Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
An international Summer School on: "Modular functions of one
variable and arithmetical applications" took place at RUCA, Antwerp
University, from July 17 to - gust 3, 1972. This book is the first
volume (in a series of four) of the Proceedings of the Summer
School. It includes the basic course given by A. Ogg, and several
other papers with a strong analyt~c flavour. Volume 2 contains the
courses of R. P. Langlands (l-adic rep resentations) and P. Deligne
(modular schemes - representations of GL ) and papers on related
topics. 2 Volume 3 is devoted to p-adic properties of modular forms
and applications to l-adic representations and zeta functions.
Volume 4 collects various material on elliptic curves, includ ing
numerical tables. The School was a NATO Advanced Study Institute,
and the orga nizers want to thank NATO for its major subvention.
Further support, in various forms, was received from IBM Belgium,
the Coca-Cola Co. of Belgium, Rank Xerox Belgium, the Fort Food Co.
of Belgium, and NSF Washington, D.C** We extend our warm est thanks
to all of them, as well as to RUCA and the local staff (not
forgetting hostesses and secretaries!) who did such an excellent
This is Volume 2 of the Proceedings of the International Summer
School on "Modular functions of one variable and arithmetical
applications" which took place at RUCA, Antwerp University, from
July 17 till August 3, 1972. It contains papers by W. Casselman, P.
Deligne, R. Langlands and 1. 1. Piateckii-Shapiro. Its theme is the
interplay between modular schemes for elliptic curves, and
representations of GL(2). P. Deligne W. Kuyk CONTENTS W. CASSELMAN
An assortment of results on represen- 1 tations of GL (k) 2 P.
DELIGNE Formes mOdulaires et representations 55 de GL(2) W.
CASSELMAN On representations of GL and the arith- 107 2 metic of
modular curves P. DELIGNE - M. RAPOPORT Les schemas de modules de
courbes ellip- 143 tiques 1. 1. PIATECKII-SHAPIRO Zeta-functions of
modular curves 317 R. P. LANGLANDS Modular forms and t-adic
representations 361 P. DELIGNE Les constantes des equations
fonctionnelles 501 des fonctions L Addresses of authors 598 AN
Casselman~ International Summer School on Modular Functions}
Antwerp 1972 ~ The author's travel expences for this conference
were paid for by a grant from the National Research Council of
Canada. -2- Cas-2 Contents Introduction 3 Notations 1. Generalities
5 Appendix 2. The principal series representations of 15 GL (O) and
the associated Hecke algebras 2 3. The principal series of G 29 4.
The theory of arithmetical functions has always been one of the
more active parts of the theory of numbers. The large number of
papers in the bibliography, most of which were written in the last
forty years, attests to its popularity. Most textbooks on the
theory of numbers contain some information on arithmetical
functions, usually results which are classical. My purpose is to
carry the reader beyond the point at which the textbooks abandon
the subject. In each chapter there are some results which can be
described as contemporary, and in some chapters this is true of
almost all the material. This is an introduction to the subject,
not a treatise. It should not be expected that it covers every
topic in the theory of arithmetical functions. The bibliography is
a list of papers related to the topics that are covered, and it is
at least a good approximation to a complete list within the limits
I have set for myself. In the case of some of the topics omitted
from or slighted in the book, I cite expository papers on those
During the academic year 1916-1917 I had the good fortune to be a
student of the great mathematician and distinguished teacher Adolf
Hurwitz, and to attend his lectures on the Theory of Functions at
the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich. After his death in 1919 there
fell into my hands a set of notes on the Theory of numbers, which
he had delivered at the Polytechnic Institute. This set of notes I
revised and gave to Mrs. Ferentinou-Nicolacopoulou with a request
that she read it and make relevant observations. This she did
willingly and effectively. I now take advantage of these few lines
to express to her my warmest thanks. Athens, November 1984 N.
Kritikos About the Authors ADOLF HURWITZ was born in 1859 at
Hildesheim, Germany, where he attended the Gymnasium. He studied
Mathematics at the Munich Technical University and at the
University of Berlin, where he took courses from Kummer,
Weierstrass and Kronecker. Taking his Ph. D. under Felix Klein in
Leipzig in 1880 with a thes i s on modul ar funct ions, he became
Pri vatdozent at Gcitt i ngen in 1882 and became an extraordinary
Professor at the University of Konigsberg, where he became
acquainted with D. Hilbert and H. Minkowski, who remained lifelong
friends. He was at Konigsberg until 1892 when he accepted
Frobenius' chair at the Polytechnic Institute in Z rich (E. T. H. )
where he remained the rest of his 1 i fe.
This is Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the Interna- tional Summer
School on "Modular functions of one variable and arithmetical
applications" which took place at RUCA, Antwerp University, from
July 17 to August 3, 1972. It contains papers by
P.Cartier-[yen].Roy, B.Dwork, N.Katz, J-P.Serre and
H.P.F.Swinnerton-Dyer on congruence proper- ties of modular forms,
l-adic representations, p-adic modular forms and p-adic zeta
functions. W.Kuyk J-P.Serre CONTENTS H.P.F. SWINNERTON-DYER On
l-adic representations and congruences for coefficients 1 of
modular forms B. DWORK The Up operator of Atkin on modular
functions of level 2 57 with growth conditions N. KATZ p-adic
properties of modular 69 schemes and modular forms J-P. SERRE
Formes modulaires et fonctions 191 zeta p-adiques P. CARTIER-Y. ROY
Certains calculs numeriques relatifs a l'interpolation 269 p-adique
des series de Dirichlet Mailing addresses of authors 350 He~~n e.L.
International Summer School on Modular Functions Antwerp 1972 2
SwD-2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction. p.3 2. The possible images of Pl.
p.l0 3. Modular forms mod l. p.1S 4. The exceptional primes. p.26
5. Congruences modulo powers of l. p.36 Appendix p.43 References
This is a volume of papers presented at the New York Number Theory
Seminar. Since 1982, the Seminar has been meeting weekly during the
academic year at the Graduate School and University Center of the
City University of New York. This collection of papers covers a
wide area of number theory, particularly modular functions,
algebraic and diophantine geometry, and computational number
A belian Varieties has been out of print for a while. Since it was
written, the subject has made some great advances, and Mumford's
book giving a scheme theoretic treatment has appeared (D. Mum-
ford, Abelian Varieties, Tata Lecture Notes, Oxford University
Press, London, 1970). However, some topics covered in my book were
not covered in Mumford's; for instance, the construction of the
Picard variety, the Albanese variety, some formulas concern- ing
numerical questions, the reciprocity law for correspondences and
its application to Kummer theory, Chow's theory for the K/k-trace
and image, and others. Several people have told me they still found
a number of sections of my book useful. There- fore I thank
Springer-Verlag for the opportunity to keep the book in print. S.
LANG v FOREWORD Pour des simplifications plus subs tan- tielles, Ie
developpement futur de la geometrie algebrique ne saurait manquer
sans do ute d' en faire apparaitre. It is with considerable
pleasure that we have seen in recent years the simplifications
expected by Weil realize themselves, and it has seemed timely to
incorporate them into a new book. We treat exclusively abelian
varieties, and do not pretend to write a treatise on algebraic
groups. Hence we have summarized in a first chapter all the general
results on algebraic groups that are used in the sequel. They are
all foundational results.
Building on the success of the first edition, An Introduction to
Number Theory with Cryptography, Second Edition, increases coverage
of the popular and important topic of cryptography, integrating it
with traditional topics in number theory. The authors have written
the text in an engaging style to reflect number theory's increasing
popularity. The book is designed to be used by sophomore, junior,
and senior undergraduates, but it is also accessible to advanced
high school students and is appropriate for independent study. It
includes a few more advanced topics for students who wish to
explore beyond the traditional curriculum. Features of the second
edition include Over 800 exercises, projects, and computer
explorations Increased coverage of cryptography, including
Vigenere, Stream, Transposition,and Block ciphers, along with RSA
and discrete log-based systems "Check Your Understanding" questions
for instant feedback to students New Appendices on "What is a
proof?" and on Matrices Select basic (pre-RSA) cryptography now
placed in an earlier chapter so that the topic can be covered right
after the basic material on congruences Answers and hints for
odd-numbered problems About the Authors: Jim Kraft received his
Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 1987 and has published
several research papers in algebraic number theory. His previous
teaching positions include the University of Rochester, St. Mary's
College of California, and Ithaca College, and he has also worked
in communications security. Dr. Kraft currently teaches mathematics
at the Gilman School. Larry Washington received his Ph.D. from
Princeton University in 1974 and has published extensively in
number theory, including books on cryptography (with Wade Trappe),
cyclotomic fields, and elliptic curves. Dr. Washington is currently
Professor of Mathematics and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the
University of Maryland.
The present book was conceived as an introduction for the user of
universal algebra, rather than a handbook for the specialist, but
when the first edition appeared in 1965, there were practically no
other books entir ly devoted to the subject, whether introductory
or specialized. Today the specialist in the field is well provided
for, but there is still a demand for an introduction to the subject
to suit the user, and this seemed to justify a reissue of the book.
Naturally some changes have had to be made; in particular, I have
corrected all errors that have been brought to my notice. Besides
errors, some obscurities in the text have been removed and the
references brought up to date. I should like to express my thanks
to a number of correspondents for their help, in particular C. G.
d'Ambly, W. Felscher, P. Goralcik, P. J. Higgins, H.-J. Hoehnke, J.
R. Isbell, A. H. Kruse, E. J. Peake, D. Suter, J. S. Wilson. But
lowe a special debt to G. M. Bergman, who has provided me with
extensive comments. particularly on Chapter VII and the
supplementary chapters. I have also con sulted reviews of the first
edition, as well as the Italian and Russian translations."
Now in its second edition, this volume provides a uniquely detailed
study of $P$-adic differential equations. Assuming only a
graduate-level background in number theory, the text builds the
theory from first principles all the way to the frontiers of
current research, highlighting analogies and links with the
classical theory of ordinary differential equations. The author
includes many original results which play a key role in the study
of $P$-adic geometry, crystalline cohomology, $P$-adic Hodge
theory, perfectoid spaces, and algorithms for L-functions of
arithmetic varieties. This updated edition contains five new
chapters, which revisit the theory of convergence of solutions of
$P$-adic differential equations from a more global viewpoint,
introducing the Berkovich analytification of the projective line,
defining convergence polygons as functions on the projective line,
and deriving a global index theorem in terms of the Laplacian of
the convergence polygon.
This book is a comprehensive treatise on the partial toroidal and
minimal compactifications of the ordinary loci of PEL-type Shimura
varieties and Kuga families, and on the canonical and subcanonical
extensions of automorphic bundles. The results in this book serve
as the logical foundation of several recent developments in the
theory of p-adic automorphic forms; and of the author's work with
Harris, Taylor, and Thorne on the construction of Galois
representations without any polarizability conditions, which is a
major breakthrough in the Langlands program.This book is important
for active researchers and graduate students who need to understand
the above-mentioned recent works, and is written with such users of
the theory in mind, providing plenty of explanations and background
materials, which should be helpful for people working in similar
areas. It also contains precise internal and external references,
and an index of notation and terminologies. These are useful for
readers to quickly locate materials they need.
"Number Theory in Science and Communication" is a well-known
introduction for non-mathematicians to this fascinating and useful
branch of applied mathematics . It stresses intuitive understanding
rather than abstract theory and highlights important concepts such
as continued fractions, the golden ratio, quadratic residues and
Chinese remainders, trapdoor functions, pseudo primes and primitive
elements. Their applications to problems in the real world are one
of the main themes of the book. This revised fifth edition is
augmented by recent advances in coding theory, permutations and
derangements and a chapter in quantum cryptography.
From reviews of earlier editions
"I continue to find Schroeder s] Number Theory a goldmine of
valuable information. It is a marvelous book, in touch with the
most recent applications of number theory and written with great
clarity and humor. Philip Morrison (Scientific American)
"A light-hearted and readable volume with a wide range of
applications to which the author has been a productive contributor
useful mathematics outside the formalities of theorem and proof."
Martin Gardner"