integrable Models in the Development of Mathematics.- S.-T. Yau: The Current State and Prospects of Geometry and Nonlinear Differential Equations.- A. Connes: Noncommutative Geometry.- S. Smale: Theory of Computation.- V. Jones: Knots in Mathematics and Physics.- G. Faltings: Recent Progress in Diophantine Geometry.

Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory (Hardcover, New): Haruzo Hida Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory (Hardcover, New)
Haruzo Hida
R5,920 R4,943 Discovery Miles 49 430 Save R977 (17%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The 1995 work of Wiles and Taylor-Wiles opened up a whole new technique in algebraic number theory and, a decade on, the waves caused by this incredibly important work are still being felt. This book, authored by a leading researcher, describes the striking applications that have been found for this technique. In the book, the deformation theoretic techniques of Wiles-Taylor are first generalized to Hilbert modular forms (following Fujiwara's treatment), and some applications found by the author are then discussed. With many exercises and open questions given, this text is ideal for researchers and graduate students entering this research area.

Primality Testing and Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields (Paperback, 1992 ed.): Leonard M Adleman, Ming-Deh A Huang Primality Testing and Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields (Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Leonard M Adleman, Ming-Deh A Huang
R1,168 Discovery Miles 11 680 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

From Gauss to G-del, mathematicians have sought an efficient algorithm to distinguish prime numbers from composite numbers. This book presents a random polynomial time algorithm for the problem. The methods used are from arithmetic algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory and analyticnumber theory. In particular, the theory of two dimensional Abelian varieties over finite fields is developed. The book will be of interest to both researchers and graduate students in number theory and theoretical computer science.

The Selberg-Arthur Trace Formula - Based on Lectures by James Arthur (Paperback, 1992 ed.): Salahoddin Shokranian The Selberg-Arthur Trace Formula - Based on Lectures by James Arthur (Paperback, 1992 ed.)
Salahoddin Shokranian
R1,160 Discovery Miles 11 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book based on lectures given by James Arthur discusses the trace formula of Selberg and Arthur. The emphasis is laid on Arthur's trace formula for GL(r), with several examples in order to illustrate the basic concepts. The book will be useful and stimulating reading for graduate students in automorphic forms, analytic number theory, and non-commutative harmonic analysis, as well as researchers in these fields. Contents: I. Number Theory and Automorphic Representations.1.1. Some problems in classical number theory, 1.2. Modular forms and automorphic representations; II. Selberg's Trace Formula 2.1. Historical Remarks, 2.2. Orbital integrals and Selberg's trace formula, 2.3.Three examples, 2.4. A necessary condition, 2.5. Generalizations and applications; III. Kernel Functions and the Convergence Theorem, 3.1. Preliminaries on GL(r), 3.2. Combinatorics and reduction theory, 3.3. The convergence theorem; IV. The Ad lic Theory, 4.1. Basic facts; V. The Geometric Theory, 5.1. The JTO(f) and JT(f) distributions, 5.2. A geometric I-function, 5.3. The weight functions; VI. The Geometric Expansionof the Trace Formula, 6.1. Weighted orbital integrals, 6.2. The unipotent distribution; VII. The Spectral Theory, 7.1. A review of the Eisenstein series, 7.2. Cusp forms, truncation, the trace formula; VIII.The Invariant Trace Formula and its Applications, 8.1. The invariant trace formula for GL(r), 8.2. Applications and remarks

Logical Number Theory I - An Introduction (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1991): Craig Smorynski Logical Number Theory I - An Introduction (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1991)
Craig Smorynski
R2,475 Discovery Miles 24 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Number theory as studied by the logician is the subject matter of the book. This first volume can stand on its own as a somewhat unorthodox introduction to mathematical logic for undergraduates, dealing with the usual introductory material: recursion theory, first-order logic, completeness, incompleteness, and undecidability. In addition, its second chapter contains the most complete logical discussion of Diophantine Decision Problems available anywhere, taking the reader right up to the frontiers of research (yet remaining accessible to the undergraduate). The first and third chapters also offer greater depth and breadth in logico-arithmetical matters than can be found in existing logic texts. Each chapter contains numerous exercises, historical and other comments aimed at developing the student's perspective on the subject, and a partially annotated bibliography.

Singular Modular Forms and Theta Relations (Paperback, 1991 ed.): Eberhard Freitag Singular Modular Forms and Theta Relations (Paperback, 1991 ed.)
Eberhard Freitag
R1,185 Discovery Miles 11 850 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This research monograph reports on recent work on the theory of singular Siegel modular forms of arbitrary level. Singular modular forms are represented as linear combinations of theta series. The reader is assumed toknow only the basic theory of Siegel modular forms.

P-Adic Analysis - Proceedings (English, French, Paperback, 1990 ed.): F. Baldassari, S Bosch, Bernard Dwork P-Adic Analysis - Proceedings (English, French, Paperback, 1990 ed.)
F. Baldassari, S Bosch, Bernard Dwork
R1,683 Discovery Miles 16 830 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The International Conference on p-adic Analysis is usually held every 3-4 years with the purpose of exchanging information at research level on new trends in the subject and of reporting on progress in central problems. This particular conference, held in Trento, Italy in May 1989, was dedicated to the memory of Philippe Robba, his important contributions to p-adic analysis and especially to the theory of p-adic differential equations. The conference was characterized by the discussion of numerous algebraic geometries. Rigid cohomology, D-modules and the action of Frobenius on the cohomology of curves and abelian varieties were the central themes of several contributions. A number of talks were devoted to exponential sums, a theme connecting p-adic analysis, algebraic geometry and number theory. Other themes were p-adic moduli spaces, non-Archimedean functional analysis, Barsotti-Tate groups and Drinfeld modules.

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